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The Truth Disciples

Author: John, Paul and Luke (JPL)

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Join us on our journey through the genre of conspiracy theory. Our sole but near impossible quest is to find the truth within the muddy narratives of these sensitive subjects and provide you with all the information you will need to hopefully inspire you to embark on your own journey. We will show you the various red & blue doors to open, but you are the one who will have to walk through them. It’s a personal journey a truth seeker has to tred alone to discern for themselves what really shapes their reality. Alice was brave enough to swallow the red pill & dive down the rabbit hole... Are you?
43 Episodes
Welcome back to the truth disciples. In this episode we are focussing on a creative artform most people love which has a dark underbelly most are unaware of or at least know little about. Most people love music, very few don’t. Our guest today has always loved the artform of music and we your hosts on this show certainly have too. It’s been a passion our whole lives, which is why we work in the Audio field and our guest carved out a successful career as a Radio & Club DJ within the Music Industry. Make no mistake, it’s more than just entertainment, music has a spiritual component to it, it has power, it has the power to move you, it has the power to change you, your mindset, your emotions and your view of the world. Even more mind-blowing, is the fact that it has the power to influence and change society on a large scale. Music at it’s core is a form of magick, magic with a K that is, and it’s a powerful form of magick because it can affect us and our surrounding world in so many ways. The controlling powers behind our society realised the influence music and other forms of popular entertainment like TV and movies can have on our individual minds and society a long, long time ago. Some people may scoff at that and say music is only sound, and that it’s really only frequency and vibration. There is of course a little truth in that, but when you realise just as the elites did long ago that our reality at it’s base is constructed on frequency and vibration then things start to make a little more sense why music is such a powerful manipulation tool. Manipulate freq and vibration….. and you can manipulate reality, that’s magick. It’s a masterful magicians trick based on our ancestral spiritual link to sound, rythmn and music. Music moves more than just our feet, that’s for sure.   Our guest today gives us a peek behind the wizards’ curtain of what is really going on in the Music Industry.  Mark Devlin was a high level DJ for over 20 years and during that time had an awakening experience and saw first-hand the dark nefarious foundations of the industry he loved. He is an author of 5 books which include the ‘Musical Truth’ trilogy which we take a deep dive into in this instalment. Mark travels the world as a public speaker and hosts his own podcast ‘Good Vibrations’ to pay forward the knowledge he has learned along the way. He has made great sacrifice even though he doesn’t see it that way to wake more people up to the reality of our world by breaking down the illusions of our orchestrated and manipulated world. Mark realised on his path of truth that there was more going on here than met the eye and that the war on our minds through music was part of a larger spiritual battle. This is an episode you won’t want to miss. Mark is one of the world’s leading agents of truth trying to bring to light the hidden dark forces behind our society. All Mark’s links are included below….. We hope you enjoy the show, whether you still enjoy music as much afterwards is another question. Much Luv.    Mark’s Links Podcast Facebook  Musical Truth FB Instagram  Intro Music  ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack Outro Music ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution’ by friend of the show Nicola Taylor  PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW THE TRUTH DISCIPLES ON SPOTIFY, APPLE PODCASTS AND INSTAGRAM. WE WOULD ALSO APPRECIATE IT AND BE BEYOND GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD RATE OUR SHOW. IF YOU WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN BELOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU.
Welcome back truth disciples as we take a journey into the topics of Astral Travel, Reality, Consciousness and the Self. In this episode to help us peel back the complex layers of these topics Brother Paul hosts a special guest Ceremonial Magician, Author and Spiritual Teacher Lyam Thomas Christopher.  Lyam who is a very experienced Astral practitioner hosts an amazing You Tube channel titled after his own name ‘Lyam Christopher’ which covers the topics of Ceremonial Magic / Magick, Bio-Hacks, Reality Analysis, Enlightenment Practices, Spiritual Development, Lucid dreaming, Astral Projection and many other esoteric areas of interest to a level everyone can understand regardless of their experience or knowledge. Lyam published his excellent and highly successful book Kabbalah Magic back in 2006 which has since it’s publication been a valuable system and guide for those spiritually attuned souls who are looking to transcend the physical and unite back with the divine, or what some might call embarking on the path of return. Brother Paul being an experiencer himself of Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming from a young age is always on the lookout for other perspectives on the topic and new techniques to enhance his own journey. He stumbled across Lyam’s You Tube channel and the 3 part series he delivered on Astral Projection which he identified as a breath of fresh air and the best breakdown of the fascinating topic of Astral Projection he had come across looking at the intricate roots and veins of the topic for a long time.  In this discussion you, the listener will be taken on a journey of what astral projection is and the steps you can take to hopefully start your own journey into the Astral realms and the enlightening journey of inner spiritual development. They cover many other areas related to Astral Projection including, the nature of illusory reality, the multi-layers of dream perception, self-observation, preparation, protection, multiple astral projection techniques, supplements to enhance your astral experiences and much, much more.  After listening to our discussion we highly recommend you subscribe to his You Tube channel, you won’t be disappointed. If you would like to purchase Lyam’s book ‘Kabbalah Magic’, book him for a consultation or contact him you can follow the links below.  Enjoy the show.   Kaballah Magic Book Lyam’s You Tube Channel   Lyam’s Blog   contact Lyam via email Twitter X   Intro Music  ‘Astral Projection’ by Tom Middleton   Outro Music ‘Inner Worlds’ by Astral Magic   PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW THE TRUTH DISCIPLES ON SPOTIFY, APPLE PODCASTS AND INSTAGRAM. WE WOULD ALSO APPRECIATE IT AND BE BEYOND GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD RATE OUR SHOW. IF YOU WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN BELOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. MUCH LUV.
