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The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable

Author: Ryan Gable

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The Secret Teachings with Ryan Gable has aired for over a decade, beginning as a volunteer program at a college radio station in Florida, then moving to CBS, Art Bell's 'Dark Matter Radio', LNM Radio, FringeFM, and finally finding a home on Ground Zero Radio right after Clyde Lewis.

Ryan Gable is a veteran radio personality, producer, and author. His broadcast attempts to provide objective analysis of para-politics, pop-conspiracy, para-history, the occult (occulture), the paranormal, symbolism, health, conspiracies, anthropology, theology, and etymology.

The show airs M-F on but can be found HERE the next morning to stream for free. Spreaker places ads in the show, so if you would like to get the ad-free version you can subscribe or resubscribe on our wesbsite http:/

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963 Episodes
A recent study from Harvard and Montana Tech University has proposed that crypto-terrestrials may author much of the UFO phenomenon. These entities are unidentified inhabitants of earth, living in the ocean, deep underground, or in mountains and volcanoes. Be them more human-like, non-human primates, or reptiles, the mythos of such creatures pre-dates civilization. The fringes of science today are becoming more open to what otherwise would be considered delusional ufology or complete fiction. What the scientists, ‘believers’, and even ‘skeptics’ tend to overlook, however, is the immense archetypical pantheon comprising the whole of the UFO phenomenon, particularly as it relates to the serpent deity as the eternal predator. The recent former study was announced just a few days after archeologists discovered on the Colombia-Venezuela border a massive collection of art depicting giant serpents, giant centipedes, larger-than-life-animals, and ten meter-tall (32 feet) human-like figures. Found alongside were geometric engravings, grids, and dots, lending credibility to the idea that plant medicine allowed humans access to entirely new visual realms. Mainline academia has known, as these archeologists believe, that large serpents are not just random, they are part of a tradition that spans the world. China has the White Snake demon who lives under water, and the Lung Dragons; the Hopi have a famous snake dance to encourage rainfall; in India there is the seven-headed Naga, not unlike the Biblical Revelation Beast with seven heads; the Mesoamerican cultures have Quetzalcoatl; in Greek myth are Medusa and the Gorgons, and the Hydra, and Apollo defeats a serpent called Python living in the earth; in Norse myth is Jormungand; Japan has the Yamato no Orochi; Russia has the fire serpent; Korea has Eopsin; Mesopotamia has Ningishzida and Mushussu; and the Bible also has Leviathan from Job, and the Genesis serpent. Serpents are universal symbols of fertility, creativity, and rebirth, but also of - by default - temptation of flesh, poison, and death. Hence why the Egyptian guardian of youth was a cobra named Wadjet and the Australian creator was a Rainbow Snake. As for health, the serpent caduceus and Asclepius Wand are still in use today. The serpent is also directly associated with water, fire (salamanders), air (dragons), and earth. In Egypt it brings down Ra’s sun barge, which crashes as a flying disc, and is then recovered later - this is the dying god motif and background for Roswell mythology.  Is it possible that just as we live alongside less developed tribes today, we could ourselves live next to more developed civilizations that go largely unnoticed? Could we develop technology, like a cargo cult, based on what we perceive to see in the skies, oceans, mountains, etc?-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
A handful of female ‘influencers’ on social media have gone viral with the political right over their lifestyle rants, commentary on the political left, and certain cultural issues. But most of these ‘influencers’ are ultimately playing a part, filling a void, and taking advantage of a cultural vacuum. Often they are paid by ‘patriot’ companies to promote a narrative or lifestyle while selling coffee or holsters. There is nothing wrong with selling a product, but the fact is most of these 'common people' are not so 'common', they are manufactured images. Some female ‘influencers’ are talking about their difficulties dating and yet their other videos promote the very opposite. Others are seeking pure validation, including the cake baking single mom. One of the most viral is making different videos with new 'costumes' and targeted commentary and imagery. On the other hand, male ‘influencers’ include the ‘red pill’ community promoting masculine-feminism and dating advice. The magic trick is that most of these ‘influencers’ are partly right in what they say, though they are massively toxic in their overall presentation. “Influencer Culture” itself is toxic because it is inauthentic, an advertisement for a product, promotes false expectations, and for many individuals it’s about pure self-validation. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
The FDA is finally admitting that red and yellow food dyes are poison and should be removed from the food supply while parents and family argue the candy and treats they feed their kids make them happy so what’s the big deal. Well, they contribute to hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, cancer, and on a deep spiritual level, alongside other things we call food, interfere with our bodily mechanisms for connecting with the physical and spiritual worlds. One of the greatest conspiracies is the multi-faceted health fraud being perpetrated on the public from the grocery store and doctor’s office, to the media and regulatory agencies. Undercover video shows an FDA executive admitting they are paid hundreds of millions to hire rubber stamps sponsored by the very industry being regulated: drugs, food, etc. It is also becoming a trend now for ‘influencers’ to make short videos pointing out chemicals, unnecessary colors, and preservatives in processed food. But only a keen observer will notice that most of these videos involve the trashing of one company over another in a bid to drive the viewer to an equally processed product. In other words, a company pays an influencer to expose a competitor while the whole thing seems organic. This has happened with coke and Kraft, and Pfizer and Moderna. Politicians are likewise hired to play hero in a fight against drug companies that finance that representative’s campaign, which is then used to support the company when they make it into congress. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
All throughout Europe the media is reporting that the ‘far-right’ is gaining power rapidly. The last weekend of elections were not for domestic leaders, however, but to elect lawmakers for the European Union’s 720-seat Parliament. NBC News reported that “across Europe, the elections were a signal that the political center of gravity is lurching to the right.” Fox News reported, “European voters reject socialism, far-left policies in EU Parliament elections.” Despite what we are force fed daily, it appears that from France to Germany the people are voting for “the anti-immigration and climate-skeptic right” with no shame. But what is the far right, anti-immigration, and climate skepticism? Easy: anything 'right' of the extreme left, including the moderate left; being pro legal immigration; not allowing the climate to be used as an excuse for a great reset. Talk of mass deportation of illegals in the United States is also growing as hopes of Trump’s return to the White House are accompanied by an image of “hundreds of thousands” being march out of the country and IDs being required to vote or work. About 62% of the US supports this. Trump’s return may also signal a crackdown on what are sure to be pseudo-protests. From deportation and rounding up protesters, to “papers please” and a surging populist ‘far right’, it appears the image of Hitler the left hates so badly is precisely what they have conjured. Their solution? Ask Democrat Paula Collins, who called for reeducation camps for MAGA supporters after the upcoming election, sometime Hillary Clinton has also promoted.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Cold As Ice (6/10/24)

