The VOHeroes Podcast

Voice over is a heroes' journey. Make it your journey. Actor, voice talent and storytelling coach David H. Lawrence XVII takes you on a journey each episode into the art, commerce, science and mindset of voice over as a performing art, and as a profession and business. Presented by

13181: That Moment When You're Just About To Hit REC

Hey there, hero!The little moments in life when we do what we do as performers...record an audition, narrate a chapter in an audiobook, self-tape an on-camera audition...they are juicy, aren't they?I'm wondering what goes through your head, just as you're about to start.To take that "blank page" and add content to it.To change it from nothing to something.Do you have doubts? Are you supremely confident? Something in between?Do you even notice that moment anymore?I wonder how that on-the-brink...


13180: Two Ways You Can Buy Back Your Time

Hey there, hero!If there's one thing we don't have enough of, it's time.But there are ways to guard your time and protect what you have.You can even take steps to re-claim that precious commodity. One is fairly obvious.The other can feel a bit dangerous. A bit risky.I'd like to set your mind at ease about that "dangerous, risky" one.How do you guard your time? How do you make sure you have the time you need to do the things you want? Let me know in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this...


13179: See How Easy It Is To Create A Scam Project On ACX

Hey there, hero!Our training course, designed for authors who want to be the voice of their own books, has a lesson in it that shows them how to "claim their title" from Kindle and start the process of producing the audiobook version of their book on ACX.You'd think you'd need some sort of permission to claim a title, but you'd be wrong.In this episode we discuss how easy it is for scammers to create ACX projects from any title that has yet to be claimed, leaving us in ...


13178: Advice, Please: Switching Seats From Teacher To Student?

Hey there, hero!I'm just starting the process of taking a course, and I'm looking for advice from you.Whether you formally teach others or not, we all make the move from showing others how to do something to learning how to do things ourselves.What do you do to be as open as possible to the great things headed your way? How do you combat the assumptions you've made about something you're learning? What do you do to quiet the distractions? What are your best practices as a learner?I'd lik...


13177: I'm Sure They Mean Well, But...No.

Hey there, hero!This episode is a quick reminder that there are a lot of ways to go about doing things in our business.Some are pretty good.Some are uh-MAZE-ing.But, no. Just no.Can you see what's very wrong with the process I came across in the Meetup profile I talk about? Let me know in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes, where the comments are moderated and civil.#Acting #Voice #VoiceOver #Performance #Productivity #Tips #Art #Commerce #...


13176: Ruts and Goal Trauma

Hey there, hero!It's easy to get into a rut. You get used to doing something, you're not challenged any longer, and it starts feeling monotonous.Even if your goal was to create a reliable ritual. It just gets old. You get stuck.Then Ajarae Coleman jumped in with a new concept.You try to shake things up, and strike out for something more challenging. Something new.And it doesn't quite work out.The feelings you have when you try something, fail at it, and reflect on the process can range from t...


13175: You Never Forget Your First Time

Hey there, hero!The number one answer to the question I ask when I'm trying to gauge a student's concerns about learning, "What are you most worried about?" is so interesting.And we don't really think about that one moment, that one concern, that everyone in the world has also experienced. It's a universal.And if you give this momentous occasion a thought or two, it can really change your perspective on being a beginner.Or a "never tried it.".Or, at some point, an experienced professional.Do ...


13174: Grammar Girl, Audiobook Narration and The Public Domain

Hey there, hero!If you're as big a fan of language, expression, narration and audiobooks as I am, and if you care about proper usage and what is required to do your own public domain audiobook narration, this is the episode for you.I had a chance to spend some time with Mignon Fogarty, discussing all that and more.Enjoy this visit with one of my heroes, Grammar Girl.If you're a writer, and haven't grabbed VOHeroes or the ACX Master Class, and you want to learn how to narrate your own book, he...


13173: Overwhelmed By Excellent Choices?

Hey there, hero!Ever been in the situation where you have an abundance of great choices?An embarrassment of riches when it comes to solutions, any one of which would be great?Does it stop you from making a decision on which to choose?I mean, how often do you have a bunch of options...that are all good?Here's a hall pass for choosing any one of them that would work out for you.It's OK to succeed, even when it's surprising.Is it rare for you to have more than one good choice? How do you react t...


13172: Know Your Brand, But Don't Let It Limit You

Hey there, hero!Knowing your brand is essential, but once we determine the boundaries of our brand we might mistakenly misuse that knowledge.In this episode, I'm going to give you two examples around opportunities and your brand.Your brand can be your first filter, but then...I have a secret weapon for you. And it depends who is asking - if you're searching, or if someone is searching for you.You might be tempted to reject opportunities because "it's not my brand." My advice might run counter...