Welcome home, Truth Disciples. Another Episode and another very special guest. As you know, we have looked at the Paranormal and High Strangeness field multiple times from different angles, and in this episode we return to that field to analyse some well known cases and discuss the finer aspects of what this phenomena may actually be. Plot spoiler, it’s not all sweetness and light. Labels like the Paranormal, the Supernatural or High Strangeness, refer of course to phenomena that lies outwith the understanding of modern science at the moment. Many phenomena fall under these umbrella terms including spirits, ghosts, demons, shadow people, poltergeist, aliens, UFO’s, UAP’s, abduction cases, timeslips, time anomalies, time travel, cryptozoology ………the list goes on and on and on.  To discuss these areas, we are joined today by Steve Mera the Director of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology and CEO of Phenomena Magazine who is one of the most experienced and well known Paranormal Researchers on the planet. Steve has been working in this field for over 40 years and over that time has experienced many high strangeness events himself and has also researched the cases of many other fellow experiencers over these 4 decades. Between his own encounters and those of others he has researched he and his team have come across pretty much every phenomena you can imagine in the field of the Paranormal. Steve has many impressive strings to his bow including authoring books, producing documentaries, organising conferences to bring the worlds top researchers and thinkers in the field to us the curious, questioning minds who feel there is more to this phenomena than meets the eye.  If you are listening to this episode then like us here at Truth Disciples HQ you have probably been interested in this field from a young age. Yes, we all want to believe in these paranormal phenomena, but the question is are we really ready for the truth beyond the romanticism of what we want this phenomena to be? We all have questions and one of the most debated topics you come across is  “Are they our friends? or are they playing with and manipulating us for nefarious reasons beyond what our limited human mind can even begin to comprehend?”. Other uneasy questions that most don’t want to even contemplate that you may hear are things like “are we an experiment?” All of these questions are scary questions to consider but are they outwith the realms of possibility?  If you would like to find out more about Steve’s amazing work, purchase his books or get in contact him you can follow the link s below. Enjoy the show….   Steve’s Links   Phenomena Magazine: Steve Official Website: Awakenings Expo, UK: The Rochdale Poltergeist Book : The House of Fire and Whispers Book: Manchester's Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team (Est 1973): Official Spokesman for Fox TV series 'Outcast': Onwinges Productions 'TRAVIS': Hammer Productions 'The Quiet Ones': The Other Land of the Gods documentary: Witness to Another World - Documentary:   Intro Music  ‘Paranormal’ by Tainy   Outro Music ‘Archons’ by Alkymidien   PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW THE TRUTH DISCIPLES ON SPOTIFY, APPLE PODCASTS AND INSTAGRAM. WE WOULD ALSO APPRECIATE IT AND BE BEYOND GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD RATE OUR SHOW. IF YOU WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN BELOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. MUCH LUV.
Welcome back everyone for another step forward in your journey towards truth. In this Episode we welcome back a returning guest and our dear friend the Rev David William Parry for a fascinating discussion on the Ancient Art of White Magic.  It’s a form of magic that you don’t hear much mention of these days, and there are many reasons for that including, the degredation of society, the crumbling of morals, the erosion of love towards our planet and our fellow man, not to mention the dilution of education and an out of control political elite steering us towards transhumanism and a technology based AI driven dystopia.  This is a wide ranging discussion that builds the perfect base for a future episode getting into the finer details of specific practices that will inspire those looking to embark on a journey towards becoming a white magician. If you are curious about White magic or magic in general you will enjoy this episode. We discuss many questions that the curious soul will have. What is Magic? What is the difference between White and Black Magic? How long has magic been a part of the human story? Is magic evil? Is it to be avoided by Christians and followers of other faiths alike?  David is a talented, creative soul and spiritual leader, he is a Bishop in The Old Apostolic Catholic Church seeking nothing more than a better world for all and a unity in the heart of humanity. He  is a poet, a writer an author and much, much more.  In terms of spirituality, although David is a Reverand & Bishop within Catholicism he also has a background in Paganism and Valentinian Gnosticism, which makes him the perfect person to cover the Art of White Magic. If you would like to find out more about David’s work, purchase his books or get in touch with him should you seek more enlightenment, please follow the links below. Enjoy the show…….. ‘ABRACADABRA’.    David’s Links Book 1 Caliban's Redemption: 2 The Grammar of Witchcraft: 3 Mount Athos Inside Me: 4 Women in Mayhem: www.DavidWilliamParry.comInstagram: (X):   Intro Music  ‘Evocation’ by Mammoth   Outro Music ‘Invocation’ by Killing Joke   PLEASE LIKE AND FOLLOW THE TRUTH DISCIPLES ON SPOTIFY, APPLE PODCASTS AND INSTAGRAM. WE WOULD ALSO APPRECIATE IT AND BE BEYOND GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD RATE OUR SHOW. IF YOU WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN BELOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. MUCH LUV.
