The Vegetable Beet

A live weekly interview and discussion focused on vegetable production challenges and opportunities brought to you by the Great Lakes Vegetable Producers Network. We grow more together. JOIN US LIVE! We will be broadcasting live via Zoom at 12:30 ET/11:30 CT every Wednesday from the first week of March to the first week of September.

Reducing tillage in vegetable production – an interview with Kevin and Annelie from Good Turn Farm

In this episode, Rue Genger interviews Kevin Anderson and Annelie Livingston-Anderson to learn about the reduced tillage systems they use to produce vegetables and flowers at Good Turn Farm, in Pepin County Wisconsin. Kevin and Annelie share their favorite low-tillage production systems, benefits they’ve seen for soil health, and advice for growers who are getting started with reduced tillage methods. We also hear about the Johnson-Su composting bioreactor that Kevin and Annelie are trialing with the Land Stewardship Project.


Reducing tillage in vegetable production – an interview with Liz Dwyer of Dancing the Land

In this episode, Rue Genger and Liz Dwyer of Dancing the Land, Clearwater Minnesota, mix philosophy and practicality into their conversation about farming, food, and caring for the land. Liz describes the evolution of the several different reduced tillage systems that she and her partner Curtis use on their land, how their livestock are integrated into annual production systems, and the importance of adaptability and observation in developing systems for your farm.


Deep compost mulch for vegetable production – an interview with Jimmy Bauman of Farm Fam

Deep compost mulch systems are gaining popularity among vegetable growers who want to reduce tillage. In this episode, Rue Genger interviews Jimmy Bauman about the deep compost mulch systems used at Farm Farm in Princeton Minnesota. Jimmy describes the path he and his partner Heather have taken to reduce tillage, build soil organic matter, and refine their deep compost mulch system for vegetable production.


Managing soilborne diseases with biofumigation

In this episode, Natalie interviewed Meg McGrath, a plant pathologist from Cornell, and Jim Jasinski, IPM coordinator at Ohio State University, about using biofumigation to manage soilborne diseases. We discuss how it works and tips for growers who want to try it on their farms.


Knocking the wind out of soil diseases

In this episode we talk to Anna Testen and Bob Philbrun, from Ohio, about a method for directly competing with and destroying soil diseases by encouraging a special group of microbiology, called anaerobes. Like day shift and a night shift clocking in and out, the anaerobes rule with oxygen is removed from the soil, leaving behind a tilthy planting medium wither fewer plant disease-causing pathogens.


Building organic matter without building phosphorus

How do we build organic matter on farms without over-fertilizing our soils? And what are realistic goals for increasing organic matter? In this episode, Natalie Hoidal interviews Dr. Nic Jelinski, a soil scientist at the University of Minnesota. They talk about soil formation, how organic matter accumulates in soil, broadening our metrics for soil health, and how different practices like compost additions and cover crops contribute to organic matter in the longer-term. 


Where phosphorus comes from and where it goes

Across the Great Lakes region, we see vegetable farms with very high levels of soil phosphorus. In this episode, Natalie Hoidal interviews four ecologists who study nutrient leaching in freshwater ecosystems to understand how much it matters for vegetable farms to have high phosphorus levels in their soils, and what we can do about it. 


Tunnel trouble: increasing many things, but not yield

High tunnel crops often look great for the first few years, but as tunnel soils begin to build up salts and alkalinity, we begin to see plant health problems around years 3-5. In this episode, Natalie Hoidal interviews Dr. Elsa Sanchez and Thomas Ford from Penn State about trends they've seen in high tunnel soils, and strategies for dealing with common problems. 


Sweet Corn and Beans Succotash - live from Great Lakes EXPO

In this special mid-winter offering, three university researchers agreed to be interviewed and recorded for this live and in-person show. They were Marty Chilvers, specializing corn and bean diseases; James Dedecker, specializing wildlife management; and Zsofia Szendrei, specializing in insect pests of vegetables. This show is brought to you by Fartless Beans, and Heavy Metal Tube Man.


Unique Upicks - live from Great Lakes EXPO

In this special mid-winter offering, three operations agreed to be interviewed and recorded for this live and in-person show. They were Blake Farms (Armada, MI), specializing in fruits, vegetables, and agritainment; Hoopers Farm Garden (Traverse City, MI), specializing in cut flowers for events; and Will Forage for Food (Grass Lake, MI), specializing in wild food tourism and educational events.


