The Transformational Nutrition Coaching Podcast

The Transformational Nutrition Coaching Podcast is redefining nutrition one episode at a time! Cynthia Garcia, Founder and CEO of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, will explore simple and practical actions that will help you feed your deepest hungers, transform your mental health, and enjoy deeper relationships. We are inviting you to join in on the conversation of our modern-day approach to nutrition and dig deep to understand what feeds you — physically, mentally and spiritually! Join in on the conversation every Tuesday for a discussion of our modern-day approach to nutrition and dig deep to understand what feeds you — physically, mentally and spiritually!


Even though it’s bittersweet to end this show, Cynthia has some exciting news about what’s coming up next. She’s received a lot of feedback from listeners that you all are ready for bigger topics on coaching, personal development, and starting and scaling a successful business. That’s where her new show, I’d Like to Thank My Self, comes in.  I’d Like to Thank My Self is all about becoming self-made and stepping in to the person that you know you’re meant to be. She’ll be sharing conversations that cover things like mindset, confidence, overcoming adversity, and so much more.  We’re realizing that you are ready for a much bigger, real, and raw conversation about how to create a life and business so good you’re only jealous of yourself.  To round out The Transformational Nutrition Coaching Podcast, Cynthia shares her top five episodes (plus a special bonus one). She highlights what makes each of those episodes near and dear to her, and why she recommends that you go back and listen if you missed them the first time around.  Cynthia’s Top Episodes:  Episode 50: 50 Things I Wish I Had Known When I First Started Coaching Episode 37: Dr. Mike Dow on Brain Health, Ketamine, Psychotherapy, and Holistically Improving Your Mental Wellness Episode 59: Cognitive Decline is the Pandemic Nobody’s Talking About — Here’s How You Fix Your Brain with Dr. ​​​​Tom O’Bryan Episode 51: How to Overcome “Mom Guilt” and Live in the Moment with Elle Gail Episode 49: How to Heal Your Gut and Follow Your Intuition with Brandi Mackenzie Episode 1: From Homeless to Health Coach       In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  Common threads in the feedback from listeners  What you can expect from Cynthia’s new show, I’d Like to Thank My Self Cynthia’s favorite episodes and why they’re her top recommendations  A powerful message from Cynthia as she closes this chapter of the podcast  Important Links: Show notes for this episode  Resources Mentioned: Get on the waitlist for my new show, I’d Like to Thank My Self  Access our Free Health & Nutrition Coaching 101 Course Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN graduate, Sarah Joy, on Instagram 


65. How to Holistically Support Your Hormone Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca

If you're looking to improve your hormone health, you're going to want to hear this! Dr. Anna Cabeca is a Triple-Board Certified OB-GYN who has worked with thousands of women one-on-one to help them understand and improve their health and manage their hormones. She is committed to supporting women so that they can thrive physically, emotionally, sexually, and spiritually, and we are so excited to share her knowledge with you. Although we recorded this interview with Dr. Anna a couple years ago, her expertise on hormone health, cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, inflammation, and thyroid health is still incredibly relevant and important in today's world.  Dr. Anna explains how people are seeking help for more and more chronic pains and illnesses that are significant symptoms stemming from the same three root causes — hormone imbalance, inflammation, and adrenal fatigue. Tune in to hear tips, tricks, and strategies for holistically supporting your hormones, getting rid of toxins, and lowering your cortisol levels. To view our full list of Show Notes and Episode Resources, visit 


64. How to Maximize Your Memory to Best Serve Your Clients with Jim Kwik

One of the fears that holds coaches back from not pursuing their dreams is the concept of information overwhelm. There’s this pressure to know absolutely everything about health and wellness, but we all know that’s simply impossible.  Luckily, world-renowned memory and brain coach Jim Kwik has amazing solutions for that exact problem. Jim offers executive coaching services to students, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, and he joins Cynthia on this episode to explain how you can retain key information as a coach.  Jim breaks down how to optimize your memory for everything from research and statistics to names and faces. He illustrates the connection between memory lapses and multitasking, and how simple brain training exercises can help you stay focused. He also shares tips for speed reading and better comprehension, which will help you stay on top of all the latest information in the health and nutrition space.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  The four key ways to absorb information FASTER  How to increase your reading speed by 25% to 50% Tips for being powerfully present with your clients  The 10 critical lifestyle habits that will support your memory  How “digital dementia” might be limiting your ability to retain information (and how to start reversing those effects!)  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Access our Free Health & Nutrition Coaching 101 Course Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Connect with Jim:  Learn more on Jim's website  Follow Jim on Instagram  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


63. Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Nutrition Coaching

We just closed enrollment for the last time in 2022 for our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach program. And whether or not you enrolled for a spot this go-around or not, you most likely have a ton of questions about becoming a health and nutrition coach.  That's why we've created our 4-part Nutrition Coaching 101 video course — to walk you through absolutely everything there is to know about this career! In today's epsiode, we're giving you a sneak peek at this course, starting with the first video. Throughout the rest of the series, you'll discover... What a coach REALLY is... and isn't (and why the difference can determine your level of success) The easy to follow, step-by-step process to coach clients – (even if you worry you won’t have all the answers) The secret advantage to making great money and having the freedom to do what you want, when you want — without burning out in the process The “3-legged stool” approach to coaching that’s simple to use and gets every client you coach results, no guesswork required!  and more! You can get access to the full course over at  View our Show Notes at


62. 3 Fears That Hold People Back From Becoming a Health Coach

There are three specific fears that Cynthia has noticed with people who want to become coaches, but don’t take any action towards making their dream a reality. In this episode, she addresses what they are and explains how you can overcome them.  The number one limiting belief that people feel held back by is that they’re introverted. As a homebody herself, Cynthia shares strategies that she’s implemented to ensure she can protect her peace and show up as the best possible version of herself for every client.  Potential coaches often fear that they need to be an expert in all areas of wellness and look a certain way, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coaches also never have to resort to sales tactics that aren’t in alignment with how they want to run their business, which is one of the major benefits of being your own boss.   Listen in as Cynthia breaks down the common misconceptions about what it takes to be a coach and shares resources to get started with your coaching career today!  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  The easiest trick to managing your energy as a coach How to build your career around modalities that light you up  Tips for staying grounded and guided by your bigger purpose for becoming a coach  The best way to address where your fear of selling or marketing might be coming from  How to handle situations with clients when you don’t have the answer right away  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Access our Free Health & Nutrition Coaching 101 Course Episode 20. You’re Not a Perfectionist… but you are THIS  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN graduate, Sarah Joy, on Instagram  


61. The REAL Reason You Haven't Picked a Niche, and How to Do So TODAY

This is your sign to stop procrastinating, move through the fear, and start your coaching career today. So many aspiring coaches stall out when it comes to choosing a niche, but that’s often because it’s an excuse to stay in their comfort zones. In this episode, Cynthia breaks down the three questions that you want to ask yourself in order to get really clear on your niche and start working with clients.  The most common reason why people pursue coaching is because they’ve overcome a personal struggle or helped a loved one through a challenging time, and now they want to share what they’ve learned through their transformation with people who could really benefit from it. Cynthia shares tangible examples of niches that you can choose based on needs, lifestyles, and symptoms. She also highlights the passion-based learning curriculum at ITN that helps coaches become experts in whatever area of health and wellness lights them up the most.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  Real-world examples of how niching down sets you up for success as a coach   How you can take your personal struggle and turn that into your speciality  A powerful visualization exercise to help you figure out who your audience is  Why niching doesn't limit you (and how it actually does the opposite!) The ideal timeline to set for yourself before you switch gears and try another niche  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Access our Free Health & Nutrition Coaching 101 Course Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN graduate, Sarah Joy, on Instagram  


60. 5 Ways to Get Clients Without Social Media

Whether you love social media or you'd rather stay unplugged, we can all admit that it can be overwhelming, especially for coaches. In this episode, Cynthia shares five ways to build your brand, share your message, and attract clients — without spending another second using social media. You should never put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to growing your business, yet it seems like every coach turns to social media first. Cynthia highlights ways to get involved in your community, particularly with small businesses that are health and wellness oriented. She breaks down how some ITN grads have collaborated with local gyms and really made a name for themselves in their area.  Other ways to broaden your reach include working with press and local publications, creating long-form content on a blog or website, building your email list, and setting up a referral program. Listen to hear Cynthia’s advice for spending less time scrolling and more time working with clients.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  How to prepare a pitch and offer for a local business collaboration  Creative ways to establish credibility and get your name out there  How often you want to ideally communicate with your email list subscribers  The one tip that can DOUBLE your revenue How to capture the power of word-of-mouth recommendations   Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Access our Free Health & Nutrition Coaching 101 Course Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN graduate, Sarah Joy, on Instagram 


