DiscoverThe True Presbyterian
The True Presbyterian

The True Presbyterian

Author: Mike Hutchinson

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Navigating the world of Christian faith and practice can be difficult. Every Monday and Wednesday, join Mike Hutchinson, a long-time student of Christian theology, as he interviews guests who are expert guides to Christianity, theology, and the historic Reformed faith. Whether you're interested in learning about Christianity, you're a new Christian, you're new to Reformed theology, or you're a long-time student of theology yourself, this is the podcast to help you think biblically and think deeply about theology.
98 Episodes
Exodus and New Exodus

Exodus and New Exodus


Now that I am finally fully staffed at work, it's time to resurrect the show and dive in to my favorite subject: biblical theology (or better yet, a canonical-thematic approach to Scripture). Today all I am trying to do is orient you to the introductory material so we can get into the meat of things in episode two. A big thank you to my patrons (Graham, David, Daniel,  and Jared) for supporting the show and sticking with me while I got my feet back under me here in North Carolina.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Ten years ago I sat on the floor in my parents' living room and promised my father that, when the day came, I would preach the homily at his funeral. On August 6, 2022 I was (barely) able to keep that promise. Thank you for your prayer and your support. Especially to Graham and all of my other patrons.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
My new friend Adi is a South African and a farmer so I thought he'd be able to give us the skinny on the situation on the ground for farmers in South Africa. Are things really as bad as you sometimes here? Are Afrikaaner farmers facing a significant number of murders. Adi has a lot to say about this. Be sure to listen.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Fight the Revolutionaries

Fight the Revolutionaries


Today I talked with Dr. Jan Adriaan Schlebush of The Pactum Institute about his new book, Assailing the Gates of Hell: Christianity at War with the Left. We start at the French Revolution, make our way to Berlin, Moscow, and Frankfurt and talk about how we managed to find ourselves in clown world. This is a conversation that I thoroughly enjoyed and I believe that you will to! My thanks as always to David, Graham, Daniel, Morgan, and Jared. Y'all make all this possible and I appreciate you greatly! If you'd like to become a patron as well, go to Patreon and sign up.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
I was gifted a copy of A New Day of Small Beginnings by Pierre Courthial (thanks Graham!) and that sparked some thoughts about the future of theonomy. So if theonomy is to have a future, if it isn't to grow stagnant and get stuck in 1985, what needs to happen? Stick around and find out.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
The State of the PCA

The State of the PCA


It looks like both overtures from this past General Assembly of the PCA (Overtures 23 and 37) are dead in the water. Now what?  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Year in Review

Year in Review


All I can say is that 2021 was mighty strange and full of lots of challenges. But the Lord has been faithful through it all. I can't thank my patrons and listeners enough for how well the podcast has performed over the past twelve months. Let's take a look back at 2021 before we bid it goodbye and then let's talk about the future.Here's to David, Morgan, Jared, Eric, and Graham. Y'all are the real stars of The True Presbyterian. Keep on rocking! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
There has been a lot of discussion about Christian Nationalism in both legacy media and social media over the past few weeks and so I decided, after mulling things over in my own brain for a bit, to wade into the fray. What's so scary about Christian nationalism? Why is all of this suddenly on the minds of everyone from the progvangelicals, to TGC, to Al Mohler? Can one square the idea of Christian nationalism with the Bible? Come join me and let's think all this through.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Once the microphones are cut off, I have some interesting conversations with my guests. This time, I'm talking with Eric Conn about hunting and male rites of passage. Enjoy!Donate cryptocurrency:BTC: bc1qkd6nr3fk9gnhacmwvwvpqe2q5er2uj82p69q34LTC: LSeAFxaRWSREoLAxVYoLxFVsyPP4vYgSANALGO: FSY5G7F6KK57IGOJYQB7Y2242BW4P6MNURZG5YBYJ5BCQ4MRCSU73IRO54 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Fight the Downgrade

Fight the Downgrade


Today I'm talking with Mr. Eric Conn of The Hard Men Podcast about the Reformed Downgrade. We talk about the feminization of the culture, the church, and the pulpit and what you can do to fight it. Donate cryptocurrency: BTC: bc1qkd6nr3fk9gnhacmwvwvpqe2q5er2uj82p69q34LTC: LSeAFxaRWSREoLAxVYoLxFVsyPP4vYgSANALGO: FSY5G7F6KK57IGOJYQB7Y2242BW4P6MNURZG5YBYJ5BCQ4MRCSU73IRO54 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
I have some interesting conversations once the microphones get turned off. This time I talked with Dr. Clauson about a rather wild story about him, the late Greg Bahnsen, and Liberty University. This one is a little nuts, but it's all true.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Well this episode has been a long time coming. My guest was Dr. Kevin Clauson of Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee and our conversation ran the gamut! From Alfred the Great to English Common Law to Critical Legal Theory, this one has a little bit of everything. I hope that y'all enjoy this one as much as I did!  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
I was invited to give a lecture to a group of folks on Discord about the church and cultural transformation. In today's episode, you'll get a glimpse into how I think the church qua church begins the process of cultural transformation. Many thanks to Jon Kodada for inviting me to join them. I hope you all found it edifying!  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Last week I received an email that included hundreds of pages of emails from the National Partnership, a private group within the PCA that has existed since 2013 and that has been a driving force behind many of the decisions of the Presbyterian Church in America's General Assembly. After spending days pouring through these emails, I sat down at the microphone today to talk about what they reveal about the goings on within the PCA. If you're interested in joining me for a lecture I've been invited to give on Discord, you can do so by following this link. ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Both Sorrow and Anger

Both Sorrow and Anger


I got a number of emails and text messages today about this episode of The Preacher Boys Podcast. Since Eric has been a guest and is a friend and patron of the show, and because y'all aren't going to leave me alone about this, here's a short episode where I ramble for a bit.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
County Christendom?

County Christendom?


Finally got to sit down at the microphone and riff on how Christians could begin to influence the culture by thinking small, attacking on the oblique, and focusing on their county. Many thanks to my patrons for their support. I've picked up some new folks recently and so a big thank you needs to go to Morgan and David, both of whom have just started supporting the show. But I haven't forgotten about Jared, Eric, and Graham, either. Y'all are pretty great.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Once the microphones are off, my guests and I keep talking. Listen in as I chat with Zachary Garris about the weakness of the complementarian project and why it's called getting manhandled.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
I'm talking with Zach Garris today. Zach is a graduate of RTS-Jackson and Wayne State University Law School. He has also written an excellent little book called Masculine Christianity that's available from Zion Press. In this conversation we talk about what patriarchy is, whether there can even be a God-honoring patriarchy, and why we're seeing a patriarchal resurgence and much more!  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
I sat down in my study with all of it's audio problems (echos, anyone? kid stomping upstairs? air conditioner like a freight train?) and riffed on some areas of life, politics, and theology that have been occupying my brain over the past two months. Enjoy!  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
So I finally got to sit down in front of the microphone after a long time. Listen in as I clarify the point of season three.  ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★