The Whole Vibe

Are you ready to live a life led by your heart over your head, to feel happy, healthy, whole and empowered as the divine being of love and light the you are, and to experience more pleasure and play in the everyday? I’m Becca Campbell, an Intuitive Life Coach, Healer and mama, and host of THE WHOLE VIBE, a podcast for rising souls ready to embody the full spectrum of their intuitive gifts and natural healing abilities, and lean into the totally authentic and abundant life of freedom and flow they know they are truly here for. THE WHOLE VIBE is all about all things related to living an intuitive lifestyle, holistic self care, answering the call of our soul, and anchoring our worthiness to receive everything our heart desires. I’m so beyond grateful and excited the you have found your way here.

Got family or relationship stuff? This is for you.

Calling all cycle breakers, new earth shakers, builders and change makers simultaneously currently struggling to heal their shit, establish and communicate healthy boundaries and follow their soul...  __ About those offerings we mentioned to support you in this process.... - THE YO MAMA U NEED A TIME OUT Day Retreat (May 11) - HEAL FOUNDATIONS for Self Healing through Intuitive Self Care (Self paced with Private Mentorship Option upgrade available + community support) - LOCALish to Southern Alberta or planning on passing through? Follow our Journey to Wellness Collective Events + Education Page to stay in the loop...   __ FEEDBACK + SHARING IS CARING!  We so appreciate your comments, rations and spreading the love! ***Don't forget to FOLLOW + TAG US @thewholevibe.official so we can celebrate and thank you when you do... :) 


Where I've been + the role of Human Design in guiding me back...

So it’s been a while + as we’ve realized we’ve actually unconsciously been in a bit of a cocooning phase…   But we’re back and it feels like a thing we shall finally be able to be more consistent with because it’s clear we need to be using our voice in this way…   This shift is thanks to many forms of “the work” that we’ve been committed to on the getting out of our own way train that has recently included what I’ve been learning about my human design as a 5/1 emotional manifestor, my own lifelong experience/journey in the de-conditioning process we are all going through in our own way right now AND how it applies to how I am called to support the collective through my direct line to source with my both highly disruptive and deeply activating + inspiring manifestor energy ;)   If you listen don’t forget to let us know in the comments if you know or decide to discover your own design and what it is…   There a lots of websites out there where you can do your chart but if you’d like a quick link that we like HERE IS ONE…   And also please don’t forget to let us know if you resonate/what this illuminates and activates for you! And know that if you feel called to share and leave a comment or rating we would be forever grateful! Just don’t forget to tag us via our socials below so we can celebrate and thank you ;)   So all that said, to connect more deeply we’d love to invite you if you are called to…   WORK WITH US…    HEAL the program -   BOOK A 1:1 -   GROUP HEALING SESSIONS - Please message me on socials or email for our current schedule   CHECK OUT THE “HEAL”MASTERCLASS (FOR FREE) -   +/or   COME HANG WITH US ON SOCIALS   Insta + TikTok + Youtube - @thewholevibe.official   Facebook - @thewholevibewithb / Becca Campbell   __    Thanks so much for BE-ing u and we’ll catch you next time source says so…. ;)   Luv B. xx


