The Time-In Talks Podcast

The Time-In Talks Podcast
Author: Tejal V Patel
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© 2024 The Time-In Talks Podcast
Join me (Tejal V Patel) Award-Winning Author and Mindfulness/Mediation Expert for Families for refreshingly real talks that help modern moms find spiritual solutions to the biggest problems we experience in motherhood + life. Episodes will include topics on mindful parenting, stress-relief tips, Yogic and Ayurvedic wisdom for the modern family, inspiring convos with fellow experts + moms and fun mini-episodes with my son Ayaan where he will share mindful solutions to modern kids problems. You’ll leave each episode with real-life mindful takeaways you can use right away. Get ready to feel inspired to take on tough motherhood moments with a renewed sense of positivity and confidence. Follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatel for more tips!
121 Episodes
What's the difference between being nice and kind? A whole world of a difference. It goes from being a people pleaser to being authentically soul aligned. We dive into this nuance in today's episode when we talk about how to raise authentic kids who are honest and know how to set strong boundaries vs being nice, polite and appeasing to authority. If you want to become and raise strong boundaries and soft hearted souls- this one is for you! Wanna dive into learning more into getting unstu...
This is for all my recovering people pleasers... In this episode I talk about: 1. The spiritual and somatic intersection of people pleasing. 2. How it's a trauma response and not a personality trait. 3. The 3 levels of healing we will go through to transcend pleasing into authentic expression and the steps to heal. You'll walk away from the episode feeling confident how to be in relation to your people pleasing tendencies and start breaking the patterns. Wanna dive into learning more in...
Awakening to the Educational Industrial Complex. 1. How Rockefeller designed our schooling system to raise kids who don't know how to think but are taught what to think. 2. How does that still apply now 3. Importance of raising kids with critical thinking skills 4. What parents can do at home to build kids critical thinking skills. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatel For more info on stress regulation coaching email m...
I've been oddly fascinated with how rampant cancel culture has gotten in our society. And in this opportunity to help heal this collective wound in the macrocosm, I'm sitting with how we can heal the roots in our own microcosm and relationships. In this episode I talk about: 1. How attachment wounds play into these roles like people pleasing and insecure attachment. 2. Transforming judgment to curiosity 3. The power to live like we are already canceled. If you find ...
If you're on the awakening journey but you wish you know where you were going, what is the point of this whole thing, and would like a BIG picture, well then this episode is for you. I break down the 3 ego beliefs that keep us stuck in suffering, pain and confusion. How to balance our dignity and humanity. The purpose of the spiritual ego and how to integrate out of it. If you are on a spiritual awakening journey, this episode will deeply speak to you. Fo...
We are constantly being bombarded of devastating images of destruction and war but how do we cope with the activation in our body. How can we learn to build attunement to what's happening without bypassing what's happening in our body.For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatelFor more info on stress regulation coaching email me
I share some of the spiritual truths I've learned through the Bhagvad Gita that can help us understand Kal Yug, the two polarities and why the trauma we see in the world is happening. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatelFor more info on stress regulation coaching email me
When we are bombarded with world crisis how do we find our voice when we don't know all the facts? What is our purpose, how are we meant to serve and what can we truly do? I dive into all these ideas from a spiritual lens.For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatelFor more info on stress regulation coaching email me
With the recent events happening the world we see such a divide, pain, violence and death and it can be a lot for our nervous system and hearts to handle. In this episode, I'm going to share some somatic techniques to regulate our nervous system back to a space of safety after witnessing global atrocities and pain. This podcast will be your guid not staying grounded, embodying strength and finding safety within amidst the chaos. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspir...
Over the past year going on a fitness and physical well-being journey many habits and lifestyle practices in my life has changed. I'm sharing in this podcast the habits and the steps on how I made being part of the 5AM club, sleeping early, getting workouts and steps in without it feeling overwhelming or stressful. If you want practical tips for transforming your morning and eventing routine tune into this episodes for actionable advice and fresh perspectives. For more refr...
There is something to be said that only age can bring certain kind of wisdom. I'm sharing some of my greatest truths and lessons when I turned 40 and how I'm ushering in 41 from a different energy and intention. SO if any of these topics speak to you: 1. Knowing the Right Path to take 2. Self-Actualization - how to do it and what it means 3. Dealing with disrespectful people and finding your worth. This episode will greatly speak to your soul. For more refresh...
As moms we desperately need breaks from our kids. But then we feel guilty that we can't spend all our time with them. It's essential for our well-being and to be able to co-regulate our kids but why do we struggle so much with it, how can we start infusing it and why it's so important. After listening to this episode you'll start re-thinking taking breaks from your kids isn't a bad thing, but the best thing you can do as a parent. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and ins...
Doing this real time recording to share why the collective male figures in the world are slowly crumbling and losing their power. And what can we do at this pivot point in human history to evolve ourselves into soul-aligned humans. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatelFor more info on stress regulation coaching email me
How do you stay emotionally connected to your partner when you are upleveling on the spiritual journey and they are not? This was a hot topic on IG and I've definitely been there and have great insights to share. If you are on a conscious spiritual journey and feel that your partner is being left behind, definitely tune into this one. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatel For more info on stress regulation coaching email me t...
Did you ever feel growing up you didn't fit in or belong with a group of friends? You aren't a lone. In this solecast I share my journey of never fitting in up until my 30's and how you stop seeking friends and start inviting them into your life when you take the steps to belong to your authentic self first. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatelFor more info on stress regulation coaching email me
Do you feel like a broken record? You are constantly reminding your super wise and smart child over the smallest tasks. You forgot to pick up your book bag.. .AGAIN! Do you have your stuff for basketball? Where is your water bottle? All the reminding is draining on our energy and over time it naturally gets us frustrated. But this episode is all about solutions and strategies to stop getting into power struggles with our kids and finding ways to support them while allow natural consequence...
Did you know Monday's are the least ideal to workout or start new habits? Each day of the week carry a different energy which means different tasks and workouts are more and less ideal on given days. Based on the Ayurveda dosha's I break down which tasks, self-care and workouts are best to focus on each day of the week. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatel For more info on stress regulation coaching email me tejal@tejalvp...
Did you ever notice that some weeks you have no motivation to workout and others you have the energy to workout? That's because as females we are cyclical beings that follow the monthly moon cycle. Our energy wanes and gains throughout the month which means that our workouts need to change week to week to match our energy. Not sure where to start? Don't worry I walk you through the steps to match your workouts to your dosha and menstrual cycle. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and in...
Self-regulating yourself and co-regulating your kids on vacation is a whole different beast. With more opportunities for sensory overload, routines messed up and skipped naps it's a recipe for whining, meltdowns and big feelings (them and yours). In this episode I share some of the key practices I use when self-regulating on trips and new strategies on helping your kids through big feelings in public places. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to fol...
Something triggers you and you immediately react. How often does this happen? If you have found that no matter how much you try to be patient and access that "pause" before your respond it feels impossible. Don't worry this episode is for you. I give you some of my best secrets I've learned to help me stop having knee-jerk reactions. For more refreshingly "reel" tips and inspiration- be sure to follow me on Instagram @tejalvpatel For more info on stress regulation coaching email...
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How can we stop micromanaging our partners so they can be responsible themselves?