The Scarlet Cord

Raw and unfiltered conversations from women, for women about walking in the fullness of who God purposed you to be & covering lessons on obedience and the costs of disobedience.

Remember Who(se) You Are!

The Lord is mighty to save. If you find yourself in a battle, there's good news--all you have to do is remain still and the Lord will fight for you. When we are under His care, He protects, provides, covers, and shields us from every foe. April is a month of victory. Stand in it and believe it so that you can walk into your promised land and become everything that God has spoken over you. Scriptures referenced:Exodus 14:13-142 Chronicles 20: 17-19THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to sha...


Generous in the Service of Love

How generous are you? When the topic of giving arises, oftentimes our minds are deadlocked into thinking about money. The trouble is however, minimizing giving solely in regards to monetary contributions is limiting and too simplistic. True generosity is expansive and as Christians, we should be always aim to be generous in our eagerness and willingness to help, serve, and build up others. In this way is our Father glorified and we are able to finish strong! For all those feeling weary ...


Judgement is Coming!

When God dispenses His divine judgement, He comes for the church first! Will he find a pure bride? In this episode, we discuss what the Lord has been speaking concerning the church. Many are deceived and much darkness has infiltrated our ranks, but never forget--God sees all. He will not be mocked!Scriptures Referenced:Matthew 23 &24Revelation 22:12Revelation 19& 20:11-15Revelation 21:1-81 Thessalonians 5:23THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you don't miss...


Light & Sight: Coming Out of the Cave

Can you sense it? God is definitely up to something...In this episode, I open up about my own shortcomings and the ways I was walking in darkness believing it was light. Through prayer and revelation, God walked me through a lesson on light, sight, and visibility. I learned the error of my ways and finally surrendered my fear. Scriptures Referenced:Isaiah 64:4-6Romans 12:2 Matthew 6:22Ephesians 1:18, 5:8Psalm 27:1Acts 26:18James 1:17THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share +...


The Way Up is Down

We often forget that the way to the throne is through the cross. God will allow us to go through certain things in order for us to grow in our spiritual walk. It develops the depth needed to sustain your success not only as a believer, but also for the things that the Lord has called you to do. The process is not easy and much of the work is done underground and in the dark--but the root system is growing stronger all the while, creating a strong foundation that will help create the staying p...


But Seek FIRST the Kingdom!

Matthew 6:33 states: "But seek First the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." When we truly place God as Lord over our lives and surrender everything under His authority, we can serve Him from a place of purity & all sincerity of heart. From there, the possibilities are endless because we serve a God of unlimited possibilities! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you don't miss an episode! For more info on the women...


Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous

As believers, we have to accept the hard truth that suffering is a necessary part of the process. But, isn't it good to know that suffering is a sign of the level up? It is a catalyst for propelling you into righteousness. As Sigmund Freud wisely said: "One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." Trust the Lord and remember always that there is so much beauty in the struggle! Scriptures Referenced: Romans 5:3-5 & 18-21Romans 6: 15-2...


The Greatest Commandment

There is no place for judgement in the life of a believer. As disciples, we are called to love others as Christ loves us. We are to remember that God is the judge and He sees all of our sin. So let God be God and focus on loving Him with all your hearts, souls, and minds; while also loving and serving others faithfully. Scriptures referenced:John 8:7Philippians 2:3-8Matthew 6:19-211 Corinthians 13:1-13Matthew 22:35-40THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you do...


God said: Apply Pressure!

"High pressure blows the lid off." I don’t know who needs to hear this but whatever difficulty or trial you feel like is killing you right now is actually God watering you! As the water penetrates the soil and the roots; as it replenishes the dry & brittle leaves-- what’s meant to remain will bounce back with a new vitality while anything else that doesn’t need to stay will inevitably fall off to allow you to bloom! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you ...


If God be for me, who can be against me?

Let's face is hard! But the reality is--the trials of life are inevitable. Though they come, it is important for us not to be weighed down by our circumstances. We shouldn't compare our situation to others, nor should we ever feel sorry for ourselves. We just have to trust that God is the master composer and the rhythm He has set for our lives is perfect. Nothing or no one can take us out with God on our side. Scripture Referenced: Romans 8:12-31THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be su...