59. Cognitive Decline is the Pandemic Nobody’s Talking About — Here’s How You Fix Your Brain with Dr. ​​​​Tom O’Bryan

Fourteen of the top 15 causes of death are chronic inflammatory diseases. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the amount of inflammation in your body from a functional medicine perspective. In this episode, Cynthia sits down with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, an expert on gut health and autoimmune disease, to discuss how to combat cognitive decline, reduce inflammatory triggers, and correct the root cause of leaky gut.   According to Dr. Tom, brain deterioration is the pandemic that not enough people are talking about. He shares why it’s so critical to start treating signs of cognitive decline early on and gives his top recommendations for identifying where inflammation is coming from.  Dr. Tom highlights ways to reduce environmental triggers in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and food you consume. He also breaks down the brain-gut connection and gives his top 3 non-negotiables that anyone can implement for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  The first critically important step to take to improve your cognitive health  The most common environmental trigger for inflammation (and how to avoid it) Affordable ways to get cleaner water for you and your family  The five pillars that lead to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases Practical ways — that won’t break the bank! — to start healing symptoms of leaky gut  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: You Can Fix Your Brain book  Dr. Tom's Three Step Gut Reboot Guide  EWG’s Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Chemicals  EWG’s Clean 15 List Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Connect with Dr. Tom O'Bryan Follow Dr. Tom on Instagram  Learn more on Dr. Tom’s website  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


58. The Truth About What Spirituality REALLY Means and Why It’s So Critical to Health Coaching

Studies have shown that incorporating spirituality in your life strengthens your immune system, lowers pain, fights stress, increases emotional wellbeing, and so much more. But, it’s one of the most commonly overlooked and misunderstood aspects of a healthy lifestyle.  At ITN, our core curriculum goes much deeper than mediation, mindful practices, and religion. Those aspects can be important, but spiritual nutrition is about discovering meaning and connection to yourself and the world around you.  Cynthia dives into the three subcategories of spirituality and explains what happens when you’re lacking in any one of those areas. She illustrates the domino effect of filling a spiritual void with unhealthy habits, including overeating and self-isolation.  Cynthia also shares a real life example of what it can look like to be spiritually disconnected and highlights how you can work with clients to implement soulful, nourishing practices into their lives. Listen in to learn more about how you can start to cultivate a deeper connection to your spirituality and help your clients do the same.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  What really happens when you ignore spiritual nutrition  The “proactive health model” that helps you and your clients get to the root cause of their symptoms  The surprising link between increased sugar consumption and lack of spiritual connection  Warning signs that you or your client may be struggling with spirituality  Creative ways to easily integrate spiritual practices into your daily and weekly routines Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Episode 12 - Spirituality & Sugar Go Hand in Hand  Download the Course Catalog and Getting Started Guide  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN graduate, Sarah Joy, on Instagram


57. Never Worry About How to Build Your Coaching Business Again with These 5 Steps

You want to be a coach… but that doesn’t mean you’re ready to be an entrepreneur.  One of the biggest mistakes Cynthia made when first starting out as a coach was taking time to actually understand how to build a business. We want to make sure YOU don’t stumble over the same roadblocks as she did!  In today’s episode, Cynthia shares the five steps that every aspiring coach should take to break through any limiting beliefs and create a wildly successful business.  Cynthia describes how truly believing in yourself is essential to finding success as a coach and making decisions that propel your career forward. She shares some tangible tips for building a strong personal brand and an effective marketing strategy. Cynthia also illustrates the importance of getting super clear on who you want to work with, what you want to work with them on, and the method you’re going to use to achieve results.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  The #1 secret to your success as a coach… that isn’t what you think it would be Tips to help you attract the right type of clients for your business Why you should always start your business with coaching clients one-on-one  How to market your offerings in a more authentic, aligned way  The importance of just starting now and putting yourself out there (and what will happen if you don’t) Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Download the Course Catalog and Getting Started Guide  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student, Darcel Osei, on Instagram