Cold As Ice (6/10/24)


Scientists of the ‘mad’ variety are suggesting that we could collectively refreeze the arctic and large amounts of water to prevent ocean levels from rising. A few years ago it was also suggested we dump 8 trillions tons of artificial snow in the arctic. Now scientists at Reading’s Department of Meteorology are following in the UAE’s footsteps, which includes cloud seeding, to investigate how to spray electric charge into clouds to induce rainfall. Meanwhile, an interesting discovery - that fracking produces access to the lithium needed for electric cars - has pro-electric vehicle, climate change cult members at a crossroads. At this point, it is irrelevant to argue over what one believes about climate change, and instead important to focus on the geoengineering and terraforming projects being proposed. One of the wildest is moving the planet three million miles away from the sun.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Well, we made it to the conspiracy finals. The most ridiculous alternative reality narratives have done battle for years and here we are. Of all the paranoid delusional clickbait garbage online, nothing really takes the trophy like the NBA is rigged; but not because of players betting on games, shaving points, or refs making intentionally bad calls. No, it is rigged due to magnets in the ball and rim. A handful of videos from around the league and over many years are shown as proof, when a ball gets stuck between a backboard and rim, or seems to roll around the rim, or get stuck behind the rim. Other videos show impossible shots made not with magnets but with camera tricks and editing. The funniest thing of all is that the magnet proofs are partially from an NBA parody commercial over a decade ago. Now it's the basis for a conspiracy. Or maybe the NBA is cashing in on it for viewers like the NFL did with the scripted conspiracy. What is going on here? It's estimated about 200,000 shots are taken each season, guaranteeing that at least a few will end in some bizarre finish. This 'rigged' conspiracy has been around for over five years going back to when theorists said Kawhi Leonard's Game 7 buzzer-beater went in because of magnets. Kobe Bryant has the most misses in NBA history with 14,481 and LeBron James is second at 14,476. So why didn't these shots go in? Is the rubber hockey puck magnetic too for the NHL Playoffs, or is there another scheme at work here so the puck doesn't just hit the pipes? Maybe the magnet is turned on and off. Perhaps when Caitlin Clark shoots from half-court the racists controlling the magnet active it and when Angel Reese shoots, those same racists deactivate the magnet so she misses.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Mexico has elected their first female president to much fanfare in the media, despite this historic event being polluted by 37 of her opponents dying during the election. Our media has covered this political violence in Mexico while holding the U.S. up as some beacon of light for Democracy as Big Tech censors, journalists get murdered, whistleblowers are killed or exiled, and former Presidents are removed from ballots or charged with 34 felony counts.Mexico’s new leader being female is also being touted as why she is strong enough to survive the corruption and assassinations. But her politics tell a different story - she is a climate activist who attended UC Berkeley, a feminist, a leftist progressive, and a Pro-Palestinian Jew. Maybe her name, Claudia Sheinbaum, gave it away. This is confusing some, however, because Mexico is 80% Roman Catholic and the people generally share almost no values with the newly elected leader. Things get more odd when we learn that Argentina’s President Javier Milei is in the process of converting to Judaism too. South America and Mexico are the gateway into the United States and one of the largest facilitators of this mass illegal immigration is HIAS, a Jewish group. On the US side of things we find Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS secretary, who is also Jewish by title. This has many people thinking, along with Black Rock’s Larry Fink, the former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Epstein, Weinstein, the owner of PornHub, Taylor Swiftowitz, and others, that Jews have some type of strange power in the world.Are women and Jews being used as shields to advance the New World Order? It also makes you wonder that if Hitler were a woman, would history tell us a different story? On this D-DAY anniversary, we instead celebrate DEI Day.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Eat More Bugs (6/5/24)

Eat More Bugs (6/5/24)


