The Sean Light Show

In 2011, I finished college with a degree in print journalism. Four years later, I was a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. I got there by finding a way to get bigger and better results than my competition. In 2017, when I started my business, I followed the same path. Ironically, the answers were the same. This podcast is about biohacking your business. We will take a dive into neuroscience, exercise science and business development to bring you real life strategies to find success in whatever you're pursuing.

#411: A Radical Shift in Treating and Understanding Psychology

From thousands of hours of researching human performance, I've seen many parallels to the mechanics of performance and social anxiety. To be honest, I've seen the same connections to PTSD, cancer, auto-immune diseases and hypertension. In this episode, I will walk you through the dots that I've connected.  I don't claim to be an expert in this category but I have seen some things that have really made me think and question the current rhetoric behind these concepts and how we treat them. Check this podcast out to see these ailments from a more holistic, neuroscience perspective. For more information, head over to


#410: How Your Brain is Destroying Your Personal Economy

Over the last 1,000 years, humans have behaved the exact same way. We have had the same problems with money, politics, and the economy.  Books like The Fourth Turning and The Changing World Order, have perfectly predicted what would be happening today. How can everything be so predictable? Human Nature and the Brain is unchanging.  To create a booming personal economy, you must hedge against the natural reactions of human nature and build a bulletproof brain. --- For more information, visit


#409: Why You Should be Training Like a Professional Athlete

There is a MASSIVE misconception about how professional athletes workout.  When I got to the NBA, I was shocked at what these guys were doing. Well, more like shocked at what they WEREN'T doing.  I would like to teach you why they do such untraditional workouts and why you are missing out BIG TIME but not doing the same. --- For More Information, visit


#408: The Neuroscience Way to Wealth

This may be the most important podcast I've ever done. I am 100,000,000% positive that the brain is the answer to your struggles. If you're struggling to make a $100 or $100,000,000, you are only limited by the neural connections in your brain. Benjamin Franklin outlines his 2 rules to "reinforce their pockets" and they are simple. But the execution is the challenge and the challenge lies in your brain. --- Continue to Learn More About This Stuff at


#407: Secrets of Punching Scarecrows

Have you seen the video of the guy punching his friend in the face because he was dressed like a scarecrow and startled him? The brain has a built-in function that will react quicker than you can think. This is how your customers are making purchasing decisions and if you're not careful, you'll blow the sale! Welcome to the wonderful world of influential neuroscience. --- For More Information, Visit


#406: Poor Richard's Almanac

In 1732, Benjamin Franklin printed the first edition of Poor Richard's Almanac. A periodic newsletter that reached tens of thousands of people throughout the colonies. But Franklin had a secret mission. Sprinkled throughout the news, current events and weather reports, were virtues, lessons and tips on how to get wealthy. Why did he go to such great lengths to help his fellow colonists bank ledgers?  ...To Do the Greatest Good! --- Want to Learn More About the Neuroscience of Achievement? Visit and enroll in our weekly newsletter!


#405: How Domino's Pizza Dominates Marketing with Follow-Up Funnels

There is no one marketing better than Domino's Pizza. If you are an entrepreneur, you've got to study what they are doing. Today we will discuss the power of follow-up funnels and how you are leaving 99% of your revenue power on the table if you are doing zero follow-up. By the end of today's episode, I want you to be very clear about what the long-term process of marketing really looks like and get you to start adjusting the time horizon of your marketing strategy. This is a very tactical episode that, if applied, can make you millions. The choice to implement it is yours. You can start learning how to condition yourself for success for FREE at You can try our coaching program for FREE for 7-Days at


#404: The Secret to Training NBA Athletes and How You Can Use It To Be More Productive

Training elite athletes is a lot different than you think. When you are one of the world's top performers, the goal of training is to condition your body to be at your best every single night. When I worked in professional baseball, we played a game every single night. Well, as an entrepreneur, you face the same challenge. Long hours and working weekends and holidays, the game never sleeps and you must be at your best every night. Today's episode will show you three ways we trained this into our professional athletes. All three of these strategies are easily executed with little or no equipment. Thanks for listening! You can start learning how to condition yourself for success for FREE at You can try our coaching program for FREE for 7-Days at


