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The WW2 Podcast

Author: Angus Wallace

Subscribed: 11,189Played: 285,544


A military history podcast that looks at all aspects of WWII.

With WW2 slipping from living memory I aim to look at different historical aspects of the Second World War.
232 Episodes
229 - D-Day Legacy

229 - D-Day Legacy


To commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I attended a special event at the Green Howards Museum. We started at the regimental war memorial in Richmond (Yorkshire) at 6.30 a.m., which was when the Green Howards landed on Gold Beach. The day was packed with discussion about the regiment and their role on D-Day. It closed with us having the privilege of getting up close to the only Victoria Cross, which was won on June 6th.  If you find yourself in the Yorkshire Dales, visit the museum; it is a cracking afternoon out. To round off my look at D-Day, I’m joined by Steve Erskine from the Green Howards Museum and Paul Cheall (from The Fighting Through Podcast), whose father landed on Gold Beach with Stan Hollis, who received the Victoria Cross for his deed that day. In theory, we sat down in the museum on June 5th to discuss what D-Day meant to us. In practice, we had a rather wide-ranging discussion. We never got as far off the beaches as we anticipated… I hope you find our war waffle interesting.  
228 - D-Day Landing Craft

228 - D-Day Landing Craft


More than 132,000 Allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches on 6 June 1944. Through their efforts, the tide of the war turned for the final time to favour the Allies. But how did the Allied army get to the shores of Normandy? The contribution of Landing Craft to D-Day is often overlooked. Andrew Whitmarsh joins me to correct this oversight. Andrew has worked as a curator in military history museums for over 25 years, latterly as the curator of The D-Day Story in Portsmouth. Outside of work, he is also the author of D-Day Landing Craft: How 4,126 ‘Ugly and Unorthodox’ Allied Craft made the Normandy Landings Possible.  
227 - D-Day: Sword Beach

