The WorldView in 5 Minutes

Voiced by veteran talk show host Adam McManus and written by radio-host and pastor Kevin Swanson and a team of other staff writers, The World View in 5 Minutes is a round-up of the daily news from a Biblical perspective. And, perhaps most uniquely, you will often hear applicable Scriptures paired with the stories themselves. It’s part Paul Harvey, part R.C. Sproul. You’ll get hooked to the most definitively Christian overview of the news including politics, pop culture, the church, and tracing God’s sovereign hand in the affairs of man.

Megachurch pastor Robert Morris resigns over moral failure, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un sign pact in China’s shadow, German shot put athlete gives glory to God

It’s Friday, June 21st, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus Armenian Christian man received 10-year prison sentence in Iran After losing a court appeal in early June, Armenian Hakop Gochymayan received a 10-year prison sentence for allegedly participating in Christian activities in Iran, reports International Christian Concern. Gochymayan and his wife, Elisa, who is of Iranian descent and has family in Iran, were detained near Tehran in August 2023. In a report from Barnabas Aid, the couple was “placed in solitary confinement and subjected to intense psychological torture.”  Hebrews 13:3 says, “Don't forget those who are in prison. Remember them as though you were in prison with them. And don't forget those who are suffering. Remember them as though you were suffering with them.” Authorities in Pardis, Iran, arrested the couple, who were in the country visiting friends and family as they dined at an acquaintance’s home. Reportedly, the Armenian man had several copies of the New Testament, written in the Persian language of Farsi, and had attended multiple churches during his stay. In an attempt to dissuade conversions, it is illegal in Iran to speak to non-Christians about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have Bibles written in Farsi, which is the nation’s official language.  According to Open Doors, Iran is the ninth most difficult country worldwide in which to be a Christian. Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un sign pact in China’s shadow Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new pact Wednesday that includes a pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked, reports NBC News. The agreement was sealed at a summit in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, during a rare visit by Putin to the reclusive nuclear-armed state as both countries face growing confrontations with the West. The BBC noted that the real power in the region was not in Pyongyang, nor did it want to be. Putin and Kim were bonding on China’s doorstep. While North Korean artillery would be a shot in the arm for Putin’s war effort, swapping missile technology for it would not exactly be a great deal. And Putin might realize it’s not worth annoying China, which buys Russian oil and gas, and remains a crucial ally in a world that has isolated him. Pyongyang needs China even more. It’s the only other country Kim Jong Un visits. Anywhere between a quarter to a half of North Korea’s oil comes from Russia, but at least 80% of its business is with China. Megachurch pastor Robert Morris resigns over moral failure Megachurch pastor Robert Morris, the 62-year-old founder of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, resigned after Cindy Clemishire accused him of sexually abusing her over multiple years in the 1980s beginning when she was 12, reports The Christian Post. Morris had admitted that he had engaged in "inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady" while he was a pastor at another church in his early 20s. But he did not name his accuser or disclose her age at the time the abuse began. 1 Timothy 3:2 and 7 says, “Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach. … He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.” In the announcement of Morris' resignation, Gateway Church elders said they have retained the law firm of Haynes & Boone, LLP, to "conduct an independent, thorough, and professional review of the report of past abuse to ensure we have a complete understanding of the events from 1982-1987." In their statement, the elders wrote, “Regretfully, prior to Friday, June 14, the elders did not have all the facts of the inappropriate relationship between Morris and the victim, including her age at the time and the length of the abuse. The elders’ prior understanding was that Morris’s extramarital relationship, which he had discussed many times throughout his ministry, was with ‘a young lady’ and not abuse of a 12-year-old child.”  However, Cindy Clemishire claims that in 2007 “at least one elder had specific notice that I was sexually abused beginning when I was 12 years old.” One ripple effect is that the Texas-based Daystar Television Network, one of the largest Christian television networks in the world, has removed all programming featuring Robert Morris.  German shot put athlete gives glory to God German athlete Yemisi Ogunleye won the bronze medal in the shot put competition at the European Athletics Championships in Rome with a throw of 61 feet, reports Evangelical Focus. After winning the silver medal at the World Championships in Glasgow in March 2024, she has become one of the leading names in her discipline. After competing, she said, “I gave it my all.” In addition to her sporting career, the athlete also openly talks about her Christian faith and participates in a Gospel choir. On social media she wrote, “Thank you for the many prayers. Is God good? All the time!” Psalm 29:2 says, “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness.” 8 Worldview listeners donated $3,390 And finally, toward our $63,000 goal by this Saturday, June 22nd – the three-week mark of our month-long fundraiser, 8 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate to help fund our 6-member team for another fiscal year. Our thanks to Robert in Annandale, Virginia and Augustine in Auburn, California – both of whom gave $25. We appreciate Chad in Moriarty, New Mexico who pledged $20/month for 12 months for a gift of $240 as well as Richard in Wyoming, Delaware, Michael in Houston, Texas, and Bill in Thibodaux, Louisiana – each of whom pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300 each. And we’re grateful to God for Bill in Castle Rock, Colorado who gave $1,000 as well as a husband and wife in Louisiana who donated $1,200. Those 8 donors gave $3,390.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $51,845.16 (audience cheering) Toward this Saturday’s goal of $63,000, we need to raise $11,154.84. That means we need to need 5 people to pledge $100 per month for 12 months, 4 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months, and 8 people to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Ask God what He wants you to give to this newscast that proclaims Jesus Christ as our standard for Truth. Close And that's The Worldview on this Friday, June 21st, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


