The Space Between

somewhere in between here and there - in the immediate moment

Ep 11: You Are Defined By How Bad Your Bad Is

In this podcast Drake talks about a valuble lesson he learned from his college pitching coach (that hurt to learn but still holds true), operationalizing your life & how to grow your biceps.


The Space Between 10: The Secret To Being Confident

In this episode Drake talks about... His journey with baseball. How to be confident The power of doing what you say you are going to do Follow Drake on Instagram⁠ ⁠Follow Drake on Twitter Link to a tweet that will remind you to.... slow down & enjoy this experience


The Space Between 09: Two Traits The BEST Leaders Have

In this episode Drake talks about: • Two traits the BEST leaders have (that he was reminded of from his father). • The Law Of Accumulation • Clear thinkers > Being Smart • Hard things are.... hard? Follow Drake on Instagram Follow Drake on Twitter Link to a random tiktok that made me laugh out loud.


The Space Between 08: Find Ways To Find Stillness

In this episode Drake talks about the importance of slowing down. What the "rat race" really means & how to avoid it. Other topics covered: • Meditation App that grounds Drake • A Song That Drake listens to almost daily • A tweet thread that humbled Drake


The Space Between 07: Documenting Intensity

2 quotes 2 ideas from me 2 things im focusing on this week 1 question


The Space Between 06: Drowning In Self Concern

In this episode Drake talks about his secret twitter, meditation apps, reflection and letting go of that thing that thing that you have the most resistance with. Link to the Secret Twitter Link to the gift from me to you - Ludovico Einaudi Album


The Space Between 05: Slow Down & Say Thanks

In this episode, Drake covers the 10 things he is thankful for in 2023. As we approach Thanksgiving, slow down and say thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!


The Space Between 04: Are You Actually Feeling That Bad?

Are you actually feeling that bad? Or are you just not executing on your core systems that keep you grounded? • Get clarity and execute. • Be honest with yourself and your evaluation. • If its in your control, you will change it. If its not, let it go.


The Space Between 03: Positive Slope + Time / Effort

How you are thinking / your habits you have right now will determine your life Where you are right now is a direct reflection of how you were thinking / habits 5 years ago 5 minute cleanups James Clear Article Referenced “It doesn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful you are right now. What matters is whether your habits are putting you on the path toward success. You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”  You can only control the slope of your success, not your initial position.With a positive slope and enough time and effort, you may even be able to regain the ground that was lost due to bad luck. I thought this quote summarized it well: “The more time passes from the start of a race, the less the head-start others got matters.” We live in a world of competition. The margin between good and great is slimmer than ever before. Small habits can unlock the improvements you need to get the results you want. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are? A result of your habits. What you repeatedly do ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the results you enjoy. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis. The daily choices we make shape our teams, our societies, and ourselves. Change your habits and you’ll change your life." @JamesClear


The Space Between 02: Look At Yourself With Some Distance

"Can you look at yourself with some distance and see through the fog of self deception." Detachment and removing yourself from the situation. Humbled at Jiu Jitsu. Stacking days for 10 years. Playing the long game.


The Space Between 01: Capturing Time

hi - in this podcast we are capturing moments and capturing time. if music captures time then I guess podcasting does too. in this first episode I talk about perspective, mastering the middle and expanding your time horizons. be here now, in the immediate moment


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