Ovewintering Pests Part 2: Diseases

Ben Phillips interviews Lina Rodrigues-Salamanca about how diseases get through the winter. A written synopsis of this content will appear in the January edition of Vegetable Growers News, in a column called Great Lakes Veg Connections.


Overwintering Pests Part 1: Insects

Ben Phillips interviews Zsofia Szendrei about how insects make it through the wintry times. A written synopsis of this content will appear in the January edition of Vegetable Growers News, in a column called Great Lakes Veg Connections.


Broccoli Roundup

Listen to a broccoli dream team discuss disease management, markets, varieties, insect control and more! Natalie Hoidal interviews Dr. Bhabesh Dutta of Georgia, Thomas Bjorkman of Cornell and Susan Scheufele of Massachusetts, a team tackling broccoli production east of the Mississippi. Learn more about their multi-state work on developing varieties and markets and improving pest and disease management. 


Wildlife Management for Vegetable Growers

Caw, Caw, phwump, chk chk boom, arrgghhhh! It doesn't take long in farming to start to sympathize with Elmer Fudd, as it seems mammals are always one wing flap/paw/hoofprint ahead of the limited tools we have. Listen as we chat with James DeDecker about vertebrate pest management (P.S. sounds at the beginning were, in order, bird distress call "squawk box," a propane cannon, a shotgun, and an exasperated grower).Also check out a library of factsheets, videos and more on vertebrate management available through Michigan State University, plus this article that puts fencing costs in perspective. 


Getting Your Vitamins All Winter Long with Leafy Greens Production

This week's show is all about getting set for the 4th growing season; winter! Planting dates are crucial for winter greens to yield during and through the Persephone period when we have fewer than 10 hours of light a day. When to heat? What kinds of insulation options are available? Lewis Jett is here to talk about preparing hoophouses for and tending to winter leafy green vegetables. Follow up questions can be sent to Lewis at .


Be the pumpqueen and pumpking you were meant to be

With pumpkins starting to color up, do you already have pumpkin spiced lattes on your minds? Next week the Vegetable Beet will be gnawing on the important pumpkin questions. Join Ben Werling of MSU Extension as he talks to the pumpkin duo, Nathan Johanning of University of Illinois Extension and Brad Bergeford of the Ohio State University Extension about how to be the pumpkings and pumpqueens you were meant to be!Here are some resources that were discussed in this week's episode.The Midwest Veg GuideMore powdery mildew fungicides for cucurbits from the Ohio State University.


Asian Greens and Other Culturally Appropriate Crops

Bok choy, fava greens, daikon, oh my! This week, University of Kentucky Extension Agent, Bethany Pratt, and Common Earth Gardens Executive Director, Laura Stevens, and Agricultural Consultant Stephen Bartlett join the podcast to talk about the production of Asian greens and other culturally appropriate crops, working with refugee populations, and the challenges and opportunities when it comes to marketing these crops. The Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers has a chapter on Asian vegetables. Regarding some of the topics we touched upon, check out the following websites for context and background information about the food sovereignty 


Hold onto your oomycetes!

Hold onto your oomycetes, folks! This week Mary Hausbeck joins us from Michigan State University to talk about a group of pathogens called oomycetes, also known as water molds. These include downy mildews on foliage, and the complex of Phytophthora, and Pythium rots on roots and fruits. What makes them different and more challenging than regular ol' fungus and bacteria? With loads of experience and research on these pathogens, Mary will have you saying "ooooo!-mycetes" and "oh!-mycetes" instead of the profanity you might otherwise use.Keep up with Mary at 


Virus Mystique & Management

CMV, INSV, TSWV, SqMV, WTF? Viruses are a confounding complex of pathogens of our vegetable crops that can hide in overhead ornamentals in greenhouses and non-crop weeds in fields. How can you prevent them from infecting plants, identify if plants are infected, or manage plants after infection? Brett Arenz, from the University of Minnesota, and Jan Byrne, from Michigan State University, join us to discuss these mysterious plant problems.


The Garlic Guru - From Clean Seed to Scaping

Join us this week for the Garlic Guru of Ontario, Travis Cranmer.  Garlic is one of those polarizing crops that people love or hate. But, those who like to eat it, tend to really love it. And those who grow it, really love to grow it. Planting in fall, harvested in summer. How strange!? What should you know about seed quality and sourcing, and what do you with the flower scapes of hardneck garlic? Travis will take us from A to Z. No vampires allowed.


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