11 Christians released from prison in India, Hungary is allowed to ban assisted suicide, 103-year-old World War II veteran prays daily

It’s Thursday, June 20th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark 11 Christians released from prison in India Praise God! A law firm in India secured the release of 11 Christians from prison last week. They had faced detention since 2022 under anti-conversion laws. The law firm specifically works with persecuted Christians. The 11 believers included several pastors as well as converts out of Hinduism. Nearly half of India’s states have anti-conversion laws. Christians often face targeted oppression and false charges under the laws. Since 2020, officials have jailed hundreds of Christians.  According to Open Doors, India is the 11th most difficult country worldwide in which to be a Christian. Hungary is allowed to ban assisted suicide Last Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights upheld Hungary’s ban on assisted suicide.  A Hungarian national challenged the ban after having been diagnosed with a progressive neurodegenerative condition. However, the court ruled that Hungary’s ban on assisted suicide is in line with its duty to protect life. Jean-Paul Van De Walle with Alliance Defending Freedom International said, “We applaud today’s decision ... which upholds Hungary’s essential human rights protections. ... Instead of abandoning our most vulnerable citizens, society should do all it can to provide the best standards of care.”  Christian baker’s refusal to make cake celebrating incorrect gender In the United States, Christian baker Jack Phillips is defending himself again before the Colorado Supreme Court. Phillips’ latest case is over his refusal to make a cake in celebration of someone pretending to be the opposite sex. Twenty-three states and six Colorado legislators have filed briefs with the court in favor of Phillips. On Tuesday, he said, “I will not create a cake expressing any message that violates my religious beliefs regardless of who asks for it. ... Over the last ten years, Colorado officials and activists have tried to punish me for my religious beliefs.” Psalm 14:4 asks, “Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on the LORD?” Federal court vs. Biden on abortion On Monday, a federal court in Louisiana ruled against the Biden administration in an abortion case. The court protected the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other Catholic organizations from having to cover abortions for employees. Laura Slavis with Becket Law said the Biden administration “twisted a law protecting expecting mothers and their babies and co-opted the workplaces of over 130 million Americans to support abortion. That is an abuse of power. … No one should have to choose between their conscience and protecting pregnant women.” Louisiana: First state requiring Ten Commandments in public schools Louisiana is now the first state to require public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed the bill into law yesterday. The legislation applies to state-funded universities. It also allows schools to display the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence.  Republican state Representative Dodie Horton authored the bill. She said, “I hope and I pray that Louisiana is the first state to allow moral code to be placed back in the classrooms. Since I was in kindergarten [at a private school], it was always on the wall. I learned there was a God, and I knew to honor Him and His laws.” Deuteronomy 6:7 and 9 says of God’s commandments, “You shall teach them diligently to your children. … You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Mortgage rates fell below 7% Last week, for the first time since March, mortgage rates fell below 7%. Thirty-year fixed mortgage rates fell from 7.02% to 6.94%. And five-year adjustable-rate mortgages fell from 6.45% to 6.27%.  At the same time, mortgage applications are rising. The Mortgage Bankers Association noted “purchase volume is still more than 10% behind last year’s pace,” but they are “forecasting a pickup in home sales for the remainder of the year as more inventory is hitting the market.” Nvidia: Mist valuable company worldwide American tech company Nvidia is now the most valuable company in the world. It produces most of the semiconductor chips used by Artificial Intelligence technology. Nvidia’s market capitalization surpassed $3 trillion earlier this month, becoming more valuable than Apple. On Tuesday, Nvidia’s valuation rose to $3.33 trillion, surpassing Microsoft.  Nvidia’s valuation was about $1 trillion a year ago, and has grown over 170% this year alone. 103-year-old World War II veteran prays daily A World War II veteran is still going strong at the age of 103. Ralph Conte was drafted at the age of 21. He served in the U.S. Army across nine countries in Europe during World War II. He received a Purple Heart after being struck by shrapnel.  Conte married "the love of his life," Veronica Sarubbi, in 1943. They had five children, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Conte went on to open his own photography business. His granddaughter Jessica Graf told Fox News Digital, “Even at 103, he still has an eye for a sharp picture. … My grandfather inspires me every day to keep moving, live in the moment, and not worry about things that are out of our control.” She said he has a “deep faith in God” and “continues to pray daily.”  10 Worldview listeners donated $2,615 And finally, toward our $63,000 goal by this Saturday, June 22nd – the three-week mark of our month-long fundraiser – 10 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate to help fund our 6-member team for another fiscal year. Our thanks to Kathryn in Reddick, Florida, Robert in Brashear, Missouri, and Rebecca in Kokomo, Indiana – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate Karl in Grand Rapids, Michigan who gave $100, Dan in Alturas, Florida who gave $200, and Rose in Everson, Washington who gave $240. And we’re thankful to God for Cathy in Fate, Texas who pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300, John in Auburn, Washington who gave $500, Tim and Ann in Huffman, Texas who gave $600, and an anonymous donor in Helena, Montana who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600. Those 11 donors gave $2,615.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $ 48,455.16 (audience cheering) Toward this Saturday, June 22nd’s goal of $63,000, we need to raise $14,544.84. We need 6 people to pledge $100 per month for 12 months, 7 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months, and 12 people to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Ask God what He wants you to give to this newscast that proclaims Jesus Christ as our standard for Truth. Close And that's The Worldview on this Thursday, June 20th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.      


