The Skeleton Crew

The Skeleton Crew
Author: Flash Fantasy Podcast
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© Flash Fantasy Podcast
Join the Skeleton Crew in a Star Wars tabletop adventure set during the Old Republic! As an actual-play TTRPG podcast, you'll experience all the dice rolls critical hits along with our cast!
102 Episodes
May the 4th be with you!
Sit down with Gordax and Sskogga as they delve into the nitty gritty of one last score, one last job, one last secret...
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Thus ends the adventures of Wes, Sskogga, PAPO, Gordax, Trak, and Bog. Some old friends, some new allies, all a part of the crew.
Thank you for listening to another season of our show, and be on the lookout for updates about the next exciting project we have in store for The Skeleton Crew!
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Mortis - VI
With Bogan defeated and nothing but 1,000 feet of open air beneath the Crew, they fall to their inescapable fate. Will this spell the end for the Skeleton Crew?
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Having to battle Dr. Drel (AKA Bogan) in a citadel that's quickly filling with molten lava, you could say things are *heating up* for the Skeleton Crew. Could this be the end?
PAPO makes a grand entrance, Sskogga can't seal the deal, Gordax goes in and out of consciousness with surprising frequency, Trak forgets an important detail, and Wes finally lands a shot.
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Things come to a head as the Crew confronts Dr. Drel in a dark and mysterious citadel. Will they side with him, or choose their own path?
Sskogga talks about the weather, Gordax does hibachi tricks, Trak tries to stun the dark side, and Wes pulls a classic flip-dive.
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With Drel's return, perhaps the Crew can finally get some answers as to where they are what's so important about it. As Drel reveals his ultimate plan, the Crew must decide to stand with him or against him.
Wes almost gives an inspiring speech, Sskogga illustrates a Trandoshan standoff, Gordax has a lot to get off his chest, Trak calls shotgun.
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After a strange dream-sequence and out-of-body experience (those happen pretty often, don't they?), the Crew gets their bearings on this strange world and meet Father.
Trak gets reprimanded, Wes does very little, Gordax feels good about himself, and Sskogga masters the simple machine.
With Coruscant behind them and Dr. Drel's research complete, the Crew sets a course for their final destination.
Gordax prepares some classic Chad cuisine, Sskogga gets a touching voicemail, Trak connects with Bog over a film, and Wes gets his beauty sleep.
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With a murderous agent of the Watcher after Wes's head, the Crew's only option seems to flee the world of Coruscant. The destruction they leave behind will ensure they can never return.
PAPO's down for the count, Trak crowd surfs, Sskogga's a big spender, Wes reconsiders tear-away clothing, and Gordax fires all the missiles.
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The Crew gears up to meet the Watcher, Wes's enigmatic employer, but before they can, they have to deal with the hired muscle.
Wes tells of the perks of being in debt, PAPO gets in a sticky situation, Sskogga smokes 'em, Trak makes a surprise announcement, and Gordax gets his groove on.
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Having returned to the city planet of Coruscant, the Crew has some time to take care of their personal matters.
PAPO gets released from service, Sskogga goes window shopping, Gordax expresses his desire for real estate, Wes goes corporate, and Trak tag along.
With tensions on Lehon at an all-time high, it may be time for the Skeleton Crew to leave the planet for good. Once they get their hands on the Sith artifact, that is.
Trak escapes the Rakata, Wes is no mechanic, Gordax grieves a great loss, PAPO weeps, and Sskogga works out a new deal with Drel.
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Finally, the showdown we've all been waiting for: Gordax vs. Gordon. Who will win in this epic battle of chefs?
Gordax takes on his nemesis, PAPO discovers food, Sskogga gets plastered, and Wes has aggressive negotiations.
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With Gordax confronting his life-long nemesis, the steaks have never been higher. With lives and reputations on the line, how will this conflict be resolved?
Wes chats it up with an old ally, PAPO awakens something within himself, Sskogga recounts a harrowing memory, and Gordax prepares for the showdown of the century!
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The Skeleton Crew examines their morals as they're given the task to exterminate a rival Rakatan faction. Unsurprisingly, their morals don't even come close to standing in the way of getting the job done.
Sskogga hatches a plan, Wes smooth talks a historian, PAPO gets his circuits blown, and Gordax comes face-to-face with his oldest foe.
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How many dastardly characters can employ The Skeleton Crew at one time? One? Two? Perhaps even three? The Crew explores the answer to this question as they go for the record of people they'll eventually double-cross.
PAPO mouths off to an ancient race, Sskogga elects a new spokesperson for the group, Trak makes a compelling appeal, and Wes is just done with evil overlords.
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Facing down a jungle rancor, the Crew must use their heads to get out of danger and into the Sith temple. Can they pull it off? Not if it requires much thinking...
Trak leads the way, Wes dives too soon, Sskogga gets a leg up, and PAPO tries surgery.
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The Crew finally touches down on Lehon in a less-than-stellar landing, ready to find the final Sith artifact for Dr. Drel. Perhaps they'll even make a new friend in this otherworldly oasis...
PAPO establishes himself as the only sane one on the ship, Wes volunteers to stay behind and is overruled, and Sskogga strikes a deal with a potential cannibal Bothan named Trak.
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The force dream comes to an explosive conclusion as the crew ends things where it all began: Tatooine. Now, they must make it out of the desert in one final trial.
Wes rips his jacket, Gordax helps someone in need, Yeago gets a toy, Sskogga gives a special gift, and Damien says goodbye.
Having escaped the hired guns of the Coruscant elite, the Crew continues their journey through a force dream with Damien and Yeago, trying to find a way out.
Wes takes the Crew to his safe house, Sskogga dabbles in philosophy, Yeago tries to figure out Gordax's arm situation, Damien experiences some brotherly love, and Gordax goes to reveal the truth behind his eternal foe.
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