A Powerful Journey Towards Potent Self-Healing

Welcome to the audio recording of our recent HEAL" THE FREE MASTERCLASS - An introduction to self healing through intuitive self care is such a powerful channeled transmission from the collective heart + such important information I feel so deeply we all deserve to know - truly I feel we are here to learn how to be human but also recognize the power in our true nature as a soul here for a reason.   And aligning with that reason as part of coming home to who we truly are while learning how to support ourselves on that journey of unbecoming - the unbecoming that is the crazy and often intensely emotional human experience.   So ya, if you listen and love or just already can feel this is something other in your life need or could benefit from receiving also, WE DEFINITELY WANT TO THANK YOU WHEN YOU DO SHARE WHICH WE’D SO APPRECIATE IF YOU FEEL CALLED TO DO IN ONE OR BOTH OF THE TWO WAYS AS OUTLINED BELOW…    NOW AS MENTIONED AT THE END OF THE FREE MASTERCLASS, “HEAL” THE 5 WEEK GROUP PROGRAM and/or WORKING 1:1 with us (or a blend of the two) is the next step to going deeper if you feel the pull.   AND BY SHARING IN ONE OR BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS YOU’LL HAVE THE CHANCE TO WORK WITH US FOR FREE INSIDE “HEAL” THE 5 WEEK JOURNEY TO ACTIVATE + AMPLIFY SELF HEALING THROUGH INTUITIVE SELF CARE or a 1:1 SESSION (we’re giving away 1 of each!)   So that feels aligned for you, here are the two ways to enter :)   OPTION 1 POP OVER TO OUR YOUTUBE or PODCAST VERSION TO WATCH/LISTEN (or just to leave your comments if you already took in the zoom), and COMMENT YOUR ANSWER TO 1 OR MORE OF THE QUESTIONS (1 entry for each comment/answer) 1. Where in the world are you connecting with us from? 2. How did you find us? 3. What called you to take part in this masterclass? 4. What was your biggest takeaway? 5. Anything else that comes up for you that you would like to share!   OPTION 2 SHARE THE ATTACHED SOCIAL SHARING IMAGE ON YOUR SOCIALS + TAG US…  @thewholevibe.official on instagram @thewholevibewithb on Facebook  SHARE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE FOR AN ENTRY EACH TIME (in feed posts and/or stories + don’t forget to tag us so we can see it!) ***Contest closes 2.14.24 (yes the date is different in the presentation but we felt called to extend it) __ ABOUT THOSE ADDITIONAL NOTE AS REFERENCED AROUND VAGUS NERVE SUPPORT TOOLS….    FIRST OFF, THE HEALING TRANSMISSION (AKA THE GUIDED MEDITATION) WE RECEIVED AS PART OF THIS EXPERIENCE THAT ALSO COMBINED OUR TOP 5 SELF HEALING TOOLS WHICH INCLUDE...    Presence  Conscious breath  Focused intention Nature bath visualization Spiritual connection  Gratitude   OTHERS WE WOULD LIKE TO MENTION WE DIDN’T GET TO AS PART OF OUR CHAT BECAUSE WE WENT WELL OVER TIME   Intuitive self soothing/expressive movement - swaying, shaking, dancing Mindful movement/energy care like yoga, qi gong Intuitive sound - humming, singing, toning, ohming Gargling, yawning, shushing/making an sssssss sound Grounding (imagination works, actual nature always best but mindful conscious connection and an open heart is the ticket Nature walks Nature sounds / calming music /binaural beats Self touch + massage Prayer Guided meditation Just to name a few ;)   NOW IF YOU’D LOVE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW TO PLAYFULLY BLEND AND INCORPORATE THESE TOOLS INTO YOUR BUSY LIFE + RECEIVE SOME POWERFUL ACCOUNTABILITY + SUPPORT IN DOING SO… SO YOU CAN UPGRADE YOUR SELF CARE + BECOME MORE MOTIVATED, EMPOWERED AND EFFECTIVE IN YOUR OWN PERSONAL GROWTH AND HEALING  IN ANY CAPACITY…  HEAL - THE 5 WEEK FOUNDATIONS FOR SELF HEALING THROUGH INTUITIVE SELF CARE IMMERSIVE GROUP PROGRAM IS FOR YOU. THE SELF HEALING ACTIVATION PORTAL OPENS 2.22.24 AND “HEAL” THE FREE MASTERCLASS IS A POTENT TASTE OF THE VIBE ;) We hope you enjoy! Luv B. x


Releasing perfection, receiving support + creating sacred spaces.

