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The Warblers by Birds Canada
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The Warblers by Birds Canada

Author: Andrea Gress for Birds Canada

Subscribed: 214Played: 3,180


This award winning podcast shares Canadian information, insights and inspiration on the world of birds and bird conservation. The lively discussions are hosted by Andrea Gress whose curiosity leads to discovering fun facts and useful tips while travelling uncommon flight paths to learn from expert guests. Thanks to our incredible listeners, The Warblers podcast was named the winner of the 2022 Nature Inspiration Award - Canadian Museum of Nature in the non-profit (large) category! We would love to hear from you, let us know what you think about the podcast here or which topics you will love ->

71 Episodes
The Breeding Bird Atlas is the ultimate province-wide bird survey. In this episode, Atlas coordinators from Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan share how and why Atlassing is a key part of bird conservation. We hear their biggest challenges, favourite stories from the field, and why you should be a part of it all. From boast worthy birds, to blackflies - the Breeding Bird Atlas is a project driven by a love for birds and for Canada's most far to reach places. It's not too late to join an ...
By size, shape and style, you might mistake this owl for a cuddly toy, but it's actually a deadly predator. In today's episode we chat about the Northern Saw-whet Owl - their adaptations, how to identify them by sound, how banding operations are helping to track their populations, and how you could get involved! Happy Superb Owl day! #superbowl Protect habitat while sipping on a cup of bird-friendly coffee! Birds and Beans will even donate to this podcast when you use the code "warblers" a...
As a special treat we've rounded up some of your most curious bird related questions and answered them in this episode (or tried to!). Why do some birds have red eyes? Can owls hybridize? Can birds smell? And of course, we'll try to solve the hotdog mystery. Help us keep doing what we do best by donating today. Or another great way to help... Order some bird-friendly coffee for your cozy holiday season, and when you use the code "warblers", Birds and Beans will donate to this podca...
Some call them goatsuckers, others may think of them as dragons in the night sky...but we know them lovingly as the Eastern Whip-poor-will. We're joined by three researchers who are exploring the habitats, food sources, and migratory ranges of the Eastern Whip-poor-will. We learn all kinds of spooky facts about this elusive species, and gain insights into their threats and challenges. Plus we get to take a behind the scenes look at how research is done for this species at risk. Help...
As we get deeper into the fall months, we're joined by Olivia Carvalho to chat about an underappreciated pastime... winter birding! With Olivia coordinating Project FeederWatch in Canada, she has great insights on how to help birds through the coldest months, winter adaptations, birds you might expect to see at your feeder, and more! What birds are at your feeder? Let us know by joining Project FeederWatch! Remember, you don't need to have a feeder to be part of the fun! Stay warm this ...
How are Canada's birds doing? Recently released, The State of Canada's Birds brings us valuable insights into the health of our favourite species. Some have recovered wonderfully, like waterfowl and birds of prey, yet others are struggling and need urgent attention. Catherine Jardine of Birds Canada and Marie-Anne Hudson with Environment and Climate Change Canada join us - after spending 4 years of their lives digging into this data - to share the biggest news on Canada's birds. Explore t...
An incredible migratory phenomenon occurs along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Thankfully, the Tadoussac Bird Observatory is located in just the right place to observe and study this mass movement of warblers and other songbirds. Alexandre Terrigeol joins us during peak migration to share more about this phenomenon and about the other work occurring at the bird observatory, including bird banding research, educational workshops, and an annual birding festival! Learn more about the Tadou...
With their heads buried in a carcass, vultures may seem like gross, unwanted creatures. But we have to disagree! Vultures have fascinating adaptations that make them essential parts of a healthy ecosystem. John Kinghorn joins us from South Africa to share his unabashed love for vultures, help us understand why their populations are plummeting, and what we can do to help. Learn more about the many projects BirdLife South Africa is leading and collaborating on to help vultures. An...
Grassland ecosystems and birds are increasingly under threat as agricultural operations expand to meet growing food demands. Yet, agriculture itself can be the solution! Through personal anecdotes and a deep appreciation for the unique wildlife of the Canadian prairies, Ian Cook highlights the importance of grasslands and the need to find collaborative approaches that support farmers and producers, as well as the birds we all love. Learn more about the Bird-friendliness Index here. It ta...
"Quick, three beers!" Jody Allair joins us to propose that the Olive-sided Flycatcher is one of Canada's best boreal birds. Will you agree? While they do breed in the boreal forest, the cosmopolitan Olive-sided Flycatcher can be seen right across Canada during migration. Join us to learn more about their charming song and hunting habits, so that you can spot this bird the next time it perches on a tree top near you. And as usual, learn how you can help this threatened species and others lik...
This bonus episode is all about getting to know swifts and swallows, those speedy aerial acrobats that make summer skies so lively. Rielle Hoeg joins us to help shed some light on these two groups of birds. You'll get pointers on how to tell them apart, and which species are present across Canada. We also learn about their population status and a cool new project in Atlantic Canada aiming to protect Bank Swallow habitats. Learn more about how you can help Aerial Insectivores across Canada....
Around 37 warbler species nest in Canada each summer. But how much do you really know about them? Long overdue, this episode is all about warblers! We explore the quirkiest behaviours, the best warbler songs, marvel over fun facts, and hear tips on where to find warblers no matter where you are in Canada. If you've ever wondered what that quick flash of bright yellow in the tree is...this episode is for you. Help warbler species and help The Warblers Podcast at the same time! Order Bird F...
Trevor Herriot grew up exploring the aspen parkland and grasslands of southern Saskatchewan, deeply connected to the natural world around him. His passion for the prairies led him to become one of Canada’s most vocal proponents for the protection of grassland birds through his writing. With a recently released first novel, The Economy of Sparrows, and several award winning non-fictions books under his belt, we were keen to sit down with Trevor to learn more about what drives his grassland fo...
Do you track bird sightings on eBird? Or have you participated in a citizen science project that helps to monitor bird populations, like Project FeederWatch or the Christmas Bird Count? In this episode we learn what happens after the binoculars are put away. Whether reporting a single American Goldfinch at your feeder, or the efforts of a really successful Big Day, your observations create a real impact in bird conservation actions across Canada! Catherine Jardine joins us to explai...
The Roseate Tern is a dapper looking seabird that spends much of its breeding season far away from humans....yet most of the threats it faces are human related. Julie McKnight joins us to explore the challenges and joys of protecting and monitoring this threatened species. Share Roseate Tern sightings and photos using eBird, you'll make Julie very happy! And if you're lucky enough to see a banded tern, report that sighting here. If you're fascinated by some of the finer ...
The Superb Snowy Owl