Welcome back fellow truthers it’s great to have you back for another round of strangeness as we are joined on this episode by another very special guest, and one who is very well known in the Scottish and UK Paranormal scene the Rev. Alyson Dunlop Shanes.  Alyson is a very interesting soul to say the least with many diverse areas of expertise that I am sure the lovers of the paranormal among you will absolutely adore when you listen to this instalment.  Now? Where do we start with the strings Alyson has to her spiritual bow? Well, she is an Exorcist & Deacon within the Old Catholic Apostolic Church here in the UK. She is the leader and a lead researcher/investigator with Strange Phenomena Investigations aka SPI here in Scotland and has also been a speaker on the paranormal circuit for a number of years.  The main body of the discussion is centred around the content of Alyson’s excellent new book ‘Mystic Visions’ – ‘Spontaneous Supernatural Visions: A Quest for Meaning and a Journey to the Divine Self through the Visionary Path’ where she details the plethora of supernatural and mystical experiences she has encountered along the colourful spiritual path that she has been walking.  Although Alyson is a Christian now, she has had a background in many spiritual systems including Paganism and Gnosticism which I am sure will be a surprise to many listening, but as you will come to learn, these various spiritual systems have all added positively to Alyson’s arsenal working as an Exorcist dedicating her life to help those most in need on a spiritual level.  For those in Scotland if you would like to see Alyson in the flesh delivering her latest lecture you can catch her at the Annual Scottish UFO & Paranormal Conference in Glasgow on Sasturday the 15th June 2024, the details of which are contained near the end of the show but also can be found by clicking the link below. To those who would like to find out more about Alyson’s work, purchase her book or connect with her should you be in need of advice or help fighting negative forces, you can follow the links below.  Enjoy the episode!   Alyson’s Links   Please Follow The Truth Disciples on Spotify/Apple Podcasts and Instagram   If you would like to contact us please send us an email to the address below
Welcome back for the first in a new series where Brothers John & Paul delve into the mind-blowing, mesmerising & important world of mythology. Why is mythology important? Well, its important on many levels because mythology and tales from ancient times are imbedded in our DNA and what Jung called the collective unconscious. These stories resonate with and affect us individually unknowingly as they stimulate and wake up deep hidden areas of our subconscious. The elites learned this a long time ago, and they use these archetypes from ancient mythologies to influence us on a level subconsciously through the entertainment industry in our movies etc without us even knowing it. The Cinemagicians of Hollywood know these secrets and use formulas based on these archetypes to mould, shape and present characters that become iconic to us and affect our world view. We start off discussing how mythology affected us from a young age through the cinematic franchises we became obsessed with in our youth before we branch out and look at mythology as a whole. We round off the episode talking about a character each from the Roman and Greek pantheon of gods. These are characters who we are both interested in and who we feel have affected our culture in different areas both positively and negatively on both sides of the scale from inspirational messages to deviant sexual debauchery and chaos.  Before we depart we ask if you could take the time to please leave us an honest channel rating on Spotify & Apple Podcasts. This really helps the channel grow and extends our reach. Thanks in advance. Enjoy the show.    Please like, share and follow us here on Spotify and also on our Social Media. If you would like to contact us we would love to hear from you. To reach out you can email us by clicking below   Intro Music  1: ‘Star Wars – Main Theme’ by John Williams & The London Symphony Orchestra 2: ‘Cantina Band’ by John Williams & The London Symphony Orchestra   Outro music ‘Ancient Ones’ by Eldrvak
Join us on Episode 35 as we take another deep dive into the murky world of Espionage. This time we focus on the British Naval Intelligence activities of Secret Agent 666 aka Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley. It seems very few episodes go by where we don’t mention Master Therion, The Great Beast 666 and his infamous exploits, and for good reason! No one we can think of has affected our modern pop culture more than our dear old Aleister.  A mysterious, multi skilled man of many identities who was a genius to many, he published a massive amount of material over his adult life which borders on the impossible in terms of its sheer scale and depth. He is famous for many things, including being a writer, poet, artist, magician, hypnotist, occultist and spiritual leader. He was revered by many musicians through the counterculture movement of the 60s and 70’s including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimmy Page and many others up to present day.  Even though most people in the modern world have heard of him, very few know of his secret activities as a spy and the many missions he carried out for king and country. Our guest Dr Richard B. Spence takes us on a journey through the decades Crowley acted as a spy in many countries including the US, France, Italy, Russia, China and other parts of Asia gathering intelligence on the many enemies Britain faced on the world stage.  Dr Spence was a professor of history at Idaho University in the US from 1988 -2020. His main specialities are Russian intelligence and military history, Modern Espionage, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, the History of Secret Societies and the Occult in History.  Dr Spence has published many books and articles over his career including ‘Wall Street and the Russian Revolution’, ‘The Empire of the Wheel: Espionage, the Occult and Murder in Southern California’, the acclaimed ‘Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly’, and of course the 2008 work we will be concentrating on today ‘Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult’. Im sure most of our listeners will be familiar with Dr Spence as he has also appeared on many documentaries on the History channel and even been a consultant for Washington DC’s spy museum.  It was an absolute honour to have Dr Spence as a guest and we know you will just love the knowledge he drops about Crowley and the murky circles he moved in. If you want to find out more about Dr. Spence or purchase his books you can follow the links below. Enjoy the show.    Intro/Outro Music ‘Number of the Beast’ by Iron Maiden   Rick’s Idaho University History Department Page   Rick’s Courses Online   Rick’s Books UK USA   Please like, share, follow The Truth Disciples on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & Instagram.   Please leave a rating for the show, it would be greatly appreciated as it helps us with the algorithm and widens our reach.    If you would like to get in contact we would love to hear from you. Drop us a mail at the link below.
