The horrific story of Stephanie Vostry - a 26 year old former model who now suffers from Lyme Disease. Her story and what she is going through is one of strength and amazement. This is the only show I've done where I had to turn the mic off to stop hearing my tears at Stephanie's sad story.
Interview with Teresa de Grosbois on why it's important to be making a difference and creating the change in the world you want to see. We also talk about the amazing new venture of the Evolutionary Business Council.
At the age of 28 Simon was massively overweight, binging on drink and drugs and wanting to end it all. 18 months later he had lost his weight, clean from drink and drugs and finished the London Marathon in 3hrs 45 minutes. Listen to Simon's personal story of the highs and lows.
Stress is the number 1 killer and in this interview I have the great pleasure in interviewing the author and speaker Snowden McFall where she shares with us her guide to living a more stress free life.
Interview with Charmaine Hammond author of On Toby's Terms the acclaimed book about how their dog changed their life and tens of thousands of others for good.
Bruce King has written a book for children from 4 to 94 to be the best they can be. Listen in to Bruce's great story.
Interview with the Facebook expert Jo Barnes, recorded from her home in Thailand. Jo shares some great info into Facebook and how she got to where she is today.
Chris Paradox left the highly paid corporate world to live under a tree in a London park. He then joined a circus and ended up losing a leg in a horrific accident. Chris has now become an incredibly inspirational poet and speaker. Listen in to this wonderful interview and hear Chris' amazing story.
On this show I had the great pleasure in interviewing the founder of the UK's hit radio station Kiss FM; Gordon Mac, and how he started the incredible success he has had building up Kiss FM and his latest work with
In this episode I interview the great british actress Louise Jameson from Doctor Who, Tenko and numerous other great shows and plays. Louise shares with us how she rose to fame and the mindset she developed to achieve her success.
Interview with LA's author and party event organiser to the stars Jes Gordon
On this show I interview the 6 times Emmy winning Shawne Duperon and we discuss her amazing new project titled - Listen in to this wonderful show.
In this episode I interview the CEO of Don Schnure where we discuss making money online and the endless possibilites of creating an online business.
I had the great pleasure of interviewing Anita Mays who became a pilot after being turned down as an air hostess. She then went on to fly some of the world's biggest stars to almost crashing the Rolling Stones. Listen in to find out more and hear about her new book Fly Girl Adventures - an Autoflyography.
On this show I interviewed Lucy Turner from her amazing company Lucy Moose where she turns people's doodles into incredible 3D creatures / models. Listen to find out more.
Children’s author/illustrator Katie Davis has published nine books and appears monthly on the ABC affiliate show, Good Morning Connecticut, recommending great books for kids. She produces Brain Burps About Books and a podcast about kidlit. We had such fun on this interview so listen in where Katie shares some great info on getting published.
Michael O'Doherty is a world renowned expert on healing with energy and the man who put Lord of The Dance; Michael Flatley back into full health again after some of the World's best Doctors had failed. Listen in to this amazing and inspiring interview
On this show I had the pleasure in interviewing Randy Gage, and I asked how he went from being in prison, broke, being shot and living on his friend’s floor to the multi-millionaire he is today.
A great interview about prosperity and how to get it with Marie Diamond from The Secret
Dave Carpenter is a prolific author, inspiring speaker, well-known consultant and recognized humanitarian. Listen in to Dave's amazing wisdom, knowledge and kindness.