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The Speak English Fearlessly Podcast

Author: Aaron Nelson

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Welcome to the podcast that will help you prepare for the CELPIP exam.  You will learn how to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English. 

And of course, if you listen, you'll learn how to Speak English Fearlessly!

Every Tuesday you'll get a new episode filled with tips, strategies and inspiring stories from other people just like you who are working to speak English fearlessly. 

78 Episodes
Listen to today's episode for two practical ideas that will help you develop your English skills faster. In this episode, you will learn about: The importance of shortening the time between your practice sessions and,Varying your learning context to expose yourself to different environments and people which will force you to use different vocabulary and phrases in English. Each tip is explained with examples and backed by research from Cambridge University, aiming to help you improve your language skills more effectively.Links mentioned today:Make sure you subscribe to my free weekly newsletter - I'll help you review what we covered in this week's podcast, and point you to resources that I don't mention anywhere else. How long does it take to learn a language? - Ben Knight.Cambridge University Study Knight references.Our Chemical Senses: Olfaction - learn a little more about Olfactory Fatigue. *Yes, it's a real thing! :)Take my quick survey.00:00 Introduction: The Quest to Learn English Faster01:29 Welcome to Speak English Fearlessly02:11 Understanding Motivated Learners03:14 Behavior 1: Shorten Time Between Practice Sessions07:45 Behavior 2: Change Your Learning Context13:09 Conclusion and RecapMentioned in this episode:Will you take 1 Minute to give me your opinion?I need your help! Would you mind taking just 1 minute to answer 4 quick questions about what you think of this podcast? This will help me help you!
FAQ: How Can I Improve My Speaking Skills in English - and for the CELPIP?In this mini episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, I'm going to talk about one of the most frequently asked questions that I get: how to increase one's speaking score on the CELPIP exam. You'll learn if it's possible to increase your score from a 6 to a 9 in a short period of time. Is there a realistic period of time it would take? What you should be doing to see significant improvement in your speaking skills in English. Get my free weekly newsletter where you'll get a deeper look at what I covered in the podcast, as well as extra tips and strategies to help you develop your English skills. Go here to subscribe - it's free! Links mentioned:it takes a motivated adult aprox 180-260hrs of study to move from a lower intermediate to upper intermediate level of English. (Or to go from B1 to B2, if you are familiar with the CEFR) - Ben Knight Introduction: Improving Your CELPIP Speaking Skills02:09 Understanding Your Current English Level02:52 The Time Commitment for Improvement07:31 Practical Tips for Daily English Practice10:42 Avoiding Common Pitfalls13:00 Conclusion: Setting Realistic Expectations
What To Do After You Freeze And Forget What To Say In EnglishFreezing in an English conversation or during the CELPIP exam can be nerve-racking and can totally bring your confidence down to zero. In this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, you'll learn practical tips and strategies to overcome one of the most commonly held fears: speaking in front of someone else. I'll share a time that I froze in public while I was learning Spanish, and pass on the lessons that I Iearned from it - and yes, you do survive such embarrassing moments! (I have plenty I could tell you about!) Listen to get three introvert-approved techniques to handle those awful moments when you freeze and forget everything you thought you knew about English! Links mentioned today:Sign up for my free weekly newsletter right here.The National Social Anxiety Center - Public Speaking AnxietyUniversity of Florida - Public Speaking: Getting beyond the fear through the three P's00:00 Introduction: The Fear of Freezing in English Conversations01:59 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast03:54 Personal Story: Overcoming Freezing Moments in Spanish08:24 Practical Tips to Overcome Freezing in English17:24 Bonus Tip: Handling Shyness in English Conversations18:37 Conclusion and Encouragement
