The Spirit Channel

<p>I am a spiritual seeker. This is dedicated to all things spiritual. Inspired writing, channeled messages, spiritual advice and self improvement and self realization. Or just personal viewpoints. Spirituality is more vital in the world today of the 21st century, with upheavals, perhaps, like no other in history as humanity and as the earth itself prepares for great change. You can see my other media on the below</p><br><p>Blog -</p><p>Pinterest -</p><p>YouTube -</p><p>LBRY / Odysee - / https:/</p><p>Podcast -</p><p><br></p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>

With Brenda Hersey

Brenda Hershey is an author, researcher, international humanitarian and the President & Founder of TRY (Trauma Recovery Yoga also known as Total Resilience Yoga) Global, an international non-profit organization using neuroscience and yoga to create healing worldwide. Currently residing in Iraqi-Kurdistan, Brenda's purpose is to help people (re)connect mind, body and spirit.In this interview Brenda discusses the foundations of TRY in America, it's original inception in treating victims of PTSD and her involvement in it. Brenda discusses her foundation of TRY Global in 2021. Based in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, it has had massive success in helping women and children in refugee camps, who have suffered rape and displacement by ISIS and ongoing war.She also relates her own tale of trauma of losing her father and sister (later on) receiving the news at a very inopportune time flying to South America on behalf of TRY and how the techniques she learned and teaches with TRY helped her deal with the trauma and grieving process. Brenda relates the techniques and aids that TRY uses when dealing with traumatized people and the unique approach they take with traumatized children. She explains the challenges in adopting these techniques for different cultures and languages, as they have now expanded TRY to Iraqi Baghdad, Lebanon and now Ukraine. We talk briefly about TRY in the media, how the organization helped first responders in the aftermath of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting and expand upon that to talk about the benefits TRY can offer in helping general mental health, stress and anxiety that is a feature of modern lifestyles.Finally we talk about TRY's YouTube channel and video's offering some of TRY's methods for free, a live demonstration in the interview and a discussion of her new book Your Time to Shine: A Personal Strategic Planning Workbook, a workbook to help build a lifestyle based in purpose.Brenda and TRY can be found on the below social media links: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Re-evaluating the Podcast and my content in general.

This Interlude is about the re-evaluation of the podcast and the guests that I decide to have on it. As my own life goes through major upheaval, I'm re- revaluating all the media that I do. I'm looking at being more selective about who I interview. So I'm looking at that and also whether to accept guests who want to improve' my podcast and media. Does it need improving? Do these people need to be a guest to tell me this? I don't know, you are the judge of all this... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Content Creation and Appreciation of the Journey

When out walking recently I had the thought to do a talk about what its like being a content creator with a message to share, trying to stay true to your values and not getting sucking into the social media hype of follows, likes and subscriptions. This talk developed into an appreciation of the journey undertaken, not the journey ahead or the constant look to the future. In all of the media I create, although there will be some crossover, I do try to create original content for video, audio, written and images. Its the appreciation for even having the courage to create any content at all and put yourself 'out there'. Its also a talk about the importance of interaction from consumers of your content and how just one comment can inspire a creator you follow, to continue making more content when perhaps they might have felt disillusioned. ⁠ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


A personal message from TheZenith

I wanted to take the time to record a personal message on what I'm going through and what the future may hold for The Spirit Channel media and Thezenith....     Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Ukraine, Mushroom Clouds and Psychedelics a suggestion.

