The Socially Unstable Podcast

The Socially Unstable Podcast is the show where 2 slightly unstable marketers try to navigate through the world of online presence. From social media, content creation, marketing, and branding all the way to defining a new, healthier relationship to social media, this is the show that brings you the information that you need from conversations you wish you could ignore. So if you’re struggling with your identity in the digital world, if you need help from a successful social media influencer and also a guy who has an Instagram account, if you LOVE or dislike Disney related things, and if you enjoy hearing about other people’s insecurities, then welcome to the Socially Unstable podcast.

Ep. 102: The Rule of 3 Changes

Tyler's on his own for this episode and waxing poetic about some new concept of organizational change - a new Rule of 3... To hear more thoughts, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.


Ep. 101: Our Place Spinning Plates

This one is a short episode, which makes sense with Kenzie's baby on the way soon and lots of other things spinning around. How do you keep all your plates spinning?  To hear more thoughts, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_


Ep. 100: The One-Hundredth Episode!

We're into the 3 digits! So naturally, we're reflecting on the many things that have changed since we started the podcast: age, life changes, camera and microphone setups, and more. We've grown and adapted so much over the past few years. Tune in to hear how our podcast has evolved! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.


Ep. 099: Move Ahead with Speed

What's the best way to create content? Just keep moving forward! Every day is a new day, and sometimes a wrench might get thrown in your plan, but if you keep moving forward and don't dwell on it, you will continuously produce more content. We are reflecting on our 99th episode on how we've evolved, and one thing we love is being unfiltered, which is why we don't edit out mistakes, sometimes you can hear Tyler's washing machine in the background, etc.  To hear more of our thoughts, tune in to our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_


Ep. 098: Nostalgia is Empowering

We've been on a nostalgia kick lately, taking a scroll through older pictures. It's great to remind yourself what you went through to get to where you are now and to be proud of yourself! NOBODY likes watching old videos or looking at old photos of themselves, but, honestly, that's how you prove to yourself that you've improved and that you're becoming closer to the person you want to be or the brand you want to showcase. To hear more of our thoughts about how we change over time, tune into our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app. Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_


Ep. 097: The Triangle of Power

When you are running a business, you are not going to be able to do everything yourself. You need a team, and when you have the right person doing the right job it should make your life easier. We've talked before about the business concept of needing a 'why person' and a 'how person' to create a strong team, but in today's episode we're wondering if there needs to be a THIRD person that creates a TRIANGLE of power!  To learn more, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_


Ep. 096: Get a Fresh Perspective

When your day-to-day routine starts to feel like déjà vu, doing something new seems daunting. But, as Tyler recently re-discovered during a weekend getaway after a traveling hiatus, embracing fresh perspectives is crucial to break up the monotony and find new creative space! These experiences inject new ideas into conversations and thoughts.  To learn more, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_


Ep. 095: Manic Multitasking

Whether you're listening to this podcast while cleaning the house or constantly jumping between tabs while something loads on your computer, we get you. We multitask nonstop every day! Some people say it's a weakness, but if you make it a strength, you can even apply your multitasking skills to your marketing. When you want to cover a particular topic in your content, you can use our 'microcontent' strategy to show off your multitasking prowess!  To hear more, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 094: Pick 2 Things

We were just chatting about our daily lives and what makes us each unique, and there's one piece of advice we want to give to someone trying to find their target audience... Pick 2+ things that, when combined, make your brand totally unique! Like how many people do you know that do Jiu Jitsu, hunt, and ALSO ride motorcycles? Tyler would never be well-known for any of those things alone, but when combined, there are WAY less people whose brands live in that tight Venn diagram space.  To hear more about how this can be applied to your marketing strategy, tune in to our podcast episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.


Ep. 093: Push Through the Pain!