Soy, and especially GM-soy, was once offered as a solution to meat consumption due to its use of less water and land. But now we are being told, in a CBS report, that soy is not sustainable either, and so we should switch to farming insects for both limited livestock and humans. We may even be able to engineer the insects so they are ultra sustainable. This uncovers a trend since the 1990s, when the first GM-foods were introduced, which today includes GM-chickens, cows, and mRNA therapy for humans too. From plants and animals to humans and insects the solution to every problem is patented products and redesigned nature. Part of this transition involves avian influenza, which has been blamed for 92.34 million bird deaths since 2022, despite most birds never being sick. A simple test is their executioner and the grim reaper of any associated bird in the flock. It’s the same thing for cows now, as Dr. Birx just said on CNN “we should be testing every cow, weekly,” which certainly would result in more mass murder of livestock in the name of disease. There is no discussion of the antibiotic ridden, feces wallowing, biologically inappropriate food, caged conditions of these animals otherwise however. As we move towards using insects as a base in the food supply, and not just as a byproduct of FDA regulation, there is a resistance to labeling foods as such, just like with bioengineering, because the public may refuse to buy such products. Soon it may not matter at all, since the Japanese have invented a smart spoon that can add salt to your food without no real salt. It is feasible that we could eventually be eating roaches and they would taste like a juicy steak. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableEMAIL: /
Are people beginning to get burned out on UFOs or is the subject evolving. While chariots have become space ships and angels have become aliens, now the issue is digressing from the extraterrestrial and into the quantum and digital. Alongside this evolution is a pattern of shifting cultural and social norms, such as the concerns over the politically correct nature of the UFO. We must consider that just as we live near ‘primitive’ tribes that would throw rocks at our modern technologically advanced drones, would an equally advanced civilization living right here on earth not be shot at by our civilization if it were to make itself known?Ryder Lee's website ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
BEST OF: TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution is yet another in-depth look at whistleblowers and evidence the U.S. Government supposedly has in its possession about the subject. Without disparaging the documentary series, it is important to note that having never studied the phenomenon one may be enthralled with countless new details that appear to emerge. For those who have dedicated any time looking at the subject much of the documentary is nothing more than a rehashing of things we have know in record for at least 70+ years, with a mix of official congressional hearings. We have debated the existence, purpose, and assumed occupants of these assumed craft for generations with little consideration for other possibilities: (1) what exists beyond visible light, which is only a small percentage of the rainbow of radiation  (2) what can be experienced in altered states of consciousness which may link us to other worlds and ecosystems like a computer terminal links us to an invisible Internet, or sleep to a dream world (3) Fata Morgana mirages of flying ships  (4) Mass Psychogenic-like illnesses described as the development of symptoms from collective anxieties that have no identifiable cause  (5) psychic projections caused by psychic stressors that may continue to be seen long after their trigger point (6) mass drugging of the population, both legal and illegal, mixed with thousands of chemicals interacted with daily, and the natural production of DMT produced by the body (7) chronic stress, fear, and lack of both proper nutrition and sleep (8) the overlapping of various phenomenon  We must also consider the strictly psychological in regard to the countless streaming UFO documentaries, alongside the decades of military and intelligence community influence on the same subject. One of the founders and CEOs of Netflix, for example, was Marc Bernays Randolph, whose paternal great-grand uncle was psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, and whose paternal great-uncle was Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda. Bernays’ 1928 book Propaganda was essentially used in the 1953 Robertson Panel Report on the perception management campaign (public relations) of UFOs. When factoring in Carl Jung’s seemingly forgotten analysis of the UFO phenomenon the same stale arguments and debates evaporate and a whole new world is opened to the senses.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
BEST OF: Conspiracy Theory, a derogatory term in use for decades, is no longer a matter of questioning official narratives when certain facts don’t align. Today it is sub-community of delusional paranoid internet sleuths so consumed by the algorithm that even implying such a thing means you work for the Deep State instead of the White Hats. These themes of dichotomy and polarity are found in Ufology and New Age religions most prominently alongside strong religious motifs. In fact, much of what we call the ‘truth’ is a monetized hashtag; it’s commercialized, monopolized, and controlled. None of it is even new, as much stems from older cults, where we get many of the same slogans, hashtags, ideas, and themes. Ryder Lee, host of Raised by Giants, and creator of the new JFK X documentary, joins us for a discussion. Ryder Lee Youtube: ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Within the ‘culture’ war are factions aligned with or maligned with God, with the political right fighting against puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and brutal irreversible surgeries for young people - rightly so - in the name of saving the innocent children from evil. However, the proclivity to see Satan is these details overlooks the fact that almost all double mastectomy surgeries are performed on women fearful of breast cancer - cutting healthy breast off out of perceived genetic threat - and that circumcision is a barbaric genital mutilation ritual which severs pleasure and spiritual connection for men - 80% of US men are cut up. Just as the blue haired Dr. Marten trendies destroy the image of femininity so too do the bleach blonde (nothing against blondes), fake breast, plastic surgery foot soldiers of the morally superior. One rejects the goddess entirely and the other amplifies artificially her qualities to the point of distortion, both in the name of anti christ consciousness. There is an evil influence on the left, but an equally evil influence that hides behind morals and modesty on the right. Whether a transgender stabbing of multiple young girls or a RuPaul drag show glorifying cutting breasts off, or Eurovision or the Grammys, there is evil everywhere, but we need to reconcile that evil with our own demonic beliefs. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Chat WTF (5/28/24)

Chat WTF (5/28/24)