Franklin Graham defines Biblical marriage in Birmingham, England; Boston Celtics coach’s T-shirt: “But first, let me thank God.”; Biden’s new path to citizenship for 500,000 illegals

It’s Wednesday, June 19th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark Muslims killed 80 Christians in Congo, Africa Muslim militants killed at least 80 Christians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a string of attacks earlier this month. The Islamic State took responsibility for the violence. Open Doors, a persecution watchdog group, noted that the attacks are becoming more aggressive in targeting Christians. The group said, “Christians are forced to flee, and some churches in the affected villages have closed as a result of the latest attacks.”  The central African nation is ranked 41st on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.  Franklin Graham defines Biblical marriage in Birmingham, England Evangelist Franklin Graham continued his God Loves You Tour in the U.K. Over 8,000 came to hear him preach in Birmingham last Saturday. It was his first time in the Midlands, although his father, Billy Graham, had preached in the area some 40 years earlier.  Franklin Graham had planned on preaching in Birmingham and seven other U.K. cities in 2020. However, many venues canceled his events at the time for his support for Biblical marriage. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:3-5, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine … and they will turn their ears away from the truth. … But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” To his credit, Franklin did not shy away from calling sin sin. Listen. GRAHAM: “Let me say something about sex. God created sex. He wants us to enjoy sex, but sex is to be used in a marriage relationship between a man and a woman. (clapping) That’s the way God designed it. “There may be people here tonight that are guilty of sexual sins. I'm here tonight to tell you God will forgive you. There may be people here tonight you've stolen, you've lied, you've cheated all your life. I'm here tonight to tell you God will forgive you tonight if you repent and turn from your sins. “How about murder? ‘Franklin, we lock up murderers around here. We don't just let murderers walk around.’ Really? How about abortion? In God's eyes, it's murder. Now, you say, ‘But Franklin, it's legal.’ Okay. But I'm here to tell you tonight that God views it as murder. You may be guilty of having an abortion. Okay. I get it. “But I'm here to tell you tonight: God loves you. And He'll forgive you tonight. But you've got to come to Him by faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Tonight, you can have that guilt, and that shame you have felt. He’ll take that all away. He'll give you a new heart. He'll change your life. He'll cleanse you tonight.” NATO increases their military spending Countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are upping their military spending. A record 23 out of 32 NATO member nations met the military spending goal of the alliance this year. That goal is two percent of a country’s Gross Domestic Product. The number of members meeting the goal more than doubled compared to last year. Western countries have increased military spending especially since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.  House passes $900 billion defense bill which blocks tax-funded abortions In the U.S., the House of Representatives approved the annual National Defense Authorization Act.   The nearly $900 billion spending bill passed 217-199.  Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said, “This year’s [National Defense Authorization Act] will refocus our military on its core mission of defending America and its interests across the globe, fund the deployment of the National Guard to the southwest border … and strengthen our nuclear posture and missile defense programs.”  The bill also blocks the Pentagon from using taxpayer dollars for abortions. However, the bill would also need to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Biden’s new path to citizenship for 500,000 illegals President Joe Biden announced a new path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.  The program will be open to illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens and have lived in the country for at least 10 years. This could affect 500,000 people. The program will also be open to about 50,000 children who have parents that are U.S. citizens. The announcement comes after the Biden administration restricted illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, seeking asylum. Supreme Court overturns ban on bump stocks for guns Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Trump-era ban on bump stocks. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives banned them in 2018. The ruling defined a bump stock as an accessory to a gun that allows shooters to fire semiautomatic firearms at rates approaching those of some machineguns. The court ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms exceeded its authority by classifying semiautomatic rifles with bump stocks as machine guns. Americans becoming more liberal A new Gallup survey found that Americans are identifying with liberal social values more and more. Social issues included sexually perverted lifestyles and the murder of unborn babies. Thirty-three percent of Americans have liberal views on social issues now, up from 24% in 2000. Thirty-two percent of Americans say their views are conservative, down from 39% in 2000. Those with moderate views similarly dropped from 38% to 32%. Boston Celtics coach's T-shirt: "But first, let me thank God." The Boston Celtics defeated the Dallas Mavericks 106-88 on Monday to win their 18th NBA championship. The basketball team now holds the record for the most championships.  Joseph Mazzulla coaches the Celtics. At 35, he’s now the youngest coach to win a championship since 1970. His post-game interview T-shirt read, “BUT FIRST … LET ME THANK GOD.” Mazzulla told NBA TV, “We are exactly where we’re supposed to be. And God always has us where we’re at. And you’ve just got to be patient, take your time, and use all the pain and all the stuff that you’ve been through in life for the next opportunity.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 11 Worldview listeners donated $3,380 Toward our $63,000 goal by this Saturday, June 22nd – the three-week mark, 11 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Diane in Apache Junction, Arizona who gave $20, Linda in Mesa, Arizona who gave $25, as well as Henry in Tazewell, Virginia and Richard in Livonia, Michigan – both of whom gave $50. We appreciate Faith in Coeur D Alene, Idaho who gave $75, Daniel and Cindy in Cypress, Texas who pledged $10/month for 12 months for a gift of $120, and Ben in Stowe, Pennsylvania who pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300. And we are grateful to God for Diana in Glendale, Arizona who gave $400, Nicki in Carthage, Missouri who pledged $35/month for 12 months for a gift of $420, Susanna in Mineral Springs, North Carolina who pledged $60/month for 12 months for a gift of $720, and Foston and Tanya in Raleigh, North Carolina who pledged $100/month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200. Those 11 donors gave $3,380.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $45,840.16 (audience cheering) Toward this Saturday, June 22nd’s goal of $63,000, we need to raise $17,159.84. We need 8 people to pledge $100 per month for 12 months, 6 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months, and 12 people to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Ask God what He wants you to give to this newscast that proclaims Jesus Christ as our standard for truth. Close And that's The Worldview on this Wednesday, June 19th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


