The Teachers' Classroom

Explores current issues and topics in education and how they relate to teaching and students.

Resilient Schools with Kristin Souers

Trauma researcher and author Kristin Souers talks about her work, and discusses what makes a school resilient, and how the systems of a school need to come together and work in tandem toward being trauma-informed.


Becoming a Trauma-Operational School with Lisa Dinhofer

Is your school or district walking the talk? Are they training educators to become trauma-informed but then still run the school as if it's the 1050's? Using the Appreciative Inquiry model as her framework, guest Lisa Dinhofer takes us through questions a team of educators can ask themselves as they go through the work of ensuring that the operations and systems within their workplace are actually trauma-informed.


Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout

Crisis expert Lisa Dinhofer is back to explain the nuances of compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma, and burnout. As we are navigating this new world of SEL and mental health-focused schools and programming, it's important to understand the differences. Language matters.


COSEM Book Author Talk with Tracy Heilers and Lindsey Frank

Founder and CEO Tracy Heilers and Board President Lindsey Frank of the Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully (COSEM) share how the organization came about and how they created their book, "Educating Mindfully: Stories of School Transformation Through Mindfulness." This text has become one of their most popular tools it helping schools and districts implement a climate of mindfulness based SEL.


Why We Need Parenting & Caregiving Curriculum in High School

Host Matt Weld speaks with ParenTeach and ParentABLE founder/CEO Katharine Bensinger about the importance of teaching parenting and caregiving to high school students. It's important for kids to understand Adverse Childhood Effects while they are young and to gain enough child development and personal advocacy skills to avoid 'unintentional' parenting mistakes.


The Power of Relationships with Greg Wolcott

Author and educator Greg Wolcott joins host Matt Weld in discussing the importance of relationships in schools. Greg also gives easy classroom strategies to strengthen relationships with students and teachers.


Mindfulness-Based SEL with Lindsey Frank

Social Emotional Learning - SEL - is the buzzword in education. Author, coach, and teacher Lindsey Frank stops in to talk about what SEL is, how adding the mindfulness piece adds power, and how teaching kids her HEART process can be a lifelong gift.


The ELL Student Experience with Bridget

What's it like attending an English-speaking school from the perspective of a student who doesn't know English? In this conversation, Bridget, a High School Junior tells her story of how she navigated teachers, friends, and the friction between her White and Latin identities as she learned the language and culture of America through school.


How2Inform with Dr. Vesna Markovic & Kimberley Skubic

'Verify before you Amplify' is the catchphrase of How2Inform, a website dedicated to teaching students about misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation on social media and the Internet in general. Dr. Vesna Markovic and Kimberley Skubic, both with backgrounds in criminal justice, talk with host Matt Weld about their program.


Meditation in the Classroom with Dr. Bill Meyer

Meditation in the Classroom with Dr. Bill Meyer, author of the book, "Three Breaths and Begin: a Guide to Meditation in the Classroom." In addition, we discuss the hallmarks of good SEL programming in schools and the different ways in which they can start.


Upcoming Illinois Conferences You Need to Know About

Learn about Illinois Education & Technology Conference (IETC), Raising Student Achievement Conference (RSAC), Educating Mindfully Conference (EMCon), The Teacher Leadership Summit (TLS), and The Illinois Digital Educators Alliance Conference (IDEACon) coming up later in 2021 and into 2022.


The Substitute Teacher Experience with Amanda von Moos

There is a substitute teacher shortage in the United States. Substantial Classrooms used design thinking to come up with possible solutions on where and how to recruit subs, how to train them, provide ongoing support, and also how very little changes in school procedures can make a big difference in the substitute's experience.


PD Post-COVID : Cross-post from EdTechDistilled

Adam Geisen and David Lerch from the podcast EdTechDistilled had host Matt Weld on as a guest to talk about the future of Professional Development post-COVID. Discussion includes edtech updates, the Directions Conference, and a summary of what we are doing in our own lives and what we're drinking that night.


A Candid Conversation with Julie Smith

Host Matt Weld has a conversation with Communications Professor Julie Smith that ranges from Formula 1 Racing to Star Wars to trips out west to empty nesting and more.


Wellbeing and Self Care for Educators and Students with Dr. Matt Dewar

​A required course for all Freshmen on Personal Wellbeing facilitated by a Wellbeing Coach? A multi-layered system for educator support? It's actually a thing at the high school in Lake Forest, IL, a suburb of Chicago. Dr. Matt Dewar, the wellbeing coach for the district describes the program and why it's so effective. In addition to providing his go-to tips for on-the-spot stress reduction, he explains the importance of breath and our mind-body connection as well as how our society's view of intense exercise as a stress-reliever might not be as effective as we think it is.


Human Trafficking Awareness with Ginger Coakley

Tens of thousands of Americans and millions of persons worldwide are trafficked each year and compelled into labor or the sex trade. Ginger Coakley, co-executive director of Eden's Glory, a rehabilitation center for exploited women, and Winda M., a trafficking survivor, describe the situation and offer some suggestions on how teachers and schools can help identify victims and prevent human trafficking through education.


Empathy, Disabilities, and Differences with Katy Fattaleh

Katy Fattaleh of the NORA Project sits down with host Matt Weld to talk about empathy, compassion, sympathy, the use of the word 'disability' as well as how to use 'person first' language when talking about people with differences and disabilities. Katy goes on to give examples of how to make differences and disabilities part of what's normal in the classroom.


Personal Digital Inquiry with Julie Coiro, Ph.D.

Personalized Digital Inquiry emphasizes the personal relationships that we build, the role that digital texts and tools play, and the way in which we cultivate a culture that inspires learners to grow and change in relevant ways. Dr. Julie Coiro is a professor of reading and digital literacy at the University of Rhode Island, landing here after having taught PreK - 8 students with learning disabilities. In addition to speaking nationally and internationally, Dr. Coiro works with educators to support their understanding of digital inquiry as part of comprehension strategy instruction designed to foster engaged reading and deeper learning.


Teaching With Poverty in Mind with Eric Jensen, Ph.D.

Listen in to Dr. Eric Jensen as he discusses poverty with host Matt Weld in a conversation that covers the definition of poverty, classroom teaching techniques, ideas for parental involvement, the importance of educator self-care, and more. Dr. Jensen is the author of more than 30 research-based books, and speaks internationally.


Trauma and Shakespeare with Dawn Stern

Schools aren't the only place where trauma is studied, unpacked, and used as a new lens through which to view human psychology and behavior. DeCruit is a nonprofit whose mission is to help veterans work through their trauma with the help of Shakespeare. Matt's conversation with Dawn Stern illustrates just how much of what happens in schools to help students with trauma can work throughout their lifetime.


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