13171: A Simple Shift For Your Mental Health

Hey there, hero!Does the world these days tend to make you angry? I know there are aspects of our existence that piss me off.And I want to delete those things. Don't you?James Clear helped set me straight. You know, the guy who wrote Atomic Habits?He got me again this week with something in his newsletter.Once you hear it (I repeat it, it's so good!), let me know your thoughts in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes, where the comments are moderated an...


13170: Your Brand: On-Camera vs. Audiobook Auditions

Hey there, hero!The consideration you make for a single role in an on-camera or stage opportunity and the many many characters you might play in an audiobook......means your personal brand is likely going to be less of a discriminator.You're not auditioning for that one character.You're auditioning for the entire cast.Once you let that marinate...does that help? Or does that give you pause? Let me know in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes, where the...


13169: Measure Twice, Cut Once

Hey there, hero!My grandfather was a funny, smart cookie. He wasn't a performer, rather my grandfather was a plumber.I'm not really shocked anymore at how many lessons I learned from him, even though he was a tradesman, about how to execute my occupation and run my business.One of the basic rules he lived by was to be damn sure he had a measure of a job before he executed the plumbing needed.He measured, then measured again, just to be sure. Then he cut his pipes. And they always seem to fit ...


13168: Celebrate Both Your Highlight Reel AND Your Blooper Reel

Hey there, hero!Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody fails at things. All. The. Time.Instead of being solely embarrassed about it, and fearful that failure might become the norm, why not make light of your mistakes?Even...celebrate them?You'll hear what I did in this episode.Sound familiar? How did you handle it? Let me know in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes, where the comments are moderated and civil.#Acting #Voice #VoiceOver #Performance #Produc...


13167: The Choices We Have When "Life Happens"

Hey there, hero!We may not have control over what happens to us in life.Sometimes, it's our doing.Sometimes, life happens with no input from us.And although we might not be the cause of some event in our life, there is one thing that we can control: how we react to it.And I'm telling you, your choices on how to react are far more numerous than you think.And being mindful, imaginative and deliberate about my reaction is something I’ve been concentrating on with great results.I want to share th...


13166: Breathe Easy

Hey there, hero!This one is worth listening to without the distraction of video. Wear headphones or earbuds, seat them properly and listen.And, I'm gonna warn you. I tear up a bit in this podcast episode.Because of the power of human breathing.How breaths are used run the gamut from comedic to tragic to frantic to romantic.And I'm on a mission to give you a permanent permission slip around your breaths, as a part of your work that needs to remain, and not be deleted.De-breathing plugins. Not ...


13165: The One Question You Need To Ask When Staring Down A Problem

Hey there, hero!It's a pretty simple question, but we might fly right by it because we see it as a huge issue.We face things all the time that have the potential of being an issue......but it might be worth taking a moment and determining whether it's actually real or not.When you're worried about something...take a moment and survey whether you're worried about nothing. I show you how in this episode.Have you found yourself in this situation? Isn't it a relief when you check your assumptions...


13164: What Does "Game Changer" Mean To You?

Hey there, hero!We hear the phrase "game changer" all the time. And we take for granted that it's a major shift that leads to a victory.Is that always what it means? And is it always huge, monumental or unexpected?I'd love to know how you define a game-changing moment or development or shift.Can you even recognize it? When you haven't experienced the effects of this "game-changer" yet? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation on VOHeroes, ...


13163: A Bend In The Road Is Not The End Of The Road, Unless...

Hey there, hero!The rest of that quote (from Helen Keller) is really important to know.Life in general, and our chosen path in life (being an artist) specifically, has some twists and turns in store for us.Some unexpected stops, some uphill climbs and some out of control skids.Some bends in the are watching, vigilant and prepared.I wonder how you handle the unpredictable. Especially when the unpredictable is as weird as it can be as a voice talent, an actor or a writer.I'm g...


13162: Self-Care And The Hills You Choose To Die On

Hey there, hero!Taking care of ourselves is paramount - as actors, voice talent, writers and other creatives, we don't have an office infirmary and an in-person support community when we are in need of self-care.And one area where your personal mental and physical health can be threatened is when you choose to disagree with someone's point of view...especially in online communication.The anonymity of social media emboldens some to take very big liberties with the basics of good manners - we c...


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