One of the best things you can be doing to develop your CELPIP and English skills is to effectively use the feedback that comes your way each day. Today's episode will help you to start doing that! In this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, focus on the power of feedback in the learning process. You will learn from my own personal experiences and lessons from my attempts at improving this podcast Learn how to target specific areas for improvement, implement actionable changes, and reduce the time between feedback and action. This episode offers practical strategies to help you develop your skills and excel in the CELPIP exam.Links to check out:"Effective feedback is specific, which means it is tangible and transparent, actionable, and user-friendly" Effective and Appropriate Feedback for English Learners00:00 Introduction and Personal Reflection01:12 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast01:52 Challenges of Creating a Video Podcast03:31 Understanding and Utilizing Feedback07:11 Daily Feedback in Language Learning09:15 Targeted, Specific, and Timely Feedback14:44 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Overcoming the Spotlight Effect: Embrace Your English MistakesIn this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, I'll be talking about the common fear of making mistakes while speaking English. I'll be looking at a great interaction and an experience in an open air theatre that I had recently to help me drive home a few key points with you:Manage expectations. Keep going even when you make a mistake. People don't focus on your mistakes nearly as long or as much as you do! Listen in to find out what you can do when you make a mistake with your English.Links mentioned: All Eyes on Us: The Spotlight Effect00:00 Introduction: The Fear of Making Mistakes in English01:44 Understanding the Spotlight Effect02:08 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast02:47 Story 1: The Ukrainian Refugee04:56 Story 2: Community Theatre and Embracing Mistakes06:36 Lessons Learned: Overcoming the Spotlight Effect09:42 Practical Strategies for English Learners14:29 Conclusion: Keep Building Your English Skills
Have you found yourself face to face with another mistake with your English? Have you tried and failed to achieve your desired score on the CELPIP? (Again!) If you're facing a persistent or difficult to overcome failure or mistake with your English skills, then please listen to today's episode. I'll be sharing some of my own setbacks from the week and what I've been learning from them. I firmly believe that mistake making = progress. If you're not making any mistakes with your English, it's because you're not trying to use it enough and in new and challenging ways. And if you find yourself in the middle of the frustration and discouragement that mistakes can often bring - then I hope today's episode will bring you hope and heart felt encouragement to keep going! Join CELPIP Success School! Go to - join today for a 25% discount in your membership for as long as you stay with us.
3 Lessons I Learned from 3 Mistakes in front of 230 people.In this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, we'll dive into mistake making and how mistakes can be powerful learning opportunities if you see them in the right way.We'll also talk together about how to develop a healthier mindset toward mistake-making: embracing errors, rather than avoiding them, can help you make faster progress with your English skills! We'll discuss the significance of continuous practice, realistic expectations, and the growth that stems from imperfections. 00:00 Introduction: Admitting My Mistakes01:10 The Importance of Mistakes in Learning01:30 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast02:11 Common Mistakes and Their Impact03:32 Revealing My Podcast Mistakes04:45 Reflecting on My Mistakes06:46 Learning from Mistakes09:34 Embracing Imperfection15:03 Final Thoughts and Encouragement17:15 Subscribe for More TipsLinks mentioned today:If you liked today's episode, you'll love my weekly newsletter. (It's free!) Every Tuesday I pull out something from the podcast and take a closer look at it to help you review what we've been talking about. I also share additional tips and strategies to help you develop your English and CELPIP skills. You can subscribe here.The quote by Jeffrey S. Nevid, Ph.D., ABPPThe road of life is strewn with disappointing, frustrating experiences and outright failures (my pitiful attempts at tennis come to mind). But losing does not make one a loser, and even a pitiful performance on a tennis court does not render one pitiful. A failure is just that, a failure; it does not make a person a failure unless the person labels themself a failure. Life experiences, whether positive or negative, are not statements about personhood—not unless we apply these words to ourselves and permit them to pierce the veil of our personhood.
