The UnSafe Bible

If you take the Bible seriously, it will alter the way you think and the way you live. The Bible is unsafe to our current way of living and getting more so with each passing day. Join us in being unsafe to our culture and the prevalent current worldview.

Hope For Us All Part 2

Are you walking in darkness? Have you seen the light? In his message today, Pastor Ken reminds us that those walking in darkness are the ones who are leading the nations away from Jesus. Before we found Jesus, we were just like those walking in darkness. It's our commission, as ones now walking in the light, to take The Light to those still in darkness. Let's ask God to bring us opportunities to shed light into a darkened heart today.


Hope For Us All Part 1

How are you doing? How are you dealing with all the turmoil in the world these days? Pastor Ken explains today that it’s our choice either to trust God's promises or to live in despair. Of course, the best plan is to rely on God's promises. God has a plan that He is working out right before our eyes. Behind all the turmoil of these days a spiritual battle rages. We must decide if we'll trust God, even when we don't understand what God’s doing. Let's remember God said that He is in control.


The Sign of What's His Name Part 4

God promises to protect you, but what are you doing to protect your heart? The Bible isn’t just a book, it’s a place for you to run to when your soul is in trouble. It’s where you can find refuge and strength in your times of need. It’s not a dead old book. It’s alive and you are called to be meditating on it. In today’s message, Pastor Ken is going to encourage you to listen and read God’s word. The more you read, the stronger your faith becomes, and the more you have to lean on in your times of need. 


The Sign of What's His Name Part 3

Have you ever heard the term spiritual warfare? It’s not some mythological term, it’s actually a very real and scary war that is being fought that we can’t even see! God and Satan are constantly at battle behind the scenes. They are playing tug of war with our hearts. When God is pulling hard at your heart, Satan is pulling in the opposite direction. Today, Pastor Ken is going to remind you that spiritual warfare is real and it’s happening right now. Don’t let your guard down, but put on the armor of God. 


The Sign of What's His Name Part 2

Are you listening to the voice of God or the voice of man? It’s hard to believe in God when you are surrounded by unbelievers. It’s not impossible, but it takes a tremendous amount of faith to believe in something when the people around you all think that it's a bunch of nonsense. In today’s message, Pastor Ken is going to remind you that it’s important to surround yourselves with people of faith. If you are constantly around people who don’t believe in God, they are going to feed you ungodly truths. 


The Sign of What's His Name Part 1

What does God have to do to get your attention? It can be easy to miss the signs that God puts in front of us if we aren’t carefully looking and watching for them. In the case of King Ahaz, God had a monument built so big that there is no way he could have missed it. What has God put in front of you that you’re missing? In today’s message, Pastor Ken is going to remind you to be on the lookout for the signs that God places in your life. If you seek God, you won’t be able to miss His guidance. 


King Ahaz the Lily-Livered Part 3

God gives each of us an opportunity to receive the gift of grace. We can’t earn it, we don’t deserve it, but we are freely given the opportunity to receive it. King Ahaz rejected God’s grace and that led to the destruction of a nation. He worshiped other gods built temples against Him, and defied His instructions. In today’s message, Pastor Ken is going to encourage you to live with God and not against Him. God wants to give you the gift of grace, all you have to do is be willing to accept Jesus as the Lord of your life. 


King Ahaz the Lily-Livered Part 2

Does the Christian lifestyle seem pretty boring to you? You can’t get drunk, party, and have sex with whoever you’d like. You feel like you are missing out on a whole side of “fun” that life has to offer. This is the mentality that Satan wants you to believe. All of the things that culture sees as exciting and fun are actually paths that lead to death and destruction. Today, Pastor Ken is going to remind you that sin makes you a slave, but Jesus came so that you can be set free from the bondage of sin forever. 


King Ahaz the Lily-Livered Part 1

Do you think that you are able to succeed in life by your own will? Being prideful and self-centered is one of the most dangerous sins because you are directly defying God. You are telling God that He isn’t good enough and that your ways are better than His. Seems silly when you say it out loud doesn’t it? In today’s message, Pastor Ken is going to encourage you to lean into God. Don’t get prideful and think you can do everything on your own. God is there and ready to help you in your times of need. 


Isaiah's Commission Part 4

Do you ever make a decision based on fear or urgency without seeking God’s will? Today, Pastor Ken warns of decisions made in terror or fear. When you are not trusting in God, your human reasoning can paralyze you, or result in poor decisions. In the Old Testament, when the Canaanites heard of God’s power, they became fearful and lost their courage. When believers are not looking to God for wisdom, they lose their courage and their effectiveness for Him. “Do not fear,” is a timeless message.


