The Uprising Podcast

Here at the Uprising Podcast we want to elevate our perspective, perceive the big picture, and identify Kingdom cultures and practices.

Moving from Fear to Love

In this episode we continue talking about the four walls of a chicken coop, concentrating on the first wall (fear), and how to move from fear and into love. Join us as we discuss how insidious and sneaky fear can be, and how we overcome it!


Reconstructing Church Part 3: Finances

In this episode we continue our series on reconstruction with a tricky topic: finances. Join us as we discuss tithing, generosity, theology, and God's perspective on finances in His Church. You don't want to miss it!


Reconstructing Church Part 2: Practical Perspectives

Join us as we continue talking about how to reconstruct a biblical model of the Church that relies on Eagle Principles and keep you out of the chick coop!


Reconstructing Church Part 1: Bondage To Bad Definitions

Deconstruction has been a hot button topic for the last two years, but nobody is talking about how to reconstruct. Once you’ve examined destructive church systems, org charts, and theology, how to you piece it back together into biblical Jesus community. Join us as we pursue His perspective on reconstructing church!


Hillsong Exposed Pt. 2: Accountability Versus Criticism

We continue our series on Hillsong exposed, talking about the difference between accountability and criticism. Join us as we discuss the benefits and flaws to both, our answers may surprise you!


Hillsong Exposed Part 1: Covering Versus Covering Up

Most of the Evangelical world is talking about the new documentary from Discovery +. While we aren't celebrating Hillsong's deficits, they do have huge implications for the church at large. Join the conversation as we pursue God's perspective and talk about the difference between Godly covering and truly covering up.


The Evangelical Industrial Complex And The Chicken Coop

The Evangelical Industrial Complex is a word you may not have heard but you've seen the symptoms--plagiarism in Christian books from Christian authors and influences, toxic culture in Christian music name just a few. In this episode we talk about how all these things are really just another symptom of the chicken coop church mindset and how we can break free from it and find His perspective.


Exploring Nationalism in the Chicken Coop

The word nationalism is thrown a lot these days, in headlines, news, and politics. But what does it actually mean? How does it impact us and more importantly His Church? Join the conversation and explore this word and see things from a higher perspective!


The Genders And Eagle Living Part 1: Masculinity and Femininity

Join us for part 1 of our new series where we'll talk about what Hollywood, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, and Church culture all have in common when it comes to how we view masculinity and femininity. Join the conversation, you won't want to miss this!


Eagle Living Resolutions Part 4: From Risk Averse to stepping out

oin us as we wrap up our series on Eagle Living Resolutions by talking through how to step out in faith into an active role in His Kingdom! Join the conversation!


Eagle Living Resolutions Pt. 3 | Consumerism to Coheir

Join us as we continue our series on Eagle Living Resolutions, Part 3, where we explore consumerism in the church and learn how to move from consumer to coheir in the Kingdom. Join the conversation!


Resolutions For Eagle Living Pt 2: Moving From Codependency With People To Interdependence With God

Join us as we continue with part 2 of our series “Resolutions For Eagle Living.” We'll be talking about codependency not just in the church, but as a mindset, and how to move from that to true interdependence with God. You don’t want to miss this!


Resolutions For Eagle Living Pt 1: Moving From Guilt And Shame To Righteousness and Conviction

January is traditionally a time to set goals and resolutions for the new year and here at Uprising we’re doing the same—but with a twist! While some are talking about weight loss or leadership goals, we’re concentrating on the mind shifts that lead away from the chicken coop and toward true Eagle living and abundant life in Christ! In Part 1 we talk about moving from shame, which creates defensiveness and blocks empathy, to a righteousness and grace mentality that helps us put down the ...


Healthy for the Holidays | Part 1

In this episode we invite our good friends Jeff Black and Brady Daniel, both former pastors turned counselors from Compass Counseling DFW to have a conversation about grief, church wounds, and staying healthy this holiday season! To learn more about their practice you can go to Compass Counseling DFW.


The Parable Of The Eagle And The Chicken Coop - Pt. 2

In this episode we continue to share the story of the parable of the eagle in a chicken coop, giving context to some of the language we use on the podcast, and relating it to where we are currently in the church.


The Parable Of The Eagle And The Chicken Coop - Pt. 1

In this episode we begin a new series to help give context to some of the language and examples we've been using on the podcast, as we take you back to the beginning to a parable that the Lord gave both of us to explain where we are in the church, through a West African proverb and several prophetic words. Join us as we explore the story of the lost eagle in the chicken coop!


Dismantling Unbiblical Gender Roles - Pt 3

In this last episode of our three part series on dismantling unbiblical gender roles, we continue to look at the tensions, cultural influences, and biblical foundations for femininity and masculinity, and rise above the noise to hear God's heart for each gender. Join us in the conversation!


Dismantling Unbiblical Gender Roles - Pt 2

In this second episode of our three part series on dismantling unbiblical gender roles, we continue to look at the tensions, cultural influences, and biblical foundations for femininity and masculinity, and rise above the noise to hear God's heart for each gender. Join us in the conversation (part 3 to air next week)!


Dismantling Unbiblical Gender Roles - Pt 1

In this episode of the three part series we begin to look at gender roles and rise above the noise and cultural tendencies to see what God says about it.


Deconstruction: Supporting And Understanding Others

In this episode we talk with Tim Whitaker, creator of the digital community The New Evangelicals--known as a safe digital space for those deconstructing parts of their faith while, in their own words, being committed to King Jesus. He talks with us about his perspective on the deconstruction community, and how to walk with those in that process.


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