The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane

<p>All things life and health - physical health, nutrition, mindset, mental health, connection plus society and culture with Fiona Kane, experienced and qualified Nutritionist, Holistic Counsellor and Mind Body Eating Coach</p>

Episode 63 Celebrating Men’s Health Week: Nutrition, Lifestyle and Relationships

In this episode on International Men's Health Week I talk about men's physical and mental health. With heart disease being the leading cause of death and mental health issues like anxiety and depression on the rise, I unpack the critical need for awareness and proactive health measures.Discover the essential role of nutrition in supporting men's well-being. I discuss the benefits of a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and colorful vegetables, and how these choices can impact heart ...


Episode 62 Can Red Meat be the Answer to Autoimmune Challenges

Have you ever wondered if an unconventional diet could be the key to overcoming your food sensitivities? In this episode I give my opinion on The Lion Diet.Dietary choices have consequences. What does the microbiome in your gut have to do with your food sensitivities and overall health? How does your diet effect your microbiome? What do you need to consider before embarking on restrictive diets?These are some of the topics I explore in this episode. Learn more about Fiona's speaking, radio an...


Episode 61 Is it true that healthy foods all taste bad?

In this episode, I debunk the myth that equates healthy with tasteless.We often tell ourselves stories that are simply not true, and definitely not helpful. These stories may seem true for us because we are eating foods drowning in tomato or barbecue sauce; and in general eating lots of high sugar and high salt foods that are engineered to encourage you to want more.If this is you, it's time to open your mind and rewire your palate to embrace and enjoy the vibrant, delicious world of nutritio...


Episode 60 Diet and Lifestyle to Support Brain Health

In 2023, it was estimated that there were 411,100 Australians living with dementia. Based on estimates, this is equivalent to 15 people with dementia per 1,000 Australians, which increases to 84 people with dementia per 1,000 Australians aged 65 and over. *As a 52 year old who lives with brain damage causes by some small strokes in my 20s, brain health is really important to me. Based on the statistics for people living with dementia, I encourage you to focus on your brain health too.Th...


Episode 59 Harnessing Resilience and Neuroplasticity in Overcoming Auditory Processing Disorder

Have you ever witnessed a child's tenacity when learning to walk, the unrelenting trial and error? That same resilience is the heart of our latest episode, where Monique Peters and I explore the challenges of auditory processing disorder. Monique opens up about her son's challenging journey, from the onset of a stutter to facing educational hurdles and being bullied.Through their story, we reveal the light that shines at the end of the tunnel for parents and individuals confronting similar hu...


Episode 58 Bone Health: Is it Only About Calcium?

Navigating the nutritional needs for robust bones and muscles. This information is useful for any age, however it becomes more vital as we age, particular women to understand how to maintain healthy muscle and bone. This is what allows us to have strength, function and independence for as long as possible.I discuss the synergy of vitamin D and vitamin K2, crucial for calcium absorption and averting unwanted calcium deposits elsewhere in our bodies. We've all heard about calcium, however it is...


Episode 57 Have you been buried or planted? Overcoming Setbacks

Living with chronic health issues can be really frustrating and confusing. In this episode I discuss some of my own current challenges to explore the meaning in struggle and challenge in the hopes that we can all learn how to reduce how much time we can be stuck in the quagmire of "its not fair" and "I quit" in relation to life's challenges.It is all about the resilience we muster to rise again, adapting our strategies, and embracing the reality struggle as part of life. It's a conversation a...


Episode 56 The Truth About Nutrition Science: is it influenced by Ideology?

Should you pay attention to the headlines about nutrition science?In this episode I challenge popular misconceptions about nutrition and explain why you need to practice critical thinking about nutrition news and documentarys. How do you know when it is based on science or if the outcome has been decided first?I also discuss the factors beyond diet that play a major role in overall health and longevity. Although nutrition is very important, It's not simply about what's on your plate. Learn mo...


Episode 55 Look For the Helpers - Sydney Reeling after Horrific Attacks

As we grapple with the horror and heartache of recent violent attacks in Sydney (my hometown), I share the words of Fred Rogers who once reminded us to seek out the helpers in times of disaster.I also discuss practical measures to protect your mental well-being and that of our children, in an era where graphic images are but a scroll away—offering insight into how best to curate our digital environment for a healthier emotional state. Learn more about Fiona's speaking, radio and consult...


Episode 54 The Power of Daily Habits in Achieving Health Goals

In this episode I focus on one of the the secrets to achieving health goals; the power of daily habits. By concentrating on what we can add to our lives, rather than what we want to eliminate, we set the stage for natural and sustainable change. Forget the fleeting allure of the quick fix; commit to the slow and deliberate march towards a healthier you.I offer insights into the art of patience and persistence in the face of wavering motivation - approaching our health like an elite athl...