It’s a new season of ditching perfectionist tendencies, dissolving old patterns and showing up for ourselves...   In this episode we’re riffing on the reality of how and why we as human (esp women) resist self care + sharing the juicy details of the space we’ve been holding to help us rewire and reprogram ourselves for safety and worthiness when it comes to filling our cup.   This is not meant to be a call out, simply and illumination to help us bring awareness to what may be holding us back from xyz that we ultimately know is going to be of service to our soul and therefore those around us.   And you’re invited to experience a sample of that deeply nourishing magic on us if you feel the call to receive.👇   For access to a complimentary group healing session as we shared about in this episode simply drop a comment on this episode or message us via your preference… 👇   Email -    Insta + tiktok - @thewholevibe.official   Facebook - The Whole Vibe with B.   —   If this episode sparked something in you we would so love and appreciate it. If you feel the call to leave a rating, comments, or share this episode with someone else, you think would love it, or on your socials…👇   And if u do don’t forget to tag us @thewholevibe.official on Instagram/Tiktok or @thewholevibewithb on Facebook so we can celebrate and thank you!    Luv B. xx



OK lovely listeners - this type of thing is super new for me to share here in a big way and I would be totally lying if I said it was comfortable lol. That said, if you choose to receive this channeled healing transmission I would love love love to hear from you and how your experience was. It’s definitely a stretch for me to put this out there sooo you know, it’s extra awesome if I get to hear from you on it! WTH IS LIGHT LANGUAGE??? Now FYI, if you are new to “light language”, it is simply a form of sound healing (that I believe we all actually can bring through and we do as kiddos in our own way), that flows through in breath, tones, chanting, and often what can sound a bit like speaking in tongues. It’s something that I’ve was totally weirded out but also loved the first time I received it myself, and have been practicing on my own in my own healing work for a few years now. Lately I have also started sharing in some of my offerings with incredible response and felt both terrifying and soul aligned to share here. Now the very cool thing about light language is it’s ability to bypass the human mind and go straight to the subconscious and energy body to shift stubborn blocks and activate latent DNA aka our truest purest soul essence and unique gifts! Which as you may know, is kind of my jam so that said, IF YOU WOULD LOVE TO EXPERIENCE IT AS PART OF OUR HIGHLY MULTIDIMENSIONAL (WE ARE THE WHOLE VIBE AFTER ALL), + TERRIFICALLY TRANSFORMATIONAL 1:1 OFFERINGS YOU CAN BROWSE THOSE OPTIONS HERE.   ENJOY + THANKS FOR BEING! __   INSTAGRAM + TIKTOK - @thewholevibe.official FACEBOOK - THE WHOLE VIBE COLLECTIVE Facebook community YOUTUBE - The Whole Vibe with B EMAIL -  


Growing up a doctors kid taught me this...

I LITERALLY GO THROUGH EVERY SINGLE DAY WANTING TO SHOUT THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS👇   But I find myself constantly biting my tongue and/or watering myself down bigtime around my personal frustrations and feelings around how we deal with illness in general.   HONESTLY BESIDES SHARING THIS TO FACILITATE AN OPEN CONVO, as well as to hopefully EMPOWER + RAISE AWARENESS, I AM ALSO HOPING SOMEONE IS GOING TO TELL ME THAT THEY HAVE WITNESSED EVIDENCE OF A SHIFT TOWARDS MORE INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CARE🙏   IF you have a perspective or comment to contribute to this convo in the comments or in my dms I would love it.   Btw by no means is this to slander anyone in health care - as mentioned I think you are amazing.   Thanks for being here.   B. x   INSTAGRAM + TIKTOK - @thewholevibe.official FACEBOOK - THE WHOLE VIBE COLLECTIVE Facebook community YOUTUBE - The Whole Vibe with B EMAIL -    


THE MEDICINE in our RESISTANCE (procrastinating and not sure why? this one is for you!)