Spying, espionage and the art of gathering of intelligence behind enemy lines is a concept that has thrilled movie goers for over half a century. In Hollywood it’s a glamourised hero worship where our lucky in the bedroom, classy, charismatic protagonist saves the world against archetypal villains intent on taking over the world or in the most extreme cases with the intention of the destruction of the world.  In the real world our elite leaders paint the picture extreme surveillance, espionage and torture is carried out justifiably with the aim to stabilise the world. We are of course sold that there’s a terrorist under every manhole cover and lurking in the shadows round every corner, and this makes the practice of espionage and the questionable ethics behind it a tolerable and acceptable practice for most average people when you ask them their thoughts. But is it really acceptable? Or has Hollywood and the ticking bomb thought experiment plots they role out skewed the public view on the activities of our intelligence agencies?   From ancient Mesopotamia where rival communities were continually at war with one another, through the Golden Age of the Egyptians, the Rome Empire, the Middle Ages and the Crusades we saw there, through WW1 & WW2 until present day, love and war has always persisted. There have always been opposing groups who wield power, trying to hold onto power and that’s where spying and the art of espionage comes in as a powerful tool to study, analyse and determine your adversaries or rivals strengths and weaknesses to leverage against them should war unfold.  The fact is, the world is in more turmoil now than ever before and with technology on an exponential curve of advancement where is surveillance, espionage and the collection of data heading? How many more of our freedoms will we have to give up as governments under the shadow of Globalism look for more and more control? And with the advancement and birth of AI and the ease at which believable photos and video are faked we seem to be facing very worrying times indeed. Someone from the CIA once said “When the general public can’t distinguish between real and fake information, and don’t know what to believe, we will know we have achieved our aim”.  With this Episode’s guest Daniele Hadi Irandoost we discuss his new book ‘A New Vision of Spycraft’ and cover the complex areas of espionage and the collection of data, its history, the advancement of it’s techniques, the ethics and morals of the methods that intelligence agencies follow, the evolution of private companies now becoming more and more involved in gathering individuals data like Google, Facebook, Tik-Tok, Microsoft and others. We also touch on the dark, mysterious historical links between spying and the occult. Many figures in history have had a foot in both murky worlds including John Dee, Aleister Crowley, Theodore Reuss, George Bush senior and many more. The links to the secret societies and magickal groups these figures were attached to are also covered including the Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones 322 and others.  It is a fascinating conversation with our guest providing invaluable information from behind the scenes of this black art.  If you would like to find out more about Daniele’s work or purchase his book you can follow the links below. Enjoy the episode…… and accept all cookies as you do….. we want your data!!! Remember Big Brother is watching……YOU!!! To Purchase Daniele’s Book Amazon UK: Daniele’s Social MediaInstagram: (X):  Please like share and follow the Truth Disciples on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You can also find us on Instagram @the_truth_disciples If you would like to email us we would love to hear from you  
Welcome truthseeker, it’s great to have you back for episode number 33. It’s a powerful and mystical number for many esoteric and religious groups and one very fitting as we welcome back our enlightened friend, researcher, and author, the most excellent Robert W Sullivan the IV. Robert is our first returning guest and here to discuss the mesmerising topic of symbolism within our favourite movies and the number 77 Wizard of Oz death curse once more. If you haven’t checked out our first discussion in Episode 16 yet I would advise listening to that first as it sets the foundation for a lot of what we will be covering in this episode. Robert has published 5 books to date, these include the 3 part Cinema Symbolism series which he is currently expanding upon at the moment writing more books and is the main vein we will be concentrating our discussion around today. To purchase Robert’s books and find out more about his work you can visit his website ‘’. You can of course purchase his books from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and others of which, all links are provided below for you to follow.  In this, the second of our interviews we concentrate more on Robert’s current research topic the ‘Wizard of Oz Number 77 Death Curse’ more so than we did in our last meeting. It is a dark and fascinating topic, sinister beyond your imagination we can say that for sure. We all know we live in a mathematical universe and of course numbers are an important part of it’s structure and foundation. However, what you will be surprised to know after listening to this episode is just how much numbers play a part in our reality and the residual numeric patterns that are left behind after catastrophic deadly events are played out in our world. Our guest believes the numbers 7, 77, 777, other multiples of 7 and 42 surround this death hex curse. The residual pattern of these numbers seems to hint at a dark, nefarious, bloodthirsty, supernatural force that is in the process of coming out of the dark and into the light. We have entered a New Aeon, that being it’s New Aeon, The Aeon of Horus prophesised by Aleister Crowley in 1904 when he channelled the Book of The Law (Liber Al Vel Legis) as the new holy text of this Age. Crowley named this entity Oz and referred to the Number 42 as the dark number of the curse, the Dark Mother number of destruction. Robert through his expertise and knowledge of numerology has uncovered the fingerprints and trail of it through the last century as it steamrolls its way towards an era ruled by chaos, death and destruction.  This curse appears to have attached itself in part to the Wizard of Oz movie released in 1939 as a connection to L.Frank Baum and his dark history with Native Americans. The curse continues and seems to be gaining momentum and with The Barbie movie being released last year containing a plethora of parallels and symbology from the original Wizard of Oz movie more disastrous events could be on the horizon. Buckle up Dorothy…. Kansas has definitely gone bye bye!! Enjoy   Intro Music ‘Follow the yellow Brick Road’ by Judy garland   ‘Black Rainbow’ by Grim Salvo, 33 MARROW   Outro Music ‘The Merry Old Land of Oz’ by Frank Morgan, Judy garland, Ray Bolger and others.     Roberts Website   Links to Purchase Roberts Books   Amazon   Barnes & Noble   Books.A.Million   Follow The Truth Disciples on Spotify and Apple Podcasts Follow Us on Instagram @the_truth_disciples To contact us please send us an email we would love to hear from you:
