The Service Station

<p>The Service Station is a podcast from the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services. It's a one-stop shop to fill up on the department's programs and services that help hundreds of thousands of people every day in Riverside County. The public can learn more about our services at and on social media (@RivCoDPSS / Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube)</p>

The Coachella Valley's Biggest Job Fair and Career Help Available Year-Round

The Valley-wide Employment Expo happens every year. It's the Coachella Valley's biggest job fair with over 100 employers offering available jobs in many industries. The 2024 event is Sept. 19 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Fantasy Springs Casino Special Event Center in Indio. It's free to attend. Learn more at This episode features two guests discussing the opportunities available, how to best prepare, help available so job seekers can put their best foot forward, and career assis...


Experts Spotlight Ways to Prevent Child Abuse & Local Facility That Helps Victims

Crystal Shackleford leads the Riverside County Child Assessment Team or RCCAT and Jennifer Kopfler is a Deputy Director in the Children's Services Division at Riverside County DPSS. Both are passionate about efforts to prevent child abuse and are discussing services available at the facility which serves victims & families as well as ways the public can take action to protect at-risk kids from child abuse.Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and...


Single Mom Credits Unique Program for Putting Her on a New Career Path

21-year-old Marcy Palomar is forging a path to a brighter future, thanks to the dynamic partnership between RivCoDPSS and RCOE’s School of Career Education. Listen as Marcy shares her story and her hope for the future. Also, experts from DPSS (Ken Sandefur) and RCOE (Trisha Jenkins) take a deep dive into how this hands-on program works and how it can help others find fresh careers and a new beginning in life. Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagr...


Mother Stabilizes Family & Closes CPS Case With Help from Wrap-Around Services

On the latest episode of the department's podcast, The Service Station, Moreno Valley mother Rosa Cisneros shares how DPSS' Linkages program helped her find a path to economic independence and close her Child Protective Services case after she suffered domestic -- a crime her children witnessed. In the podcast, one of Rosa’s case workers, Employment Services Counselor Lisa Duran, Lisa shares how the program has progressed and the rewards of helping Rosa and customers like her...


¡Cómo evitar que le roben sus beneficios de asistencia social!

Cada mes, ladrones roban millones de dólares de los californianos más necesitados. Escuche cómo un agente del Departamento de Servicios Sociales Públicos del Condado de Riverside describe cómo la gente puede protegerse del delito conocido como "skimming" y cómo se adopta un enfoque proactivo para reducir este crimen y prevenir de que siga ocurriendo en la comunidad. Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @RivCoDPSS! Have an idea for a...


How to keep your food and cash benefits from being stolen!

Millions of dollars in food and cash benefits are stolen from Californians, including in Riverside County, every month. Listen as the Chief from the Department of Public Social Services and his welfare fraud investigators describe how customers can protect themselves from a crime known as “skimming” and how Riverside County DPSS is taking an aggressive, proactive approach to reduce this crime and protect customers. Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitte...


Crisis Team Helps Vulnerable Adults during Homeless Count and Year Round

In this episode, social workers from a specialized crisis team in Adult Services share how they’re helping seniors and adults with disabilities get off the streets and into affordable housing. Vulnerable adults are also accessing services that can improve their quality of life thanks to Crisis Response and Intervention Services (CRIS). Listen as Clarissa, a 28-year-old, shares the challenges she faced while experiencing homelessness with disabilities for 10 years and how Social Ser...


El Medi-Cal se expande para adultos mayores de 50 años

A partir de mayo de 2022, los adultos mayores de 50 años que viven en California pueden solicitar para Medi-Cal, sin importar su estado migratorio. En este episodio, hablaremos acerca de esta expansión histórica y como el Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Riverside se unió al Centro Legal TODEC para lanzar una campaña para informar a la comunidad sobre este cambio. Van a oír lo dice una experta sobre el Medi-Cal y a la directora de TODEC sobre lo que significa esta victoria qu...


How Medi-Cal Can Help You and What Its Historic Year Means for Customers

As of May 2022, Californians 50 and older can apply for Medi-Cal, regardless of immigration status. In this episode, experts offer insight on this historic expansion, what it means for immigrant communities, and how more Californians are access preventative services and health care through Medi-Cal.Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @RivCoDPSS! Have an idea for an episode? We’re all ears! Email us at


County services help Hemet man recover from addiction and reunify with his daughter

Steven Baker's life with his family was restored. He was able to reunify with his daughter after receiving wrap-around care from Riverside County Children Services, RUHS Behavioral Health and Mental Health Collaborative Courts. Baker went through treatment for substance use disorder and reunited with his young daughter with help from the county's Family Preservation Court program. Listen to his inspiring story. Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instag...