How To Stop Overusing Words and Phrases in English To Get A Higher CELPIP ScoreThis episode discusses the importance of avoiding repeated words and phrases in your CELPIP answers and provides practical strategies on how to break this habit. Key takeaways: You will learn about the listability and vocabulary filters used by CELPIP raters to score your answers. How and why you should be recording yourself to identify overused phrases, As well as how to change those overused phrases by finding alternative expressions, and seeking supportive feedback.Link Mentioned: Grab your free checklist of the process I described today at Introduction: Recognizing Overused Phrases02:21 Understanding the Impact on CELPIP Scores02:42 Welcome to Speak English Fearlessly03:20 The Problem with Repetition06:34 Strategies to Break the Habit06:58 Recording Yourself: The First Step09:56 Finding New Ways to Express Yourself12:15 Getting Supportive Feedback15:44 Encouragement and Resources
If you struggle with just getting your CELPIP Speaking task answers started, you need today's episode. Spending too much time on polite, flowery introductions with your speaking task answers will steal valuable time from you - and they are just not necessary! Instead, you need to do what I share in today's episode! Get straight into the main content of your answer!You'll also learn aboutWhy building momentum with your answer matters so much.Being loud and proud with your answers.Efficient 'in the middle of things' openings for various CELPIP speaking task types.Key Link: Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter where you'll get additional tips and strategies to help you develop your English skills. 00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Starting Right02:03 Welcome to Speak English Fearlessly03:29 Why Politeness Can Be a Pitfall05:36 Get to the Point: Strategies for Effective Answers07:42 Practical Examples and Tips10:07 Conclusion and Final Thoughts11:05 Subscribe for More Tips
Have you been wondering why your English skills are not developing as quickly as you'd like them to be? It might just be because you're not using one or all of these three simple, but not always easy, strategies. 1) Going where the action is, 2) Engage! 3) Put in the reps. I will tell you an inspiring story that has been happening at my workplace that will help you see how you can apply these three steps in your own life. Don't forget to subscribe to my free weekly newsletter where you'll get a recap of this podcast + additional tips and strategies to help you develop your English skills. Go to: Introduction: Transform Your English Skills00:45 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast02:26 A Story from Work: Building Community05:04 Strategy 1: Go Where the Action Is06:41 Strategy 2: Engage Actively11:15 Strategy 3: Put in the Reps12:24 Conclusion and Newsletter Invitation
Don't Try To Set More Goals To Improve Your English. Do This Instead!If you know you are working hard to improve your English skills, but you're still not getting the results you want to be getting, then this episode is for you. Together we're going to talk about the power of systems and specifically, we're going to talk about how your system is the problem AND your system is the solution to helping you start making progress again with your English or CELPIP prep. If you're stuck right now, even though you're working harder than you ever have to make progress: then you need to hear this! It's not about working harder. It's not about setting better and more goals. It's not about blaming a lack of people you can practice with. Progress with English is completely under your control - and today you're going to learn what you need to actually be working on in order to get yourself and your English unstuck! You are invited to join a three-month book club program to work on developing effective systems for language improvement.Links Mentioned Today:Forget About Setting Goals. Focus On This Instead. - By James Clear. This is the article I quote in the podcast. Please do take a moment to read through it if you are at all interested in what you can do to begin transforming your results with your English or CELPIP prep. Join my new bookclub! We're going to study James Clear's book: Atomic Habits - as mentioned in the episode. Together we'll work on developing your English and CELPIP learning system so that it produces the results you need. 00:00 Introduction: Struggles with Practicing English01:38 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast03:06 Common Challenges in Practicing English04:39 The Danger of Excuses and Obstacles06:45 A Realization: The System is the Problem09:35 Changing the System for Better Results20:16 Invitation to Join the Book Club23:44 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Are you struggling to just get started with your CELPIP Speaking practice? Then this episode is for you! If you know that you need to be practicing for the Speaking section of the CELPIP exam, but you have no idea how to even get started, then listen closely and follow along with this episode. My personal guarantee for you is if you follow these four simple steps, you'll find yourself actually starting to make progress with your practice! Pick a task. (Today we're going to focus on Speaking Task One!)Write down the problem. Notice how you gave that advice. Use English and record your answer.00:00 Introduction: Overcoming the Speaking Section Struggle01:23 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast02:51 The Pain of Feeling Stuck05:02 The Batman Analogy: Climbing Out of Despair08:52 Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Unstuck09:20 Step 1: Pick One Task14:22 Step 2: Write the Problem Down17:54 Step 3: Notice Your Answer20:33 Step 4: Use English21:38 Step 5: Record Your Answer23:39 Conclusion: Keep the Momentum GoingLinks Mentioned TodayFollow along with me by using this free cheat sheet.