56. THIS is How You Make a Decision Fast (and Not Regret it Later)

In every decision that we face, there are psychological factors that weigh in and affect the choices that we make. Between choosing what to cook for dinner, creating a success plan for a client, and everything in between, it’s no surprise that so many of us struggle with decision fatigue.  On today’s episode, Cynthia shares her simple decision-making formula that makes it simple and easy to take definitive action. Once you identify what the problem is, you weigh the solutions, list out the pros and cons of each option, and then consider the best case versus the worst case scenario.  Cynthia stresses that in most situations, there isn’t a wrong decision 一 just different outcomes. She breaks down how to overcome the fear of the emotions you might feel if you fail and how to make decisions that are in alignment with your priorities.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  How to recognize when you’re burnt out from making decisions (and how to recover) Three psychological coping mechanisms that can impact your ability to take risks and try something new  A simple system to help you consider your options and outcomes in every choice Tips for embodying what failure might feel like so that you don’t fear those emotions when making a decision  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student, Darcel Osei, on Instagram


55. 5 Must-Have Coaching Skills to Get Your Clients Results

Cynthia has met so many aspiring coaches who want to build a meaningful career around helping people improve their health and their lives. The only problem? They're concerned that they “don't have what it takes,” and they feel intimidated by the “coach” label.  On today’s episode, Cynthia breaks down the five simple skills that will help any coach show up more confidently and help their clients achieve results. She highlights how to actively listen, let the client lead, and build trust during coaching sessions. Cynthia also shares a mantra that she finds helpful to keep in mind when she’s meeting with clients one-on-one.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  Why your clients should always speak more than you do during coaching sessions  A great way to make sure that you understand what your client is trying to get across  Tips for paraphrasing or summarizing your client’s message  Easy ways build rapport and find common ground with your clients  How to allow for moments of self-exploration and discovery during coaching sessions  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Download your Getting Started Guide Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student, Jessica Davis on Instagram 


54. Hard, Not Complicated: The Power of Rewriting Your Stories and Changing Your Life with Eric Hall

When people ask Eric Hall how he lost 165 pounds, most people are looking for his diet and exercise tips. But, Eric insists that those two factors played a small part in his extreme weight loss journey. Instead, he reached his goal by creating small milestones, celebrating his wins, and staying focused on making his future self proud.  Eric’s approach to weight loss is best summed up by his motto: hard, but not complicated. He and Cynthia discuss the turning point that sparked Eric to take control over his health and find a sustainable weight loss solution. Since then, he’s been working to help people who are intimidated by all the crash diets and contradicting weight loss information out there. He also shares how he’s worked through feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt when it comes to being a Transformational Nutrition coach.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  The moment Eric realized that being unhealthy was more difficult than being healthy  Simplifying your approach to weight loss and getting back to basics  How Eric paced himself and learned to really love his process of getting healthy  Mindset shifts that helped Eric achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss  Using the qualifications that life has given you to be the most effective coach you can be  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Learn more about Find Your Feet, Eric’s 6-week weight loss masterclass  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Connect with Eric:  Eric Hall's Instagram The Rudimentary Life Instagram The Rudimentary Life Website  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


53. 3 of Our Recommended Supplements to Help You Manage Stress

September is one of the busiest times of year and can be a big transitional month for a lot of people. Settling into new routines and getting back on track can be stressful, so Cynthia is sharing the three supplements that she uses and recommends to anyone who feels like they need support to calm their bodies and their mind, and just generally feel more grounded.  Cynthia dives into the benefits and science behind supplements like Ashwagandha, L-theanine, and magnesium L-threonate. She shares how adding these three supplements into her wellness routine has helped relieve anxiety and stress, as well as promote relaxation and deeper sleep. Cynthia also explains the best way to introduce supplements into your diet and explores different ways to consume them.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  What happens when you’re in a chronic state of physical and/or mental stress  What an adaptogen is and how it works to enhance the body’s resilience to stress  The best supplement to take for promoting a relaxed feeling without a drowsy side effect  Several negative consequences of magnesium deficiency  Understanding the limitations of supplements Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student, Jessica Davis on Instagram


