The University Catholic

You are listening to The University Catholic! This podcasts consists of 4 University students in San Antonio, TX who love talking about how the Lord is playing a role in their daily lives. Other than chatting about our own lives, we'll be talking about fun Catholic stuff! That includes Biblical topics, virtues, and even Catholic church teachings. So join us in our college journeys as we help share some light on certain topics and even what it's like to be a Catholic college student. So give it a listen, share it with a friend, like and subscribe! God Bless! Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Called To Love: Men's Edition

Join us this week as Nacho, Thomas and special guest Erik Ramos take on the topic of love in the lives of college aged men and how that leads us towards a higher calling. Give it a listen and share it with a friend. As always, thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Called to Love

Join this week as Montse, Nacho, and special guest Hannah Lacy take on the topic of love and how we are called to love everyone. Hannah Lacy is a current missionary with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), she talks about her journey with Christ and how that has aided her in realizing loving everyone is a grace we should all put into practice. Give it a listen and share it with a friend. As always, thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


The Triduum and Easter Octave

Wonder why Holy Thursday is so important to the Church today? Why is Good Friday called Good Friday? How can I make Easter Sunday more special? Is the Easter Octave just as important as the Triduum? If these are questions that have crossed your mind then join us as we take a crack at discussing these questions and what these days mean to us and the Church. So give it a listen and share it with a friend. Thank you and God Bless!  --- Support this podcast:


The Virtue of Humility

In this episode we are talking about the virtue of humility and how it shapes us everyday. So join us as we talk about it in the context of our lives, scripture, and Saints! Give it a listen and share it with a friend! Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Trust in the Midst of Chaos

In this episode we are talking about the virtue of trust in a time in the world where it seems a bit hard. So join us as we talk about trust in the context of our lives, scripture and Saints! So give it a listen and share it with a friend! You are all in our prayers throughout this season, God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Importance of Rest and Retreat

In this episode, Thomas and Kylie talk about the importance of rest and how it can help us be completely present for everyone around us. So give it a listen and share it with a friend! Thank you so much and God Bless!  --- Support this podcast:



Join us as we bring on special guest Diana Lopez to discuss what Discipleship means. In it we will talk about what it means to be a disciple of Christ, how to walk towards Christ with others, and how to fully give of ourselves to those that we love. So give it a listen, share it with a friend. and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:



In this episode, we are talking about types of friendships and how they are important in our journey towards Heaven. Give it a listen, share it with a friend, and give us some feedback. Thank you so much and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Emotional Chastity

In this episode, we are talking about one of the latest Catholic buzzwords, Emotional Chastity. Not familiar with Emotional Chastity? Well give this episode a listen as we discuss what it means to us and our experiences with this topic. As always share it with a friend and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Moderation and Intention

Join us as we talk about how moderation and being intentional with things such as media, friendships, and music is a great way to live a joyous and peaceful life. As always, thank you so much for listening! Make sure you give us some feedback or share it with a friend! Thank you so much and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Spiritual Fatherhood

Join us as we bring on our first guest of the season, Father Jason Martini. He is the Chaplain at The University of Texas at San Antonio, he will be elaborating on the topic of Spiritual Fatherhood and what it means to be a priest in today's culture. So give it a listen, share it with a friend and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Why be Catholic and not just Christian?

This week we talk about the age old question as to why we are Catholics and not just Christian. We break down events and moments of our lives that gave us indications that Catholicism was the truest way to salvation for us. We hope you enjoy it, Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Season Finale Part 2: Vocation to Married Life

Join us as we finish off our first season with a two part special! This week for part 2 we are talking about the vocation of marriage with newly weds and soon to be parents Daniel and Veronica Oubre! They share their wonderful love story and answer some questions along the way. So press that play button and take part in listening to their witness to Christ through their vocation. As always thank you so much for listening and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Season Finale Part 1: Vocation to Religious Life

Join us as we finish off our first season with a two part special! This week we are talking about discernment of vocations with our special guest Kedrick Cannon who is discerning his calling to the priesthood in the seminary. So as always give it a listen, share it with a friend and give us feedback. Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Filling Your Cup

Join us as this week we talk about how we stay active in our spiritual lives and why it is an important part of our lives as Catholics.  As always share it with a friend and give us feedback! Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Saints and Thanksgiving Break

Join us as we talk about our Thanksgiving break along with some of our favorite saints and why they play such an important role in our spiritual lives. So give it a listen, and share it with a friend. Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Being Authentically Bold

Hi y'all, you are listening to The University Catholic and this our second episode! Join us as we talk about living bold in an authentic way on an everyday basis. Give it a listen and share it with a friend. God Bless! --- Support this podcast:



You are listening to The University Catholic! This podcasts consists of 4 University students in San Antonio, TX who love talking about how the Lord is playing a role in their daily lives. Other than chatting about our own lives, we'll be talking about fun Catholic stuff! That includes Biblical topics, virtues, and even Catholic church teachings. So join us in our college journeys as we help share some light on certain topics and even what it's like to be a Catholic college student. So give it a listen, share it with a friend, like and subscribe! God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Fighting Laziness

Join us as we talk about laziness and why it can be a problem if you let it consume you. We will be talking about how we approach laziness but also what scripture and the saints have to say about this. So give it a listen and share it with a friend. Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


Christmas Break, Word of the Year, and Candles

Join us as we start our 2nd season talking about how our Christmas break went, as well as our word of the year and what it means to us as we go into the New Year. So give it a listen, and share it with a friend! Thank you and God Bless! --- Support this podcast:


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