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The State of the Universe - Stephen Hawking 70th Birthday Symposium
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The State of the Universe - Stephen Hawking 70th Birthday Symposium

Author: Cambridge University

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'The State of the Universe' scientific conference and the public symposium were held in Cambridge UK, to celebrate the 70th birthday of Professor Stephen Hawking. The conference was hosted by the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (DAMTP) at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in the University of Cambridge. We were very pleased to be able to hold this remarkable event for Professor Hawking, whose courage, insight and vision continues to have such an impact on the way we all understand fundamental physics at the extremes in black holes and the Big Bang. A major goal of the event was to review the current status of the fields of black holes, cosmology and fundamental physics; the 27 invited speakers are all world leaders in these fields.
27 Episodes
Stephen Hawking. A Brief History of Mine with introduction by Justin Rattner, Chief Technology Officer, Intel Corporation
Kip Thorne. Black Holes: A New Golden Age with introduction by Dr Nathan Myhrvold - CEO, Intellectual Ventures
Saul Perlmutter. Supernova, Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe with introduction by Dr Eng Lim Goh - Chief Technology Officer, SGI
Lord Rees. From planets to universes. Introductory remarks: Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz - Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge
Raphael Bousso. The State of the Multiverse
Neil Turok. The Big Crunch/Big Bang Transition
Michael Green. Scattering Amplitudes in String and Field Theory
Hermann Nicolai. Consistent Kaluza Klein universes from maximal supergravity
Bruce Allen. The Einstein@Home search for gravitational waves and neutron stars
Andrew Strominger. Microscopic Realization of the dS/CFT Correspondence
Alexander Vilenkin. Did the universe have a beginning?
Andrei Linde. Inflation in supergravity and string theory
Shing-Tung Yau. Quasi Local Mass and Momentum in General Relativity
James Hartle. The State of the No Boundary Wave Function
Thomas Hertog. A new twist on the no-boundary state
Gary Horowitz. Instability of Anti-de Sitter
Harvey Reall. Black holes and extra dimensions
James Sparks. The Nuts and Bolts of AdS/CFT
Simon Ross. Holography and black holes
Luis Lehner. Black holes & membranes: observables & surprises?