El Salvadoran president turned to God in prayer, The foul diatribes of Covenant School massacre shooter, Surgeon General calling for mental health warnings for social media

It’s Tuesday, June 18th, A.D. 2024,. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Kevin Swanson Muslim-majority Türkiye kicks out 9 Christian missionaries Türkiye’s highest court ruled in a 7-6 close vote to support the government’s expulsion of nine foreign Christians for alleged missionary activities.  It is a Muslim-majority country. Kelsey Zorzi, Alliance Defending Freedom International’s Director of Advocacy for Global Religious Freedom, has stated that this is one more indication that “Türkiye is systematically trying to extinguish Christian beliefs inside its borders.” Shockingly, 185 foreign missionaries have been expelled from the country since 2018. The nine individuals in this case now have the opportunity to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.” (John 15:18) The foul diatribes of Covenant School massacre shooter Officials have released a stream of documents including journal entries produced by the person responsible for the Covenant School massacre in Nashville, Tennessee. The foul diatribes mainly concern the perpetrator’s frustration with her God-given female gender, and her parents’ preference for a “conservative” Christian faith. The animus expressed in her extensive handwritten entries have provided insight into the motives involved with six murders of teachers and children at the school on March 27, 2023.  (Link provided near the bottom of this transcript) El Salvadoran president turned to God in prayer Conservative talk show host Tucker Carlson recently interviewed the newly re-elected president of El Salvador on his outstanding victory, and his unprecedented rooting out of a strong criminal element from his country.   Nayib Bukele explained that ,upon his first election, the murder rate in El Salvador was three times greater than Haiti. Plus, his country was the murder capital of the world.   He pointed out the impossibility of rooting out 70,000 gang members who were intertwined with the population. Listen to this soundbite from Carlson’s interview. BUKELE: “I basically said we're looking into an impossible mission here. So we prayed.” CARLSON: “You prayed in the meeting?” BUKELE: “Yes, yes, of course, several times. Yeah.” CARLSON: “What did you pray for?” BUKELE: “Wisdom, to win the war. I thought at the time that we will have civilian casualties. So, we prayed that the civilian casualties will be as low as possible. And we didn't have any civilian casualties.” CARLSON: “Was everyone in the meeting comfortable with that?” BUKELE: “Yes, yes. All my security cabinet are believers. They all believe in God. We're a secular country, of course. But we all believe in God.” CARLSON: “MS-13 is one of the major gangs…” BUKELE: “and they are Satanic also.” CARLSON: “That was my question. So, I hope you will explain it because very little has been written in the West about this.” BUKELE:  “They’re Satanic, yes” CARLSON: “But actually, literally. Can you explain?” BUKELE: “Well, they didn't start it as a satanic organization. MS-13 started in Los Angeles, in the US, because Salvadorans were not allowed to sell drugs by the Mexican gangs. So, they created a gang that was called 18th street gangs.” In the same interview, Bukele later acknowledged that their victory over the criminals had to do with winning the “spiritual war” against “Satanic” forces, some of which were involved in conducting human sacrifices. Bukele plans to address the economic problems of the nation during his second term. He said the first part of his plan is to “seek God’s wisdom” to which Tucker Carlson noted, “I have never heard any leader of any country say that.” Bukele was re-elected with 85% of the vote in February of this year.  Proverbs 15:33 reminds us that “The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.” SCOTUS disregarded FDA’s own stat: 1 in 25 mothers go to ER As The Worldview reported on Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously approved the Abortion Kill Pill by mail last Thursday. At issue was the relaxing of rules relating to the administration of Mifepristone in the killing of an unborn child.   Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the opinion that “the plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate that the FDA’s relaxed regulatory requirements likely would cause them to suffer injury.” Attorney Erin Hawley with Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, said, “Nothing in today’s decision changes the fact that the FDA’s own label says that roughly one in 25 women who take chemical abortion drugs will end up in the emergency room.”   The life of the child was not considered in the case. Nasdaq up 18%; Russell 2000 down 20% in value The Nasdaq composite index has improved 18% since the beginning of the year.  However, the Russell 2000 Index, representing the smaller companies on the market, has lost 1% over the last six months, reports The Russell 2000 index has seen zero improvement in three and a half years.   Adjusted for inflation, this would account for a 20% loss in value. Exactly six companies, or 1% of America’s largest public companies, represent 33% of the value of the entire S&P 500 index — Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon. Surgeon General calling for mental health warnings for social media The U.S. Surgeon General is calling for mental health warnings on all social media platforms. In a recent opinion piece in the NY Times, Vivek Murthy argued social media companies should be required to display mental health warnings about the use of their platforms.   With the average daily use at 4.8 hours for adolescents, Murthy is calling for legislation to “shield young people from online harassment, abuse and exploitation and from exposure to extreme violence and sexual content that too often appears in algorithm-driven feeds.” And restricting “the use of features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use.” Alabama Worldview listener grateful for making “Christ the center” Wyatt Nicaud in Summerdale, Alabama wrote me at He said, “I am so appreciative of the Biblical worldview that is instituted in every broadcast. Making Christ the center of everything, including our news, is of the utmost importance.” 13 Worldview listeners donated $3,305.16 Toward our $63,000 goal by this Saturday, June 22nd, 13 Worldview listeners have stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Kat in Roanoke, Texas who gave $10, Vanessa in Madison, Wisconsin who gave $20, Janna in Midvale, Idaho who gave $37, and Amy in Boise, Idaho who gave $50. We appreciate George in Elizabethtown, Kentucky who gave $120, Linda in Lutz, Florida who gave $200, James in Salem, West Virginia who gave $218.16, and Tonya in Blanco, Texas who gave $250. We’re grateful to God for Nancy in Stockbridge, Georgia $300, David & Sonya in Austin and Nicole in Johnston, Iowa – both of whom pledged $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300 each, Shauna in Pleasanton, Kansas who gave $500, and N.J. in Caldwell, Idaho who gave $1,000. Those 13 donors gave $3,305.16.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $42,460.16 (audience cheering) That means we surpassed the mid-point goal by $460.16. Toward this Saturday, June 22nd’s goal of $63,000, we need to raise $20,539.84. We need 5 people to pledge $100 per month for 12 months, 11 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months, and 22 people to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Will you step up to the plate? Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. What would the Lord have you to give? [Warning: This link, featuring new information about the Nashville, Tennessee transgender shooter, contains disturbing and graphic content.] Close And that's The Worldview on this Tuesday, June 18th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.  