52. 3 Reasons Why Setting Goals is Actually Hurting You

As a coach, you might read the title of this episode and think that someone hacked the show. But, the reality is that your constant goal-setting might be holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Cynthia breaks down the top three reasons why she doesn’t believe in setting goals for everything in life and how she’s managed to embrace the journey instead of racing to the finish line.  It can be so easy to fall into the trap of finding all your self-worth and value in your ability to reach a goal. Sometimes our competitive nature takes over, we get tunnel vision, and we stop at nothing to achieve what we set out for. In some situations, this can work to your advantage, but it’s important to recognize when it starts to take over your life.  As a recovering chronic goal-setter, Cynthia shares her tips for how to make more well-rounded goals and become more flexible and forgiving when you come up against roadblocks. Listen in to hear more about reframing your approach to setting and achieving goals.    Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student Zorida Morales on Instagram


51. How to Overcome “Mom Guilt” and Live in the Moment with Elle Gail

Cynthia is joined by ITN grad and founder of MotherBar, Elle Gail. Elle spent the first 20 years of her career leading marketing teams at some of the world’s top brands and admits that she fully subscribed to the hustle and burnout culture of the corporate world. After having two kids back-to-back and grappling with the oh-so-common mom guilt, she discovered ITN and used the course as a way to find a better balance and deepen her health and wellness knowledge.  It was around that time that she started to explore the benefits of CBD and met with another ITN alum who had connections in the industry. Elle wanted to create a product for other people who felt like they were white-knuckling through life and craved something to help slow down and give themselves a micro self-care moment. She highlights how the ingredients in the MotherBar CBD mints work to use your senses to come back to your senses and explains what her vision is for the brand.  Elle and Cynthia also discuss the phenomenon of the primary caretaker’s “second shift,” how to recognize and work through your mother wound, and the process for giving yourself permission to just be. In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  How the curriculum at ITN helped Elle dig deeper into what she wanted out of the her next stage of her life  Tools for combatting the mom shame that is so prevalent in today’s society  The inspiring and empowering story behind MotherBar  Giving yourself permission to have it all without having to do it all The importance of unapologetically making yourself your number one priority  Important Links: Use code CYNTHIA20 to get 20% off your first purchase at!  Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live) by Eve Rodsky   Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Connect with Elle:  Shop MotherBar  Follow MotherBar on Instagram Follow Elle on Instagram   Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


50. 50 Things I Wish I Had Known When I First Started Coaching

To celebrate the 50th episode, Cynthia is sharing 50 things that she’s learned about coaching and building a business since launching her career. She’s highlighting the top ten lessons on this episode, and the other 40 can be found in this downloadable guide.  Cynthia shares stories from when she first started out as a coach and what she would do differently in hindsight. She emphasizes the importance of getting super clear on your offering, asking for feedback after discovery calls, and not getting caught in a cycle of comparison. She describes how her relationship to self promotion and marketing has changed, and why she’s such a strong believer in growing your email list.  Cynthia also mentions how every coach should have a process in place that they can use with all their clients一something that she learned the hard way. She gets into how to set up business processes and why she regrets not organizing her finances from the start.  There are so many tips and tricks in the coaching industry, so listen in as Cynthia pulls back the curtain to help other coaches save time, energy, and money.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  Strategies to help get focused and dialed in on your niche  Finding ways to track and measure everything that you do in your coaching business  Tools for shifting your mindset around marketing and utilizing authentic techniques  Why it’s crucial to develop your audience outside of social media  Learning how to be okay with silence and pauses during coaching sessions  Examples of business functions that you should have in place from day one  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Download the complete list of 50 things Cynthia has learned since becoming a coach! Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


