The Seven Ways Podcast

Hosted by Rabbi Ian P. Bailey, LCPC (Yehoshua Mordechai). Using a practical understanding of the Sefirot, Jewish tradition, and contemporary psychology to explain Torah sources and share ideas on how to lead a better life. (This is the Jewish audience series, for the general audience series, see "Downstream from Religion" podcast)

Epilogue 2: How to Fix Society, Step by Step

In this episode we explore how society needs to be fixed in a particular order, as outlined by Sefer Shoftim. I also connect each shofet's middah with the parallel middah in the 7 Roim/Ushpizin. Osniel ben Kenaz: strong, albeit temporary, leaders can give hope for change.  Ehud: be rid of relativistic reality/postmodernism; establish goal of objective reality. Shamgar: eliminate division, connect people to each other. Devorah: take back control of the media and the messaging. Emphasis on filtering for morality and reality. Gidon: introduce and teach about morality, verbally and socially fighting for justice and morality. Tolah: increase personal, emotional care for others.  Yair: increase innovation and confidence in economic gain and individual entrepreneurship.   Yiftach: introduce strong leaders who keep groups united, show strength to foreign leaders, but are reflective of the population.  Ibtzan, Alon, Avdan: make sure peoples’ healthy visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and ego faculties displace their jealousy, physical desires, desire for honor, and arrogance.  Shimshon: Bring together disparate leader ship and root out infiltrators to the country, be them spiritual, external, or negative influence. (Samson, Deborah, Gideon, sefirot, sefiros, shoftim, judges).


Epilogue 1: The Shmuel HaNavi Mentality is the Answer

Shmuel HaNavi's message and achievements shed light on the only solution to the Shoftim Problem: Netzach as unabashed religious adherence.  (Netzach, shoftim, judges, Shmuel, Samuel, philistines, plishtim.)


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 19-21; Pilegesh B'Givah: Lawlessness Equals Aggression, Not Freedom

Society further breaks down on micro and macro levels. As Jewish Law wanes and idolatry waxes upon entry into Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel), Bnai Israel (People of Israel) expect to feel free and to follow the whims of their heart; unfortunately, lawlessness turns to aggression, as always.   What caused the Levite's concubine to run away from him? Why does his father-in-law placate him for so many days? Why does he leaves the man's home so late in the day? Why does Bnai Yisrael feel so compelled to respond to the atrocity by attacking all of Benjamin, and so strongly at that?  (Pilegesh, concubine, Levi, Yehudah, Ephraim, Efraim, Levite, fathers, husband marriage, Benjamin, Binyamin).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 17-18; Pesel Micha: The Importance of Fathers

What led Micha to cause one of the worst creations and incidences on Biblical record? Why would a Levi act as a Cohen? Why are these men called both "Ish" and "Na'ar"?  Societies break down on both macro and micro levels. The 'Idol of Micha' incident teaches us where to look to solve these problems on a familial level. (Yesod, Gevurah, Ephraim, Mensashe, Dan, Micha, Mikah, Michah, Michayahu, idol, molten idols, teraphim, Shoftim, healthy masculinity, male-female, male, female.).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 13-16; Shimshon Part 2: Spiritual Power, Not Physical; The Epitomal Shofet

Why does Shimshon have a weakness when it comes to women? What are we supposed to learn from his action-oriented achievements? What is the message behind Shimshon using a donkey's jaw? Buckle your seatbelts as we study the rest of Shimshon's dramatic story and extract its lessons to use to solve the world's problems. (Middos,  Plishtim, Philistines, Samson, Shimshon, Delila, Delilah, Lilith, Lilit, Lilis, yesod, gevurah, malchus, gayva).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 13; Shimshon Part 1: the Hero We Needed, Not the Hero We Wanted

What is Shimshon's achievement vis-a-vis Shoftim & Malchus? What is his personality and why does he need to be a Nazir Shimshon? Where does his strength come from? Understand why Shimshon can be seen as the epitomal Shofet/Judge, as the hero who may be out of line (sometimes), but he is right. (Middos, keter, kesser, binah, chochma, daas, daat, Plishtim, Philistines, Samson, Shimshon, kinah, tayva, kavod, gayva).