Companies like OpenAI are now losing employees rapidly as top leaders are fleeing due to unethical, immoral, and downright illegal actions on part of the company. Artificial Intelligence can be dangerous enough when directly programmed with bias and bigotry, but what about when it’s trained through news sources that are less than honest, or by social media that is filled with idiocy? Perhaps it’s not so much the AI, or the ‘technology’, that is a threat, but the motivations and lack of ethics behind those developing it. And furthermore, placing such dangerous fire into the hands of a low IQ population. Of course, things like AI and VR can be used for other sinister purposes too, like forcing protesters to experience war firsthand or putting a criminal through 1,000 years of solitary confinement in 8 hours. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
With fast food prices increasing, a LendingTree survey found that 8/10 Americans now see this type of food, which for many is the only food they consume, as a “luxury.” It is not unrealistic to consider that we may experience the first starvation of a population despite grocery shelves being full, simply because the average person is confused, afraid, and uneducated about basic foods and how to purchase or prepare them. The Global Burden of Disease study, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, found that by reducing consumption of certain foods and increasing consumption of others we could live healthier lives, eliminate disease, and live longer, not to mention save money on healthcare. The massive study found that the a SAD is what is primarily killing westerners. Results show that limiting focus on animal products and instead eating beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and fruits, can help everyone become healthier. However, people like Gates ignore that evidence and instead promote genetically modified, chemically laced, alternative plant products, not to keep us healthy but to ‘save the planet’. Instead of whole foods for health, it’s synthetic un-whole foods for the planet. Something is not right here, and it starts with ignoring the science and trolling real nutrition in pursuit of profit and control. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Anxiety and panic can cause a range of mental and physical responses. The symptoms of such things includes trouble breathing, weakness-aches-fatigue, nausea, chills, sore throat, coughing, headache, diarrhea, and loss of or altering of (or numbing of) the senses, particularly smell and taste. Of course, feeling many of these symptoms can compound the anxiety and panic, therefore creating a perpetual cycle. Furthermore, fear itself can cause shortness of breath, chills, nausea, heart rate increase, etc., all things identical to anxiety. Anxiety itself is probably a byproduct of some fear anyway. This is because the body only has so many ways it can respond to mental and physical stimulus, and usually that response is to shift into overdrive. The odd thing is that every single one of these symptoms is literally a symptom of ‘SARS-COV-2 infection’, which is only classified by a test that is run above its prescribed cycle count, and that was never designed to confirm you are or are not ‘sick’. The point is, there was no pandemic, no lab leak, and no need for dangerous experimental tests to go ‘back to normal’. The entire thing was perpetuated by fear and anxiety, just like nearly everything else we read and hear contributes to the same. The apocalyptic programming and reinforced beliefs of others who were likewise programmed compounded the issue into full panic (pan-demic), and the result was, and is, a traumatized individual and collective searching for any answer they can find, be it a market, lab, or sign from God. The real pandemic was "panic," a word derived from the Greek panikos and their god of terror (and the woods) named PAN. The definition of the word was precisely our response to the news in 2020: "sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior." Thus, the contagion was social. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Three members of Congress and now the President have stated that Trump supporters are “erectionists” and engaged in “erection” against the United States. Although funny, it could be understood in context with the words “incited an erection” since the “in” and “an” trick the brain into shortening the last word. But something else is going too. Sheila Jackson Lee, who was on the Science, Space and Technology Committee, commented during the eclipse that the moon was “made up mostly of gases.” The US military has posted a picture and video in the last month showing the improper assembly, holding, and firing of a firearm. The View’s Sunny Houston went further by claiming cicadas, earthquakes and the eclipse were caused by Climate Change. The question is becoming, not so much the rhetorical, ‘how ignorant are these people’, but instead if some of this is not on purpose to demoralized and change both history and science. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
