DiscoverThe Wealthy Speaker Podcast – Jane Atkinson
The Wealthy Speaker Podcast – Jane Atkinson
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The Wealthy Speaker Podcast – Jane Atkinson

Author: Jane Atkinson

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The Wealthy Speaker podcast, hosted by speaker coach Jane Atkinson, can help you catapult your speaking business. We provide guest experts on many areas of the public speaking industry. Whether you need help in social media, speaker marketing, demo videos, or building your business and strategy, our show can help. Jane, along with her professional speaking industry experts can help move your business forward exponentially.

If you’ve ever wondered how to get started in speaking, wanted to get paid more or build your speaking business more quickly and need skills in a particular area, be sure to subscribe.
314 Episodes
As speakers, we’re always looking to book the next engagement, but where exactly do we find the leads? Well, at the Wealthy Speaker School, we believe that spin-off is key and you should be booking your next gig from your last gig. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re excited to welcome Arel Moodie from Talkadot to share some great ideas about how you can easily get contact information from the podium and exactly what you should be doing with it.If you would like some fresh ideas on how to get that invaluable feedback and up your list-building game, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit:
As a keynote speaker, you often have many roles to fill on stage, but did you realize you may be able to take on other jobs at events? Although it’s not for everyone, it seems that becoming an emcee might just be another option for those who have the right stuff.  On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we're thrilled to welcome back Rachel Sheerin, who is taking the emcee world by storm and rocking the stage in more ways than as a keynoter.  If you would like to learn how to expand your offerings and get on the stage as an emcee, you simply can't afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
As speakers, it is not always straightforward as to what meeting planners are looking for and what you can do to make yourself stand out enough to get you on the shortlist. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we're thrilled to welcome Tamra Gaines, who has over 30 years of experience as a planner in the hospitality industry and has worked with many bureaus and countless speakers to put together outstanding meetings and events.If you would like some insight into what will help you shine in the eyes of a meeting planner, you simply can't afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
Do you currently have a podcast, or have you been thinking about starting one? Recording and producing a podcast takes a bit of work, but is it worth it, and what are the benefits? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re happy to welcome Traci DeForge, who will share her expertise and wealth of knowledge on the best way to leverage your podcast to grow your speaking business.If you would like to learn some great tips on how you can take your podcast to the next level, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
How easy do you make it for a client to find you, learn about you, and ultimately book you for a keynote, consulting, training, etc.? I think everyone knows that the easier you make it for the client, the better chance you have of getting the gig. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, I'm thrilled to welcome back my good friend, David Avrin, to talk about how being ridiculously easy to work with will help you reap the benefits time and time again.If you want some great ideas on how to simplify processes that make you easier to work with, you simply can't afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
We’ve all had to dig deep into our well of resilience these past few years, and most have done well in the process. But what happens when true devastation hits you or your family? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, I am happy to welcome my friend and former client Annie Meehan to share her story of resilience and being exceptional despite some really difficult setbacks. If you would like to learn how resilience and mindset can help you overcome even the most dire of circumstances, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
As speakers, we know that selling from the stage can be taboo, but are there times when it’s appropriate? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we welcome Steve Lowell to share how he uses speaking to drive clients into his business and how his business model differs from a traditional speaking business.If you would like to learn when it’s okay to sell from the stage and how to do it well, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode.For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
The speaking industry has seen more changes in the past few years than ever before. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we're thrilled to welcome Chris West back to share his expertise while discussing the highs, lows, and what's coming up in speaker videos.If you want to learn all about what you can do to create a compelling speaker reel, you simply can't afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
As a speaker, there are many hats that we must wear. One of them (and perhaps the most important) is salesperson. No one else can sell us quite as well as we can sell ourselves, so when you’re heading into that meeting or getting on that call, you must be prepared. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome Terri Sjodin to share her wealth of knowledge in the arena of sales presentations and how you can make sure yours is the one that wins the gig.If you would like some great ideas on how you can improve your sales presentations that make you stand out from the competition, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode.For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