049. How to Heal Your Gut and Follow Your Intuition with Brandi Mackenzie

In today’s episode, Cynthia catches up with Brandi Mackenzie, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Certified Holistic Chef, and creator of the Nourishment Framework™. Brandi recently published her book Love Your Gut: A Six-Week Guide to Restoring Your Nutrition and Trusting Your Intuition, and she and Cynthia discuss the inspiration behind it, what readers can expect to learn, and so much more.  After years of coaching and embarking on her own health journey, Brandi wanted to create a ‘reset button’ tool that people could use to empower themselves to heal their guts. She explains her approach to translating nutritional sciences into behavioral and lifestyle suggestions and breaks down the three phases of restoring your digestive health that she covers in her book.  In their conversation, Brandi and Cynthia explore why fad diets don’t work, how to develop a sense of trust, and the importance of following your body’s wise inner voice. Brandi highlights practical ways to celebrate without using food as a reward and what’s really moving the needle on her health goals lately. Plus, she shares her top advice for coaches who want to make a difference in the health and wellness space.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  How to start trusting yourself again and tune out the experts with differing opinions  Brandi’s ‘goal with soul’ approach to healing the line of communication between your gut and brain  Three practical lifestyle tips that will make a huge impact on your digestive health  The methodology behind the Love Your Gut preparation, elimination, and reintroduction phases  What Brandi considers to be the key success factor for health and wellness coaches  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Sunlighten mPulse Infrared Sauna   Download the Ultimate Guide to Digestive Health  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Brandi: Visit Brandi's website Follow Brandi on Instagram  Get your copy of Love Your Gut: A Six-Week Guide to Restoring Your Nutrition and Trusting Your Intuition Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook   Keywords: coachingbusiness, dreamcareer, dreamjob, health, healthcoach, healthcoaching, healthy, holistichealth, mentalnutrition, mentalwellness, modernhealth, nutritionclients, nutritioncoach, nutritioncoaches, nutritioncoaching, physical, spiritualnutrition, successfulbusiness, transformationalnutrition, weightloss   Permalink: Custom URL:   Author: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition


48. 5 Simple Steps to Help Your Body Rest & Digest

Functional gastrointestinal disorders affect 35% to 70% of people at some point in their life.  Stress can be a major trigger for symptoms like bloating and discomfort, so it’s not a surprise that during these last couple of years, Cynthia has seen an uptick in the amount of clients, coaches, and friends that have come to her looking for advice about how to get their digestive health back on track.    On today’s episode, Cynthia shares five simple tips that you can incorporate in your own life or recommend to your clients to help get back into a state of “rest and digest.” She breaks down the go-to breathing exercise she does before she sits down for a meal, how she reduces distractions while she eats, and tricks to slow yourself down while you’re eating. She also talks about the benefits she’s experienced from implementing a post-dinner family walk, and tools for developing a support system to help manage external stress and anxiety.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  Why the gut is often referred to as ‘the second brain’  What conscious eating is and how it affects digestion  The power of taking 10 deep, calming breaths before you start to eat  How to get yourself out of the habit of eating in front of a TV or computer screen How eating with loved ones and taking a post-meal stroll can aid with digestion  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: Download the Ultimate Guide to Digestive Health Coaching  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Connect with ITN student, Rochelle Weinrauch, on Instagram


47. Eating for the Health of our Gut and our Planet with Paleovalley's Autumn Smith

Autumn Smith is the co-founder of Paleovalley, a company dedicated to delivering the essential nutrients people need without any added sugars, grains, or other harmful ingredients. On this week’s episode, Cynthia sits down with Autumn to chat through Autumn’s health and wellness journey as well as what inspired her to shake up the health food industry.  After struggling with digestive issues for most of her teen and adult life, Autumn decided to try out the Paleo diet to attempt to get her life back. For 30 days, she eliminated refined foods, shopped at local farmer’s markets, and ate grass fed meats, wild seafood, and organic produce. The results — both physically and mentally — were astounding, and they sparked her interest to dive deeper into the connection between the way we feel and the way we eat. Autumn and Cynthia dive into mental health protective foods, how to balance your blood sugar, and tips for finding your dietary sources of inflammation. They also get into Autumn’s family-oriented morning routine and how she practices time blocking as a busy mom and business owner. Tune in to learn more about Autumn and how she’s transforming the way we eat on-the-go.  In today’s episode, you’ll discover:  How Autumn healed her damaged relationship with food and her body image after leaving the world of dance How seeking professional support can help you work through the root causes of your limiting belief systems and mindset blocks  How to unapologetically set and uphold your boundaries  Key micronutrients that have a major impact on mood regulation  What makes Paleovalley different from other health food brands  Important Links: Show notes for this episode Resources Mentioned: To get 15% off your full Paleovalley order, go to To get 85% off of Palevalley’s Apple Cider Vinegar Complex, go to  Learn more about becoming a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Watch the Dream Career video series  Connect with Autumn Website Instagram Follow Us: Visit our website Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook


Gina McCune

This is the smartest way to wellness I've ever seen. Love.

09-28 Reply

Gina McCune

I have a new favorite podcast show! So much great stuff here!

09-28 Reply

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