The Voice of Thanksgiving

The Voice of Thanksgiving
Author: Denise Shaw
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© Denise Shaw
"That I may proclaim with THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING, and tell of all Your wonderous works" (Psalm 26:7).
The Voice of Thanksgiving podcast, featuring Denise Shaw (and guests), is intended to provide real answers to some of life's toughest questions. With many years of experience in ministry, Denise humbly brings an abundant supply of wisdom and understanding. Listeners will be encouraged and strengthened for the journey ahead as we all prepare to walk in places we have never been before.
The Voice of Thanksgiving podcast, featuring Denise Shaw (and guests), is intended to provide real answers to some of life's toughest questions. With many years of experience in ministry, Denise humbly brings an abundant supply of wisdom and understanding. Listeners will be encouraged and strengthened for the journey ahead as we all prepare to walk in places we have never been before.
15 Episodes
Did you know that God is very seldom moved by the wind? On the contrary, He expects us to move forward even when the storms of life are gathering. God did not call Peter out on the water in the midst of a calm sea. If Peter wanted to walk on the water, not only did he have to get out of the boat, but he also had to step out in the middle of a wind tossed sea. In the Word of God, very often the tests and trials of life are marked symbolically by the wind. And we can learn a lot from it if we'll take the time to count it all joy.
To listen, visit any of the following platforms and search THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING DENISE SHAW THE WIND: Amazon Music (ask Alexa!), Castbox, iHeart Radio, Pocket Casts, Rumble, Spotify, or YouTube.
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#thewind #countitalljoy #testsandtrials #patience #wisdom #contrarywind #peacebestill #rebukethewind #prophet #prophetic #deniseshaw #adorationministries #adorationinternational #thevoiceofthanksgiving
The Word of God speaks of a people who have an understanding of the times. And if there ever was a time to have an understanding of such things, now would be the time. In this episode of THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING we explore matters pertaining to time and where we currently stand on God's time clock.
To listen, visit any of the following platforms and search THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING DENISE SHAW HORIZON OF TIME: Amazon Music (ask Alexa!), Castbox, iHeart Radio, Pocket
Casts, Rumble, Spotify, or YouTube.
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#lastdays #endtimes #endofdays #horizonoftime #rapture #catchingaway #time #apostacy #fallingaway #harvest #gloriouschurch #prophet #prophetic #deniseshaw #adorationministries #adorationinternational #thevoiceofthanksgiving
The Word of God offers much encouragement to be strong and courageous. With this episode, we'll explore the implications of being courageous and its direct connection to hope. If hope floats, then courage is the life raft. Hope has at it foundation that nothing is impossible with God. When faced with the challenges of life, we must remember to hang on to courage. If we're doing to hold onto hope for the impossible, we'll need grace to strengthen us in the days ahead.
To listen, visit any of the following platforms and search THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING DENISE SHAW LIFE RAFT OF COURAGE: Amazon Music (ask Alexa!), Castbox, iHeart Radio, Pocket Casts, Rumble, Spotify, or YouTube.
If this podcast is a blessing to you, please don't forget to "LIKE" the episode, "FOLLOW the page and SHARE it with a friend or on your favorite social media site.
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There are many who believe the United States of America is about to enter into a time being hailed as THE GOLDEN AGE. Politics aside, we're interested in this topic and how it may fit into the plan of God; and what it will take to see it come to fruition. 2025 is to be a year of great grace. We'll take a look at some of the changes that lie ahead for our society as a whole as well as within the Body of Christ. Agents of change are standing at the door to help us across the threshold.
To listen, visit any of the following platforms and search THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING DENISE SHAW GOLDEN AGE: Amazon Music (ask Alexa!), Castbox, iHeart Radio, Pocket Casts,
Rumble, Spotify, or YouTube.
If this podcast is a blessing to you, please don't forget to "LIKE" the episode, "FOLLOW the page and SHARE it with a friend or on your favorite social media site.
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#GoldenAge #AgentsofChange #Isaiah40v3-5 #CharacterDevelopment #PreparetheWay #Gold #Glory
#GreatestGeneration #GreatDepression #war #adorationministries #adorationministriesinternational #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving
There are times in history when certain men of earth have had what could be considered great names. Some might say we're seeing such a name unfold even in our modern times. Yet, over a thousand generations there is One Greater that deserves the highest of praise. Come along and listen as we explore what it means to have the Greatest Name.
To listen, visit any of the following platforms and search THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING DENISE SHAW GREATEST NAME: Amazon Music (ask Alexa!), Castbox, iHeart Radio, Pocket Casts,
Rumble, Spotify, or YouTube.
If this podcast is a blessing to you, please don't forget to "LIKE" the episode, "FOLLOW the page and SHARE it with a friend or on your favorite social media site.
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#turnyourradioon #thesoundofmusic #thegreatestname #Jesus #JesusName #AboveAll #trump #Nebuchadnezzer #Moses #David #KingDavid #babylon #HolyForever #ChrisTomlin #spiritualradio #thousandgenerations #throneanddominions #powersandpositions
#standsabovethemall #adorationministries #adorationministries international #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving
Jesus is coming soon. And when He comes He is returning for a Glorious Church without a spot or wrinkle. That means there is a huge transition coming for the Body of Christ in the days just ahead of us. In this episode of THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING, we examine the importance of grace and good works in making that transformation.