WE’RE BAAAAACK AFTER SHIFTING SOME MAJOR SH*T AKA RESISTANCE and we’re ready to talk about WHERE RESISTANCE (especially around self care and doing the things that call/inspire/excite us) REALLY COMES FROM + HOW TO SHIFT THROUGH IT so we can LIVE A LIFE THAT FEELS IN TRUE ALIGNMENT WITH OUR SOUL'S PURPOSE and the insanely amazing + infinitely powerful soul doing this human thing we came here for…   We can’t wait to hear how this lands for you and if you vibe be sure to stay tuned for follow up episodes expanding on this sacred subject and convo to come.   To inquire about how we support more deeply in your own version of this process please dm or email us through your means of preference as outlined below. _ INSTAGRAM + TIKTOK - @thewholevibe.official FACEBOOK - THE WHOLE VIBE COLLECTIVE Facebook community YOUTUBE - The Whole Vibe with B EMAIL -


An introduction to Shamanic practice, principles and perspective.

In this episode we’re exploring the magic of shamanism and the transformational potential of shamanic principles and practices. We're chatting about...  What Shamanism is and why we literally all have some connection to it via our lineage. How I found my way to shamanic practice and why I feel so many others are on similar paths and feeling the pull to go deeper. How learning how to connect with our spiritual support can postively impact our lives on both an individual and collective level. Why I feel Shamanism is possibly the most grounded and all encompassing spiritual perspective that more and more people are discovering they have been in resonance with all along…  -- As mentioned in this episode I weave shamanic practice into my coaching, healing, programs and mentorship offerings of which you can learn about the current options to work together below… - Book a private session HERE - Apply for mentorship HERE - Ask me about our FLOW + FREQUENCY GROUP HEALING sessions via email to inquire about our current schedule and options.  -- If you loved this episode we'd also recommend past episodes including...  “Normalizing spirituality as a gateway to happiness, productivity and purpose” with Libby Robertson  “Answering the call of your soul” with Libby Robertson "I applied for a religious exemption to fly and this is what happened" with me:) -- STAY CONNECTED....  Follow + chat with us on socials… @thewholevibe.offical on Insta + TikTok Inside “The Whole Vibe Collective” Facebook community -   


When people don’t get you and 3 tips for getting past it.

When people don’t get you and 3 tips for getting past it - because omg do we ever know about this conundrum…    If you could use some support in this area we are so here for it!   Email us at to start the convo   Follow + DM us on socials @thewholevibe.official on Insta + TikTok   Join THE WHOLE VIBE COLLECTIVE free Facebook community -


3 reasons why I will never ever ever regret paying for mentorship + coaching...

