The Secret Sauce of Outsourcing

Dedicated to making you better at outsourcing. Tips, tricks, advice, and stories on how to get work off your plate and be more efficient. I do things differently. I don't hire "freelancers". I don't pay hourly. Those are for the masses who are struggling to figure out how outsourcing works well. Hundreds of thousands of employers have used what I do to find great outsourced workers and over 1.5 million Filipino resumes are in my database.

Ep. 426: Increasing your chances of hiring a great VA

Everybody wants someone great to work for them, but not everybody wants to do the work. To some, referrals are the only way to get someone great.In this episode, I will advise you on how to find somebody great. Plus, some tips on how to screen and find the best candidates from


Ep. 425: Buying a computer for your VA

Should you buy your VA a computer?If your VA is a new hire, has worked less than a year, or you don't trust them yet, you shouldn't.If they ask for a computer too soon, that's a red flag.If your VA has been working for you for a long time and you trust them, you should get them a computer. If an upgrade will make them more productive, it will also help your business.BUT getting your VA a computer is a bit more complicated. In this episode, I share how we do it (which is the easiest way in my experience).


Ep. 424: Why I don't do social media or phone calls or coaching

I know I'd make more money if I worked on social media more, or mentorships, or phone calls, but I don't do it.I don't believe in trading time for money. It doesn't scale well for me, and I'd miss out on many things.I don't like anything that sucks my time. My time is better spent with my family and my business. So, I hired someone to do the work for me.What in your life can you cut out to get more time back? What can you delegate and have someone else do? Let me know.


Ep. 423: What my OFS team does during my mini retirement

I didn't know it was possible to have a life where I only needed to work 15 hours a week (most days less) and could take mini-retirements every few years. But I was able to do it because it really is a choice. I choose my life first and my business second. So, I made choices that allowed me to do that. The very first step in that journey is to hire an OFS.I've lived this lifestyle for over 15 years. In this episode, I'll show you how I did it and how you can do it with your OFS.


Ep. 422: Training an OFS solves a lot of problems

I know you're too busy to train someone. Hiring an expert would be easier because you don't need to do any training.But even when you hire an experienced Filipino worker, you're still expected to train them. You need to train workers on your business, what your customers want, and what you expect from your Online Filipino Specialist (OFS).Training gives them skills, helps bring them into your business, and builds trust.If you want to give your OFS training but don't have time, use our training resources at


Ep. 421: The future of the Philippines

I have noticed over the years that younger online Filipino workers are really good.They have more skills and experience than the VAs I hired ten years ago. Their English is also a lot better. Culturally, we have more in common.I'll explain why that's the case in this episode. But if you want to see these workers right now, you can find them at


Ep. 420: How to find a cold caller OFS

I always get asked how to find cold callers or appointment setters or salespeople in the Philippines.I'm going to show you my process and Mitch's process, which can be really helpful in screening out a lot of unqualified people.Want to hire a cold caller OFS? You can find a bunch of them here:


Ep. 419: Filipino work values start in childhood

One thing I found common between Philippine and American cultures is how much we value hard work. Like Filipinos, we teach this to our kids so that when they're older, they're ready to work or start their own businesses.This is one of the reasons why so many business owners have found success when working with Online Filipino Specialists. We have so many things in common; working with them is easier.Want to know why and how an OFS can help you with your business? I answer those questions at


Ep. 418: The heat in the Philippines

My son spent two years in the Philippines as a missionary for the Church of the Latter-Day Saints. One of the things that made the biggest impact on him while there was the intense heat.I knew the heat could be intense in the Philippines, but I didn't really understand it until my son explained how it affected him. So when your OFS asks to adjust their work schedule to accommodate the heat, let them.  It does affect their productivity and their health. It's one of those cultural things you should know when working with an OFS.


Ep. 417: How to find great talent in the Philippines

Can you find talented people in the Philippines?Yeah, definitely!Online Filipino Specialists can do so many things. As long as it's a task that can be done online, an OFS can do it. My OFS team does everything in my business. All I need to do is run it.Do you want to know how to find talented OFS for your business? I'll show you my hiring steps at


Ep. 416: How to find a great VA in the Philippines

Do you want to know how I find great VAs in the Philippines? How do I find loyal, talented people who have worked with me for years?I lay out my hiring steps in greater detail at, but if you want an overview of how I do things, I'll show you how I usually hire in this episode.


Ep. 415: How my OFS do lead generation

Today, I will give you a peek into how we do our work, specifically how we do lead generation.It may not work for you if your business is completely different, but hopefully, it will give you an idea of how you can generate leads with an online Filipino specialist.


Ep. 414: Giving your OFS odd jobs and one off tasks

Once you hire an OFS, it's amazing how much they can help you with your business and your life.There have been times I have asked my OFS to do odd jobs and one-off tasks for me, stuff that isn't related to the business that I didn't have time or energy to do.Want to know how I did it and how other business owners ask their OFS to do odd jobs for them? Let's talk about it in this episode.


Ep. 413: How to get more from your OFS

Do you want your OFS to take on more responsibility? Take on more work?It's simple, you just ask.Well, there's actually more to it than that. In this episode, I'll talk about how I do it with my team.


Ep. 412: What OFS think of video interviews

Most people don't like video interviews. But Filipinos really, really don't like video interviews.Most OFS don't push through with their applications if there's an interview. Even if you can get Filipino applicants to schedule an interview, most won't show up. Want to know why? Let's talk about it in this episode.


Ep. 411: Promoting a manager within your OFS team

I have never hired a project manager. It's tough. It's not that you can't do it. It's just that if they don't trust you, it will be hard for them to take on this responsibility.What I found works best is to hire from within. Take Joven. He started with me back in 2005. He knows the business better than anyone, which is why he's the one managing right now. He has the skills, experience, and respect of the team. He knows how to get things done.What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.


Ep. 410: I like working and that's why I don't

I like working. I like my business. I like solving problems. I like being creative with it. I like getting in touch with my team.I like it so much that I want my business to last. I don't want to work myself to the ground, burn out, or get sick of it.That's why I don't work that much. I delegate everything I can to my OFS team. I only work when I have to and want to. That means working 17 hours a week. It's just enough time to finish everything, do focused work, and have time for what matters.Want to avoid burning out and keep loving your business? Hire an OFS and get some help at


Ep. 409: Turn a normal VA into a rockstar OFS

I have a bunch of rockstar OFS in my team. But to be completely honest, most didn't start that way. When I hired them, many didn't look good on paper.So, how did I turn the normal VAs in my team into rockstar OFS? Let's talk about that in this episode.Want to know how you can find people who have the potential to be rockstar OFS? I'll show you my hiring steps at


Ep. 408: Filipino superstitions when moving

Do you know that Filipinos bring rice first to their new homes? That they scatter coins through every corner of their new homes for prosperity?These are just some of the superstitious beliefs Filipinos have when moving. I'll share more in this episode. 


Ep. 407: Abandoned at 9 to becoming a rockstar OFS

Filipinos are known for their resilience, and rightfully so.Typhoons and earthquakes are not the only ones Filipinos power through. In so many ways, they also fight to overcome poverty.In this episode, I share John Paul’s incredible story and how he is not letting history repeat itself.Find an OFS like John Paul at can watch John Paul's video here:


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