The Well

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to chat about life, death, and everything in between. Join us for new episodes every other Thursday.

Is God male or female? | The Well S2 Ep5

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between. You can submit your own questions here or in the comments: Today's Questions: Do you see God as male or female? Nothing is softer or more yielding than water. Yet given time, it can erode even the hardest stone. That's how the weak can defeat the strong, and the supple can win over the stiff. Everybody knows it, so why don't we apply it in our own lives? If guns did not yet exist, what good or necessary reason would we have for inventing them?


Do words or actions matter more? 🤷🏼‍♂️ | The Well S2 Ep4

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:  Today's Questions:  When it comes to love, what matters more: words or actions?   "There is greater comfort in the substance of silence than in the answer to a question." - Thomas Merton.  Discuss.    "Some beliefs are like blinders shining off the power to choose one's own direction. Other beliefs are like gateways, opening wide vistas for exploration." Discuss.


Can you be Christian without believing Jesus is God? | The Well S2 Ep2

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  Stephen Hawking said "We are such insignificant creatures on a minor planet of a very average star in the outer suburbs of one of a hundred thousand million galaxies. So it is difficult to believe in a God that would care about us." What do you think?   Friedrich Nietzsche - Jesus died too soon. If he had lived to my age he would have repudiated his doctrine.    I believe in the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, but do not accept him as God. Could I still be a Christian?


Why do bad things happen? | The Well S2 Ep1

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:  Today's Questions:  Are people of faith recognizable?    If God loves and cares for everyone, why do people have mental illnesses, struggle with anxiety, have bad households suffer from depression, etc.?   What did Jesus mean when he said, "Judge, not and you will not be judged."


How do you come to believe in a religion? | The Well #23

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  How do you come to believe in one religion over another?   Is prosperity a sign of God’s blessing?   In a church setting do you think it’s more important to have a unity based on the same ideas and theology or a unity based on acceptance amidst difference and diversity of thought?


What are you thankful for? | The Well #22

Welcome to The Well, where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:  Today's Questions: If you knew you only had six months to live, how would you spend your time?   How would you define a miracle? Have you ever experienced one? How does your definition differ from biblical accounts?   Is there a difference between the Word of God and the words of scripture?


What difference does voting make? | The Well #21

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:   Today's Questions:  What difference does voting make? Do you think being involved in your community in other ways is more important? Have you ever intentionally not voted? Why?   Discuss this quote: “You can’t convince a believer of anything. It’s not based on evidence, but a deep-seated need to believe.” – Carl Sagan.    Discuss this quote: “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike, may we not be of one heart though we are not of one opinion” – John Wesley


Assumptions on Religious Identity | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:  Today's Questions:  “Martin Luther said everyone must do two things alone – their own believing and their own dying. Discuss the loneliness this implies."    "To what degree are we responsible for anyone other than ourselves? Does an action ever involve only the person deciding to act"   "What assumptions do people make about you regarding your religious identity?"


Isn’t The Golden Rule enough? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  “Isn’t “The Golden Rule” enough?”  “In a world of serious realities, what is the point of lighthearted amusements?”  “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.”


Do we need to fix people?? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:   Today's Questions:  "Do you allow people to be themselves, or do you feel the constant need to fix or change them?"  "There is no Christianity without Paul. Agree or Disagree?"  "Ancient rabbis held that each text has "seventy faces", or many levels of meaning. Is this different from how you understand scripture?"


Do Thoughts and Prayers Matter? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions: "Do thoughts and prayers make a difference?"  "If you could take away all evidence of the ideas of heaven and hell, would the world be better or worse?"  "How does your religion reinforce feelings of safety, if at all? How does it encourage adherence to respond to a perceived threat?"


How high is your tolerance for mistakes? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:   Today's Questions:  "How high is your tolerance for making a mistake?'"  "From a Larry King debate, a baptist pastor said 'A lot of good and honest people will burn in hell'... what do you think of this?"  "It's not enough to have just a gospel-centered message. We must also have a Jesus-centered Gospel. What is the difference?"


What does it mean to seek God? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here  Today's Questions:  "'Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.' Discuss the damage this text has done in how readers of the bible have treated the earth"  "Is anything really new? Is there such a thing as artificial?"  "What does it mean to truly seek God?"


Why did God make Mosquitos? | The Well

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:   Today's Questions:  "The church is a bastion of patriarchy, but also harbors the kingdom of God. How does this happen?"  "What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?"  "Why did God make mosquitos?"


Why do you believe there is a God?

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.   You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  "Why do you believe there is a God?"  "Do you like to be saved, or do you like to do the saving?"  "Is it ever appropriate not to act in love?"


Trust & Carmel Corn

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here:  Today's Questions:  “The reformation replaced the authority of the church tradition with scripture. What was gained, and what was lost?"  "Jesus told his followers 'do not worry about tomorrow, what you will eat or drink'. Is this good advice to a single parent late on rent?"  "Why should I believe everything I have heard about the afterlife & how do I trust?"


Loving Enemies, Paradise, & Good Theology

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  “How do you know if theology is good theology?"  "Vladamir Putin is standing on your doorstep, do you let him in?"  "Discuss what you think Jesus meant when he said to the thief on the cross "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.""


Silence and the abusue of power

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between. You can submit your own questions here or in the comments: Today's Questions: “Ralph Waldo Emmerson said, 'I liked the silent church before the service began better than any preaching'. You?" "Jesus says, 'Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.' What is Jesus saying?" "A Tennesse pastor recently admitted a sexual assault. His congregation gave him a standing ovation. Does this speak more to forgiveness or letting leadership get away with something because we support them?"


Zen Proverbs, and Critiquing Chicago

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:  Today's Questions:  “Evil is not to be traced back to the individual, but to the collective behavior of humanity... do you agree?”  “Zen proverb: 'The obstacle is the path'... do you agree?”  “What is the biggest challenge to believing there is a God?”


Inclusion, Purpose, and Children's Stories

Welcome to The Well where we gather to talk about life, death, and everything in between.    You can submit your own questions here or in the comments:   Today's Questions:  “Paul said, 'You are all one in Christ'... how did this cut against boundaries at the time?”  “Does everything that exists have a purpose?”  “Is there a story in the bible that fascinated you as a child?”


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