IN THIS EPISODE I'm honestly busting with gratitude for this conversation that inspired me to share THREE THINGS THAT WERE ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGERS FOR ME IN HAVING A COACH/MENTOR   The truth is, I’m coming to you on the other side of some major resistance and massive life shifts where I was reminded of how grateful I am for the expanded skillset and personal awareness and responsibility I now have as a result of that work…    And while I don’t believe that private coaching is required for our growth and evolution, I’m certainly a huge believer in the massive amount of support and value it brings to not just our lives, but the lives of everyone around us.    Thank you to my dear friend and very first coaching client for reminding me just what a true pleasure, honour and delight it is to witness someone come into their own magic. The absolute best.   __    If you listen and you’re vibing and maybe would love to LEARN MORE ABOUT THE OFFERINGS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE read on below…      1:1 FLOW ACTIVATOR SESSIONS / THE FLOW IMMERSION MENTORSHIP   THE VIBE : Create the space for your soul to speak, connect with your true divine nature and remember who the f you are :)  In these sessions we go deep on all levels especially in clearing the energetic clutter and helping you supremely let go so you can create the energetic space, stability and alignment for the growth and expansion you are ready for.    HELPS WITH : Overcoming resistance/  moving through creative blocks, harmonizing relationships, releasing grief, soothing anxiety, soul purpose alignment, inner child healing, ancestral healing   HOW TO RECEIVE - These are AVAILABLE AS ONE OFF SESSIONS AS AS WITHIN OUR MENTORSHIP (complimentary consults are available for mentorship applicants).   Please email me at to inquire.   __   FLOW + FREQUENCY SELF HEALING ACTIVATION GROUP SESSIONS (in person + online)   THE VIBE : This is your weekly soul space. A place to come and receive. As you surrender the to dos to be guided on a journey back to the innately intuitive intelligence already within you. The magic of your body and the understanding that we are here to make friends the mind and learn to honour emotion as nothing more than an energetic imprint from the past that get’s to flow through… Add some powerful channeled healing guided mediations to help you connect with your spiritual support team while receiving custom frequencies via quantum healing technology and you’ve got yourself some major bang for your holistic health + healing support buck ;)   HELPS WITH. :  Melting away stress. Calming the mind + nervous system. Soothing anxiety. Feeling deeper connection to and appreciation for your body. Inspiring a more conscious lifestyle. Promoting soul connection, self love personal empowerment. Promoting holistic self healing + increasing intuitive connection. Taking previous care of your most valuable asset (aka your vibe) Increasing resilience in dealing with #reallife.  Inspiring a more mindful / conscious lifestyle in alignment with you actual desires.   HOW TO RECEIVE    In our intro to FLOW + FREQUENCY SELF PACED ONLINE 8 week session.   OR IF YOU ARE LOCAL to me - l also have 2 spots in my Thursday evening in person class.     My website is currently under revamp... Please email me at to inquire or come follow and message me on instagram @thewholevibe.official   LOVED THIS SHARE? WE’D SO LOVE AND APPRECIATE IT IF YOU’D SHARE IT TOO! When doing so on socials don’t forget to tag us @thewholevibe.offical on instagram so we can celebrate and thank you!   B + co - xx        


This thing called intuition and how to stop ignoring it :)

I've been having the convo a lot lately around how intuitive we are realizing we are but how challenging it can be to follow that intuition sometimes because hello conditioning, programming and life is just truly kinda naturally loud and busy, drowning out that little voice or inner nudge...    Given how deeply we feel it important to follow our inner guidance these days, we'd like to help us out with this conundrum   And a new offering called FLOW + FREQUENCY is one way we are currently inspired to do so   FLOW + FREQUENCY IS A SELF HEALING, INTUITIVE POWER AND SOUL ALIGNMENT ACTIVATION SPACE - now available in group + 1:1 format   BECAUSE YOU ARE THE HEALER, HEALING AND HEALED  AND THE INFINITE POWER OF SOURCE THAT HEALS AND EMPOWERS YOU MOVES THROUGH YOU SO NATURALLY  ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GET OUT OF THE WAY   Let us help ;)   UPCOMING 8 WEEK FLOW + FREQUENCY SESSIONS...   IN PERSON Tuesday mornings - 10:00-11:30 am (March start date TBA)   Thursday evenings - 7:00 - 8:30 pm (Beginning March 9th)   ONLINE Wednesdays at 10 am MST with replay access available - Beginning March 15th    MESSAGE ME ON SOCIALS or EMAIL to join/learn more   FEEL INTO THE VIBE… JOIN/RECEIVE A FREE INTRO SESSION HERE ->


Where modern science meets ancient wisdom.... (an intro to healy frequency therapy)

NICOLA TESLA SAID....  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration” AND “The day science begins to study non physical phenomenon it will make more progress in one decade than all of the previous centuries in it’s existence”   I BELIEVE THIS IS THAT TIME and that this little super user friendly device that is Healy is here to massively support us in infinite ways!   LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HEALY FREQUENCY DEVICE… Canadian site - US site - Australia + NZ - (Don’t see your country? Email me at for your link) _ EXPEREINCE HEALY IN ACTION… - BOOK A 1:1 HEALY EXPEREINCE - Frequency Infused Coaching + Healing Sessions include integration support - - TO JOIN A HEALY FREQUENCY INFUSED GROUP SESSION (either in person or online) AND/OR REACH OUT TO CHAT ABOUT HEALY + OUR WORK… Email me at  _ CONNECT ON SOCIALS... INSTAGRAM - @thewholevibe.official      


Normalizing spirituality as a gateway to healing, happiness, productivity + purpose with Libby Robertson.