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#Glory #glorious #gloriouschurch #withoutspot #withoutwrinkle #withoutspotorwrinkle #goodworks
#grace #transformation #transfiguration #Acts1038 #2Corinthians3 #2Corinthians4 #foolishmen #isaiah60 #ephesians1 #adorationministries #adorationministries international #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving
What are we expecting for 2025? We're EXPECTING GRACE.
It is probable 2025 will be a great year. As a matter of fact, it seems as if the year is teeming with possibility, almost as if it were pregnant with potential. What ever comes in the next 12 months, mark my word, "They will be filled with manifestations
of the grace of God."
Many of our listeners have asked, "What about 2025?" And for the first few episodes of 2025, we will explore this question in depth. It's a great time to be alive; it's time to thrive in 2025!
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#2025 #Grace #PregnantwithPurpose #Expecting #PaulsThorn #GracetoHelp #GraceisSufficient #adorationministries #adorationministries international #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving
Tis the season to be busy. In a world seemingly on the brink of chaos at any given moment, it is so good to know that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). And even though it's been over 2000 years since He first arrival, His words of peace can still ring in our hearts today, day by day.
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#John1427 #PeaceonEarth #PrinceofPeace Isaiah96 #authority #theNameofJesus #faithvsfear #benotafraid #peacebestill #greatcalm #adorationministries #adorationministriesinternational #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving
Yes, it is true, Jesus is the reason for the season - but it is so important to know that YOU are the reason He came!
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#JesusistheReasonfortheSeason #John316 #PreciousBlood #Hebrews922 #LambofGod
#KingofKings #LordofLords #Goodnews #theGospel #SinnersPrayer #TheReasonHeCame
#HeCameforMe #HeCameforYou #TheRomansRoadtoSalvation #TheRomansRoad #RomansRoad
#adorationministries #adorationministries international #deniseshaw
When we hear the word spoiled, we might think of a child who has been overly pampered or of something that has been ruined. Yet, the Bible adds the idea of being robbed or plundered. In any case, the Lord has a lot to say on the matter and it's worth our time to know more about it.
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#Spoiled #Plunder #plundered #principalities #powers #wickedness #brat #thief #robber #adorationministries #adorationministries international #deniseshaw #thevoiceofthanksgiving #godofthisworld #Colossians215 #Ephesians26
Ever buy a gift for someone only to find it was "assembly required"? Gathered together in one box, a bicycle is just a box of parts until someone takes the time to assemble it. And no matter how many of these things you've put together, the wise giver will do it according to the manufacturer's instructions.
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#someassemblyrequired #assemblyrequired #bicycle #Hebrews1025 #theBibletellsmeso #adorationministries
#thevoiceofthanksgiving #deniseShaw adorationinternational #christmas #gifts #gifting #giving #supply #spiritualsupply #Ephesians416 #1Corinthians12
Is disaster brewing in your life? Sickness, financial lack, or chaotic family issues keeping you up at night? Are you looking toward the holidays with dread? Then this episode of The Voice of Thanksgiving is for you.
If this podcast is a blessing to you, please don't forget to "like" the episode, follow the page AND share it with a friend or on your favorite social media site.
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#mess #messedup #muss #mussedup #dread #holidays #thanksgiving #christmas #thevoiceofthanksgiving #family #sick #sickness #healing #deliverance #provision #protection #preservation #longlife #salvation #savior #enemies #table #psalm23 #deniseshaw #adorationministries #goodness #mercy #adorationinternational #adoration #tvot #feast #feasts #covenant #covenantalmeal #turkey #cornicopia #dining #gathering #together #familygathering #whatamess #todowell #godislove #godlovesme
The Christian life is not always easy to know what to do or how to do it. In this episode of THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING, we will explore the three dimensions of the human existence.
#TheVoiceofThanksgiving #DeniseShaw #spirit #soul #body #SpiritSoulandBody #spiritsoulbody #Romans12 #Hebrews412 #outofmymind #outofyourmind #livingsacrifice #transformed #mind #heart #flesh
Satan is known, in Bible terms, as "The Father of Lies." And it seems as if he is after our children. In a heart-felt session with our host, Denise Shaw shares a powerful testimony of how God set her free from a lie she had believed about herself from childhood. She additionally challenges the listener to not be deceived by things that are not true about our identities and to look to God for truth.
#fatheroflies #thechildren #believingalie #liar #lies #identitycrisis #identitypolitics #deception #confusion #Godislove #John3:16 #love #lookingforloveintheallthewrongplaces
Worried about a tainted food supply? Concerned for the long-term health of your family? Then take a listen. This episode is for you!
#anydeadlything #deadly #foodsupply #tainted #poison #deadly #addictions #drugs #adoration #deniseshaw #denise #shaw #chemtrails #psalm91 #prayer #Jesus #gospel #Bible #peace #healing #thevoiceofthanksgiving #thanksgiving #voice #thesaltshaker #salt #shaker #light #saltshaker
Introductory episode of THE SALT SHAKER podcast with host, Denise Shaw, Adoration Ministries International.
For more information, visit
#salt #light #thesaltshaker #DeniseShaw #adorationministries #adorationinternational #endtimes #lastdays #discipleship
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