There is a lot of talk in the media and news of the threat of seeing  mushroom clouds over our countries and states as a result of the launching of nuclear weapons. This suggests an escalation in the Ukrainian crisis that is so big that nuclear bombs would be launched at targeted cities causing loss of life on a massive scale and the devastation of cities and surrounding areas. A very grim prospect that would probably see retaliation in the same manner. I would like to suggest that this is in fact a fantastic idea, but instead of 'mushroom clouds', how about clouds of psilocybin mushrooms dropped upon each politician and head of state that is contributing to the ongoing crisis. This podcast discuses the role of Psychedelics in plants that grow naturally upon the Earth and the effect and expansion on human consciousness that they have had for thousands of years.  Psychedelics and plant medicine which have largely been banned as dangerous drugs in our society's are now being sought out by more people for the improvements in mental health and cures for harmful addictions that they have been proven to bring.  Perhaps if our decision makers were forced to take their 'medicine', they wouldn't be so 'sick' and we could all grow and thrive as a a race... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Thoughts on the Ukrainian crisis and how to resolve on a spiritual level

My thoughts on the tragedy that is unfolding in Ukraine at this time. We living in an age of war on the information we consume. Our viewpoints and opinions are shaped by the media we consume and are allowed to consume. Control the information that people consume, control how they think, feel and are willing to accept actions taken out by their governments and world authorities. This conflict is bringing up a lot of emotions and basic emotional response is to choose sides, but this simply serves those who remain in power.  We need to find the middle path, become like a Buddha and discard attachments to either political ideology the west or Russia.  ====================================================================================================== Recognize that the only thing that matters here is the recognition that we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience and that we can choose the nature of our reality by the power of thought alone. Never mind manifesting  more money for the individual, manifest peace, harmony, love and brotherhood towards involved in the current cycle of aggression and we can start to build a better world for all humankind..--- Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Origins of Christ and Christmas Pt. 3

Jesus Christ. Jesus The Christ. Yeshua. Jehoshua. Christ Consciousness. The Pre- Christian Origins of Jesus Christ and the myths that have grown up around him.  Jesus The Messiah, the deity, the Sun god, The Caesar, the Buddhist monk, the Veridic Philosopher , the self realized ascended master, the interdimensional space traveler, and The Jesus I know. The universal Jesus, the man of All religions and none. Looking at those who replicated his abilities, those who attempted to, his return and those like him at the Harvest time... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Origins of Christ and Christmas Pt.2

Jesus Christ. Jesus The Christ. Yeshua. Jehoshua. Christ Consciousness. The Pre- Christian Origins of Jesus Christ and the myths that have grown up around him.  Jesus The Messiah, the deity, the Sun god, The Caesar, the Buddhist monk, the Veridic Philosopher , the self realized ascended master, the interdimensional space traveler, and The Jesus I know. The universal Jesus, the man of All religions and none. Looking at those who replicated his abilities, those who attempted to, his return and those like him at the Harvest time... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Interview with Psychic Medium, Healer and former Head of Northern Ireland's SNU - Pat James

Pat James Is as stated a Psychic, Medium and Spiritual healer who also happens to be the former President, Healing Group Leader and Treasurer Of of the Northern Ireland Spiritualists National Union church (SNU). On top of that Pat is also a practiced Trance Medium and has practiced Automatic and Inspired Writing. In This interview, Pat talks about her life growing up in what was to become a sectarian torn and divided Northern Ireland, and how Spiritualism was practiced in this environment, and the hardships she endured throughout. She also talks about her spiritual development and various roles she took on within the SNU; her interests and current activities and her philosophy on life, including some advice to and aspiring spiritualists out there. A mentor and mother figure to me and many others who have gotten to know her, this interview took place on 21st December. Apologies for the low audio, I wasn't really equipped at the time for this type of interview, but it is a fascinating insight into Pats personal life and a look into the responsibilities of a highly placed member of the SNU... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Origins of Christ and Christmas Pt.1

In part one of this two part podcast, we are looking at the pagan origins of the festival of Christmas or Yuletide. far from being a Christian religious celebration, This festival and time of year can has its roots in the Roman celebration of the winter Solstice, the psychedelic Amanita Muscaria  mushroom, the legend of St Nicholas, Celtic druid fertility rituals and surprisingly Coke-a-Cola.... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Attachments to earthly desires and how they distract us from our true nature