227 - D-Day: Sword Beach


6th June 1944 saw the largest seaborne assault in human history: D-Day. While much has been written about the operation as a whole, little detailed attention has been paid to the battle for Sword Beach itself, the easternmost of the amphibious attack areas. For this episode, I am joined by Stephen Fisher. Stephen is a historian and archaeologist who specializes in military history. He is also the author of Sword Beach: The Untold Story of D-Day’s Forgotten Victory.  
As the Allied forces prepared for the monumental invasion of Normandy, concealing the massive build-up of troops in Britain from the Germans became increasingly challenging. To mislead German intelligence about the timing and location of the invasion, the Allies devised a series of elaborate deception plans. The most audacious of these schemes aimed to convince the Germans that the Normandy landings were merely a diversion. This ruse featured a fictitious army led by General Patton, complete with hundreds of realistic dummy landing crafts, tanks, and aircraft. Joining me to delve into the intricate web of D-Day deception is Taylor Downing, author of The Army That Never Was: D-Day and the Great Deception.  
On the morning of May 20, 1941, the Germans launched Operation Mercury. The invasion of Crete was the largest airborne operation yet attempted during the war, with thousands of Fallschirmjäger deployed. Key to the operation's success would be the capture of the airfield at Maleme. Outnumbered and having suffered horrendous casualties, when the airborne troops secured Hill 107, overlooking the airfield, it opened the door for reinforcements and, ultimately, the Allied withdrawal from the island. For this episode, I'm joined by Robert Kershaw, a now-regular show participant who was last with us to discuss Dunkirk. He has a new book available, The Hill: The Brutal Fight for Hill 107 in the Battle of Crete.  
In this podcast episode, we will discuss the different approaches to command and control of the British Army and the German Army. From a management point of view, both organisations developed different doctrines to deal with the 'fog of war' or 'friction', which affected how commanders responded as a battle unfolded. We'll do this by delving into the origins of each nation's different approaches to doctrine and training and, most importantly, how these strategies played out during the pivotal Battle for France in 1940. Joining me today is Martin Samuels. Martin is the author of Piercing the Fog of War: The Theory and Practice of Command in the British and German Armies, 1918-1940, which builds upon his early work Command or Control? Command, Training and Tactics in the British and German Armies, 1888-1918.  
In this podcast episode, I'm looking at the work of LCI's, Landing Craft Infantry. These are not the smaller Higgins Boats we see storming the Normandy beaches in Saving Private Ryan but large beaching craft intended to transport and deliver fighting troops, typically a company of infantry or marines, to a hostile shore once a beachhead was secured. Joining me is Zach Morris. In When the Beaches Trembled, Zach writes about his grandfather, Stephen Ganzberger, who enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served on LCI's during the war. Zach is also the former editor-in-chief of Elsie Item, the quarterly magazine newsletter of the USS Landing Craft Infantry National Association.
Operation Jubilee, the Dieppe Raid on the coast of France, was a disaster in 1942. However, it did highlight the need for more reconnaissance before any other amphibious operations were mounted. In London, a small group of eccentric researchers, experimenting on themselves from inside pressure tanks in the middle of the London air raids, explored the deadly science needed to enable the critical reconnaissance vessels and underwater breathing apparatuses that would enable the Allies’ future amphibious landings, specifically D-Day. Joining me today is Dr Rachel Lance. Rachel is an Assistant Consulting Professor at Duke University, where she conducts research out of their Hyperbaric Medicine facility. She is also the author of Chamber Divers: The Untold Story of the D-Day Scientists Who Changed Special Operations Forever.  
The Indian Army was the largest volunteer army during the Second World War. Indian Army divisions fought in the Middle East, North Africa and Italy - and went to make up the overwhelming majority of the troops in South East Asia. Over two million personnel served in the Indian Army. In this episode, I am joined by Dr Alan Jefferys to discuss how the Indian Army developed a more comprehensive training structure than any other Commonwealth country during WWII. This was achieved through both the dissemination of doctrine and the professionalism of a small cadre of Indian Army officers who brought about a military culture within the Indian Army - starting in the 1930s - that came to fruition during the Second World War. Alan is the Head of Equipment and Uniform at the National Army Museum and the author of Approach to Battle: Training the Indian Army During the Second World War.  
From late 1944, an ungainly piece of equipment was introduced into service in the British and Canadian armies. Referred to at the time as the ‘Valentine 17-pounder SP’, and later as the ‘Archer’, it was a tracked vehicle with an open compartment at the front and a large gun facing to the rear. Joining me to tell the story of the Archer's development is loyal patron of the show, and author of ‘Self Propelled 17 Pounder - Archer’, Christopher Camfield.  
219 - D-Day Tourism

219 - D-Day Tourism


While at We Have Ways Fest, I caught Paul Woodadge, the host of WW2TV, giving an excellent talk on D-Day tourism. I thought I would ask him on the show to discuss tourism, how it has changed and what to see. Base in France, Paul has been a battlefield tour guide for over 20 years. More recently, he launched WW2TV and became a Second World War YouTube sensation. You can find Paul at and  
218 - Target Hong Kong

