The Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast

The Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Podcast is a fortnightly, seasonal, podcast where hosts Talia Franks and Lucia Kelly break down Doctor Who one episode at a time. Listen as they get into the nitty gritty of plot and character arcs, deconstructing how the stories of Doctor Who work and unpacking the series through their unique and critical lenses. Transcripts can be found on Follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod!

3.03 The Shakespeare Code (S03E02)

Something wicked this way comes... at long last it's time for The Shakespeare Code! You have waited long enough, and here we have it for you. Patrons got the episode a couple days early, but the public release is here, on the sixteen-year anniversary of the episode! Joining us on the episode is a very special guest, Skye of the Queer Archive! Together we discuss how the episode handles the legacy of Shakespeare and its historical setting, its problems with racism and transphobia, the relationship between Martha and Ten, and touch on ways that later eras of Doctor Who do things differently. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at   The Queer Archive is on Instagram and Twitter @queerarchivepod and their podcast is up all of the places that podcasts go. Support Wibbly Wobbly at for a one time or regular donations, or visit to become a member and gain access to all kinds of behind the scenes goodies, including an extended cut of this episode!    You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


3.02 Smith and Jones (S03E02)

IT'S TIME TO MEET MARTHA! Get ready for SMITH AND JONES where we think a little bit too hard about the death toll, discuss how the Judoon give zero fux about humanity, scratch our heads about how the science works out, and delight in the Doctor's improv skills. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at Support Wibbly Wobbly at for a one time or regular donations, or visit to become a member and gain access to all kinds of behind the scenes goodies, including an extended cut of this episode! You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


3.01 The Runaway Bride (S03E00) feat. Lark Malakai Grey of Hashtag Ruthless Productions

Happy Holidays and Merry New Year from all of us at the Wibbly Wobbly Team! May you live in restful, uneventful times and may 2023 be good and kind to you and yours! Today is the day we talk about THE RUNAWAY BRIDE! This is the episode where we meet Donna for the first time, and here to help Lucia and Talia out is our very special guest, Lark Malakai Grey of Hashtag Ruthless Productions!  Dive in as the three of us discuss how gender roles and power dynamics play out when portraying abuse on TV, why Lark usually skips this episode on re-watches, and what the heck was up with that spider. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at   Hashtag Ruthless is on Instagram and Twitter @TheGaylyProphet, and their website is They are on Patreon at and their podcasts are up all of the places that podcasts go. Support Wibbly Wobbly at for a one time or regular donations, or visit to become a member and gain access to all kinds of behind the scenes goodies, including an extended cut of this episode!    You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


Wibbly Wobbly Season Three Teaser Trailer

Season three is drawing ever-closer! We've put together a teaser trailer of clips so y'all will have a sneak peak of what it will be like when it arrives. Keep your eyes and ears peeled and make sure you are subscribed so that you'll be notified as soon as it drops! You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can become a patron at or support Wibbly Wobbly with a one-time donation at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you’d rather not shout at us online. Make sure to follow us on social media to stay tuned for updates on more bonus episodes as well as the start of season three and THE RUNAWAY BRIDE where we will have another special guest joining us!


2.12 The Wibbly Wobbly Season Two Wrap Up Episode

IT’S THE WRAP UP! Our second season has come to a close, and we are finally done with Rose! (For now) Tune in to find out what series two got for it's final grade (we were nice and scaled it), our thoughts on series two as a whole, who was the Hero at the end of it all, Talia talks about the Twelfth Doctor as much as they can during a Tenth Doctor era episode, and we combine humor with talking about our usual favorite topics like toxicity, empire, and grief. You can view and download the series two report card at You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at   Make sure to follow us on social media to stay tuned for updates on upcoming bonus episodes, including the Centenary special, as well as the start of season three and THE RUNAWAY BRIDE where we will have a special guest joining us!  Talia's blog post about fandom and religion: Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.11 Army of Ghosts and Doomsday (S02E12 & S02E13)

The time has come to discuss ARMY OF GHOSTS and DOOMSDAY. Hold tight to your void-defying clamps as Talia and Lucia tackle one of the most infamous double episodes of NuWho to date and discuss agency, patriarchy, Empire, the limits of psychic paper, and why on Earth the Doctor and Rose are taking their laundry to Jackie when THEY have a washing machine and SHE’S running down to the Laundromat with Elton! Tap in to hear the Wibbly Wobbly’s epic conclusion to Series 2: is Ten/Rose a love story for the ages? Or a cautionary tale against the dangers of toxic relationships?    You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at   Support Wibbly Wobbly:   You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.10 Fear Her (S02E11)

It's time to discuss FEAR HER and Talia and Lucia are once more talking about racism and portrayals of abuse in Doctor Who. The Isolus is a baby with way too much power and Tenrose is impossible not to ship (despite our best efforts). Listen to our mixed feelings on this episode now! You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.09 Love & Monsters (S02E10)