FBI’s suspicious claims about dramatic drop in crime, Five Christian sanitation workers died in Pakistan of inhaling toxic gases, Clarification on Texas abortion statistics

It’s Monday, June 17th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus Five Christian sanitation workers died in Pakistan of inhaling toxic gases Five Christian sanitation workers in Pakistan have died since June 11th from inhaling toxic gases, highlighting how they are forced to work without proper safety equipment, reports Morning Star News. Irfan Masih, Ratan Masih, and Babar Masih succumbed on June 12th to the poisonous gases while cleaning a sewer disposal well in the Satellite Town of Bhalwal in the Punjab Province. A fourth Christian worker, Naeem Masih, was in critical condition at Sargodha District Headquarters Hospital. In Sindh Province, two Christians Yunus Hidayat and Yunus Masih, and a Hindu, Badal Gujrati, died on June 11th after they inhaled toxic gases. The tragedy in Punjab Province struck when a supervisor forced the workers to enter a well without proper safety equipment. Families of the deceased workers later staged a protest by placing the workers’ bodies in front of the Bhalwal municipal office. The protesters demanded Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif order an inquiry and take action against those responsible for the deaths. They also demanded the government provide safety equipment to sewer workers, lamenting that dozens have died due to toxic gases without any action taken to address the dangers. Sikandar Farman, a Christian who was formerly a member of the Bhalwal Municipal Committee, said, “Our brothers continue to die in manholes. but their deaths have failed to move the government. How many more lives will it take for the authorities to understand the plight of these workers?” Matthew 7:12 says, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Sadly, in Pakistan, Christians are considered second-class citizens, referred to as the Dalits, untouchable members of social groups that have historically been marginalized in the caste society. Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, makes first appearance since Christmas Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, was seen for the first time this year as she attends Trooping the Colour, a military parade celebrating the birthday of King Charles III, reports Britain’s Metro paper. A 41-gun salute takes place in Green Park and King Charles is then joined by members of the Royal family on the balcony of the palace as they watch a spectacular flyover courtesy of the Royal Air Force’s Red Arrows.  (Watch a 20-second video) The Princess of Wales has not been seen in public since Christmas Day of last year as she underwent abdominal surgery before then starting cancer treatment. In an update on her recovery, Middleton said, “I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. My treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months.” Armed civilian defended herself against thugs Police are investigating a shooting that occurred on May 21 at a Walmart in Auburn, Washington, reports Fox13 Seattle. At around 3:30 a.m., officers responded to reports of an attempted robbery inside the parking lot.  The 53-year-old victim was sitting in her car overnight when two people approached her with guns, demanding her property. She then pulled out her own gun and shot at them. The suspects shot back, injuring her.  When the police arrived, they found the victim and treated her at the scene. Though she is suffering from a single gunshot wound, she is expected to recover fully. The Auburn Police Department released one of their trained police dogs who tracked and located the two suspects who were brought into custody. FBI’s suspicious claims about dramatic drop in crime On June 13th, The Worldview reported that the FBI documented a dramatic drop in crime. The federal agency claimed that in the first quarter of this year there was a 26.4% drop in murders, a 25.7% drop in rapes, a 17.8% drop in robberies, a 12.5% drop in aggravated assaults, and a 15% drop in property crimes. However, after The Worldview did some additional research, we discovered that the FBI statistics are incomplete at best. That’s according to John Lott, the president of the nonprofit Crime Prevention Research Center who held a brief role in the Dept. of Justice under former President Donald Trump. He said, “It's just a small portion of the issue. The reason why we have the National Crime Victimization Survey [an annual survey conducted by the Dept. of Justice] is because we know most crimes are not reported to police." Lott said those statistics make up less than 45% of the violent crimes that are committed in the U.S. and only 32% of property crimes. Victims are not reporting incidents as often because they don't believe anyone will be punished. He claimed that only 8% of total violent crimes in cities result in arrest, and the number is even smaller for property crimes. Lott explained that there are multiple underlying issues. There are fewer experienced officers on the streets, fewer police reports are being made, crime victims are not going down to the station to fill out forms, and — perhaps most significantly — certain reporting standards have changed. For instance, if a felony assault was pleaded down to a misdemeanor in court, it would not be included in the FBI's data. In addition, as the Heritage Foundation documented, the George Soros-funded rogue District Attorneys across America are soft on crime, refusing to prosecute many criminals at all.  