In our modern society we are conditioned to believe that wealth in all its aspects in our careers, in our love lives, in our houses, cars and boats equates to success. Our gadgets and clothing are prime examples also... But attachment's can also be of the mental kind too.  Attachments to events, situations or relationships which have occurred in the past, situations yet to be determined. We forget to live presently.. Buddhist philosophy states that the root of all earthly suffering is attachments. So if we can divorce ourselves from earthly attachments can we live a more fruitful, happier life, free to concentrate on what truly matters....? Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The spiritual value of Stillness and Silence

Two very important commodities missing in our modern life. Two valuable tools often overlooked in the spiritual seekers path. We are bombarded with noise, frequencies and are ever moving, that we have largely forgotten how to stay still and listen to silence. Doing this allows us to reconnect with our inner selves and those trying to reach us... Silence Is Golden as the saying goes...--- Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


COVID-19 Truth Seeking and its Spiritual Outcome Full 2 hour version.

This Podcast is about the history and evolution of COVID-19 as I witnessed it and still see it. It is my opinion, and information discussed was garnered from many different sources in both mainstream and alternative media. As a truth seeker, I've long been interested in what lies behind the curtain of world events played out on public on the world stage. So I approach this topic with years of research experience giving a timeline of events as I saw them.I guess what I hope to do in this podcast is give people information that they may not have encountered before, showing why its very important to do your own Critical Thinking and don't just accept what you hear or read from any particular source! I did not want to do a podcast on this topic and I've forgotten more than I can remember on this topic and, as stated I don't script these podcasts so most is from memory. But....  I do believe that this 'Pandemic' is resulting in a lot of people ultimately waking up on a spiritual level so lets see what we can find out..Links and Headlines in the Blog article... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


COVID-19 Truth Seeking and its Spiritual Outcome Pt.4

This Podcast is about the history and evolution of COVID-19 as I witnessed it and still see it. It is my opinion, and information discussed was garnered from many different sources in both mainstream and alternative media. As a truth seeker, I've long been interested in what lies behind the curtain of world events played out on public on the world stage. So I approach this topic with years of research experience giving a timeline of events as I saw them.I guess what I hope to do in this podcast is give people information that they may not have encountered before, showing why its very important to do your own Critical Thinking and don't just accept what you hear or read from any particular source! I did not want to do a podcast on this topic and I've forgotten more than I can remember on this topic and, as stated I don't script these podcasts so most is from memory. But....  I do believe that this 'Pandemic' is resulting in a lot of people ultimately waking up on a spiritual level so lets see what we can find out..Links and Headlines in the Blog article... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


COVID-19 Truth Seeking and its Spiritual Outcome Pt.3

This Podcast is about the history and evolution of COVID-19 as I witnessed it and still see it. It is my opinion, and information discussed was garnered from many different sources in both mainstream and alternative media. As a truth seeker, I've long been interested in what lies behind the curtain of world events played out on public on the world stage. So I approach this topic with years of research experience giving a timeline of events as I saw them.I guess what I hope to do in this podcast is give people information that they may not have encountered before, showing why its very important to do your own Critical Thinking and don't just accept what you hear or read from any particular source! I did not want to do a podcast on this topic and I've forgotten more than I can remember on this topic and, as stated I don't script these podcasts so most is from memory. But....  I do believe that this 'Pandemic' is resulting in a lot of people ultimately waking up on a spiritual level so lets see what we can find out..Links and Headlines in the Blog article... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


COVID-19 Truth Seeking and its Spiritual Outcome Pt.2

This Podcast is about the history and evolution of COVID-19 as I witnessed it and still see it. It is my opinion, and information discussed was garnered from many different sources in both mainstream and alternative media. As a truth seeker, I've long been interested in what lies behind the curtain of world events played out on public on the world stage. So I approach this topic with years of research experience giving a timeline of events as I saw them.I guess what I hope to do in this podcast is give people information that they may not have encountered before, showing why its very important to do your own Critical Thinking and don't just accept what you hear or read from any particular source! I did not want to do a podcast on this topic and I've forgotten more than I can remember on this topic and, as stated I don't script these podcasts so most is from memory. But....  I do believe that this 'Pandemic' is resulting in a lot of people ultimately waking up on a spiritual level so lets see what we can find out..Links and Headlines in the Blog article... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