218 - Target Hong Kong


In January 1945, Admiral Halsey, with the third Fleet, conducted a raid into the South China Sea. This was designated Operation Gratitude. The raid was to support the landings on Luzon, in the Philippines, with the aim of destroying the Japanese navy, supply convoys and any air assets in the area. As part of this operation, Hong Kong would be attacked. Steven Bailey joins me. Steven is the author of Target Hong Kong, which looks at the raid from numerous angles, including an eyewitness account from a British prison officer held in a Japanese internment camp on the island.  
Starting with small raids at the start of the war, the aerial offensive grew into a massive operation. Huge air armadas would eventually pulverise Germany, with the Mighty Eigth Airforce flying by day and the Lancasters of Bomber Command by night. This 24-hour campaign seriously damaged Germany’s ability to make war and killed hundreds of thousands. Joining me is Jonathan Trigg, whose new book is The Air War Through German Eyes: How the Luftwaffe Lost the Skies over the Reich, which looks at the air war from the point of view of the Germans.  
'In Arctic blizzards between January and March 1945, the Latvian 15th SS Division - a core of Russian Front veterans but most raw teenage conscripts from Nazi-occupied Latvia - tried to stop the Red Army sweeping across Pomerania, now Poland. One in three died: the majority never returned home.' In this episode, I'm joined by Vincent Hunt, and we discuss the Latvians fighting with the Germans in the Latvian 15th SS Division. Through interviews, diaries, and never-before-utilised sources, in his book The Road of Slaughter: The Latvian 15th SS Division in Pomerania, January-March 1945, Vince has built a compelling narrative of desperate fighting as the Latvians were withdrawn from defending their own country to Poland. For listeners of the podcast, Helion has offered us a discount code for copies of the book purchased from their website The code is VHRS10.  
This episode will look at Japanese propaganda during the imperial era. With the rise of mass production of newspapers and magazines amidst the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese population became instilled in nationalism and militarism. Despite the era of demilitarisation and democratisation after the First World War, the Japanese Empire, once again, became fixated on expansion. Harnessing film, radio and cultural institutions, the country was galvanised for total war. Ray Matsumoto, author of Echoes of Empire: The Power of Japanese Propaganda, joined me.  
The Green Howards landed in the first wave on D-Day. With them was Company Sergeant Major Stan Hollis, who had seen action in France in 1940, being evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk. He fought in North Africa and took part in the invasion of Sicily. It is fair to say Hollis was a seasoned soldier. He is also the only recipient of the Victoria Cross for his actions on the 6th of June 1944. I have made a field trip to the Green Howards Regimental Museum in Richmond, Yorkshire. In this episode, Steve Erskine joins me to discuss Hollis and the Green Howards on D-Day. The museum is hosting a special 80th D-Day anniversary event on the 6th of June, 2024. This is a unique event to be held at the museum in Richmond. Those attending will have the chance to explore items from the museum collection relating to this crucial phase of the Second World War. Hear accounts of the day itself and understand more about the impact of the events of 6 June 1944. You can find out more on the museum website  
The war in Asia and the Pacific against Japan is often seen as an American affair. While the US did play a dominant role, the British and Commonwealth forces also made major contributions – on land, at sea and in the air – eventually involving over a million men and vast armadas of ships and aircraft. Joining me to discuss Britain and the Commonwealth's war in the Far East is Brian Walter, author of  Forgotten War: The British Empire and Commonwealth’s Epic Struggle Against Imperial Japan. Long-time listeners might recall I discussed the war in the Atlantic with Brian in episode 127, and we looked at the naval campaign in the Mediterranean in episode 173.  
When President McKinley turned down Benjamin Oliver Davis for a place at West Point due to the colour of his skin, Davis joined the army as a private. Davis soon worked his way through the ranks to receive his second lieutenant commission in 1901. It would be over 30 years before another black officer would receive his commission, and that would be Benjamin Oliver Davis's son, Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. In theory, black troops would be barred from combat, but Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. would lead the first Black flying squadron, the Tuskegee Airmen, to success during WWII. For this episode, I'm joined by Doug Melville, a direct relative of Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. and Sr. When George Lucas's film 'Red Tails' (2012), celebrating the Tuskegee Airmen, was released, Doug was shocked when he realised that Ben Jr.’s name had been omitted and replaced by the fictional Colonel A. J. Bullard. And Ben’s father, Benjamin O. Davis Sr., America’s first Black general who helped integrate the military, was left out too. The film inspired him to rediscover his family’s story, which spans five generations, and write Invisible Generals: Rediscovering Family Legacy, and a Quest to Honor America's First Black Generals.  
The convoy HG-76 sailed from Gibraltar to Britain in December 1941. The Royal Navy commander in charge was 'Johnnie' Walker, an anti-submarine expert who had developed new, aggressive U-boat hunting tactics. Accompanying the escorts was HMS Audacity, the Royal Navy's first escort carrier - a new type of warship purpose-built to defend convoys from enemy aircraft and U-boats. Aware of the departure of HG-76, a wolfpack of U-boats was sent against it, and the Luftwaffe was heavily committed to, in a rare example of German inter-service cooperation. German intelligence agents in Gibraltar and Spain also knew every detail of HG-76 before it sailed, seemingly stacking the odds in favour of the Kriegsmarine. Joining me on this episode is Angus Konstam. Angus is a naval historian and author of The Convoy: HG-76: Taking the Fight to Hitler's U-boats For patrons of the podcast, Osprey Publishing has given us a discount code to be used on their website,  If you are not a patron of the show, you can sign up at Patrons can get advert-free listening and extra WWII chat.  
Hot on the heels of victory in Sicily, the Allies crossed into Southern Italy in September 1943. They expected to drive the Axis forces north and be in Rome by Christmas. Although Italy surrendered, the German forces resisted fiercely, and the swift, hoped-for victory descended into one of the most brutal battles of the war. I am joined by James Holland, author of The Savage Storm: The Battle for Italy 1943 and co-host of the We Have Ways podcast.  
Comments (39)