That also would lead to a misleading, false drop in crime. Clarification on Texas abortion statistics On June 6th, The Worldview reported that the Texas abortion ban went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.  While we noted that Texas reported 67 abortions the following month and 3 abortions the month after that, compared to an average of 6,000 abortions per month the year before, we should have clarified that those were surgical abortions. Sadly, the “kill pill” abortifacient can be legally ordered through the mail and a Texas mother can murder her pre-born child at any time in Texas.  Those chemical abortions are not documented nor reported to the state, as noted by the Foundation to Abolish Abortion. While some states might claim that they are “Abortion Free” due to their ban on surgical abortions after Roe v. Wade was overturned, too many mothers are aborting their babies chemically with the Abortion Kill Pill known as mifepristone. In fact, 63% of mothers who abort today are aborting chemically. Check out the 3-minute trailer for a 5-part docuseries entitled “Abortion Free”  through a special link in our transcript today at Listen to this soundbite. “ABORTION FREE TRAILER: “The crazy reality is in these states that say they're ‘abortion free’ now abortion has never been easier. I could abort my baby in any of the 50 states.” Proverbs 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” By the way, for a $25 donation to the producers of the 5 episodes, you can watch them. Indiana donor loves our use of Scripture connected to the news To help fund The Worldview newscast for another year, one anonymous donor in South Bend, Indiana generously gave $2,000! When I called him up, this is what he said. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA DONOR: “At the end of the day, what we really appreciate is the world news in a concise Christian worldview. And then also there's, there's normally an uplifting story where most news, it's all doom and gloom. “We really enjoyed the uplifting story of the father and the sons that flipped over while kayaking, and when it seemed like the father lost all hope, reached his hand out, and the guy on the jet ski saved his life.” McMANUS: “At the end of that story, I wrote, “No doubt, the father echoes the sentiment of Psalm 9:1: “I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart, I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds” because, as a Christian, I believe that God supernaturally intervened and used those two men to help save the father and the sons from drowning in the Colorado River. Do you appreciate our use of Scripture like that?” SOUTH BEND, INDIANA DONOR: “Absolutely! It's very unusual in day-to-day life for a Scripture verse to be used in real life. My unfortunate experience is church is something we do on Sunday and doesn't apply to our life -- Monday through Saturday. “I go back to one of my bosses. He said, ‘We're a big company. Is that really appropriate to do religion in it?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, the number one reason somebody gets fired here is perjury. Thou should not lie. The number two reason is probably sexual harassment. Thou shalt not commit adultery. The third reason is there are bad actors in our company that have stolen. Thou shall not steel. And I know that there's a lot of my peers that are coveting other positions. If we were teaching the Scripture, that it applies to our daily life, that would solve most of our issues.’” McMANUS: “And what did he say?” SOUTH BEND, INDIANA DONOR: “He was silent.” 26 Worldview listeners gave $10,520 As you know, The Worldview is in the middle of our annual fundraising campaign through the end of June. While I originally indicated that our goal was $114,200, I was mistaken.  The goal is just 5% more than last year’s goal of $80,000 which would bring the 2024 goal to $84,000. That would provide the resources necessary to fund our 6-member newscast team. Toward our readjusted mid-point goal, we needed to have raised a total of $42,000 by Saturday night, June 15th.  Providentially, 26 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Kristina in Olympia, Washington who gave $20 as well as Jena in Templeton, California, Lavern in Rockingham, Virginia, Tim in Rosemount, Minnesota, and Robin in Wellington, Florida – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate Christina in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania and Bethany


Supreme Court allows Abortion Kill Pill to be sent through mail, North Korea sent 1,400 helium balloons with manure and trash to South Korea, God sent two rescuers to save father and 2 boys in Colorado River