How To Master CELPIP Speaking Task 2: Tips and StrategiesIn this episode, you will get a walk through of CELPIP Speaking Task 2, which involves sharing a personal experience. You'll learn about the importance of brainstorming, we'll focus on the past tense, as well as practical tips for practicing the past tense which include journaling and discussing daily activities with family. I also discuss using your voice memo app for practice and reviewing your answers to strengthen your responses. How? Stay tuned for that too - I'll give you an insider's look at some of the key filters used by CELPIP raters, including content, listenability, vocabulary, and task fulfillment. 00:00 Introduction to CELPIP Speaking Task 201:08 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast01:48 My own Personal Experience in Canada04:59 Tips for CELPIP Speaking Task 206:28 Practicing Past Tense Verbs10:17 Using Voice Recorders for Practice18:04 Understanding CELPIP Raters' Lenses37:48 Encouragement and Final Thoughts39:18 Subscribe for More ResourcesImportant links mentioned:Get your free class on speaking task one.Previous episode: How to Master Brainstorming for The CELPIP Exam
In this episode, I'm talking about how you can improve your brainstorming skills. If brainstorming is hard for you, know that you're not alone! Many test takers report this as being one of their pain points! The episode revisits key concepts from a previous discussion on mindset and creativity and offers practical tips to improve brainstorming under pressure. We'll also cover the importance of generating multiple ideas, avoiding the pursuit of the perfect idea, and using strategies like bullet points, shorthand, and symbols during brainstorming.I also talk about a fun game that you can play that will help you practice your brainstorming and quick thinking skills. 00:00 Introduction to Brainstorming Challenges00:56 Mindset and Creativity in Brainstorming01:00 Overcoming the Pressure of Perfection02:23 Generating Sparks and Idea Flow04:14 Practical Tips for Brainstorming04:42 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast06:29 Common Brainstorming Problems08:19 Developing Your Creative Muscle09:49 Class Clip: Strategies for Speaking Task 113:08 Effective Brainstorming Techniques18:23 Fun Game to Boost Creativity: Scattergories22:29 Conclusion and ResourcesLinks Mentioned:Go to my free resource section to watch the class and clip I shared in the podcast about brainstorming and CELPIP Speaking Task One.Previous Episode where I talked about brainstorming and overthinking.
Why You Should Avoid Using Templates for CELPIP PreparationThis episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast discusses the pitfalls of using templates for CELPIP exam preparation. You've likely heard or read about templates before - they are easily available online. But just because you can easily get one, does that mean you should use it? NO! Templates may offer an easy way out, but they are not what CELPIP test raters look for, which are original, unassisted, and spontaneous responses. Using templates can risk having your answers voided and can misrepresent your actual language abilities, potentially harming your job search or success in the job you currently have. Instead, learn useful transition words and phrases, and engaging with English speakers around you to adopt new expressions in a natural and effective manner. This episode will show you how to do that. 00:00 Introduction to CELPIP Preparation01:38 The Temptation of Templates03:25 Risks of Using Templates05:28 Effective Strategies for CELPIP Success06:58 Engage with English Around You08:22 Conclusion and Final TipsHelpful Links:Grab your free list of 39 common transition words and phrases right here.From CELPIP Sample responses in the classroom.Preparing for the CELPIP test: Test Integrity
In this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly podcast, you will learn a practical process for self-study that will transform the way you prep for the CELPIP!Key strategies include:Using a voice recorder to review and critique performance, Understanding the timing for brainstorming and recording responses, and creating outlines for answers. I'll also talk about the importance of using varied vocabulary, adding emotions, and ensuring responses are interesting and on-topic. A free checklist is available right here.What I talk about:00:00 Introduction and Listener's Question00:53 Host Introduction and Podcast Overview01:35 Challenges of Practicing Speaking Alone02:29 Skiing Story: Overcoming Fear and Learning08:02 Practical Tips for Self-Feedback16:22 Detailed Feedback Checklist25:48 Conclusion and ResourcesLinks mentioned: Grab your free checklist right here.The "Um" and "Uh" episode.