The prospect of digital replicas is growing in popularity and extends from voice mirroring scams to fully communicative dead relatives. The FTC warned in march that AI-voice scams are getting more sophisticated and had previously noted that scammers can use the technology to “generate spear-phishing emails, fake websites, fake posts, fake profiles, and fake consumer reviews, or to help create malware, ransomware, and prompt injection attacks. They can also use AI for “imposter scams, extortion, and financial fraud.” The next step up are applications predicting death dates, AI girlfriends, and DNA testing companies, that all require immense personal data to function. Some companies are now offering, for a price, to replicate your loved ones in a digital environment through all their personal data. Researchers from Cambridge are warning that this could cause users to be both digitally haunted and also psychologically damaged or tortured because they will not be fully processing the grief of loss. They say use of such deadbots could result in people feeling as if they are being “stalked by the dead”, especially because of the contracts that must be signed and the use of these replicas to advertise to users as their deceased relative. In essence, we are selling our love ones’ soul so they will never rest in peace. We are sending them to a digital purgatory, seeding and feeding the other side, and manifesting a techno-Tulpa, or digital homunculi.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
In the last week we have learned, per a court decision, the University of Colorado violated religious liberties by selectively enforcing injection exemptions, that former CDC directors are claiming they were censored for talking about side effects of those injections, that federally employed doctors are openly admitting genetic damage caused by those injections, that gyms were illegally closed down, that the former NIH director admitted there was zero science behind social distancing, and that former Governors have admitted they had zero authority to enforce mandates. We have also been told monkeypox, coronavirus, and bird flu are all circulating. While many are concerned over another round of psychological and biological experiments it may be possible that this blatant turn of events mixed with fear of another disease outbreak is nothing more than the pavlovian training to get the public to salivate on command, due to an unconscious response to trauma and fear.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
There is more than one way to compel speech. Canada has legislation prepared to jail someone for life if they advocate for ‘genocide’ or engage in ‘hatred’, two words that are so vague they have no definition. HR 6090 in the U.S. is a similar piece of legislation meant to stop ‘antisemitism’. But speech can be compelled and policed in other ways too, with things like atrocity propaganda or ideological cult beliefs. Someone’s reaction to a person not falling for a narrative, even an alternative narrative, is usually aggressive, often violent, and one that seeks to cancel their existence. Any suggestion that Slovakia's Prime Minister and Iran's President were both shot or killed as part of some larger conspiracy is mocked as insane despite the overwhelming non-coincidental nature of the two cases. Israel’s President Isaac Herzog claimed Shani Louk was decapitated by Hamas, but now it turns out her body was found without any glaring abuse. Just as Israel stood down in October, the government also lied about decapitated babies. Despite these now known facts, anyone who disagreed with the narratives initially was marginalized and censored. The same goes for the lies told about and by Ukraine. Another example is the Harrison Butker speech at Benedictine College. After congratulating women on graduation, he ventured to guess many would like to have children and get married too. He said men should not apologize for being masculine. He then went on to thank is wife for her support and love. In response, a petition was drafted to terminate his contract from the Kansas City Chiefs - as kicker - the city itself doxed him on X, and social media users accused him of being a closet homosexual with a history of having sex with men. The NFL distanced themselves and said they stand for inclusion, despite the fact that the league is more than half black and that Butker is an ultra-minority due to his beliefs and skin color. Furthermore, the NFL demeaned all their players who also have wives and kids, something that has otherwise destroyed black communities in particular. These types of vicious attacks, however, can be found from Catholic Conservatives too who will defend like a cult any criticism of Donald Trump or the Church, even against facts of reality. They can also be found in the vaccine debate. After Alice Stewart of CNN died this past week, many were quick to point out she had a vaccine in 2021 and claimed this is why she ‘died suddenly’ in 2024, which is just a ridiculous claim that, if you call it out, does not mean you don’t think vaccines cause side effects. Common sense and objectivity have been lost in the translation of cult ideology. -FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Eater of Worlds (5/17/24)

