The Weekly Reload Podcast

A podcast from The Reload that offers sober, serious firearms reporting and analysis. It focuses on gun policy, politics, and culture. Tune in to hear from Reload Founder Stephen Gutowski and special guests from across the gun world each week.

Has the 2024 Gun Debate Already Ended? (Ft. Cam Edwards)

This week, we're turning our attention to the presidential race. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris seem to have found their message on guns and are sticking to it. Assassination attempts, a major school shooting, and the race tightening haven't moved voters. Neither has any of that moved the candidates themselves. So, we've got Bearing Arms editor Cam Edwards back on the show to look at where everything has landed. He agreed there's little reason to think the campaigns are going to change course on message or intensity at this point. But he argued both sides are taking a flawed approach. Cam said Trump ought to do more to try and entice gun owners to turn out for him rather than just talking about how he doesn't think they will show up. On the other hand, he argued Harris trying to parry claims she'll take Americans' guns by emphasizing her own gun ownership felt inauthentic and didn't do enough to counteract some of the farther left positions she's staked out on guns in the past. Special Guest: Cam Edwards.


Voters Give Edge to Harris on 'Gun Violence', Collins Introduces Military 'Red Flag' Bill

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I talk about new polling data showing voters trust Kamala Harris more on the issue of "gun violence" despite ranking the issue low on their list of priorities this election. We also talk about the political implications of young women moving way to the left on the issue of guns. Finally, we wrap up with a discussion of a new federal bill to force the US Military to initiate state red flag orders, the lack of gun policy ballot measures this November, and a new state-level legislative coalition launched by the national gun control groups. Free Dispatch trial here:


Semafor's Dave Weigel on the Debate and Harris's Handgun

This week, we're reacting to the debate. That's why I've got one of the top political reporters in the country on the show. Dave Weigel is a writer for Semafor, who runs their Americana newsletter. He has been covering national politics across major outlets for decades now. He is one of the best-sourced reporters out there. He said Kamala Harris bringing up her gun ownership at the debate was a bit of a surprise since she hasn't talked much about that before. He agreed the fact she owns a handgun for self-defense could make her more relatable to the average gun owner than Tim Walz, who centers his gun ownership around hunting. But he doubted that would become a major part of her campaign going forward. Weigel said guns have been a relatively minor issue in the election thus far. He said that was likely due to two factors. One is the relative lack of high-profile shootings. The other is the limits on what gun control is even possible under the Supreme Court's Bruen precedent. Special Guest: Dave Weigel.


NRA Board Adopts Reform Plan; Polling Shows Increased Support for Gun Control

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss my time in Texas covering the NRA's latest board meeting, where the group came to an agreement on a reform plan but failed to overhaul its legal strategy after a marathon executive session. We also discuss new corruption allegations against the group in a recently filed lawsuit from a former employee, as well as the group's first big election ad buy of the cycle. Finally, we recap the limited role guns played in the Presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and new evidence of a modest bump in support for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the Georgia shooting.


The Dispatch's Steve Hayes on the 2024 Gun Debate, Georgia School Shooting Fallout

This week, we've got one of the nation's premier political analysts on the show. Steve Hayes, co-founder of The Dispatch, joined us to discuss the state of the 2024 gun debate. He gave his take on the path Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have taken in their respective campaigns. Then he turned to how the recent mass shooting at a Georgia High School might shake up those positions. Hayes noted guns have not been a top priority for voters thus far in the election. He said that was likely because there haven't been a lot of high-profile shootings this year. He argued that could change because of the new attention the Georgia shooting will bring to the issue, but he wasn't sure if it would reach the level of intense media coverage that's necessary to push either candidate one way or the other. Special Guest: Steve Hayes.


Legal and Political Fallout from the Georgia Shooting; NRA Board Set to Vote on Reform Plan

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I cover the early political and legal fallout from the Georgia High School shooting, including what it could mean for the Presidential race as well as the trend of criminally charging the parents of mass shooters. We also talk about a new political ad campaign launched by gun control group March for Our Lives and Ben & Jerry's targeted at voters in swing states. We wrap up with some original reporting on the upcoming NRA board meeting where the group is potentially set to vote on an internal reform program and consider separating from its longtime outside legal counsel, William Brewer.


Gun-Rights Lawyer Matt Larosiere on a Federal Judge Ruling Against the Machinegun Ban

This week, we're covering the very first time since the Supreme Court handed down the Bruen ruling that a federal judge has struck down the machinegun ban. That may have implications for not just the ban itself but the law it is housed under: The National Firearms Act (NFA). That's why we've got a gun-rights lawyer who has handled NFA cases. Matt Larosiere gives his view of what the holding in US v. Morgan means for the ban on post-1986 fully-automatic weapons and the NFA writ large. He notes the case doesn't include an injunction against the ban. Instead, it's limited to the named defendant. He argued it's very likely to be appealed and unlikely to win at the next level, though he couldn't say for sure. Larosiere said the barrier to plaintiffs winning cases against the ban was less a legal one than a public or judicial perception one. Still, he argued the victory in Morgan was not meaningless. He said it would help him and other gun-rights activists in future cases against the ban as well as other portions of the NFA. Special Guest: Matt Larosiere.