Sefer Shoftim 10:6-12; Yiftach & The Crown: You Deserve Better Leaders, Jobs, & Situations...Demand Them

(Re-edited 11/7/2021 to add more inspiration, clarity, and ideas). Yiftach is crowned as a temporary "chief", bringing fortunate victories, but, along with his boldness, tragedy arrives. Understand how leaders who lack knowledge and are full of hubris negatively impact our lives, and why we should demand more. See how Yiftach, Ibtzan, Elon, and Avdon bring us flashes of potent middos, Keser, Chochma, Bina, and Daas, and temporary salvation for Bnai Yisrael (Jewish People).  Shevet Ephraim and Yiftach bring powerful messages about when to speak up in life, how to carry a 'chip on one's shoulder' for motivation, and not accepting stifling or unideal relationships. (Middos, keter, kesser, binah, chochma, daas, daat, Jephthah, Hillel, kinah, tayva, kavod, gayva). 


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 10:1-5; Tola and Yair: Fear not! Keep Working and Giving to Others

In the face of fear-inducing Avoda Zara (idolatrous) messages, the Shofet Tola brings soothing, care, and hope. The Shofet Yair brings work ethic, entrepreneurship, and hope for his family and all of Israel. Direct lessons for not being fearful in our times; rather, to have hope and keep our faith, innovation, and work ethic. (Torah, Book of Judges, Sefer Shoftim, Hod, Yesod, Aharon, Aaron, Yosef, Joseph, fear, anxiety, business, family, entrepreneurship).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 6-9; Gidon: Being Assertive in Gashmius (physical world) for Ruchnius' (Spirituality's) Sake

Gidon demonstrates that true Torah values cannot be preserved or spread solely through study and prayer; rather, one must go out and fight for them, as he did in his time. “Piecemeal style” podcast, going through each section in each perek to show ongoing themes and new insights. (Gidon, Gideon, netzach, spirituality, physicality, fatherhood, fathers, parents, tradition, faith, Judges, Book of Judges, Bible, morality, assertiveness,).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 6-8 Part 1 Gideon: Bringing God into Everyday Life

When idolatrous invaders plunder Israel, iconoclast Judge Gideon demonstrates that victory must be achieved through spiritual means. Salvation and kingship can come only through a grassroots movement and adherence to tradition.  (Gidon, Gideon, netzach, spirituality, physicality, fatherhood, fathers, parents, tradition).


Book of Judges Ch. 4 & 5 Part 3: Male-Female Relationships & Taking Initiative

When a female is the de facto leader & sage of a generation, how does the military general Barak navigate working together to vanquish evil? Understand how Devorah the Neviah and Shofetes (prophetess and judge) --and her non-Jewish counterpart Yael-- rise to the occasion by learning how to navigate male-female relationships.  Included is: "taking initiative"; "building up our partner, not cutting them down"; compromise; "give and take" and "the cycle of giving"; the differences between men and women; and the difference between typological personality and gender personality, and how that can lead to increased flash points in marriage. (Male-female relationships, male female, Devorah, Barak, Deborah, chesed, gevurah, hod, Netzach; tiferes tiferet).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 4 & 5 Part 2 Yael: Intimacy Morality and Women's Power

A new study shows how restraint in intimate areas leads to flourishing societies. Understand why Yael's achievement demonstrates this, and why she and her people the Kanie are mentioned in The Book of Judges. (Jael, Yael, intimacy morality, Judges, Deborah).


Sefer Shoftim Ch. 4 & 5 Part 1 Devorah: Dispelling Lies and Brainwashing "Snap Out of It!"

Devorah HaNeviah lives in a world eerily like our own: controlled information, tyranny, and corrupt ideology. HKBH helps her to make a dramatic statement that changes the narrative of the day, guiding us to do the same. Perception is reality...until it's not. (Media. Mainstream Media. Brainwashing. Misinformation. Information. Truth, netzach, women, seven ways women’s ways, tiferes, tiferet).