Isaiah's Commission Part 3

When you see God’s judgment towards our nation, do you ever want to give up? When people mock the word of God and those who follow God, do you get discouraged? In today’s message, Pastor Ken reminds believers that God does disperse judgment to those who reject him, and he reminds all of us that those who reject God’s word will grow harder and harder in the heart. However, God instructed Isaiah to continue sharing His message regardless of the destruction and desolation that he witnessed.


Isaiah's Commission Part 2

Do you desire to attend a church that makes you feel good or one that teaches the pure truth of God’s word, even if it is not what you want to hear? In today’s message, Pastor Ken warns us of the Laodicean church as described in the book of Revelation. That church was more concerned with wealth and culture than it was with following God. It was the church of the “end of the age.” Those churches do not teach the Bible today. They teach what is popular. Be careful what church you follow.


Isaiah's Commission Part 1

Is the message of Isaiah relevant today? In today’s message, Pastor Ken compares our culture of people who are not following God, to what he calls a digital Babylon. Our nation is as unfaithful as the people to whom Isaiah was delivering God’s message. No longer does our culture view the Bible as the central authority over society. People today view the Bible as only one authority to interpret human experience, at best. Most ignore it. We must return to the authority of God’s word.


Isaiah's Job Interview Part 4

When God forgave Isaiah of his iniquities it was comprehensive. In today’s message, Pastor Ken reminds us that God’s forgiveness is complete. When God forgives us, it covers our past, present, and future sins. He says our past has been dealt with and our future will be different. This story of Isaiah is a beautiful picture of grace given by God’s son. God takes care of the sin problem and forgives all our iniquities, just as He made Isaiah “clean.” Don’t live underneath the guilt of sin. Be forgiven.


Isaiah's Job Interview Part 3

Have you ever wondered why the cherubim said, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and repeated the word three times? Wasn’t one time enough? In today’s message, Pastor Ken explains the importance of the repetition of this word. In the Hebrew culture, three witnesses were needed for confirmation. Thus, the three “Holy’s” were the ultimate proof of God’s holiness. It could also refer to the Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that each is holy. Regardless, there was nothing more holy than God.


Isaiah's Job Interview Part 2

Can you imagine what it would be like to be in the presence of God and to actually see Jesus? In today’s message, Pastor Ken says that throughout the Old Testament, God reveals himself through His Son. Sometimes He is called the angel of the Lord or appears in the cloud by day and pillar of fire at night to the Israelites. As Isaiah is worshiping in the temple, His eyes are opened. He sees the unseen realm and receives a revelation from God. The pre-incarnate Jesus Christ appears to Isaiah.


Isaiah's Job Interview Part 1

Have you ever started out on one mission for God, and then found God leading you to change or enhance that calling? In today’s message, Pastor Ken teaches about God’s call on Isaiah’s life and the expansion of his ministry. Isaiah had already been warning and preaching to a largely unresponsive audience. God amends or maybe even reaffirms His call on Isaiah’s life to share a very distinct message. Like the prophet, we are commissioned to be a witness for our Lord and we should obey.


Isaiah, Consistently Blowing Minds for Over 2500 Years Part 3

God doesn’t need any man specifically to carry out His will and do great things for Him. He doesn’t need anything. He’s God. But, He’s not just going to make mountains move through you if you don’t first come to Him in surrender. Pastor Ken’s going to show you the glimpse of God we get from Isaiah today, and that He has good plans for you thought out in Heaven by Him and His council. Nothing else can compare to the joy of knowing Him and knowing your future is secure for eternity because you have faith in Him.


Isaiah, Consistently Blowing Minds for Over 2500 Years Part 2

Isaiah had a powerful and detailed message for God’s people. Through his song and his prophecies, he made God’s message clear that they needed to work on their hearts. They once followed God but turned their backs on Him, and now they had to suffer the consequences unless they turned back to Him in repentance. It’s the same thing we must do today. Sin always ends in eventual destruction, but a life surrendered to Christ is one that’s free of the fear of death and with an eternal peace and joy.


Isaiah, Consistently Blowing Minds for Over 2500 Years Part 1

There’s nothing brutal about following God’s Word and staying faithful to Him. Although it’s definitely not easy to always choose Him over sin, it is rewarding. Do you want God to use you to the fullest extent possible? Do you want to see God provide your needs in ways that only He can, and to guide your steps when you don’t know what to do? Today, Pastor Ken’s going to show you how simple it is! It’s surrender: surrendering your life to Jesus to let Him work in and through you and doing what He says.


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