Begin Again

Are you willing to be inconvenienced by God in order for Him to get the most glory out of your life? When we truly relinquish our desire for control and fully surrender, we step into true sonship. Scriptures referenced:James 1:2-4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Acts 16:16-34THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you don't miss an episode! For more info on the women’s ministry of Deborah’s Circle, check out our website: Instagram: @deborahscircl...


For the Misunderstood

SEASON 2 FINALE Have you felt like you've always been misunderstood? If so, you are in good company! It is the perfecting power of God to keep us hidden for a season as He makes all things beautiful in its time. Here's the blessing in it all: often those that are misunderstood, shunned, and discarded have the light and power inside them to help others become more accepting and unified. If we can look past our present sufferings, we can see that there is a greater plan in motion--one that...


La Vérité

What is Truth and what does it mean to truly worship God? Believers must be more careful and intentional about what we allow ourselves to be exposed to. In a world full of so-called influencers, let's be careful not to be influenced by the wrong voices that help to pull us further away from what God has spoken. Scriptures referenced:John 8:32John 4:20-241 Corinthians 16:14-36Romans 1:21-23,252 Kings 21:3-6, 13-15, 20-221 Corinthians 1:5Psalm 15 THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to ...


Use the Wind!

When the storms of life come and try to overtake you, listen carefully to catch the sound. The wind is sign of your advancement and instead of seeing it as working against us, we need to shift our focus and realize that it is actually propelling us forward. This episode gets into biblical and life examples of how no matter how difficult things may get, we must hold on to hope because we serve a faithful God. Scriptures referenced:Proverbs 25:2Lamentations 3:26Psalms 37Revelations 18Isai...


Before I Self-Destruct!

The devil is cunning and deceitful. We have to always keep in mind that all that glitters is not gold and everything seemingly good, even those things appearing to be great, are not necessarily from God. As believers, we have to understand the nature of the enemy, be aware of his methods, and take the vantage point of an eagle so that we can identify the deception and not fall into our own delusions + agendas, led by ego, self-righteousness and pride. Luckily though, we serve a God who is abl...


The Fight for the Lost Ones

It's true what they say, "hurt people, hurt people" but also true is the fact that healed people, heal people. Our unity, our oneness, our connectedness is what will shift the atmosphere and change this world. Our suffering & pain is all for a purpose: it serves as a key that unlocks the door to other people's prisons. The battles are no doubt hard, and at times can feel overwhelming, but with the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can develop the strength, stamina and endurance to keep going.&...


Are You Willing to Die?

When it comes down to continually going & growing deeper in the spirit, we need to die daily. Embrace the crushing! -- For it is in the crushing that we become all that God has called us to be while also receiving deep spiritual truths and revelation about what God is doing in this season (for ourselves and others). THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you don't miss an episode! For more info on the women’s ministry of Deborah’s Circle, check out our websit...


The Summit

Mountaintop moments are amazing! Listen to hear about reaching my summit, which marked the indication of the beginning of Volume 2 in the story of my life. Many lessons were learned in volume 1, but the best thing was learning to lean into my power as a woman! One major takeaway for all my ladies: your greatest achievement in life is not to be some man's wife, but rather to know yourself fully and understand your purpose in the world. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + su...


Birthing Season

Birthing season is here! The intensity of the pain is real, but endure! Don't abort the mission! The labor pains, groans, and warring in the spirit have all led you up to this moment. Time to seize the promise and step into something new and beautiful. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Please be sure to share + subscribe so you don't miss an episode! For more info on the women’s ministry of Deborah’s Circle, check out our website: Instagram: @deborahscircleFacebook: debora...


Check Yo Self!

It's time to strip back. Bare bones. A return to the simple. To what truly matters. Original design. Purify motives. Reference Scripture- Isaiah 1:23-26:Your rulers are rebels,partners with thieves;they all love bribesand chase after gifts.They do not defend the cause of the fatherless;the widow’s case does not come before them.Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty,the Mighty One of Israel, declares:“Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foesand avenge myself on my enemies.I will turn my ...


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