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The Smart Nonprofit Master Class
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The Smart Nonprofit Master Class


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Most Nonprofits Struggle With Growth. We Guide You Through a Proven Framework That Increases Donors, Members, and Volunteers.

Have you ever asked yourself

•How in the world do I get more donors?
•How can I find a marketing company who will understand our mission?
•What if I run out of money and resources?
•How do we leverage marketing to accomplish our mission?
•How do I make my nonprofit effort truly significant?

You’re in the right place!

Every nonprofit wants to impact the world in their own way. But, the lack of money, resources, and people makes it almost impossible for many nonprofits to succeed. We have worked with over 60,000 nonprofits over the past 20 years, and we understand how frightening it can be to think about your critical, world-changing mission never getting off the ground or growing.

We have a proven framework that will help you accomplish your mission, get funding, and attract donors, members, and volunteers so you never have to close your nonprofit. You're in the right place.
15 Episodes
If your nonprofit's website isn't contributing to your most important key metrics, there is a simple process you can go through to improve it. Using goals (not best practices), you can increase the reach, connections, and contributions your website drives month after month.
We hear about it all the time. Because resources are low and what a website truly means for their organizations isn’t clear, nonprofit leaders use volunteer staff, teenagers in high school, or a donor’s resources to help them establish their web presence. It seems like a good deal – the volunteer meets the needs of the nonprofit and the nonprofit avoids investing money and time into a website. But, when you explore the problems associated with doing this, you uncover the true cost of using volunteers to create your worldwide presence.
If your vision is the result of what your nonprofit organization wants to accomplish, your mission is the way you intend to do so. A mission is your primary assignment and provides you with a stable framework that will help you realize your vision. It can be communicated to anyone in one statement and keeps your team focused on the road ahead. It also makes detailed strategic planning possible.
In the diverse world of nonprofits, finding clarity amidst the myriad of missions and approaches is key to making a meaningful impact. Introducing the Nonprofit Unifying Framework - a strategic tool designed to offer guidance in a friendly and approachable manner, steering organizations towards clarity, purpose, and effectiveness.
An interview with nonprofit consultant, Jean Lawrence Rightmire about being a healthy nonprofit.
In this episode, we interview Jenny Wheelus, Client Services Director for Hope Pregnancy Center. Jenny shares a strategy that helped her nonprofit increase her social supporter base by 400% and increased the frequency of online donations by up to 1500%. Tired of marketing strategies that aren't working? Well, listen to this episode.
It seems that every nonprofit we work with tries to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the structure of their websites. But, with so many successful models of nonprofit websites available online, you don't have to be one of them. Are you wondering what it would take for your nonprofit to have an effective web presence that increases donors, volunteers, and supporters? Then read on.
Vision is the primary driver for any effort that has been successful. It fuels us to serve our communities and the world at large. But, sometimes, encapsulating and articulating it is difficult for many nonprofit founders, making it hard for others to follow them into the battle. Join us as we explore the world of vision, tour several examples, and learn how to effectively zoom in on the core pieces of the one you have.
There are tons of tutorials and walkthroughs aimed at helping you start a nonprofit organization. But, so many of them are focused on selling you services that it can make the process seem confusing. Nonprofit Websites CEO, Jose Gomez, takes a few moments to review the most critical steps to help you start your nonprofit organization the right way as fast as possible.
Search engine optimization for nonprofit organizations is a hot topic these days. With marketing companies calling almost daily, soliciting for business, it's more important than ever to understand the impact of SEO on your nonprofit organization and how it fits into an overall internet marketing strategy.
Creating a website takes a lot of effort. Although many nonprofit leaders tend to overly focus on the general aesthetics and homepage presentation, the other pages of the website oftentimes lack the same level of thought and effort. Don’t get me wrong, the homepage and design is important. However, if visitors to your website are not guided through the right process to get them to do what you want them to do, you’re missing tons of new relationships and potential supporters. Luckily, there is a simple formula that has helped marketing professionals to create compelling content that has been converting website visitors into relationships for a few decades now. That formula is called “AIDA”.
It might seem a bit off that I would discourage a nonprofit from buying a website since the company I head is called Nonprofit Websites, but bear with me as I explain a bit more about what I feel is happening in our industry and how it is affecting your nonprofit organization in a truly negative way. From terrible representations of nonprofit brands to complete failures to produce measurable results, we are seeing too many nonprofit websites quickly becoming valueless online propaganda, lacking in any sort of return on investment, as little as some of that investment is. Read More:
You’ve got a nonprofit website that you worked super hard to complete. You want the world to visit it, be compelled by your mission and vision, and respond by getting involved, contributing, or even asking for help from your nonprofit organization. To do that, you need to convince them with your words, images, and media. This takes time, effort, and sometimes money. But, we’re going to talk you through a few tips that will help cut to the chase and create compelling, targeted, and efficient content donors, volunteers, potential team members, and even clients will love.
You’re ready to create a website for your nonprofit organization, but you don’t know where to start. You ask around and try to find references from other nonprofit leaders. You open an account on one of those website builders, but find it utterly confusing. You read article after article, telling you to “remember to” do different things. Everyone has an opinion and, apparently, everyone but you is a web designer. Sound familiar? So many times, executive leaders try to delegate the process of building their nonprofit organization’s web presence, thinking that the process and the importance of it equal to a business card. As the process begins, so many things go wrong, and the most valuable parts of your messaging are left out. Learn More:
If you’re like most nonprofit leaders, you’ve probably never promoted anything on the internet. If you have, you might not be sure that you are covering all the bases. After all, running a nonprofit is hard work - and who has time to be an expert on everything? Today, we will be exploring the 5 most important nonprofit website marketing tactics you should be using right now, why they are so effective, and what sort of results to expect. Learn More:
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Sandra marg


Feb 9th