It’s Friday, June 14th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus North Korea sent 1,400 helium balloons with manure and trash to South Korea South Korean Christian ministries have sent GPS-guided balloons carrying pages of Scripture and USB devices featuring the Bible into North Korea where owning a Bible can be punishable by execution. In retaliation for what it calls “anti-North Korean propaganda,” North Korea, led by the dictator Kim Jong Un, sent more than 1,400 helium balloons filled with trash and manure into South Korea, reports International Christian Concern. The South Korean military has intercepted many of the balloons.  In response to the helium balloon-delivered manure and trash, South Korean officials resumed loudspeaker broadcasts at specific border areas. Subsequently, Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, warned South Korea that these loudspeaker broadcasts, leaflets, and USB devices could soon provoke a “crisis of confrontation” between the two nations.   She  added that the manure and trash balloons were “sincere presents” sent to the “goblins of liberal democracy who are crying for the guarantee of freedom of expression.” Join me and specifically pray Ezekial 36:26 for Kim Jong Un and his sister, Kim Yo Jong, who are spiritually lost.  The verse describes how God “will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” According to Open Doors, North Korea is the world’s most dangerous country in which to be a Christian. Trans World Radio, which broadcasts into North Korea from South Korea, received an email from a North Korean listener who said, “Without your programs, love and dedication, we would not have access to the Gospel of our Father in Heaven and we would be lost." Supreme Court allows Abortion Kill Pill to be sent through mail Yesterday, the Supreme Court made a terrible decision. It ruled against pro-life doctors and others who challenged the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to loosen restrictions on the distribution of the Abortion Kill Pill, reports In the unanimous decision in the case titled FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote, “The plaintiffs lack standing to sue to stop the law. Specifically, the FDA’s regulations apply to doctors prescribing mifepristone and to pregnant women taking mifepristone. But the plaintiff doctors and medical associations do not prescribe or use mifepristone.” The Food and Drug Administration decided to make chemical abortion as widely available as possible as part of the Biden-Harris pro-abortion agenda. Dr. Ingrid Skop, the Medical Director of the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, previously said, “The FDA’s decision to weaken commonsense safeguards, removing doctors from the process, shows they prioritize ending unborn life over the health and safety of women.” In addition to directly ending an innocent human life, abortion drugs are also dangerous for women. Side effects and complications that accompany chemical abortions are: pain, possibly severe heavy and/or prolonged bleeding for multiple weeks fever infection incomplete abortion (requiring surgical follow-up) nausea and vomiting diarrhea feeling dizzy or having a headache short to lasting hot flashes hemorrhage blood clots undetected ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening and permanent infertility for an Rh-negative mother. God sent two rescuers to save father and 2 boys in Colorado River A week ago Thursday, when the inflatable kayak a father and his two young sons were using in the Colorado River flipped over in a rapid, the family became scattered in raging waters, reported KSL-TV. Providentially, Eric Odenthal saw the terrifying crisis unfold. ODENTHAL: “I just seen the kids floating downstream, struggling.” Indeed, according to the Grand County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, “The 10-year-old was reportedly wearing a belt-pack [personal flotation device] or PFD  that inflated with a C02 cartridge. It flipped the boy over so he was face down in the water. And the 8-year-old was wearing a [life preserver] that was too big and failed to keep his head above water.” Odenthal called out to his friend, Gaar Lausman, who jumped on his paddleboard. ODENTHAL: “You need to go right now. This is really important. Get those kids out of the water.” But, while the kids were scooped up, the dad, who had not been wearing a life jacket at all, was further away and barely able to keep above water, reports ODENTHAL: “He's getting pulled by eddies. His face is barely above water.” Just when it seemed all hope was lost, as the father sunk down below the water’s surface, God sent along a second Good Samaritan. A man named Daniel Wright suddenly emerged on a jet ski. ODENTHAL: “It was literally a miracle this guy showed up.” According to the Grand County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, Wright initially passed by the father because he didn’t see him. WRIGHT: “Initially, I thought it was just kind of debris in the water.” It wasn’t until the man on the paddleboard got his attention that he turned around and found him. For his part, Wright scrambled to reach the father, who, at that point was reaching his hand up out of the water in a final attempt at being rescued. WRIGHT: “He realized that was it. That was what he had left was reaching out to me.  I had to help him. I had to get him.” Once he got him safely to shore, Wright described what happened next. WRIGHT:  “I gave him a hug and I embraced him, you know, when I got him out of the water because it was an emotional moment.” Grand County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue concluded its post by encouraging people to wear “properly-fitted, and properly-worn” safety gear. As for Wright, he credited the Lord for his ability to be present and help out. WRIGHT:  “I'm just really thankful and I really just think God just had me right there at the right time.” No doubt, he echoes the sentiment of Psalm 9:1. “I will give thanks to You, LORD, with all my heart. I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds.” Virginia Worldview listener shares why he gave $500 Last night, I called Danny in Abingdon, Virginia, a Worldview listener who donated $500 to help keep this newscast on the air. He explained what he appreciates. DANNY: “I just like that you all provide an option for news that is filtered through a Biblical lens so that you're reporting news and how it relates to believers in Christ, and how the Bible would speak to the news of the day. I think y'all might be the only option, that I know of, that provides that for believers. And I appreciate that and I want to support that and hope that that continues.” Danny especially likes the fact that we cite two relevant Bible verses connected to two of our weekday stories. DANNY: “When I see that Bible verses are referenced in some of the stories, it just helps me be mindful of the Biblical worldview is the truth, and that we need to constantly be bringing the stories and news reports back to the truth which is in the Holy Scriptures.” He challenged other listeners to join him and make an online donation through our website DANNY: “I would just challenge those that value The Worldview in 5 Minutes, who support this because I think this is one of the only options that Christians have to get news from a Biblical worldview. We need to support that because it's important and there's not many other options, if any at all out there. Very valuable for believers to have that option.” 11 Worldview listeners gave $1,807 Toward our $57,100 mid-point goal by 5:00pm Central on Saturday, June 15th to fund the 6-member Worldview team for another year, 11 Worldview listeners made a donation yesterday online. Our thanks to Jay in Lees Summit, Missouri, Hannah in Leo, Indiana, Rachel in Washougal, Washington, and Christopher in Deposit, New York – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate Faith in Coeur D Alene, Idaho, Jane in Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania, and Jon in Newton, New Jersey – each of whom gave $50. And we thank God for the generosity of Michael in Sexsmith, Alberta, Canada who gave $150, Marcia in Franklin, Tennessee who pledged $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300, Katie in Hutchinson, Kansas who gave $507, and Barbara in Mesa, Arizona who pledged $50 per month for 12 months for a gift of $600. Those 11 donors gave $1,807. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $28,635 (audience cheering) By 5:00pm Central on Saturday night, June 15th, we need to raise $28,465 in order to hit our mid-point goal.  In an audience this size -- with tens of thousands who listen through the 125 radio stations which now carry us as well as through our website and the Generations app, I’m confident that 20 Worldview listeners could each pledge $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200.  Those 20 pledges would add up to $24,000.  The remaining $4,465 could be raised through smaller one-time gifts or smaller monthly pledges. Will you step up to the plate and help us raise the $28,465 we need by Saturday night at 5:00pm Central?  Please go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Let’s see what the Lord will do through you!                                            Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Friday, June 14th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.  