Sefer Shoftim 3:31 (and 5:6) Shamgar: Fighting the Lockdowns & "Don't act like an animal!!!"

Lockdowns. Stay-at-home orders. Emergency directives. 2020 brought the world something that was never new--these practices have been going on for centuries. The infamous Plishtim, the Philistines, engaged in this 'destruction by subtraction' thousands of years ago. In this episode, I break down the divisive Gevurah roots of the Plishtim and the only solution: Shamgar and his proper use of Gevurah power. "Downstream from Religion" series.


Sefer Shoftim Chapter 3:12-30; Ehud: Peace Through Power

Ehud the Shofet (Judge) brings us decisive Emes in a world of contagious Sheker, assertive truth in the face of infectious falsehood (incl. postmodernism). The point of his Gevurah sword symbolizes truth that slashes away the aggression of 'tolerance,' a misuse of Chesed. King Eglon the "Fat Calf" is defeated and his poisonous Avoda Zara/idols of acceptance are vanquished. "Downstream from Religion" series.


Sefer Shoftim Chapter 3:1-11 Osniel ben Kenaz: Power Isn't Everything...Top Down vs. Bottom Up.

In this episode I explain why the great Shofet/Judge Osniel ben Kenaz was so effective...but why his potency did not last. We discuss the powerful, villainous invader Cushan Rishasayim "double wicked", and why Osniel in particular had to vanquish him. We teeter on the controversial by mentioning recent presidents in vague terms; however, the lesson proves to be a potent one: we must empower ourselves and build society from the ground up in order to obtain effective leadership and, eventually a Melech/Mashiach (king/the Messiah).


Shoftim Intro 2 of 2: Speedy Recap with Cohost Solomon "Sol"

In this episode I give a speedy, condensed version of my Intro 2 to Shoftim, explaining why someone would worship idols. I love our chemistry and Sol's questions and ideas. It may have been a little too feel free to listen on .5 or .75 speed 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻, 👍🏽👍🏽, 🤚🏿. "Downstream from Religion" series.


Sefer Shoftim Chapters 1 & 2: Physical Power and Spiritual Weakness. What Makes a Proper Superhero?

In this episode, I explain how Sefer Shoftim (Book of Judges) begins to unfold, dealing with the differences in the shevatim/tribes, why inanimate statues lead to their downfall, and the importance of proper heroes and superheroes. Add some ugly goats, analogies of terrorists and mafia bosses, and self-confidence talk to make a fun podcast recipe. The Seven Ways of Nach series. 


Sefer Shoftim Introduction 2 of 2: Why Would Someone Bow Down to Sticks and Stones? The Real Psychology Behind Idolatry (Jewish Audience)

Sefer Shoftim (The Book of Judges) contains many instances of Avoda Zara/idolatry that lead to the Jewish people's downfall. In this episode, I elaborate on why intelligent humans would serve idols; why Korbanos (offerings) and Avoda Zara-related mitzvos (commandments) are still relevant in the modern age; why Rambam's unique approach to these topics is both revolutionary and can elucidate all aspects; and how relevant lessons for our own self-development can be found.  The Seven Ways of Nach Series. (Jewish Audience) (Avoda zara, idolatry, Acharei Mos Mot, Kedoshim, VaYikra, Rambam, Maimonides, Enosh, Avraham, Moreh Nevuchim, Guide for the Perplexed).


Sefer Shoftim Introduction 1 of 2: If You Get This Methodology You'll Get Everything Afterwards (Jewish Audience)

Sefer Shoftim (The Book of Judges) contains many important parallels to our world today, highlighting both the problems and solutions. In this episode, I introduce the listener to my Derech ha'Limud/methodology for the series, as well as set up the necessary background, transitioning from Sefer Yehoshua (book of Joshua). The Seven Ways of Nach Series. (Jewish Audience) (Joshua, Shoftim, Judges, Yehoshua, sefirot, sefiros, shevatim).


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