The Washed Podcast

Helping connect coffee customers and coffee professionals in community. Based in the great coffee city of Houston, TX. Find us on Instagram/Twitter at @thewashedblog

Specialty coffee origin stories!

Where does specialty coffee originate from and how has all of the different regions around the world developed coffee of their own? You can connect with me on Instagram: @thewashedblog or find my inbox at Support the show by becoming a Patron on Patreon! (The Washed Podcast)


Episode 02: My coffee story and ALL my gear overview!

Find out how I got started in specialty coffee and about all the different coffee gear I use to make my brews every day! Get some recommendations on some specific stuff to start your own coffee journey! You can connect with me on Instagram: @thewashedblog or find my inbox at


Episode 01: How YOU can get started in specialty coffee!

Find out how you can get started in specialty coffee in today’s episode. You can connect with me on Instagram: @thewashedblog or find my inbox at


The Washed Podcast - Trailer

Welcome to The Washed Pod!  This trailer gives you a sneak peak of what to expect coming up on the new space for coffee community in the Houston area and around the globe!  Subscribe to stay tuned into all the coffee action you need to become the coffee guru you need to satisfy your coffee addiction.  Follow us on Instagram: @thewashedblog


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