COVID-19 Truth Seeking and its Spiritual Outcome Pt.1

This Podcast is about the history and evolution of COVID-19 as I witnessed it and still see it. It is my opinion, and information discussed was garnered from many different sources in both mainstream and alternative media. As a truth seeker, I've long been interested in what lies behind the curtain of world events played out on public on the world stage. So I approach this topic with years of research experience giving a timeline of events as I saw them. I guess what I hope to do in this podcast is give people information that they may not have encountered before, showing why its very important to do your own Critical Thinking and don't just accept what you hear or read from any particular source! I did not want to do a podcast on this topic and I've forgotten more than I can remember on this topic and, as stated I don't script these podcasts so most is from memory. But....  I do believe that this 'Pandemic' is resulting in a lot of people ultimately waking up on a spiritual level so lets see what we can find out.. Links and Headlines in the Blog article... Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Wanderers, Star Seeds and Indigo Children and Old Souls Pt.2

What is a wanderer, a starseed, an indigo child or an old soul? What do these terms refer to and to whom do they refer to? We take a look a how all these terms refer to highly evolved souls or higher dimensional souls native either to Earth or originally from elsewhere. Most of these types of souls spirits have long evolved past the need for a physical body so what or why are the choosing to come back to this planet and live in a body again. Could you or do fit into one of these categories? This podcast follows on from the last, regarding the nature of service.Part.2 what are the common characteristics or a person who may be defined as a Wanderer or a the child who may be an Indigo Child? What type of personality amy someone like this have? Below is some media I've already created on the subject. - Cause 'm a Wanderer, Cause I'm a wanderer, I roam around, around, around, around (Dion - The Wanderer) - Oh Oh, I'm an Alien, I'm a Legal Alien... (Sting - Englishman In New York) - A quick image showing different Soul types - How to determine what your soul type is. - A written piece on the concept that will help you understand why such souls don't fit in to society. Alternatively, listen to the audio transcription of it in the podcast.--- Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Wanderers, Star Seeds and Indigo Children and Old Souls Pt. 1

What is a wanderer, a starseed, an indigo child or an old soul? What do these terms refer to and to whom do they refer to? We take a look a how all these terms refer to highly evolved souls or higher dimensional souls native either to Earth or originally from elsewhere. Most of these types of souls spirits have long evolved past the need for a physical body so what or why are the choosing to come back to this planet and live in a body again. Could you or do fit into one of these categories? This podcast follows on from the last, regarding the nature of service.Part 2. will discuss the types of people who generally fit into these categories what signs to look out for yourself. Below is some media I've already created on the subject. - Cause 'm a Wanderer, Cause I'm a wanderer, I roam around, around, around, around (Dion - The Wanderer) - Oh Oh, I'm an Alien, I'm a Legal Alien... (Sting - Englishman In New York) - A quick image showing different Soul types - How to determine what your soul type is. - A written piece on the concept that will help you understand why such souls don't fit in to society. Alternatively, listen to the audio transcription of it in the podcast.--- Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Nature Of Service

What Is Service? What does it mean to offer service? What is meant by Service To Others and Service To Self? What ultimately is the point of service and what ultimately is the best way to offer and to be of Service? All these and more in this podcast.."And we say to each that the main service of each of you is the service of being yourself. For when you are most truly and deeply yourself, when your heart is open and vibrating in its fullness, you become a crystal capable of receiving energy, transmuting energy and releasing energy into the Earth’s sphere. Many of you from other planets have come here specifically to do this. It is a simple process. You breathe in. You breathe out. You allow the truth to flow through you." ~ Quo 18 March 2001--- Send in a voice message: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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