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The Soul Frequency Show

Author: Shanna Lee

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What happens when you raise your Soul Frequency? You begin to expand your perspective on who you are, your place in the world, and what your true purpose is. You are able to dig through the layers of your truth, remove the blocks that are holding you back, and start living your most authentic life. The Soul Frequency Show podcast, hosted by Shanna Lee, helps you shift your energetic frequency by hearing new wisdom, insights, and perspectives that will open doors in your mind that help you awaken to your soul mission. To learn more about The Soul Frequency and Shanna Lee’s intuitive insights, visit and dive into Shanna’s book The Soul Frequency, Your Healthy, Awakened and Authentic Life. Follow along with Shanna on Instagram and Facebook @thesoulfrequency.
504 Episodes
The Realization Process uses nondual spiritual awakening and includes practices for healing from trauma. This episode is all about healing our bodies, minds, and traumas through movement.
Our lives are always evolving, and every day, our lives and we look different. So today on The Soul Frequency, I wanted to talk about my process of recording my life through a snapshot journal.
If you’re drawn to places like The Soul Frequency, then I’m fairly sure you’re on this Earth to connect with Momma Gaia, the cosmos, and bring more light onto the planet. This is why I am so excited to share this amazing conversation with Jemmita.
In this episode of The Soul Frequency, I want to talk about cleansing and how important it is to release inflammation from our bodies and our lives.
Self-love is something we all need to work on. I’m excited to share this conversation with Jessica Long, the most decorated active Paralympian in the US.
In this episode I talk about how hard times offer opportunities for growth and challenge limiting beliefs. I also discuss strategies for navigating tough moments and setting healthy boundaries.
The word success is something ingrained in our culture to aspire to. But like everything in life, there is the bright, shiny object of success, as well as the other shadowed parts.
In this conversation, I discuss assemblage, what this word means, and what it looks like. I then discuss assemblage philosophy and how you can use this in your life, to bring in new energy and experiences.
Our energy can be pulled in so many different directions, and there are many ways we can be triggered as we walk through this human experience.
One of the greatest things is that we are tied to our relationships and connections in life. The flip side of our need to connect and the importance we have in community, however, is how it can develop into a need to be liked.
Do you ever just need a quick shift out of a certain energy or space? We can easily fall into rabbit holes or in other people’s emotions to the point where we feel lost or completely unsure of what we feel at all.
You might be feeling like you’re playing a game of Pick-up Sticks, and someone keeps throwing your sticks up in the air... This is my analogy for the energy on the planet right now. This episode is all about this destabilizing energy and why it is a positive thing.
In this conversation we discuss Stefanie’s journey into astrology, and how she got into sexual astrology specifically. We discuss monogamy and nonmonogamy, and how astrology is intrinsically linked to our sexuality.
We all go through hard lessons from time to time and with everything going on in the world at this time, these tough lessons can feel so much harder to navigate. But these hard lessons are how we earn our wisdom on this planet.
Spirituality, money, and investing—three words that don’t always end up in the same sentence. Yet, to make choices from a place of abundance, we must understand the higher frequency and vibration that money has.
I start this conversation by revisiting past relationships and my inner loneliness. I discuss what sharing energy looks like in a relationship and why we may be attracted to mixed-matched energies…
If you’ve ever witnessed the beginning of life by being at a birth or the end of life by being at a death, you know what an incredibly spiritual experience it can be. Nothing takes us out of this 3D reality more than those experiences...
I love to try new things and test out new products, especially those related to health, therapies, or spirituality. So in today's episode of The Soul Frequency, I wanted to talk about some of the items I’ve been loving lately!
I love this conversation with my guest today, Barbara With. Even if your linear, logical mind can’t comprehend this information, it is one of those conversations where you can just relax and allow the frequency to flow.
There are lots of things occurring on the planet right now—some things feel super light, while others feel super dark. This episode is about acknowledging dark agendas and choosing what energy we give to them.
Comments (3)

Heather Nicole Zollman

Awesome! Our stories and experiences are so similar, I feel like I'm hearing myself speak through you:) Thanks!

Oct 2nd

Heather Nicole Zollman

All the yeses!!! I have just begun my journey with homeopathic for myself and my children! I love this information:) Thank you!

Sep 5th

Heather Nicole Zollman

I LOVE this! our stories sounds very similar! Last February I began a journey of what looked like a health crisis. I had a seizure, which led to months of doctors, scans, a trip to the Mayo, a diagnosis of epilepsy. I was put on a med that turned me into a vegetable. I went with my gut, weened myself off of the med, and went to countless holistic healers who I am so grateful for! The journey of pain in my neck, back and 24 hour a day migraines was unbearable and seemed hopeless in the midst of it. I screamed in the middle of the night hoping my husband and children wouldnt hear me. when I started to trust in God and that the Universe had a plan for all of this, combined with the natural healing I found, my life started to turn back around! I am now so grateful for the journey where I met so many people that I can now share with others...specifically women. I own a yoga studio which is in my home, and the perfect place to provide hope and community for others who are baffled, l

Sep 5th