Episode 53 Managing Health Anxiety: I thought I was having another stroke!

Navigating Anxiety Management: a personal story and useful tipIt is one thing to have fear around something happening that is very unlikely, it is a whole other thing to have fear around something happening again. You can't console yourself with "that can't happen" when you have already experienced that it can, and does happen! I live with the results of brain damage, I don't want more!In this episode, I share a personal story related to health anxiety along with the powerful strategies ...


Episode 52 Food Freedom: Embracing Personal Choice

You can't eat that! In this episode I discuss language around food and the power of agency and choice.I explore the distinction between emotional reactions and conscious choices when it comes to nutrition, How do you honour the inner child, but not put her in the driver's seat?Striking a balance that honors our body's needs and our soul's cravings. It is all about taking ownership of our food choices, and embracing the responsibility that comes with freedom.Ending with some tips about enjoyin...


Episode 51 Shaping Independent Youths in an Overprotected Society

Are we coddling our youth into a state of emotional fragility?This is my question in today's episode; I explore the effects of 'safetyism' and the well intentioned but potentially harmful trend of creating 'safe spaces' and focusing too heavily on feelings. I scrutinise the rise of unearned praise and its link to narcissism, and explain how competition is an essential ingredient for instilling resilience and the capacity to deal with failure.This episode isn't just a critique; it's the ...


Episode 50 We Need to Discuss the Unique Challenges Faced by Today's Youth

Are we fully grasping the cultural currents shaping our youth's physical and mental health? Young people have never been so anxious and depressed, in this episode I begin to delve into the many factors that I believe are contributing to these issues. I don't know it all and I don't have all the answers, however I believe it is important we start talking about these issues; even if that means discussing hot topics. I believe we learn from talking things out; not shutting down speech which...


Episode 49 Finding Freedom from Addiction

Struggling with addiction?My latest conversation with Margaret Muscat from Hilltop Hypnotherapy is an enlightening exploration of the transformative power of strategic psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Margaret's own battles with anxiety and depression lend a deeply personal touch to her work, as she guides individuals through the complexities of addiction recovery and the search for healing.We discuss the connections between our daily habits, nutritional choices, and mental well-being. Margare...


Episode 48 Harnessing Movement for Anxiety and Depression Relief

A recent systematic review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine came to the conclusion that physical activity should be a mainstay approach in the management of depression, anxiety and psychological distress. In this episode I discuss this and other aspects of self-care can impact on our mental health. It is important to understand that good mental health is not the absence of negative feelings. I discuss this in more detail and the importance of embracing the full spectrum of ...


Episode 47 Health-ism: good or bad?

What is Health-ism?I've noticed this word being used more regularly, here is my take on it....In this culture there are unhealthy obsessions with health and unhealthy acceptance or maybe even affirmation and encouragement of poor health; in my opinion, both are a problematic.In this episode, I explore health-ism, is it good or bad? I look for a sense of balance; challenge the polarising views that paint individuals either as helpless victims or as solely to blame for their health issues. Lear...


Episode 46 Nutritional Deficiencies: you may recognise these symptoms!

In this episode I zoom in on the unsung heroes of our diet – vitamins and minerals. From the mighty zinc that supports your immune system and heals wounds to the magnesium that helps with muscle cramps, sleep and stress. Learn about the foods that are rich in these nutrients and understand why absorbing them is just as critical as eating them.You will learn about common nutrient deficiencies, what signs and symptoms to look for.I also touch a little on supplements and warn against taking calc...


Episode 45 Harnessing Self-Discipline for a Healthier, Happier Life

In this episode I discuss the truth about self-discipline and freedom, what does it really mean and how can you harness it to support your life and health goals? In my opinion, the wrong interpretation of these words leads to us sabotaging our goals.I discuss how the sacrifices we make today are investments in our future freedom. Delving into how resisting immediate desires - like the all-too-common urge to raid the fridge - can set us on a path toward long-term well-being and satisfact...


Episode 44 The Art of Listening: Interpreting Body Signals and Cravings

Are you quick to blame certain foods for your digestive woes? What if I told you, it’s not always the food that’s the culprit?I have always taught my clients to listen to their body and see which foods sit well and which foods don't. It is not as simple however, as blaming the food for the symptom. It is important to look beyond that, and rule out other reasons for the symptoms you get when you eat that food.I delve into body signals, exploring the surprising link between sodium deficiency an...


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