The Wheel of Time Watchers

WoT Watchers is a review/aftershow podcast for The Wheel of Time series on Amazon. Hosted by two WoT series fans, Jesse and Clayton, who discuss, review, and compare the show to the books. Expect an in depth look at the series through the lens of someone who has read the series. Spoilers, always!

The Eye of the World

The finale of the first season of The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime has arrived and it wraps up some of the mysteries, quests, and storylines weaved throughout the series so far. But as some things are resolved, more are revealed and we are left primed and ready for season 2. Follow us as we discuss the season finale and compare and contrast it to the books. As always we discuss what we felt worked and what didn't while discussing the source material as our baseline. Even though this is the finale, The Wheel of Time is only getting started. Where will it go from here?


The Dragon is Reborn

This week the Wheel of Time Watchers discuss episode 7 of the first season of the Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime. The mystery of the Dragon Reborn's identity is finally revealed but that seems to be the highlight of this episode. With this mystery finally out of the way, Clayton and Jesse try to spend more time comparing the differences between the show and the book and discuss what works and what doesn't. The show is entering a peak period for the fandom, heading into the season finale. This episode and the next, more than any other, will determine how this show progresses from here. Will the weight that was the Dragon Reborn mystery being lifted allow for the show to grow into something truly great? Let's discuss!


Reunited into Exile

This week The Wheel of Time Watchers is reviewing episode 6 of The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime Video. We finally see our remaining Two Rivers folk make it to Tar Valon as Moiraine must deal with what happened to Logain and questions to what she's been doing out in the world. As our characters reunite, the mystery of the Dragon continues; Moiraine more at a loss than ever as to who could be The Dragon Reborn. We discuss our thoughts on the episode and then dive into what we liked, didn't like, and what we expect going into the final episodes based on our knowledge of the source material.


We Arrive at Tar Valon

This week we review the fifth episode of The Wheel of Time son Amazon: Blood Calls Blood. We discuss the episode as we see a deeper look into the rituals and lifestyles of the Aes Sedai and their Warders. Mat continues to struggle with the dagger's influence and Rand meets a new friend in Loial. Perrin and Egwene have a terrible reencounter with Eamon Valda, revealing more of their potential in the process. How did this episode hold up and how does it compare to the books?


Dragons, Daggers, Dreams

The Dragon Reborn is the fourth episode in The Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime Video and it has left Clayton and Jesse seeing a new light after last week's premier. This week we discuss the episode in detail before diving into book series comparisons. The format changes slightly from last week as we break up discussion of the show and discussion of the book into two sections of the show. The fourth episode steers the show in a great direction and the boys can't wait to talk about this episode.


The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills

The long awaited Wheel of Time television premier is finally here and we have the first three episodes to binge. We review the premier episodes and discuss whether this adaption is worth the time of casual viewers and die hard WoT book fans alike. We also compare the show to the books, what we feel they got right and wrong, and where we think the series will go from here as the rest of the season releases over the next several weeks. Duty is heavier than a mountain, and our duty is to deliver our thoughts to the masses! We hope you enjoy the ride along side us as The Wheel of Time makes is debut to the world.


Expectations and Apprehensions for The Wheel of Time

In this debut episode of the Wheel of Time Watchers podcast, hosts Jesse and Clayton introduce themselves. They discuss their love of the Wheel of Time, what we know about the series pre-release, what the expectations are for the show, and some apprehensions going into the series as fans of the book series. Going forward this podcast will release weekly after every episode of The Wheel of Time on Amazon. Jesse and Clayton will review and discuss the series from the lens of lovers of the book series and how the show holds up to the standard Robert Jordan created. 


Edwin Li

On the subject of the Whitecloaks' lack of armor, I'd like to mention that I also expected Lan (and later, the Shienarans and all the higher-level forces of Randland) to be in full plate, etc. I just figured that they might have had to de-escalate all the armor in Randland as a cost-reducing measure across the episodes and across the hoped for 6-8 seasons. Also, for changing the rats to bats, maybe they figured bats were more natural out in the woods than rats. I figure that's a small change and not a big deal. What is a slightly bigger deal to me about that scene is that Moiraine didn't make any comment about, say, bats here, can be eyes for the Dark One. To me, the paranoia of such potential spies is the more important than that such eyes might specifically be rats rather than bats.

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