The Vince Everett Ellison Show

With a commitment to seeking the truth, The Vince Ellison Show brings you thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional narratives.

William Finch

Vince I totally agree with you. Thank you for the COURAGE to stand up against these Democrat Communists that are hell bent to destroy America and the family unit. I will do what I must to defend me and mine from these Satan worshipping Democrat Communists!

09-14 Reply

William Finch

Vince if you ever run for President, I will vote for you. Democrats are the party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crowe, & LGBTQ perverts. So my question is why do black folks vote for Democrats. Do black folks want to be slaves again? If they keep voting for Democrats they might just get to be slaves again!

08-30 Reply

William Finch

Vince Ellison is the most dynamic truthful commonsense speaker I have ever heard in decades! I am a white man, but he has my support for finally having the bravery to speak the truth in America. God bless Vince Ellison.

08-10 Reply

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