I AM SO GRATEFUL + EXCITED TO BRING YOU THIS EPISODE WITH ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN MY LIFE…   Our guest for this convo and my mentor for the last two years, Libby Robertson is a global, coach, mentor, healer, author, new earth thought leader and so much more.    I’m so grateful to have this amazing human in my world and I honestly have no idea where I would be right now in my relationship, parenting and purpose work without her support.    This conversation was so multifaceted, inspiring and motivating and I am so excited to share it with you our beautiful listeners.   We chatted about…  Navigating loneliness and the challenge of feeling like we don’t fit in. Our disconnection from spirituality in the western world and the mental health epidemic. The evolution of her business in alignment with normalizing spirituality as a gateway to happiness, productivity and purpose. A spontaneous tribute to Twitch from “So you think you can dance” (we recorded this the day after his passing). Perspective on death, transition and the journey of the soul. Separating spirituality and dogma and cultivating our own unique relationship with a higher power. The five pillars to tapping into the power of that connection that don’t require a super woo mindset. A new perspective on leadership and our individual roles as leaders in in our own lives. The new paradigm of “business” + our collective role as light leaders in ushering in a new paradigm. CONNECT WITH LIBBY...  WEBSITE  INSTAGRAM - BIZ + PERSONAL FACEBOOK   



ATTENTION!! If you are on any kind of healing journey or desire to start one / create change in your life, you should know…👇 A 10 DAY PORTAL OF PURE ENERGETIC POTENTIAL IS OPENING!!🌀 Let’s talk about how to make the most of it! To review the details for FLOW ACTIVATOR the ascension support portal for this galactic gateway and beyond CLICK HERE -> Know you are in?! Click through to JOIN HERE - (CODE : SUN12 for $44 off) Please email and questions and/or custom payment plan requests to


Tis the season to challenge the status quo on self sacrifice + martyrdom.

It's officially that time of year where we tend to put our lives on hold for everyone else. We're here to challenge the status quo when the old one isn't supporting where we are being called to go. __ IF YOU VIBED WITH THIS MESSAGE + FEEL CALLED/CURIOUS RECEIVE SOME SUPPORT IT IS MY DIVINE DUTY to LET YOU KNOW that our UPCOMING SELF HEALING + COACHING container 🌀FLOW ACTIVATOR - A 9 WEEK SELF HEALING + SOUL EXPANSION CONTAINER to help you... SURRENDER + RELEASE anything in your energy field that is not in resonance with where you are going in 2023 CLARIFY + ANCHOR  in any desires or intentions around what you are ready to receive next solar cycle and beyond ACTIVATE + AMPLIFY your vibration + manifest the support, healing + clear guidance to support your highest potential FIRST COHORT DEC. 5 - JAN 30 ** NOTE : JOIN THE 2022/23 BETA LAUNCH SESSION + RECEIVE FREE ACCESS TO THE NEXT LIVE ROUND LEARN MORE + JOIN HERE Or email me at to learn more about this offer and our 1:1 healing, coaching + mentorship offerings. 


Why life feels heavy and what to do about it.

Ready to lighten up? If yes we've got a free gift for you! - > JOIN SHIFT HERE    


THE NEW SELF HEALING TOOL THAT IS BLOWING MY MIND + why I’m on such a mission to share it.

