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The Sensuality Project

Author: Stacey Herrera

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A sister-friend podcast exploring the delicious messiness of life, love, and the pursuit of self-intimacy.
39 Episodes
This is the second episode in the herpes series. There is so much misinformation out there about herpes, consequently, there is a huge stigma that comes with being diagnosed with the virus. My intention for this series is to open dialogue about herpes and to help de-shame the experience for those who test positive.  I want to reiterate, if you test positive for herpes and you are struggling with the diagnosis, know this… you are not alone.
This is the first in a series of episodes all centered around herpes. There is so much shame and such stigma that comes with testing positive for herpes. This series is aimed to reduce the stigma, to let you know that you're not alone if you test positive, and to inform those of us who may be ignorant to the truth about herpes. If you test positive for herpes and you are struggling with the diagnosis, know this... you are not alone. Sign up to get on the Dating With Herpes waitlist.
This is an extra special episode... it's a 2-for! That's right, you get two chats for the price of one listen! Two amazing women... Sama Morningstar & Nicole Katzender talk candidly about embodiment, pleasure, and womanhood.
How's your heart?

How's your heart?


Your heart (literal and metaphorical) heart is a compass. It directs your emotions and dictates your choices. Your heart is the reason that you love the nouns (people, places, and things) you love.  Your heart regulates your calm and ignites your excitement. It triggers adrenaline and opens the floodgates for oxytocin. Your heart is the brains of the operation... How often do you listen to your heart? And when you listen, do you heed what it says?
My guest this week, the magical Stacey Marie Fruits. And Stacey and I share more than just a name, we also share a kinship for pleasure and discovery. We share a penchant for belly laughs, intimate relationships, and truth-telling. Two Stacey's for the price of one... it just doesn't get much better than that!
My guest this week, Raven Robinson, is one of my oldest internet friends. Our conversations are always epic and this chat is no exception! We get down and dirty about everything from simulated connection to her post-ashram life adjustment. Raven is one of the realest women I know... you're going to L-O-V-E her!
2018 is in the rearview and it wrung everyone the fuck out... including me. But we made it. So now what?  For starters, allow me to re-introduce myself... Because 2019 isn't about change, it's about consistency. That means we need to invite more on-purpose juicy deliciousness to our lives. And for me, that looks like being more analog.
My guest this week is Nia J. In this episode we explore: ⇒ Hypersexuality + being too sexually expressive  ⇒ Watching other people pee & probing vaginas ⇒ Asking, receiving, & being empowered to make change ⇒ Getting what you asked for, literally
My guest this week is Kerrie Wearing who knows a thing or two about change, transformation, and deliciousness!
My guest this week is all about that period life! Stasha Washburn is helping women to fall in love with their periods! I love a woman who rides hard for Aunt Flow!  In this episode, we get down and dirty about politics, voting, #MeToo, and relationship-ing!
On this week's episode, I'm chatting with Sama Morningstar about womb healing, trauma, and everything in between!
We will bury parents, friends, lovers, and children. We will mourn celebrities and strangers. We will weep and wail for the loss of life, love, and sameness. Shedding tears for what once was and what will never be. The longer we live the more familiar with sorrow we get until we become the mourned. Caitlin Grace has returned to chat with me about death and the process of dying. And only she and I could turn an ominous topic into a love-fest complete with side-splitting laughter!
On this episode, I am chatting with Jenny Eden Berk about the copious amount of pleasure available to us... among so many other things! In this episode we explore: ⇒ Talking about sex with your daughters ⇒ Being unmoored by death ⇒ Going through the motions and surviving ⇒ Being gluttonous, hedonistic, and indulgent
My guest this week is Adrienne Ero-Phillips, who is committed to healing womb space trauma and helping others to empower themselves. She is also hosting a powerful FREE online event BIRTHING THE NEW PARADIGM, which begins on Tuesday, July 31st. You can reserve your spot here. Did I mention that I'm featured in the event? 😉
My guest today is Carmen Rene a fierce diva who is owning her truth and taking names! She is about that Love-Yourself-Where-You-Are life and she struts her talk like a BOSS. Whoever said "you can't have your cake and eat it too" clearly wasn't living their best life...
Biba Atta, my most popular guest, is back! She also happens to be one of my closest sister-friends. And we are chatting about the intimacy crisis and all the things... In this episode we explore: ⇒ The luxury of being intimate ⇒ The conundrum of joy ⇒ Decriminalizing sex work ⇒ The importance of tribe
In this episode we explore: ⇒ The spiritual element of sexuality. ⇒ Receiving the offering of the darkness.  ⇒ The connection between self-pleasure + business.  ⇒ Self-perception + victimization.
This week my guest, Andrea Klunder and I are chatting it up about... Sex work, the sex/money connection & how business can destroy relationships. Such a fun & juicy conversation!
Womanhood is a continuous rite of passage. We are in a constant state of becoming. Evolving and growing. Shrinking and expanding. We are our mothers as much as we are ourselves. On this episode, we explore the various (and sometimes hilarious) things about being a woman.
My guest this week creates beautiful sacred space for others to reconnect with their most authentic selves in mind, body, and spirit. Myola Woods embodies love and acceptance so beautifully and this conversation inspired me in more ways than one.
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