Los programas CalFresh y Welfare-to-Work conducen a una carrera en servicios sociales para una mujer de Blythe

Ana Hernández, técnica de elegibilidad del Departamento de Servicios Sociales Públicos (DPSS) del condado de Riverside, destaca cómo CalFresh y Welfare-to-Work estabilizaron su vida y luego la llevaron a una carrera en DPSS. Ahora, comparte con los residentes de Blythe y del condado de Riverside los beneficios de estos programas, con la esperanza de que ayuden a otros. Este episodio también presenta un informe especial sobre el Programa de Comidas en Restaurantes. El dueño de un restaura...


CalFresh, Welfare-to-Work programs lead to social services career for Blythe woman

Ana Hernandez, an Eligibility Technician with Riverside County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), highlights how CalFresh and Welfare-to-Work stabilized her life, then led to a career at DPSS. Now, she’s sharing with Blythe and Riverside County residents the benefits of these programs, hoping it’ll help others. This episode also features a special report on the Restaurant Meals Program. A restaurant owner shares how CalFresh helped him and why he’s offering EBT access at ...


Educador de mucho tiempo habla sobre los servicios de salud mental disponibles para adultos jóvenes

Más personas, incluidos jóvenes y adultos jóvenes, hablan de salud mental. Pero, ¿dónde encuentra los servicios disponibles en el condado de Riverside y cuáles son las formas en que nuestras comunidades pueden reducir el estigma para quienes necesitan servicios de salud mental? En este episodio, el educador de larga data y reciente Comisión de Salud del Comportamiento, José Campos, brinda el apoyo disponible para los adultos jóvenes que lo necesitan. También analiza el papel que desempeña la ...


Longtime educator talks about available mental health services for young adults

More people, including youth and young adults, are talking about mental health. But where do you find the services available in Riverside County, and what are ways our communities can reduce stigma for those who need mental health services? In this episode, longtime educator and recent Behavioral Health Commissioner José Campos provides the support available to young adults in need. It also discusses the role of the Public Guardian's office and misconceptions about guardianships that are inte...


Organización basada en la fe ayuda a las familias a través del proceso de crianza temporal y adopción

En un día cualquiera, hay más de 3000 niños y adolescentes que necesitan un hogar seguro y amoroso en el condado de Riverside. Faith in Motion tiene contratos con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales Públicos del condado y trabaja con más de 200 comunidades religiosas para guiar y apoyar a las familias interesadas en la crianza temporal y la adopción. En este episodio, hablamos con Noemi Amezcua de Faith in Motion. Ella analiza cómo funciona la asociación para apoyar a los niños y las ...


Faith-based Organization Helps Families Through Fostering and Adoption Process

On any given day, there are more than 3,000 children and teens in need of safe and loving homes in Riverside County. Faith in Motion contracts with the county’s Department of Public Social Services and works with more than 200 faith-based communities to guide and support families interested in fostering and adoption. On this episode, Faith in Motion Manager Irene Capen discusses how the partnership works to support children and families. Capen also shares her story of what inspired her to fos...


Expertas arrojan luz sobre los esfuerzos para prevenir la trata humana y abuso infantil en el Valle de Coachella

En este episodio de “La Estación de Servicio”, una terapeuta bilingüe del Centro de Niños de Bárbara Sinatra explica el vínculo entre el abuso infantil y la trata humana en el este del Condado de Riverside y cómo los traficantes atrapan y engañan a sus víctimas. La invitada al podcast da consejos y habla de los servicios disponibles para niños, jóvenes y familias en el Valle de Coachella. También aborda la estrecha colaboración entre el Centro y el Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Conda...


Experts shed light on human trafficking and child abuse prevention efforts in the Coachella Valley

In this episode of “The Service Station,” two experts from Barbara Sinatra Children's Center explain the link between child abuse and human trafficking in eastern Riverside County and how traffickers ensnare and deceive their victims. Guests provide prevention tips and services available to children, youth and families in the Coachella Valley. They also discuss the close collaboration between the Center and Children’s Services, a branch of the Department of Public Social Services, to care for...


Maternal Health partner discusses systemic racism and ways to improve health outcomes for Black communities

Stephanie Bryant, a maternal health leader with Riverside County Department of Public Health, discusses the impact of systemic racism on Black newborns and mothers. Bryant also chats with theServiceStation about ways county partners and professionals are working together to improve health outcomes, including through the county's Black Infant Health Program.Don't forget to follow us on social media! We're on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube @RivCoDPSS! Have an idea for an episode? We’r...


Trabajadores sociales comparten su pasión por servir al público y las recompensas de ayudar a sanar a los más vulnerables

Dos trabajadores que atienden a los niños y adultos más vulnerables del Condado de Riverside comparten su pasión por el trabajo social y la recompensa de ayudar a los demás en este episodio de “la Estación de Servicio”. Octavio Ramírez López y María Olvera se encuentran entre más de 1.300 trabajadores sociales del Condado de Riverside, una de las regiones más grandes y diversas del país. Ambos invitados de origen mexicano describen cómo las experiencias de la infancia influyeron en ...


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