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The SuperPodHeroCast

Author: Night Shift Radio

Subscribed: 25Played: 1,855


Join Casey & Todd as they journey through the superhero movie genre! This is a Bi-monthly podcast where the movies are chosen at random from Thor's Helmet (and yes they really have a helmet).
195 Episodes
A little light-hearted fun to fill these summer days!Enjoy!
Join Todd & Casey as they drive to Brooklyn for a live taping for "How did this get made?"
Join Casey and Todd for the final BONUS EPISODE before the new season with VIP return guest Colin & Chuck. This episode they slightly review "Planet Hulk". New Season starts Sept. 7th!
Welcome back to The SuperPodHeroCast as we kick off Season 2 with a bang! Dolph Lungren stars as the titular... hero?... in the 1989 The Punisher! Remember that one? No? Don't worry. We've got you covered!
Episode 23- "Wanted" (2008)

Episode 23- "Wanted" (2008)


Is this the most murderous Batman ever on film? Has Henry Cavill forgotten how to smile in this movie? Why is Gal Gadot so awesome??   Join Todd, Casey & special guest Colin as we answer this a many more question in our most in depth episode yet!
Todd & Casey have a very special announment to make.  
In 1993, Robert Townsend wrote, directed, and produced The Meteor Man. 25 years later how does it hold up? Join Casey and Todd as they review this... movie?Oh - Bill Cosby has super powers. That's not going to be a problem, right?
We had heard this movie was bad...we weren't prepared.  Join our Patreon: 
Hey, remember when we talked about joining our friends over at the Never Heard Of It podcast and watched that god-awful Spaghetti-Man? Well we show our hospitality by inviting Caleb of NHOI to join us for Sam Raimi's 1990 Darkman!
There was an idea, the idea was to bring together...well quite honestly all Marvel characters Marvel still owned the rights to...this was the beginning of that idea, and it was "Iron Man"
Holiday Episode 2018

Holiday Episode 2018


Happy holidays!While we enjoy a little time with our families during our mid-season break, please enjoy this collection of outtakes from season 2!See you in January for Superman II!
Join us and out special guest Colin (resident Superman expert) as we review the Richard Donnor cut of Superman 2! 
Join Casey, Todd, & 3 special guests: Shannon, "the bean" and "goon" as they discuss last year's smash "The Incredibles 2!"  
What's this? This isn't a theatrically-released movie! TSPHCamry Commander (and Patreon supporter!) Patrick Patrick made a compelling case for us to bend the rules with this very special episode! Check it out!
An immortal superhero....who barely cares about being a superhero needs an image change and he's found the perfect PR person. Just as long as you don't call him...well you know. Join Todd & Casey as they review...Hancock.
Join Todd, Casey , and Special Guest Chuck as they review the second entry (that is mostly cannon) into the MCU.
The MCU train keeps rollin’ as we suit up for Iron Man 2!
Who can forget the classic catchphrases from this movie? "SMMMMMOOOKIN'!" or "Somebody stop me!" Well....someone should have stopped and thought about the choices being made in this movie... Join Casey, and Todd as they review the 1994 film....."The Mask"!
It's a birthday wish come true! The podcast gets significantly classier as Casey's better half, Dani, joins us for 1999’s Mystery Men!