Mr Ian

One of the best episodes yet. Great work

Jun 3rd

John Taylor

Fascinating, I allways look forward to the boys own stories, but it is often the less obvious stories or podcasts that are the best.

Mar 17th

Saba Qamar


Feb 9th

Mark Power

I assumed this woild be about the 442nd RCT, but it's primarily about internment. And it's an excellent episode.

Aug 16th

Hugh Braddock

First the bloke says Kesselring was a sound commander, and then he says he was a great commander. Tell him to make his mind up. Montgomery became commander of the 8th Army after the sacking of Auchinleck and the death of Gott. He did not push them out of the way. Stupid comment. in addition, if plans are good, why not use and realise them successfully. Foolish not to - no point in starting from square one if you have inherited good prep. The interviewee has an agenda against Montgomery and bleats on about him every time he's on.

Jul 16th

Andrew Powell

have to do a story on the devil's brigade and a man named tommy prince

Apr 5th

Ruairi & Vicky Kelly

I love army men I have 250 army men .

Sep 21st

Aaron Britton

The pacific was a great mini-series

Jan 23rd

Aden Hall

By far, the most interesting WW2 Podcast I've ever listened to. Provides explicit detail on certain details.

Jan 12th

Aaron Britton

Certainly one of the most complicated and fascinating figures of the prior century.

Dec 15th

Terry Dunning

Mr Hooten is very annoying and needs to understand that while he knows his subject we don't know what he is talking about. Needs to calm down, finish his sentences, stop interrupting and answer the questions.

Oct 3rd

Aaron Britton

Definitely a topic I've heard very little of.

Sep 8th

Hugh Braddock

very interesting episode but I am SICK TO DEATH of the Monty bashing. Yes, an egotist - we all know that so why bleat on and on and on about it. Find a successful commanding officer proven to be without one.... Unlike many, he owns uo to his errors in his autobiography. As to regarding him as a loser..... REALLY ?

Jun 15th
Reply (1)

Aaron Britton

As always another great episode

May 4th

Dorald Eddy

Angus thanks for your podcasts! Really enjoy them, and if there's the odd one that's outside my interest bubble (which is rare), I move to another. Really appreciate your efforts👍

Mar 11th

Bruce Tait

Wow...thanks for Britsplaining Juno Beach.

Oct 9th

Rattlesnake551 🇺🇦 Stay strong


Sep 9th


love this guest ... interesting and informative stuff about Hiroshima journalism

Aug 1st

Aaron Britton

I never knew that Jimmy Stewart ending up being a Brigadier general.

Mar 20th

Aaron Britton

Such an underappreciated podcast.

Mar 16th