Do you struggle with saying "Um" and "Uh" too much? If so, listen to today's episode where you'll learn 3 strategies that will help you kick these pesky filler words out of your vocabulary! "Um" and "Uh" can seriously hurt your CELPIP scores if you use them too much. Don't let that happen to you!00:00 Frustration with Filler Words01:58 Introduction to the Podcast03:14 Understanding Filler Words03:57 Why We Use Filler Words06:03 Strategy 1: Notice Your Filler Words10:26 Strategy 2: Allow Pauses12:12 Strategy 3: Practice Regularly15:14 Bonus: Join the CELPIP Success SchoolSubscribe to my free weekly newsletter to build your skills in English and prepare for the CELPIP Exam. Have you joined the CELPIP Success School yet? Get 25% off for as long as you remain a member with this link.
Struggling with note-taking on the CELPIP exam? This episode dives into practical strategies to enhance your note-taking skills. Learn the importance of practicing with the five Ws (who, what, when, where, and why) while watching English TV shows and listening to various audio content. Discover how to set yourself up for success by paying attention to the intro sections of each listening task. They offer you valuable clues as to how to organize your notes. You'll learn about the importance of mixing your audio practice with video as well. 00:00 Mastering Note Taking for CELPIP: An Introduction00:59 Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast01:40 Practical Tips for Effective Note Taking03:59 Setting Yourself Up for Success on CELPIP05:17 Advanced Note Taking Strategies for CELPIP08:13 Expanding Your Listening Skills Beyond the Exam09:25 Summing Up: How to Excel in Note Taking for CELPIP10:17 Exclusive Resources for CELPIP Success10:53 Farewell and Next StepsLinks Mentioned In Today's Episode:Last week's episode: Do this to effectively practice for the CELPIP Grab your free cheat sheet on the tips I mentioned today about note taking on the CELPIP.To sign up for my free weekly newsletter, just go here. Every Tuesday I'll send you helpful tips and strategies - things you heard right here on the podcast - to help you develop your skills in English.
If you've ever wondered if you're doing the right thing...the real right thing... to be preparing for the CELPIP exam, then this episode is for you. I'll be sharing one of the most important things you need to be doing to prepare for the exam. We all tend to avoid doing it because we're kind of hard wired in this way, but it's seriously a mistake to leave this out of your practice. To find out, listen in to today's episode. What I'll cover:00:00 Introduction: Your Busy Life and CELPIP Preparation02:33 The Dilemma of Effective CELPIP Preparation04:24 A Personal Anecdote: Learning from Weaknesses06:03 The Key to CELPIP Success: Focus on Weaknesses10:12 Conclusion and Invitation to CELPIP Success SchoolLinks mentioned today:Subscribe to my weekly newsletter.Join CELPIP Success school here.
Why listen today:If you struggle with the clock as you brainstorm, then you absolutely need to listen to today's podcast. The dreaded clock - that timer that ticks away at you as you frantically try to develop your answer before the recording begins on the speaking section of the CELIP - is one of the most feared aspects of the exam. Many fear it, and many avoid using the clock as a tool to help them practice. That's a mistake that I'll be chatting with you about today, because those who fail to practice against the clock, will struggle to beat the clock when their exam day rolls around. Don't let that be you! What I talk about:00:00 Introduction02:10 Challenges of Time Management in CELPIP Prep05:07 Lessons from World Class CoachesHelpful LinksWhat if you could work with someone that could help you develop your speaking skills for the CELPIP? can! Come and work with me in the CELPIP Success School. I combine practical training and assignments that you can work on at your own pace with friendly, encouraging support through weekly live coaching calls. Join CELPIP Success School today - let's work together to conquer the CELPIP. (Join with this link for a 25% discount - my special treat for my awesome podcast listeners.) Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter. I talk all about CELPIP prep, as well as how you can build your fluency skills in English. Mentioned in this episode:Let's work together to prepare for the CELPIP ExamIf you're tired of working on your own to prepare for the CELPIP Exam, and if you're looking for friendly personal support - then you need to check out this opportunity! You'll get weekly assignments that will help you practice each of the 4 skills tested on the CELPIP. You'll also get weekly group coaching calls with me. By following this link, you'll also get a 25% discount for as long as you remain a member.