Welcome back for the 2nd part of our recent interview with Historian, Researcher and Author Troy D McLachlan as we discuss his controversial book ‘Saturn Death Cult’.  In the first part of this interview (episode 29) we discussed Troy’s work and research around the Electric Universe and the theory that Saturn was once the Earth’s original Sun. In this part we get into the darker and more disturbing side of this subject as we discuss the ancient death cults that have worshipped Saturn as the creator god archetype through the ages, right up to present day.  After the cataclysm that banished Saturn further out into our Solar System ancient cultures employed priests and devised ritual practices to try and appease the destructive archetypal force of Saturn should he decide to reset the planet once more. These practices included human sacrifice by a warped societal elite looking to sway favour with the dark force they worship. The elites of these cultures including ours in the present day realised the power of mythology, symbolism and archetypes to control the masses through manipulation. They reap the rewards as the majority do the work for them through manipulation. From Sumer, Babylon, the Roman Empire, through the Third Reich of the Nazis up to present day, these murderous dark Saturnian elite cults are still in operation. Today they want to cheat death, through the merging of our biology and technology, yes that is why they want transhumanism to succeed so much. They want to become gods themselves with the creation of Human 2.0. Our world is in turmoil at the moment due to the debt slavery scheme that has been utilised by the elites to keep the population subservient and under control for millennia. It feels like we are on the precipice of change, but is that change going to be for the better?  Troy does, he is hopeful that we are on the verge of positive change. We hope he is right.   To find out more about Troy’s work or purchase his books you can follow the links below.   Intro Music  ‘Black Sun’ by James Dooley, Celldweller   Outro Music ‘A Black Sun’ by Gary Numan   During Show ‘Erika’ by Grosses Blasorchester   Troy’s Website ⁠⁠ Troy’s Books ⁠⁠   Follow The Truth Disciples on Instagram @_the_truth_disciples   Email The Truth Disciples ⁠
Truth seekers welcome home, It’s time for some more high strangeness and paranormal activity so no need for a spirit level on this episode. We’ve covered the supernatural, paranormal and ufo phenomena before, this time however we have a guest who is going to discuss cases on our own manor or close to it at least. Yes, Scotland is a hotbed for paranormal activity as are other areas of the UK. You may be surprised to know that here in Scotland not that far from where we are based in TTD HQ, we have our own triangle of high strangeness that has put the village of Bonnybridge in the area of Falkirk on the worldwide map and that it has become an area of high interest for the world’s top ufologists.  To discuss the wide range of paranormal events people experience we have the honour of welcoming Researcher, author & tv personality Malcolm Robinson who has investigated high strangeness events around the world for many years. Malcolm founded and still heads Strange Phenomena Investigations also known as (SPI) which is dedicated to resolving the mysteries of the supernatural through serious research and investigation. He has authored to date 14 books on this fascinating field, the most recent of which is titled ‘Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain Volume 4’ which was released last year in 2023 and is a 450+ page jam packed collection of cases exhibiting various paranormal phenomena across the United Kingdom.  Malcolm has travelled the world talking about the UFO phenomena and holds the prestigious honour of being the first Scotsman to talk on the subject in a number of countries including the US and the Netherlands. He has made numerous TV appearances talking about high strangeness events and has even sunk to the bottom of our dark, mysterious and infamous Loch Ness in a submarine on a quest to find old Nessie herself, Yes, the Loch Ness Monster. Well, plot spoiler he survived and joins us here today to discuss many of the infamous paranormal cases Scotland is known for including the ‘Sauchie Poltergeist’, ‘The Dechmont Woods UFO Abduction Case’, The Falkirk UFO triangle  and many other supernatural phenomena Malcolm has experienced. With over 40 years paranormal investigative experience and a story changing from sceptic to firm believer, you won’t want to miss this episode.  If you would like to contact Malcolm, find out more about his work or purchase his published books you can follow the links below. Enjoy the episode….   Malcolm’s Website (Strange Phenomena Investigations SPI)   To Purchase Malcolm’s Books   The Scottish UFO & Paranormal Conference (Facebook Page)   Follow the Truth Disciples on Spotify & Apple Podcasts   The Truth Disciples on Instagram @the_truth_disciples   To contact the team, you can email them
Welcome back fellow Truth Disciples for what is an interesting and mind-bending discussion with well-known Conspiracy Researcher, Author and Activist Dave Murphy aka Allegedly Dave.  Dave has been on a journey seeking truth in all aspects of life and our reality for the past few decades and along the way has dedicated that time to helping others in need as he travels along that path. He is a fascinating human being with real altruistic compassion for his fellow man who is not only seeking truth for himself but for humanity as a whole.  We discuss a wide range of topics in this episode including his first awakening realisation from the 9/11 event through the corrupt legal and monetary system, the orphan trains of the 1800’s, NPC’s, Ukraine, The Nazi’s, Cern’s particle accelerator and the god Appolyon, the Mandella Effect, Reality & Manifestation and working with the higher dimensions outside our 3D perception. Towards the end of the interview we discuss his work creating his future ‘Dream Works Club’ that will bring like minded individuals together in the quest to expand their consciousness. Really Exciting stuff.  It is an episode that will get you thinking on many levels and will have you questioning many aspects of our reality. If you would like to connect with Dave or find out more about his work you can follow the links below. Dave is also getting ready to embark on a UK tour this coming summer the details of which will be posted on his website. If you live in the UK get along, you won’t be disappointed.  Brother Paul really enjoyed his discussion with Dave and looks forward to connecting with him in the future to pick up the conversation where they left off. Dave started looking for a ‘Better Way’ to live life and experience our world when he embarked on his path of truth,…… his journey continues,…… but he’s a lot closer to his goal of that ‘New Way’. His overall message is “You Can Too”.   Please Like, Share and Follow The Truth Disciples on Spotify & Apple podcasts and also on Instagram. If you would like to connect with us or make suggestions for future guests you can follow the links below.     Intro Music  ‘Furious Angels’ by Rob Dougan (Matrix Soundtrack)   Outro Music ‘Wake Up’ by Rage Against The Machine (Matrix Soundtrack)   Dave’s Website   Dave’s You Tube Channel   Email The Truth Disciples   Follow the Truth Disciples on Instagram @the_truth_disciples    
