The Sexy Pundits

Bud Jackson and John Hlinko are two sexy bastards doing their best to mix irony, irreverence, and humor with politics and current events. Also, they’re not sexy.

Christmas Show: Trump’s Night Before Christmas (Ep. 5)

The Sexy Pundits visit Trump’s DC hotel to learn its unofficial language is Russian; a reading of “Trump’s Night Before Christmas; What should happen to people who have worked for Donald Trump in the White House?


Alabama Draws Its Line - Douchebag of the Week (Ep. 4)

Democrat #DougJones defeats alleged child molester #RoyMoore and the #SexyPundits talk about the fallout. Bud and John announce this week’s Douchebag of the Week and give an update about their challenge.   Sexy Pundit listeners who sign-up to play PredictIt and use the code “SexyPundits” get matched $25 from PredictIt for the first $25 banked.


Trump, Pocahontas, The Mooch & Roy Moore Lie Detector Challenge! (Ep. 3)

Donald Trump calls Sen. Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” during a White House ceremony honoring Navajo Code Talkers, so the Sexy Pundits get reaction from a Pocohantas descendant - John’s wife, Leigh. Former Trump Communications Director Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci, threatens to sue the Tufts University Daily newspaper because a Tufts student wrote OpEds criticizing him. The Sexy Pundits interview Tufts Daily Editor-in-Chief Gil Jacobson. Douchebag of the Week: hint, he rhymes with Scaramucci. The Sexy Pundits challenge Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore to a lie detector test and pledge $5000 to a charity for him to do it.  Bud and John give an update on their political prediction challenge. (Note: Sexy Pundit listeners get $25 added to new PredictIt accounts if they deposit $25 and use the code “SEXYPUNDITS”. Free money for you, friends!)


Bonus: U.S. Consultant Kidnapped and Kicked-Out of Kenya

Bud and John interview John Phillips, a U.S. political consultant who was recently kidnapped and kicked-out of Kenya while working for a Kenyan candidate. Hear Phillips’s experience in his own words.


Joe Biden: Party Savior or Party Relic? (Ep: 02)

The Sexy Pundits talk Joe Biden’s future, unveil this week’s “Douchebag of the Week”, and reflect on the NJ/VA elections. Bud and John annonce their competition against each other.


Update to Ep 1: Like we said, before the end of the first episode… (Episode 1B)

The Sexy Pundits give a quick update on what they predicted would happen during their first episode.


Alabama’s Roy Moore Goes to the Mall - John/Bud Talk Betting Real Money on Political Outcomes (Episode 1)

(1) The Sexy Pundits talk about Alabama Senate nominee Roy Moore and what it means for Republicans, the Washington establishment and just about everyone in our country. (2) Senator Mitch McConell pulls a stunt and takes another shot at killing Obamacare by inserting language into a tax reform bill. (3) PredictIt co-founder John Phillips joins the show to talk about the political predictions marketplace where you can “buy stocks” with real money to predict the outcomes of various political “markets” such as who will win the Alabama Senate race, how many times will Donald Trump tweet, and many more. Sexy Pundit listeners who sign-up with PredictIt at get a free $25 match for their first $25 played with the code “SexyPundits”. You can win and lose based on your political predictor skills! (4) Bud and John announce their “Douchebag of the Week” (5) The Sexy [...]


Episode 0: We’re Sexy and We Know It

Is there anyone left in world who DOESN’T have a podcast?  We want to make politics sexy again #MPSA — or at least tolerable. Let’s have some fun.


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