Eater of Worlds (5/17/24)


The ‘eater of worlds’ is a composite creature hell bent on consuming all life and all good in the world. Many know this monster as the Crimson King or Pennywise, both Stephen King characters, but their essence can also be found in the recent portrait of King Charles, which also features, by mirroring and flipping or applying filters, something clearly unsettling. Some see Baphomet, but this composite has horns pointing upward and is not representative of the demonic like William Blake’s Great Red Dragon, an image that appears to be in the center of the painting. And a decapitated king's head instead implies the Ritual of Killing the King, while the butterfly is not Monarch mind control, but a symbol of the BA leaving the body at death. Is the portrait a dark omen of his death and transfer of power to William? Running parallel to this bizarre revelation is the Eurovision contest that seemed more like a black mass for beginners, or at least debauchery dressed up, or down, as entertainment. The Vatican also updated their guidance on apparitions and revelations earlier today, tightening control on official recognition of such things due to frauds and other factors.-FREE ARCHIVE & RSS: (BOOKS, RESUBSCRIBE for early show access): http://thesecretteachings.infoPaypal: rdgable@yahoo.comCashApp: $rdgableBuy Me a Coffee: TO NETWORK: http://aftermath.mediaEMAIL: /
Comments (3)


Unfortunately, the young people who are protesting art pieces spend a huge amount of time letting social media get them fired up. Things like art appreciation, reading actual books, or traveling for the sake of becoming cultured isn't apart of their vocabulary. They sit at home and get their "education" from the internet. They know not what they do.

May 7th


I wouldn't want grimey Grimes' soul. I'd have to wash the smell of desperation and urine off of it first.

Aug 29th


Thank you, Mr. Gable for mentioning the Justinian Plague. I consider it "my plague" because I did my MA thesis on it during a time when the research done on it was pretty scant. I loves me some ancient pestilence!

Aug 25th