Welcome back beautiful Truthites, we are delighted you are joining us for the first part of our interview with Historian, Researcher and Author Troy D McLachlan as we discuss the controversial ‘Electric Universe Theory’ which he details in his two published books, “The Saturn Death Cult” and “The Purple Dawn of Creation”. In our education system we are taught a gravitational model to explain our solar system and most never question it. However, when you look into that model with any depth you find that there are serious missing parts required to make it work according to mainstream cosmologist’s mathematics and their related theories.  The Standard model doesn’t work without plugging more holes than you find in a block of Swiss cheese. The Big Bang? That is just a disaster of a model when scrutinised with a storyline Hollywood wouldn’t touch with a plot in summary that goes something like this. There was nothing, then that nothing exploded with an Abrahadabra and formed everything. On our Earth we then have the birth of cells without nucleus (Prokaryotes) to cells with nucleus (Eukaryotes), then to Bacteria, then Protozoa, then Fungi Sponges and Sea Corals, through the Cambrian Explosion, to Fish, then Reptiles, then Birds, Mammals and Eventually humans. From nothing to everything in the universe with a complexity in design our brightest scientific minds can’t even begin to understand even though they tell you they do. The mere fairy tale of dreamy scientists who claim it as fact.  Troy breaks down the Electric Universe & Saturn Theory, how that model works and how our ancient ancestors developed mythology to tell the real story of our Solar Systems origin in a former Golden Age of abundance where Saturn was our original Sun. In this model the Sun we have now ejected Saturn out into the depths of our solar system in a cataclysmic event that changed our world forever. He details the work of Velikovsky, Hannes Alfven & Dwardu Cardona as he states the case for this alternative model for our Solar System and the wider Universe. We also discuss the problems with the currently accepted mainstream science model built on a foundation of Newton's law of Universal Gravitation. Gravity waves anyone? Did you know the mathematics of the gravitational model do not work? Did you know that 95% of the mass required to make the gravitational model work is missing so they just invented the mysterious Dark Energy and Dark Matter to plug the hole? Did you know the speed of light is not a constant as stated and that the speed of light actually varies?  Part 1 of this interview sets the stage and backstory for the world we live in today where we are controlled by an occult obsessed elite who worship Saturn and use the archetypes of our ancient mythology to control the masses. Enjoy the episode and be sure to join us for Part 2 where we bring things up to modern day and help explain why our society is designed the way it is…. One where we are slaves to the modern day Saturn Death Cult intent on forcing a new Technologically based Golden Age where they can become gods.    Troy’s Website Troy’s Books   Follow The Truth Disciples on Instagram @_the_truth_disciples   Email The Truth Disciples
Welcome back fellow truthseeker for what will be a very triggering subject for most of you especially if you are coming to this subject for the very first time. As always we ask that you keep an open mind by trying to resist the bias that we all have as we encounter new information. Digest the information and then investigate for yourself the claims and arguments you hear put forward by our guest in this episode. Oh, and don’t forget, he has 3 bitcoins up for grabs worth appx $100,000 at the time of writing if you can provide one testable proof the world, our Earth is what we were told it was.  OK, Deep breath, swim shorts and scuba mask on…..let’s dive into the controversial waters of today’s topic.  What do you believe is the shape and form of our world? I know, silly question right? Or is it? I can hear you shouting at the screen now…..”C’mon we all played with Globes in school and we have all seen plenty of Earth Globe photos from space taken on the plethora of NASA missions that have been conducted since the 1969 Apollo mission”. “I’ve seen ships disappear over the horizon and watched the sun disappear every night as it drops beneath the curve”. Firstly, we are completely impartial on this topic although there are some interesting arguments put forth that we should consider and investigate if we are indeed following a true scientific approach to our research in our quest for truth. Someone makes an outrageous claim, we crush it with real science right? Science is never settled, and if a “scientist” makes the claim it is, then you should discount them as an authentic so-called scientist you can trust. How many times over the past few years did we hear “Trust the Science” and look where that got a lot of people. Real science is observable, measurable and repeatable, theories are just that…. Theories and not fact. The scientific approach encourages a constant re-evaluation of models, theories and contradictory arguments. Our question for you before you step into this is  Today’s guest Dave Weiss aka Flat Earth Dave is one of the most well-known figures within the Truth field. His energy and drive to wake others up to the corruption in this world is mindblowing. He has performed more interviews and presentations on this subject than anyone we have come across in the truther field. Dave was an atheist and completely against the Flat Earth theory when he was presented with it. He discounted it for a long time, even banning people from the podcast he was a co-host on at that time. Eventually he tried to debunk it to stop people bringing up such a stupid subject. What happened? He couldn’t debunk it after weeks and months of trying and here he is…. believing we live on an intelligently designed realm on a horizontal topographical plane…. A Flat Earth! Dave is the creator of the ingenious and information packed ‘Flat Earth, Sun, Moon and Zodiac Clock App’ that you can download via links on his website or alternatively from your Apple or Android app stores. Dave’s message is don’t believe a word he says, check it out for yourself by reserching and trying to debunk it! The app has all the videos you will ever need to research on your own, all the videos that are now deeply buried under piles of internet censorship as the topic has gained traction in recent years. All links to Dave’s socials etc are listed below….. Enjoy!!! Intro Music - 'The Flat Earth' - performed by the Urban Beats network Outro Music - 'Flat Earth Syndrome' - performed by Troy Kingi Direct Link to App  Dave’s Website Dave’s You Tube (DITRH) Dave’s Interviews   Dave’s Instagram @dtweiss   FOLLOW THE TRUTH DISCIPLES ON INSTAGRAM & ON SPOTIFY & APPLE PODCASTS @the_truth_disciples   EMAIL US (we would love to hear from you)
Show Notes Welcome back dear listeners, we are truly blessed to have you onboard once more for another episode. Before we introduce this episodes guest we just want to share with you how much we appreciate your support and love as you join us on our journey analysing the mysteries of the universe, life, reality, as well as supporting us through our attempts to uncover the many conspiracies that surround us today. Much Luv to you all.  Our guest in this instalment, with nearly 30 years’ experience in the paranormal field is Author, TV personality, Filmmaker and podcast host Mr Mike Ricksecker.  Mike originates from Cleveland Ohio and is a US Air Force veteran with a background in Military Intelligence and has a degree in computer simulation programming. Mike operates his own book publishing and video production company called ‘Haunted Road Media’, which represents and supports a number of authors within the paranormal /mystery field of research. At the point of recording he has published 13 of his own books including “A Walk in The Shadows – a complete guide to shadow people”, “Alaskas Mysterious Triangle” and his latest book “Travels Through Time” which is the first in a 3 part trilogy explaining the mysterious connections that form the true nature of our universe.  He is the Director and Producer of “The Shadow Dimension” docu-series that featured the infamous Conjuring House.  Mike is a regular guest on popular TV shows including The History Channels - Ancient Aliens and the popular UnXplained with William Shatner. He has also appeared on The Travel Channels - The Alaska Triangle, Animal Planet’s - The Haunted and multiple shows on the Gaia TV platform.  For more than seven years he has hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and he also hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class on his online learning platform, the Connected Universe Portal. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media In The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival. Mike also hosts the annual Stargates of Ancient Egypt Tour, which explores the ancient mysteries contained within the Egyptian pyramids and temples with the aim of rediscovering the lost knowledge and technologies of the ancient Egyptian civilisation. To connect with Mike, learn more about his work or purchase any of his books please follow the links included below. Enjoy the show.    Outro Music  ‘Shadow people” by The Limińanas, Emmanuelle Seigner   Mike’s Links   Website   You Tube Channel   Tours/Events   Books   Podcast/Educational Channel (Connected Universe)   The Truth Disciples Links   Spotify   Apple Podcasts   Instagram Follow us @the_truth_disciples   Email      