The Superb Snowy Owl


To celebrate Superb Owl weekend (or the big football game for some folks), we decided to throw you an episode about one of our star players, the Snowy Owl! We all love owls! Please take a moment to learn more about safely observing and photographing owls. Join the Great Backyard Bird Count. It takes as little as 15 minutes to make a difference and you can participate from anywhere in the world! The Nocturnal Owl Survey will be looking for helpers from February through April. And the Chri...
January is a tough time of year, but birds can help! We guarantee *good feels* by the end of this episode. We're joined by Dr. Melissa Lem who directs Canada's nature prescription program. She helps us explore the science behind why nature makes us feel good. Also joining the podcast, is Melissa Hafting, a powerhouse birder from British Columbia who shares her personal experience of using birding to benefit her health and also to create community through forming the BC Young Birders P...
Brrrr! A polar vortex is chilling western Canada while the east is being battered by snowy winter storms! Yet, we can still see birds out the do they do it? In this bonus episode you'll learn how tough birds really are, plus get some tips to help the winter birds near you! Join Project FeederWatch today! It's the perfect winter activity. Plus your data contributes to bird conservation. Keep those feeders clean! Get some easy, helpful tips here. Jody Allair is an avid ...
From British Columbia to Newfoundland, and everywhere in between...join Yousif Attia, Jared Clarke, and Andrea Gress, as they discuss some of the biggest birding news from 2023. Learn about how Red Crossbills might be more mysterious than you realize, hear their takes on Bird Names for Birds, and marvel over some of the best rare bird sightings of the year. Follow Jared's birding adventures on Instagram, or hop on one of his tours through Bird•The•Rock! Support the podcast! Your gift helps...
Join Black Swift researchers on a journey through the forest to find one of the most elusive species in Canada....will they succeed? As Black Swift populations decline, the crews at Birds Canada strive to understand the whole picture, and find ways that we can all help these aerial insectivores. In this episode you'll learn all about Black Swifts, and also glimpse into the lives of wildlife researchers. To continue learning, and see incredible footage of Black Swifts, check out our short ...