This week on the podcast Tyler has a dramatic story of pain and heartbreak! Kind of... Point is, sometimes you have to push through a temporary pain to get to the goal. This week's episode made us think of our clients who are nervous about being on camera and fear being “cringey,” but if you never try, you never know just how great your campaign will turn out! To hear more thoughts, tune in to our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions  


Ep 092: The Competitive Drive

This week on the podcast, we're feeling COMPETITIVE! But you know what our key to competing is? We're never looking behind us, we're only looking straight ahead and onto the next thing, staying creative, staying flexible, mitigating risk so that we can take the little failures and turn them into big lessons. We simply love what we do in marketing!   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 091: The Good and Bad Domino Effect

We're excited about the upcoming year, especially with the positive progress our clients are making toward their goals. There's a domino effect that you're up against as you grow or slow - every move you make in the right direction leads to stronger growth, while every dropped ball leads to slowdowns. This can be controlled!  Tune in to our recent podcast to hear more about our thoughts on this topic! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app. Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep 090: Leverage and Timing | The Socially Unstable Podcast

Ep 090: Leverage and Timing On today's episode, Tyler and Kenzie dig into blocking out the noise and prioritizing what works best for you and your business. If you are constantly listening to others' opinions about what to talk about and share, you aren't using leverage! You need to leverage your skills and combine them with good rules of marketing to make your business stand out. When you consider how you’re going to approach your midwifery marketing strategy, we would encourage you to start with the most impactful steps that require the least effort. That’s how you leverage what you’re doing! To hear more of our thoughts, tune in to our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.


Ep. 089: Conferenced Out

Tyler just got back from the AABC Birth Institute Conference in Tucson, where he was not only a vendor but also got to speak about new health technology and security. Oh yeah, surprise! Marketing TEA has a new development: @MT Safeguard.  To hear more of our thoughts, tune into our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions  


Ep. 088: Midwifery Advertising Rules

We often talk to people who are puzzled by their lack of results despite investing in advertising. It's possible to allocate funds ineffectively, and Google Ads can be more complex than anticipated. It's crucial to understand how to strategically allocate your budget to achieve the desired results. To learn more, tune in to our recent episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 087: SEO In The House

Tyler has been working overtime to improve SEO lately, and he’s got some tips for ya! There are plenty of ways you can help your own SEO, but there are some SEO spots deep within your website that will typically require a professional to dive into. To hear more of our thoughts on SEO, check out our recent blog about SEO or tune into our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 086: Sales are Fun

Sales is mostly about making connections! It starts with a conversation where you can get to know your potential client. Once you get into that initial conversation, you can see what their needs are and if your services align with what they're looking for. It can be pretty easy to tell if someone is going to be a good client for you and your business! Once you get a sense of if you're a good match or not, then you start selling your services. A common mistake that we feel people make is overselling to someone who isn't really in need of your services. To hear more of our thoughts about sales, tune into our recent episode 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.


Ep. 085: Change is Constant

Recognizing shifts within your company is crucial! While it can be challenging to admit that your previous business methods might not have been optimal, that's the key point here... You've found better ways to operate, and you should showcase that to your clients!  To hear more about our thoughts on change, tune in to our recent podcast episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 084: An Honest BTS

Ep. 084: An Honest BTS Doing behind the scenes content is usually one of the easiest forms of content that businesses fall back on, but it's often a display of how you are currently doing business. But we want to see a new spin on this and show people what we are doing to improve our methods! Like how Andrew likes to rent new equipment and try out new lighting setups or angles. We are constantly scaling up our business and we want to take you along for that ride! To hear our thoughts on BTS content and how we plan to implement some new tactics, tune in to our new episode! 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app. Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


Ep. 083: Live and In-Person

As a fully-remote team across many different states, we haven't had a whole lot of face-to-face time with each other. This team retreat was actually the first time we have all been in one room together! 🤯 And while we love being fully-remote, it has been such a nice change of pace to sit down at a table together and talk about all the things!  We had some really productive conversations where we got to bounce ideas off each other in a way that just can't be done via Zoom. Plus, plenty of time for fun & wild activities. To hear more about our retreat, tune in to our newest episode. 🎧 Available on all major podcast stations. Just search for ‘The Socially Unstable Podcast’ on your favorite app.   Find us on social media: @marketingtea @thixsonlife @_hertime_ @rivvidproductions


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