Welcome back to our second cocktail of Chaos. Just when you thought that the world couldn’t get any crazier you are proven wrong and it does just that…. It gets weirder and crazier in what appears to be a quickening where our society seems to be accelerating down a plughole of madness and degeneration.  To build a new system, you have to break down the old one and make the cattle believe the new system is their saviour, did someone say “Build back better!”? Occultists might say “Solve et Coagula”! Anyway, in this chapter Brothers John & Paul discuss a very interesting week or so of activity in our MAD WORLD. We start off with the Tucker Carlson/Vladimir Putin interview where many subtle and delicious treats were dropped in our lap by the crime boss, chess master strategist who steers the ship of Mother Russia. It’s a veiled cryptic interview where Putin even divulges Tucker tried to join the CIA, leaving us with the questions, did he actually join? And, is he actually an active asset? It would be a master stroke of gargantuan proportions if he was as he has been elevated to God like status over the past year or so by the truth community.  We then look at new AI, VR and the AR technology launched on the public by Apple with the Apple Vision Pro headset that we feel is about to take us even closer to Elon Musk and his fellow Technocratic psychopath friends Fantasy Utopian nightmare of humans merging with machines. It really is one step closer along the road to Transhumanism as at the same time we have Elon Musk announcing that Human trials of Neuralink have begun with the first patient having been implanted and doing well…. Allegedly! Also discussed in the first half of the episode is the highly important issue of the Farmer protests raging across Europe and it’s a topic everyone should have eyes on. We must support them at all costs as they are fighting all of us and for our way of life. In the second half of the Episode we discuss the interview last week of David Icke on Infowars by host Alex Jones. If you haven’t seen it please seek it out. It was an uncomfortable watch with what appeared to be an organised ambush of David by Alex Jones and Elon Musk. It did not shed Alex Jones in a good light and we seen a disappointing negative side of him in this stunt. Not good! We finish the episode talking about the annual Superbowl occult extravaganza and the whole Taylor Swift ‘psyop’ chat we have been hearing linked to her relationship with Kansas City Chief’s Travis Kelce. Lots of interesting things around Superbowl 58 including the synchronicities of Number 13’s and Swifts link to that number. Dive in and enjoy…   Please like share and follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.   Email us @   Our Instagram @the_truth_disciples   Intro Track  ‘Mad World’ cover by The Funeral Portrait   Outro Track  ‘Tension’ by Avenged Sevenfold   Movie clip outro ‘The Joker - Chaos’ from The Dark Knight
  Welcome back Fellow Truthite’s for an interesting show of high strangeness. Where do we start with this episodes guest Dr Allen H Greenfield? Most of you may know him from his appearance on the recent ground breaking, hit paranormal TV Series ‘Hellier’ by Greg and Dana Newkirk where he appeared as a guest on Season 2 to aid them in their investigation. However, that was only one of his recent contributions to the field of high strangeness that we love. Allen has a wealth of experience in many paranormal areas that few if any can rival that we the hosts of this channel and of course you our listeners are obsessed with, these being Ufology, High Strangeness, Magick and the Occult. If you’ve researched any of these fields to any depth then you will know this man by his exemplary reputation. He is a Ufologist & High Strangeness Researcher, Author and adept ceremonial magician. In summary he is a legend in both the fields of Ufology and the Occult. He has been a researcher in the Ufology and High Strangeness field since the 1960’s and been a Ceremonial Magician since 1969. He became involved in Gnosticism and after years of service was in 1985 consecrated as a Bishop in the esoteric Gnostic spiritual tradition and has served a congregation in this capacity since 1988. Allen won the coveted Ufologist of the year award by NUFOC not once but twice in 1972 & 1992 respectively and is a true OG and legend within the field. He is as I mentioned an acclaimed author of many books but the only author I have ever heard of being credited with a book that he never actually wrote. Yes, you heard that right! The discussion we have takes many loops, turns and veers down many side streets but the main vein of the discussion concentrates on 2 of his books, these being ‘The Complete Secret Cipher Of The Ufonauts’ and ‘The Secrets Of The Real Black Lodge Revealed’. Aliens, Demons, Angels, UFO’s, Cryptids, Magick and a Secret Evil Cabal of Supernatural Entities influencing our world. This episode has it all and with a sprinkling of Allen’s amazing sense of humour.   Allen requested that the ‘Kelpies’ be restrained and the fierce haggis of Glencoe exorcised off The Truth Disciples premises before he visited our HQ…… which they have been for this special occasion. Enjoy the show.....   If you would like to find out more about Allen’s work or purchase any of his publications, you can follow the links below.   Allen’s Email   Secret Cipher Website   The Decryptian Key for the Secret Cipher   Allen’s Books ‘ Secrets of the REAL Black Lodge Revealed’ & ‘Complete Secret Cipher of The Ufonauts’   Allen’s Other Books on Amazon     Follow The Truth Disciples on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.  We would also be very grateful if you would leave us an honest review.   The Truth Disciples Instagram @the_truth_disciples   Email Us as we would love to hear from you