In this episode Lucia and Talia tackle the infamous Love & Monsters with the help of their friend Priya. We gush about Jackie and her journey, discuss gender roles in fandom spaces, and try to get to the bottom how an Abzorbaloff even … works?  Are there secret hidden depths to Love & Monsters or is it really the worst episode of Doctor Who EVER?   You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at  Support Wibbly Wobbly:  You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.08 The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit (S02E08 &S02E09)

In today’s episode we jump into the abyss and talk about some of our favorite episodes from series two—The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit. We discuss the portrayals of religion and slavery, and actually have some nice things to say about Rose for once. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.07 The Idiot's Lantern (S02E07)

We're back to our regularly scheduled episodes covering series two with THE IDIOT'S LANTERN! And... we didn't like it. We pondered how we might change the episode if we rewrote it ourselves, did some deep thinking about intergenerational conflict, and discussed troubling portrayals of abuse.  You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at Fill out our anniversary survey! Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.06 Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel feat. Nicole Hill! (S02E05 & S03E06)

Talia and Lucia are joined by the illustrious Nicole Hill of Black TARDIS and Black Girls Create in a rousing discussion of Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel! We talk about how Lumic is dramatic AF, why the Doctor's plan is low-key cruel as all get out, what remains true for characters across universes, and consider the roots of our problems with Rose. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find out more about Niq on their website and check out Black TARDIS on the website  Follow them on Twitter: niqfury / BlackTARDIS and Instagram: niq.fury / Black.TARDIS Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.05 The Girl in the Fireplace (S02E04)

Talia and Lucia are back to talking about series two, where pre-revolutionary France is on a spaceship, the Doctor gets over the fact that Reinette isn’t a seven-year-old way too quickly, we gush over Madame de Pompadour, get vocal about our dislike of certain tropes in Doctor Who and Moffat’s writing, and advocate for why you don’t need trauma in your life to appreciate the good things. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.04 School Reunion feat. Joy Piedmont! (S02E03)

This time Talia and Lucia aren't alone as they discuss SCHOOL REUNION with special guest Joy Piedmont! We talk all about Sarah Jane and her importance to the series, take a deep dive into the sea of emotions contained in this episode, have a nice little tangent comparing the various modern doctors, and so much more! You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find joy on twitter @inquiringJoy and her podcasts at @RealityBombPC and @FiveYearsRapid Listen to the Reality Bomb Podcast: Listen to Five Years Rapid: Support Wibbly Wobbly: You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.03 Tooth and Claw (S02E02)

Get ready for our take on TOOTH AND CLAW! We discuss all the things we love and hate and love to hate about this episode, continue to voice our distress about Rose's characterization, and touch on topics such as religion, faith, patriarchy, feminism, racism, nationalism, and erasure of identity all hidden within the narrative. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.02 New Earth (S02E01)

Season two is just getting started with NEW EARTH! Talia is outraged at all the cat slander, Lucia has thoughts about scientific journals, we have all the love for Cassandra, and hypothesize about what is on the Face of Boe's Spotify playlist. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


2.01 The Christmas Invasion (S02E00)

It's time for Wibbly Wobbly season two, and you might want to hold onto something because this TARDIS is in for a crash landing as we discuss THE CHRISTMAS INVASION! Talia cries in linguistics major and needs more wine, Lucia bemoans lapses in the characterization of Rose Tyler and Harriet Jones, and we finally meet Ten! You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at  You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


1.11 The Series One Wrap-Up Episode

IT’S THE WRAP UP! Our first season has come to a close, tune in to listen to all our thoughts on how it went, find out the final grade for series one, and hear our thoughts about what Doctor who is, was, and could have been like in the wake of the 2005 revival. You can view and download the series one report card at You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at  Make sure to follow us on social media to stay tuned for updates on season two, when we'll be back to talk about THE CHRISTMAS INVASION! You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online. 


1.10 Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways (S01E12 & S01E13)

Reality TV is more dangerous than ever, and the Daleks are back—it’s time for the Doctor Who Series One finale with BAD WOLF and THE PARTING OF THE WAYS! Talia is crying about everything, and it’s Lucia’s turn to be frustrated by Rose. We argue over a certain character’s death, discuss the Doctor's struggles with genocide, and grapple with saying goodbye. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


1.09 Boom Town (S01E11)

It's time to listen to our run down of BOOM TOWN, episode eleven of series one. Talia is sick of Rose and wishes for a better companion, Lucia asks us to ponder the meaning of accountability, we all aspire to that vibe you have with friends who unquestionably get you no questions asked, and we continue our crusade of cleanliness and say the quiet part out loud: those skin suits have got to stink. You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


1.08 The Empty Child and the Doctor Dances (S01E09 &S01E10)

It's time for the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances! Nancy steals the show, Talia and Lucia continue to have extraordinary amounts of feels, and EVERYBODY LIVES!  You can find transcripts for all of our episodes at You can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @WibblyPod, and you can send us an email at with all of your burning questions and scathing remarks that you'd rather not shout at us online.


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