The Spin Cycle

Podcast by The Anxiety Sisters

The Spin Cycle Episode 052

Mary Laura Philpott, award-winning writer and Anxiety Sister extraordinaire, is our guest on today's episode. Listen to our discussion about Mary Laura's latest memoir as well as how she manages her anxiety and perfectionism. We do a lot of laughing, but there are some really poignant moments, such as when Mary Laura shares her struggles as a parent of a child with a chronic illness and our conversation about being caregivers for both aging parents and young children. We dare you not to fall in love with Mary Laura's warmth and sense of humor!


The Spin Cycle Episode 051

Meet Cali Werner, award winning collegiate distance runner, licensed clinical social worker, and fellow Anxiety Sister who has been diagnosed with OCD. Her areas of expertise include perfectionism, burnout, anxiety, and obsessive thinking; we dive into these topics and more during our conversation which is searingly honest and revelatory. If you've ever lived with (or wondered what it's like to live with) debilitating anxiety, this podcast is for you!


The Spin Cycle Episode 050

For those of us who suffer from anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses, romantic partnerships can be real minefields. This episode features Allison Raskin, an expert in the intersection between anxiety and relationships and author of the book Overthinking About You: Navigating Romantic Relationships When You Have Anxiety, OCD and/or Depression. Listen in as we chat about real world ways to help yourself and your partner manage your anxiety disorder. We even tackle our own personal romance disasters and what we now know in hindsight.


The Spin Cycle Episode 049

This is absolutely one of our favorite episodes we've ever recorded because we are joined by our friend and fellow mental health advocate Gabe Howard, host of the podcast Inside Mental Health. Having suffered from bipolar disorder since he was a child, Gabe definitely walks the walk. He understands what it is like to live with persistent mental illness and also how to manage it and live well anyway. Gabe does not sugar-coat anything--he tells it like it is and we love him for it. Do not miss this informative and often hysterical conversation.


The Spin Cycle Episode 048

In our first episode of Season 6, Abs & Mags chat about the anxiety superstorm that comes with parenting. This BFF-cast focuses specifically on launching children (into daycare, kindergarten, college, a new job or whatever life transition crosses their paths) and how to manage all that surrounding anxiety. Do we hear the whirring of helicopter blades????


The Spin Cycle Episode 047

Our discussion in this episode is with Dr. Pauline Boss, the researcher who coined the term "ambiguous loss" in order to study unresolved grief--which is so anxiety-provoking and difficult to manage. Listen in as we talk about the pitfalls of resilience, the myth of closure, and how the pandemic has shaped our view of grief and anxiety. We also discuss concrete ways to process ambiguous loss and the anxiety it creates.


The Spin Cycle Episode 046

If you are a people-pleaser like Abs, this is such an important podcast for you. This episode features special guest Susie Pettit, a certified life and wellness coach and boundary expert. What's a boundary? We didn't know either, but now we do and boy does it help with anxiety management! And relationships. And communication. Really, setting and keeping clear boundaries may just be the answer to everything so be sure to listen in and learn all about it with us.


The Spin Cycle Episode 045

In our last BFF-cast of Season 5, Mags and Abs tackle shame and its effect on our mental health. We talk about how shame and anxiety are related and what to do to manage both. As usual, we get up close and [too] personal...? You be the judge!


The Spin Cycle Episode 044

Meet Dr. Ellen Vora--holistic psychiatrist, yoga teacher, acupuncturist, self-proclaimed "witch" and all-around fantastic human. If only all of our psychiatrists (and doctors) thought like she does! You do not want to miss this episode in which we discuss her own healing journey as well as her new book, The Anatomy of Anxiety. Our convo is funny, poignant, and very thought-provoking.


The Spin Cycle Episode 043

Join us as we talk with two of our favorite anxiety sisters: Colleen Rosenblum and Bridgett Biagi Garratt--the women behind the popular podcast Hot Flashes & Cool Topics, which focuses on women in midlife and beyond. We learned so much that our doctors never told us such as the difference between peri-menopause, menopause, and post- menopause and the surprising factors that influence happiness in midlife. Colleen and Bridgett are smart, caring, and funny. And they have so much expertise to share.


The Spin Cycle Episode 042

We loved speaking with Michelle Chalfant, the woman behind The Adult Chair--a model that explains how we move in and out of our child, our adolescent, and our adult selves. It is an experiential and fascinating way of learning to witness and change how we think and how we respond to situations in our lives. And it is a wonderful tool for managing anxiety. Michelle has so much wisdom to share. Join us for our conversation (and a special offer for listeners at the end of the podcast).


The Spin Cycle Episode 041

Join us as we chat with Jen Kirkman--podcaster, television writer, comedian, author, actor, and proud Anxiety Sister. In addition to making us laugh(a lot), Jen talks to us about childhood anxiety, phobias, and health anxiety. She also explains how our imaginations can actually help us manage our anxiety through creative storytelling.


The Spin Cycle Episode 040

Join us in our conversation with Stephanie Foo about childhood trauma, Complex PTSD, and anxiety treatments. We learned so much from her about healing from prolonged trauma and her new book, What My Bones Know, is outstanding.


The Spin Cycle Episode 039

On this episode, our first BFF-cast of the year, we are talking about social connection and its effect on our mental health. We discuss what the research says and, of course, talk about practical ways to increase our connection in small but meaningful ways. Join us!


The Spin Cycle Episode 038

Welcome to Season 5 of the Spin Cycle! We are kicking off 2022 with a very special guest--Dr. Dan Peters of the Parent Footprint podcast. Our convo gets right into it--COVID and kids, social media, anxious parents, neurodiverse kids and perfectionists just to name a few of our topics. Don't miss Dr. Dan answering the million dollar question (you'll have to listen to find out!)...


The Spin Cycle Episode 037

This is a must-hear episode for anyone who is feeling anxious about those holiday gatherings coming up. We get it and we know how to make it easier! Join us as we discuss real-world ways to manage difficult people and your anxiety during the holiday season.


The Spin Cycle Episode 036

Join Abs and Mags in their fascinating conversation with neuroscientist and fellow Anxiety Sister Dr. Wendy Suzuki about “good anxiety.” Learn new techniques to manage anxiety such as “joy conditioning” as well as how to give your brain a neurochemical “bubble bath” and make your hippocampus “bigger and fluffier.” Not sure what a hippocampus is? Tune in to find out!


The Spin Cycle Episode 035

Join Abs and Mags in their conversation with self-compassion pioneer Dr. Kristin Neff, author of the new book Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power and Thrive. In this episode, you will learn the difference between tender self-compassion and fierce self-compassion, and why both are necessary in a balanced, happy life. We also talk about gender roles and anxiety, and why anger can be so challenging for women to show.


The Spin Cycle Episode 034

Anxious about going back to work, school or just out in the world after spending a year in isolation? We get it. We feel it too. So many of our community members have reached out to us about their "re-entry" fears and anxieties that we felt we should interrupt our planned schedule and do a podcast about it. No guests, no fuss--just 2 BFFs talking about why we are feeling so anxious about getting back to "normal" and what to do about it.


The Spin Cycle Episode 033

If you or someone you care about has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD), you do not want to miss this episode where Abs & Mags chat with Shala Nicely, OCD Sister and licensed therapist specializing in the treatment of OCD and other anxiety disorders. Their conversation goes from the tame (types of OCD) to the wild (fecal transplants as a future treatment!) and everywhere in between.


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