As the owner of a speaking business in the last few years, you have had to learn to “roll with the punches,” so to speak. Imagine starting your speaking business at the start of the pandemic. Maybe that is you. If it is, you certainly know that it requires great dedication, hard work and, most importantly, resiliency. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome Kwesi Millington to share his journey of creating the successful speaking business of his dreams.If you would like some great tips that might help you avoid some missteps and create a profitable speaking business, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit: 
We know that storytelling in your speech can help create a moment in time where you fully capture the attention of your audience. These moments can be magical and transcend them to envision your story in their head. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we're so excited to welcome Sally Zimney to share some great ideas on how you can inject stories that will resonate with your audience on and off the stage.If you would like to learn how you can move your audience with a great story, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode! For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit:  
We at The Wealthy Speaker School live by the mantra that mindset and consistent action are necessary to create a successful speaking business. But what happens when you’re stuck or having difficulty moving forward? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome back our amazing Coach Jen McDonough to chat about how to keep those negative thoughts from holding you back.If you would like some great ideas to help you get unstuck and get over your in-action, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
We work toward creating the speaking business of our dreams, but does that give us that work/life balance that we all so desperately crave? How many days are you on the road, and are you feeling fulfilled and like you have enough family and downtime? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome Kent Julian to share his journey and how he has created the perfect business for his lifestyle, and you can too.If you want to create a more balanced life and ensure your business allows that, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
As speakers, we give our audience the very best of what we have to offer, but how can we take care of ourselves before, during and after we are on stage? In this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we are happy to welcome Dr. Jason Jones to talk about the neuroscience of how your brain works and what you can do to keep yourself healthy and at peak performance on and off the stage.If you find yourself feeling the effects of leaving it all on the stage and could use some great ideas to stay balanced and healthy on the road, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
Have you previously or are you currently using paid advertising? Most of us in the speaking world have, but have you ever put down some serious money to find leads? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, I am thrilled to welcome back my friend and client Odell Bizzell to share how his pay-per-click advertising has yielded him his investment back several times over and a few missteps you will want to avoid.If you would like some great ideas on how to spend your pay-per-click ad dollars wisely, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
Living life in the front row…what exactly are we talking about? The front row symbolizes living life to the fullest and achieving your professional and personal goals. No more settling for mediocrity. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome back my client and friend, Marilyn Sherman, to share her wealth of knowledge about living your life in the front row and why we need to be there.If you would like some great ideas on living your best life and moving your business forward, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode.For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
The speaking business has gone through some significant modifications in the past few years, but we weathered it all very nicely. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we're excited to welcome Shawn Kanungo to share his unique ideas on how to market your speaking business using innovative ideas to create maximum impact for your clients.If you could use some distinctive ideas to help you stand out and get booked, you simply can't afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
It’s true that we all have to start somewhere and work our way up the speaking ladder. Eventually, we hope to get to a level where we can live the lifestyle of our dreams, but that means we have to pay our dues along the way. But when we reach that level, boy, oh boy, it’s pretty sweet! On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re so excited to welcome back my client, Ryan Estis, to share his journey and some great tips on getting to that pinnacle.If you would like to hear the details of Ryan’s success and some ideas that you can implement in your speaking business, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
Do you have an issue bragging about yourself? We’ve always been taught to be “humble and kind” like you can’t have one without the other. The definition of brag is “to say something in a boastful manner.” Can you brag without being boastful? On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome Lisa Bragg to share the concepts from her book Bragging Rights and teach us how to brag with humility.If you would like some great ideas on how to self-promote without putting people off, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit
Focused Hustle is a term that we often use at Speaker Launcher and The Wealthy Speaker School. Here’s my definition: Consistently performing the tasks that are aligned with your long-term goals.  Following every lead, down every avenue, while avoiding squirrels. Here’s the caveat: Your long-term goals may and should include a level of balance that works for you. On this episode of The Wealthy Speaker Show, we’re thrilled to welcome my client, David Atkins, to share how he has scaled his speaking business in just a few short years.If you would like some great strategies to help you build the speaking business of your dreams using Focused Hustle, you simply can’t afford to miss this episode!For access to FULL SHOW NOTES, including video and links, visit