The Well Said Podcast

The Well Said Podcast

A weekly conversation about following Jesus amidst the tensions & challenges of our post-christian culture.

Examining Your Teachers

Dallas Willard once said that one of the most difficult tasks you can ever undertake is the work of examining your teachers and examining the impact they had on you and your view of God. This task difficult because it makes us acknowledge that our teachers are not perfect. It is an important task because it forces us to separate and clarify our allegiance to Jesus apart from our allegiance to human voices.


Loving People in Their Pain

One of the most difficult things we run in to when people around is are hurting is that we don't know how to respond. Maybe its our insecurity. Maybe its our individualism. But as God's people, one of the essential qualities of the community of God's people is that we learn to love people in their pain.


Cultivating Generosity

How do we become people who are truly generous? One principle that has been at work in our lives is the observation that we will never be truly generous unless we perceive ourselves to be truly wealthy. If we see ourselves as those who are always lacking and in need, we will have a very difficult time being liberal in our giving. The message of the gospel is not merely that we are saved out of hell, or that our sins are forgiven. It goes much further than that. It tells us that, in Jesus, we are loved, bought, accepted and redeemed. We are welcomed into the family of God and we are given the infinite riches of heaven itself. This mindset causes a revolution in how we see ourselves in the world.


Uprooting Bitterness From Your Heart

Uprooting Bitterness From Your Heart by The Well Said Podcast


Our Summer Recommends

Our Summer Recommends by The Well Said Podcast


A Story of Deconstruction With Denis Vishnevskiy

Deconstruction has definitely been a buzzword this past year. With the scandals in and around christian circles, comes another wave of disillusionment and doubt. How do we process this as christians? Too often, when we as christians come across a friend or loved one who is going through a challenging season in their faith, whether its doubt or questioning, we get very defensive and insecure ourselves. And that makes sense. We get defensive when our deepest beliefs are challenged. One of the most important ways we can begin to work through this challenging question is to hear a story about how it actually happens in the life of a fellow christian. What we learn along the way is that honest questioning is one of the most important ways that God teaches us both of our own limitations, as wells as his faithfulness.


Embracing the Discomfort of True Belonging

Embracing the Discomfort of True Belonging by The Well Said Podcast


Money and Work in a World of "Quick Success"

Every generation has its temptations and challenges. One of the great blessings of our time is affluence. We have so much stuff. Many of us were raised not knowing any true needs. And in the midst of that, we are formed by technology to think that the greatest things in our life can come to us through the swipe of a screen or a click of a button. So its no surprise that our generation has a real issue when it comes to diligence, responsibility and work ethic. So how do we think biblically about the concepts of work and money? How do we build our lives around a healthy set of values and convictions about where we put our energy and resources? This week on the podcast we take on the question of our work and money in a "quick success culture". Enjoy the episode and let us know what you think! Full episode link in bio!


Good Love Takes Deep Work

Good Love Takes Deep Work by The Well Said Podcast


Learning to express our joy in Jesus

Learning to express our joy in Jesus by The Well Said Podcast


Processing the Fall of Christian Leaders

Processing the Fall of Christian Leaders by The Well Said Podcast


God's Love & Your Restless Heart

God's Love & Your Restless Heart by The Well Said Podcast


Changes Takes Practice

Changes Takes Practice by The Well Said Podcast


Loving People Through Difficult Seasons

Loving People Through Difficult Seasons by The Well Said Podcast


Discovering & Following God's Calling For Your Life

Discovering & Following God's Calling For Your Life by The Well Said Podcast


Giving Negative Feedback To Those We Love

Giving Negative Feedback To Those We Love by The Well Said Podcast


Uprooting Your Fears

This week on the podcast we take a moment to think a little more deeply through the process of uprooting our fears. As I mentioned in the previous post, the challenge with fear is that it can masquerade itself so well in the under layers of our hearts. Fear can become a deep mover of our worldview and our goals that we take it as a normal way to live. The joy and power of the gospel comes at us in this specific challenge. It unmasks the foundation of fear as our inherent weakness and guilt as sinners. We respond in fear because, deep down we know that we have failed and that we can’t make ourselves right. The justifying power of the blood of Jesus comes to erase this guilt at its root. It washes us clean and brings us into the family of God as though we have never sinned. And it gives us a sure daily foundation to continue the task of uprooting false fears in our life and walk in joyful courage with our King.


Surviving The 2020 Apocalypse

How do we make sense of the craziness in the world around us today? And how do we protect our own hearts and minds in the process? This a talk that I did at one of our True North Worship Nights. I hope you find it helpful!


What's it like being a police officer today?

What's it like being a police officer today? This week on the podcast, we get a chance to hear an answer to that question. With all the political upheaval of the last few months, some of us have to deal with the results more than others. Most of us see the mischaracterization and inaccuracies from a distance. And then we go back to our regular lives, unchanged. Others have to suit up and go to work every day, facing the realities of a world angry and divided. Our law enforcement officers have been in that latter category these last couple of months. Now, please understand as someone who holds to a biblical theology of the depravity of man, I am not one to paint one side or the other in perfect, flawless color. In our divided world, everyone is plagued by sin. And that includes our attempts at justice. No police force or police officer is perfect and there are certainly abuses that must be corrected. And yet, in the noise and anger of the moment, we often overlook the significance of the work that is done all around us - the work that never makes it to the news. The work of protecting our communities. The work of chasing down real bad guys. The work of hauling in drunks who are vomiting all over your back seat and spewing profanities at you all the while. This is a work that deserves our attention and our respect. This week on the podcast I sit down with a good friend of mine who works in law enforcement and take some time to see things from his perspective. Episode link in bio!


How to build richer relationships

We all know that relationships are one of the most important aspect of our lives, but what does it actually take to build richer relationships? The challenge with this question is the fact that over our lives we get into certain relational habits the prevent us from cultivating richer and deeper connections. Often times, we are not even aware of these habits. What is more, these habits are often difficult to analyze in ourselves because, most likely, the people in our lives have similar habits. This is where we see one of the great blessings of life in the community of Christ. As a body of Christ, we are a diverse collection of folks from all walks of life, who help counterbalance our weakness and help to demonstrate to us aspects of Jesus that we have been previously blind to. At the end of the day, the perfect example of rich relational wisdom is Jesus himself. He is the only one who came and loved us perfectly. When we take moment to look at his life, there are a few key characteristics of building richer relationships that we can see. This week on the show we take a moment to dive into some of these specific details and how they play out in our everyday relationships. Here is a brief outline of the discussion. Rich relationships include: * Letting people in to your inner life * Learning to take others in * Cultivating trust * Learning to let things go and not hold on to grudges * Communicating real presence


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