Ok friends it's time to talk about MY NEW FAVOURITE SELF HEALING TOOL. It's call the HEALY FREQUENCY DEVICE and it is blowing my mind. In this Episode which is the audio replay of an ig live I'm rambling from the heart in sharing my own version of.... 👉WHAT HEALY IS if it is new to your awareness 👉HOW IT WORKS aka why it’s insanely cool + such a powerful tool 👉HOW I INCORPORATE IT into my life and coaching and healing practice 👉HOW U CAN EXPERIENCE IT TOO either by coming into session or bringing healy into your own home! 👉 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES/RESULTS that are blowing my mind. WE'RE SO HERE FOR YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR IF YOU FEEL CALLED TO CHECK OUT ANY OF THE OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK WITH US + HEALY👇 👉EXPLORE + BOOK A 1:1 WITH HEALY - 👉EXPERIENCE HEALY INSIDE FLOW ACTIVATOR - 👉LEARN MORE ABOUT BRINING HEALY HOME 👇 > EMAIL ME- > DM ME ON SOCIALS @beccacampbellcoaching on insta + tiktok


Transforming feeling stuck into sacred medicine.

If there is one thing I know well - it is resistance.   And if there is one thing I know about resistance - it's that it is always going to come up when it's time for an uplevel.   If you're feeling me, have a listen to this little heart ramble and let me know how it lands for you ;)   And you could use some support with letting go to create space for soul connection, deep healing and intuitive gift expansion check out the offerings below👇   👉“THE WHOLE VIBE” MEMBERSHIP (with group + private coaching upgrade options)    👉BOOK A 1:1 ILLUMINATION COACHING EXPERIENCE     👉BOOK A 1:1 QUANTUM HEALING EXPERIENCE   👉EXPLORE A PRIVATE MENTORSHIP OPPORTUNITY    👉FEEL FREE TO EMAIL US AT THEWHOLEVIBEWITHB@GMAIL.COM with any questions or comments!   👉FOLLOW US ON INSTA + TIKTOK @beccacampbellcoaching


The soul guidance I’ve been resisting...

If this is resonating and you'd love to receive some support in getting tf out of your own way and doing the thing your soul is inviting you to do feel free to inquire about our current soul support services ;) Send us a message via DM or Email... FOLLOW @beccacampbellcoaching on insta + tiktok EMAIL ME ->


An invitation into an exploration of sacred sexuality with Meg Williams.

In this episode we’re exploring another slightly socially taboo and suuuuper delish topic with the amazing Meg Williams.   Meg is a sacred sexuality coach and sex educator who specializes in supporting women to connect with their core nature by exploring the truth of their sexuality through sacred pleasure codes/practices.   Through this remembrance, she finds that women called to her work are able to express themselves completely, therefore impacting their communities in a massive way.   Setting about as she so deliciously calls it, “a wave of harmonic ascension as they feel safe to show up in their integrity, as their fully embodied selves, in love and compassion, as the world aligns in a balance of Masculine and Feminine union.”   SOOOOOOO YUMMY NO??   Meg is sharing so much beautiful personal experience and amazing wisdom as she dives into…   Healing from miscarriage through sacred sexuality and how aligning to her core nature and spiritual practices helped her conceive   The shift from her career as a school teacher into teaching yoga and mediation and eventually through those spiritual practices into sacred sexuality   Releasing shame around past sexual experience   Reframing how we view our sexuality as our core nature   Opening up a more potent and powerful spiritual connection via sacred sexuality practices   The link between operating from our core nature and manifesting abundance in our lives   Understanding masculine and feminine energies, how they balance and unify in the creative process   and so much more….   As always TY so much for listening and please if you feel called, leave a comment, review and/or share this or any of our episodes forward! It truly means the world to us and our efforts to share these empowering messages! ___   CONNECT WITH MEG Instagram - @the.pleasure.prophecy Website - Facebook Group - Sacred Sexuality : Her Pleasure Prophecy __ CONNECT WITH US! Instagram + tiktok - @beccacampbellcoaching Website -


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