Welcome back everyone to the Truth Disciples for a special episode with our guest Bart Sibrel. Before listening, we have a question for you. In a world of deceit, propaganda, and corrupt mainstream media where we are constantly being bombarded by half-truths and falsehoods what would you say is the biggest lie that we have ever been sold?  It’s a tough question to answer for most because let’s be honest, there is a mountain of options to choose from. Is it 9/11? or the Kennedy assassination and the magic bullet? maybe even the history of mankind?  I believe however that the subject we cover in this episode with Bart, may actually be the biggest lie and the most effective magic trick that was ever played on humanity.  This particular topic is one of the hardest illusions to break when trying to wake up the average person to the level of deception and the truth in our modern world. The emotional attachment that people have to this topic makes the illusion even harder to break when trying to shake people out of their hypnotic sleep.  Bart has researched this subject for the best part of 30 years and is in our opinion a hero for exposing the deception cover in this discussion. At great sacrifice and danger to himself he has bravely and relentlessly stuck to his mission of revealing the truth around this touchy and highly emotional issue. One highly important point I want to emphasise here before you listen is that whistle-blowers make a life changing decision when they decide to blow the lid off of a conspiracy that’s been committed by government, related intelligence agencies or establishment forces. Making that selfless decision, makes their life harder and of course in some cases like this one very dangerous from that point onwards! They sacrifice everything for the benefit of the public and for the truth-seekers, who are looking for information. Sometimes we take their sacrifice for granted. We shouldn’t! Unless we have been a whistle-blower ourselves, we can’t even begin to imagine the life changing path they have chosen for our benefit.  Bart is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing television programs and documentaries for over 3 decades. The 2 documentaries we will be concentrating on are “Something funny happened on the way to the Moon in 2001” & “Astronauts Gone Wild in 2004”. He has owned 5 production companies, been employed by 2 of the 3 major networks, worked as a television news reporter and produced segments for ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. His films have been published in the New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post and Time magazine. He has won many awards including Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Top Ten director by the American Motion Picture Society. Enjoy the show, listen to the information and from that point conduct your own research to come to your own conclusion. We suggest the best place to start on this topic is to watch Bart’s documentaries at and also purchase his book ‘Moon Man’ which goes deep into the proofs and details the whole story. All links provided below. Countdown is progressing….. 10…..9…..8….7………. Bart Sibrel’s Website (All proofs discussed can be found here). Where to buy Bart’s Book ‘Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List’  Follow the Truth Disciples on Instagram @the_truth_disciples Follow, Like, and Review The Truth Disciples on Spotify and Apple Podcasts  To contact the team email:
Welcome back for Episode 23 where we welcome an esteemed special guest, Mr Derek P Gilbert for an in-depth discussion of his research into the world of esoteric biblical history and the origins of man. This is an interesting discussion to say the least with an absolute gentleman and someone with a depth of knowledge and speed of recall of the information he holds that was truly mind blowing.  Derek is revered and regarded as a true expert in the fields he specialises in by his peers and there is no other guest we could have spoken with to discuss the fascinating historical data around the nefarious Watchers and Fallen Great Ones from the times of old. Most have heard of the legends of the fallen angels who mated with human females in rebellion to Yahweh’s laws in order to create a race of giants in direct defiance of the Most High. This led to the Nephilim the hybrid breed who wreaked havoc on our precious lands and the mythology states it was the reason God triggered the Great Flood and the attempt to rid the earth of their presence. What most don’t know is that the leader of this 200 strong rebellion thrown off the Mountain of God (Eden) and cast to earth to watch over humanity was Shemihazah. For their crimes and sexual misconduct against God’s Law they were cast down to Tartarus, as far below Hell as Earth is below the Heavens.  What Derek covers in this episode that most are unaware of is that this entity Shemihazah, has like a chameleon changed his identity and name through many cultures over the past 5000+ years to keep fooling and influencing humanity from his and his compatriots Black Cuboid prison. Derek goes deep into these cultures from ancient history and identifies the many names he has went by. It will shock you, make no mistake about that. Some of the identities you will know well, some you may never have heard of from pre-Mesopotamia until present day. these watchers will re-emerge for a period of time in the End of Days. He also breaks down the difference between Satan and Lucifer and how they are NOT the same entity. Yes, you heard that right!  Derek and Brother Paul also go into current events like 9/11, the Great Conjunction of 2020, The Great Reset, The WEF and the agendas that are playing into this entity appearing again in our world.  If you would like to find out more about Derek’s work or purchase his books you can follow the links below.  Plug in and enjoy!!!   Follow us on Spotify & Apple Podcasts (like, follow,share and leave a review)   You can also follow us on Instagram @the_truth_disciples   Email us   Derek’s Links   Skywatch TV   Derek’s Website   Derek’s Books      
Welcome back Jedi’s of truth for Episode 22 which is the 1st Chapter in the Disciples’ “Freeform Kaos and Current Events” series where Brothers John and Paul have a look at the craziness in our physical realm over the last few weeks.  They have an interesting discussion around many of the current topics that are circulating round our crazy world at the moment that are building into the CHAOS we see around us. Have a look around you at how highly charged everything and everyone is at the moment. It really does feel at times that we are living in an insane asylum and that we are accelerating towards some sort of tipping point and catastrophic event.  Anyway, the Disciples start with a discussion on the fiery, crazy world of the UFO/UAP happenings around the world and the competing factions within it. From blind believers to blind sceptics and everything in between including clown bedroom dwelling fakers of media and disinformation agents….. every faction is under the spotlight. The team look at the Jellyfish Iraq UFO debacle, the Miami 10ft Shadow Beings, the Peruvian Face Peelers, and they also talk David Grusch and the recent closed door SCIF meeting at the Capitol. Have you been keeping up with the elite globalist’s shenanigans at the recent WEF conference in Davos 2024? If not, the lads give a good breakdown of some of the main talking points including Mileu’s now infamous anti-globalist, anti-collectivist speech and a look at the dangerous Rothschild puppets who skirt around these conferences and think tanks pushing their agenda forward under stealth cloaks of doom. One of these puppets is of course Tony Blair (sir title excluded!). How much do you really know about old slippery, slimy Tony? Probably not as much as you should! And before you start worrying, Agent Klaus hasn’t been forgotten, the real Bond Villain has been at it again and the main crazy psychopathic comments that drooled from his mouth are pondered over.  The dynamic duo wrap up the show with a segemnt looking at other current worrying new including future image rights in the entertainment sector, the test firing od direct energy weapon lasers (DEW’s) in their Scottish homeland and a brief look at the strange prion based disease plaguing the deer population in America.  Along the course of the episode they dear into many different areas. Enjoy the episode.    Please like share and follow THE TRUTH DISCIPLES on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Instagram (links below).   Spotify -   Instagram - @the_truth_disciples   If you would like to contact the team they would love to hear from you via the email address below.   Intro Music – F.E.A.R. by Ian Brown   Outro Music – We Are Chaos by Marilyn Manson