Gun-Control Groups Outraise Gun-Rights Groups; Appeals Court Strikes Down Gun Ban for Pot Users

Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I cover the latest federal campaign finance numbers showing gun control groups outraising the NRA and other gun rights organizations in the lead up to the election. We also talk about a pair of federal appeals court rulings, one striking down the federal gun ban for marijuana users and the other striking down Missouri's expansive Second Amendment Sanctuary law. Finally, we wrap up with a quick discussion of gun groups officially appealing to the Supreme Court over Maryland's AR-15 ban and a pair of dueling court decisions on the legality of switchblade bans from across the country.


The Gun Collective's Jon Patton on YouTube's Latest Crackdown on Firearms Content

This week, we're talking about a major moderation issue on YouTube. It's not the first time we've discussed this. It probably won't be the last, either. But this time the platform is deleting videos and, potentially, whole channels focused on gun content after a new policy update that's only partially written out. I talked with YouTube spokespeople about the changes and got more details this week. But things are still a bit vague. Purposefully so. That's why we've got Jon Patton of The Gun Collective on the show to share what he's been told and to discuss how serious the impact of the changes could be. Patton argued the fallout of the new policy against directing viewers to lawful gun or ammo dealers could be huge. He said it makes it harder for gun channels to survive on the platform and for gun companies to advertise their products. He also worried about the often chaotic nature of YouTube enforcement and how it has the potential to lead to instant bans for people who rely on the platform to make a living--without warning or explanation. Special Guest: Jon Patton.


Harris, DNC go Heavy on Guns in Contrast to Trump's RNC

Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman is on vacation this week. So, Reload Founder Stephen Gutowski hosts the news update. He gives a recap of how the Democratic National Convention approached guns. From the platform, to the keynote speeches, to an entire programing block in primetime on the final day the DNC highlighted gun control. Kamala Harris also called for a "red flag" law, universal background checks, and an "assault weapons" ban. That all contrasts with how Donald Trump and the RNC handled guns, which is to say they didn't really at all. I also go over the latest gun polling and a new ruling against one of California's gun restrictions.


Pistol Brace Inventor on His Win Over the ATF

The pistol brace ban just racked up another legal loss. A panel on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the ban. That puts it in legal peril in a whole new federal circuit. And this case is the one led by the company that pioneered the accessory, SB Tactical. That's why we have SB Tactical Founder Alex Bosco on the show to give his reaction to the ruling. He explains why he thinks the new decision is vital for his company and industry even though another court already vacated the brace ban rule. Then, he lays out where SB Tactical and the industry plan to head from here, both in court and in the marketplace. We also have a Member Segment where we hear from one of the people who make The Reload possible. He describes his journey from military kid to military man to gun collector and beyond. It's always great getting to know our members! Special Guest: Alex Bosco.


Bruen Decision Grows in Popularity; Biden Pistol Brace Ban Loses in Court

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I cover new polling data showing that the Supreme Court's recognition of public gun carry rights is more popular than ever. We also analyze the likelihood of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear an assault weapon case later this year, as well as a new Fox News poll showing voters trust Donald Trump over Kamala Harris on gun policy. We wrap up by discussing a new Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against President Biden's pistol brace ban, New York officials opting to create gun carry permits for non-residents, and the latest instance of parents of school shooters being taken to court.


New York Times Columnist David French on Gun Politics in the 2024 Election

This week saw a lot of developments surrounding guns in the 2024 presidential election. After walking back her support for a mandatory buyback of AR-15s and the like, Kamala Harris doubled down on her support for a slew of other gun restrictions by selecting Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP. Then Donald Trump broke his recent silence on guns by attacking Harris and doubling down on support for gun ownership. So, we've got New York Times columnist David French back on the show to go over all of the developments. He said Harris is attempting to run away from what he called the "great awokening" of the 2020 Democratic primary, and he said Walz misled the public about having carried the guns he now wants to ban "in war." But he also noted the gun policies she and Walz have now centered their campaign on are fairly mainstream for the most part, both within the Democratic party and even among general election voters. He admitted that Donald Trump and Republicans are better on gun rights. However, he argued that didn't justify voting for Trump over Harris because the latter is unlikely to be able to institute her gun policies given the most likely outcomes of the 2024 election. Similarly, he argued Harris was unlikely to be able to change the makeup of the Supreme Court during her first term since conservative justices probably won't retire. He said he was more concerned about what Trump could do with the presidency's power over national security than what Harris might be able to accomplish through legislative efforts. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch: Special Guest: David French.