#403: How to Virtually Guarantee That Your Business Becomes Successful

Like most entrepreneurs today, my business was built on the back of social media. Most of the money I earned in my first 2-3 years was thanks to Instagram. But social media has become a powerful, yet unreliable source of income. My goal became to find a way to make my income predictible instead of throwing out a ton of content and hoping for the best.  I've developed a fairly simply strategy that revolves around one key tenet... DATA. If you can measure what you're doing, split test your funnel steps, it's hard to imagine your business won't find success at some point.  You can start learning how to condition yourself for success for FREE at You can try our coaching program for FREE for 7-Days at


#402: Grow Your Brand Through Serving at the Highest Level with Neal Hallinan

Neal Hallinan is recognized around the world as a leading expert in postural restoration but it's his own story that paved the way for that to be possible. In this conversation, Neal discusses how he has self-corrected his own skull (YES! You read that right), the power of being able to see the big picture and how he was able to grow his YouTube brand to nearly 25,000 subscribers.  Personally, Neal and I have been friends for several years now and I can say he is one of the most genuinely nice people in the game. Neal's commitment to learning and serving is on display every time we interact and I'm grateful to have him on the podcast. Neal Hallinan on YouTube Neal Hallinan's Website: The PRI Trainer You can start learning how to condition yourself for success for FREE at You can try our coaching program for FREE for 7-Days at


#401: I Believe "Flow State" Can Be Turned On/Off Like a Lightswitch

After finishing "The Unteathered Soul" by Michael Singer, I'm left wondering about the laws of flow. My eyes are more open to all the places that flow exists and it makes me wonder if this is one of the natural laws of the business. In this episode, I will explain my philosophy on what it means to be in "flow state" and why I think you can train yourself to effortlessly access it. This is the official launch of the Weight Room Wealth Podcast. You can start learning how to condition yourself for success for FREE at You can try our coaching program for FREE for 7-Days at


#400: The Neurochemistry of Changing Your Results

In the final episode before the official launch of the Weight Room Wealth Podcast, we break down the neurochemistry of changing the results you are getting in your business.


#399 The Fleeting of Time

I am becoming more affected lately by the thought of time being wasted.


#398: The Value of Volume

As we approach the official launch of the Weight Room Wealth Podcast, Sean discusses his plans and a new project he's working on. 


#397: New Podcast, Vulnerability and Freedom

Welcome everyone to the first ever episode under the "Weight Room Wealth" title. I've always wanted to keep going with my podcast but never really knew where it fit. Well, thanks to Tony Robbins (of course!), I've had a few discoveries recently and I think the time has come to make a real decision about the future. If I want to do the podcast, JUST DO IT!


#396: Entrepreneurs Should Have More Fun

Everyone thinks entrepreneurs aren't allowed to have fun, but I'm saying the exact opposite. Procrastination and fun are completely different. Is is possible to work 14 hour days and never miss anything fun? Listen to find out! Learn More at


#395: The Science of Focus

Entrepreneurs know the importance of focus on their business but do they understand how it looks inside of the brain. This video is about demystifying this stuff and making it easy to apply for real results. Learn More at


#394: How 1 Story Made More Millionaires Than Anything Else

This story is as old as time but 40 years ago, when Jim Rohn told the tale, it went on to create wealthy people for generations to come. Now it's my time to spread the word to you. Here is the story of sowing and reaping. Learn More at


#393: My Embarrassing TikTok Live

I just went live on TikTok to record another episode of this podcast and it went VERY poorly. But there's a really important lesson...Scratch that...a MONUMENTALLY important lesson for all entrepreneurs in what's going to happen next. Learn More at


#392: Facebook is Getting Slapped by Apple

Facebook has lost over $200 BILLION in value over the last few months and, oddly enough, it's because of their neglect over one of the most fundamental principles of business...THE GOOGLE SLAP! In this episode, I'll teach you about the Google Slap and I'll do it for everyone live on Tik Tok. All sorts of a fun stuff coming your way in this episode and I hope you enjoy it. For More Information Head Over to


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