Harris Doubles Down on Gun Control with VP Pick; Trump Defends AR-15s

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I cover Kamala Harris' VP pick and what it says about the ticket's gun policy strategy. We then turn to Donald Trump's latest attack on Harris for her gun control stances and why it stands out after months of silence on the issue. We also explain why the Fourth Circuit's latest "assault weapon" ban ruling is the strongest candidate yet for Supreme Court review. Finally, we wrap up with a quick discussion of appeals courts continuing to struggle with the question of gun rights for felons, Mexico's latest legal headwinds in its quest to sue US gun companies, and even break a little news about an upcoming NRA meeting. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch:


We Answer Your Gun Politics Questions

This week, we're answering Reload Members' questions on the podcast. So much has happened in the last few weeks. The NRA's corruption just reached its end stage. Although, there are still some potentially decisive decisions for the judge to make. The Democrats just swapped out Joe Biden for Kamala Harris. Then Harris's campaign walked back her most aggressive gun policy position. Contributing Writer Jake Fogleman and I got several questions on those fronts. Plus, a few on my time as a CNN contributor. We did our best to answer as many as we could. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch:


NRA Avoids Court Monitor; Harris Campaign Walks Back Gun Confiscation

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I discuss the legal consequences the NRA could face now that the remedies phase of its trial has all but concluded. We also cover Kamala Harris' latest flip flop on AR-15 confiscation as well as a federal judge's recent decision to strike down New Jersey's ban on the very same weapons. Finally, we discuss big new election spending pledges from the nation's largest gun control groups. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch:


National Review's Charles Cooke on How Kamala Harris Shakes Up 2024 Gun Politics

Another week, another wild series of events in the 2024 presidential race. This time, the Democratic ticket was entirely upended, and Kamala Harris all but wrapped up her position at the top.  To discuss how this affects gun politics, we've got National Review's Charles Cooke back on the show for the first time in a while. Cooke said that Harris has been to the left of her predecessor, Joe Biden, on firearms restrictions. He noted she supported a more assertive approach to using executive power, and she backed a mandatory buyback of AR-15s. However, Cooke argued Harris probably wouldn't track further left on guns during the campaign. He said the incentive is to either stick with the already aggressive platform, centered on an "assault weapons" ban, or try to moderate. He said Harris is likely going to have to combat her image as a very liberal California politician if she wants to beat Donald Trump. He said he was less concerned about Trump backing away from gun policy in recent weeks. He argued Democrats are highlighting the issue to try and excite voters they're concerned won't show up to the polls whereas Republicans don't have to worry as much about that because they've already accomplished a lot of pro-gun priorities in recent years. Oh, and we talked a little bit about rollercoasters at the end for those interested lol. Special Guest: Charles Cooke.


Kamala Harris Shifts Party Left on Guns; Gun Control Groups Outraise NRA

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I talk about Kamala Harris' new role at the top of the Democratic ticket for November and what it signals for the party's stance on guns. We also cover the latest reported fundraising totals of the major gun advocacy groups and what they say about the relative stature of gun rights vs. gun control organizations. Finally, we wrap up with a rundown of the latest public remarks from the NRA's new executive vice president, a federal judge's decision to block the ATF's ban on Forced Reset Triggers, and a novel AI-based gun detection technology set to make its debut in the New York subway system. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch:


The Fallout of the Trump Assassination Attempt and RNC on Gun Politics (Ft. Cam Edwards)

It has been just over a week since somebody shot and tried to kill Donald Trump. In that time, the RNC has come and gone. Gun policy was nowhere to be found. What does all that mean for the short and long-term prospects of the gun-rights movement? That's the question we've brought Bearing Arms editor Cam Edwards on to the show to help us answer. He's one of the best gun writers in the country, and he brings a complementary but unique view of where this is all headed. Cam argued the silence on the Second Amendment at the RNC was evidence the gun-rights movement's continued reliance on a single party for its influence is a real risk. However, he also said Trump's assassination attempt may not drive new gun restrictions like some others in American history have. And he argued the GOP's newfound skittishness toward gun politics could actually reverse if the race tightens than the other way around. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch: Special Guest: Cam Edwards.


RNC Silent on Guns; NRA Trial Starts Back Up

Contributing writer Jake Fogleman and I cover the 2024 RNC coming to a close without so much as a single mention of gun policy and what that might mean for the politics of the gun rights movement. We then turn to a recapping of where things stand with the NRA in the second phase of its New York corruption trial. Finally we wrap up with a discussion of a new appeals court ruling upholding gun carry rights for young adults, Massachusetts' new omnibus gun control bill, and the Ninth Circuit's decision to vacate yet another Second Amendment ruling. Click this link for your free trial from our sponsor The Dispatch:


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