Texas judge v. Biden over sexual perversion, Muslim militants killed three Christians in Nigeria, Southern Baptist policy prohibits female pastors

It’s Thursday, June 13th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark Muslim militants killed three Christians in Nigeria Militants with the Islamic State West Africa Province killed three Christian men in Nigeria recently.  On June 3rd, the extremists stopped a vehicle in the northern part of the country. They allowed Muslim passengers to leave, but abducted the Christians before killing them at gunpoint. The same Islamic group carried out eight attacks against Christian villages in Nigeria back in January. The incident left 12 Christians dead. This came after the Islamic State called for militants to “kill [Christians] where you find them.” Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” Nigeria is ranked sixth on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most dangerous to be a Christian.  European Central Bank cut interest rates Last week, the European Central Bank cut interest rates for the first time in five years. It’s the second major economy to do so after Canada.  The European bank lowered rates from 4% to 3.75%. The move came ahead of the European elections as voters face higher prices.   Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to keep interest rates unchanged. The Federal Reserve held the rate around 5.25% to 5.5%, the highest in over two decades. The Fed anticipates only one rate cut this year as inflation remains higher than its target of 2% annually.  Texas judge v. Biden over sexual perversion On Tuesday, a federal judge in Texas ruled against the Biden administration’s attempt to protect students living sexually perverted lifestyles.  The U.S. Department of Education had issued guidance, threatening to remove funding from schools that did not accommodate students’ so-called gender identity or sexual orientation.   The Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton brought the lawsuit against the Education Department. He said, “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept 'transgender' policies, that put women in danger, was plainly illegal.” 10 Texas abortions in January Also in Texas news, the state’s Health and Human Services Commission reports there were 10 abortions in the state in January.  Texas has banned nearly all abortions since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The pro-life  law does allow abortions under a so-called medical necessity exception in life-of-the-mother cases.  Since July 2022, 91 abortions have been done under the exception. Before that, elective abortions averaged 2,000-3,000 per month.  Southern Baptist policy prohibits female pastors Delegates with the Southern Baptist Convention gathered over the last week for their annual meeting. Delegates considered changing the denomination’s constitution to permanently prohibit women from serving as pastors. Sixty-one percent voted in favor of the amendment. However, a 66% majority is required to change the constitution.  The Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith limits the office of pastor to men. However, nearly 2,000 SBC churches have women pastors. Crime down across America The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report on crime during the first quarter of this year. Violent crime was down 15% compared to the same period last year. Other crime rates also decreased. Reported rapes were down 26%, robberies were down 18%, aggravated assaults were down 12%, and property crimes were down 15%.  A third of Major League Baseball has not affirmed sexual Perverse Pride month Many sports teams show their support for so-called Pride month in June. However, about a third of Major League Baseball teams have not shown that support on social media.  The Christian Post notes those teams include the Atlanta Braves, Boston Red Sox, Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Guardians, Houston Astros, Miami Marlins, Oakland Athletics, San Diego Padres, and Texas Rangers. However, many teams still find other ways to show support.   The unique communication of African elephants Scientists have discovered that African elephants communicate with each other on an individual basis. Elephants use low-frequency rumble calls to communicate. They’re out of range for human hearing but can travel long distances. The new research found the animals even have unique calls to address specific elephants.  Biologist Mickey Pardo noted, “The elephants responded much more strongly, on average, to playbacks of calls that were originally addressed to them relative to playbacks of calls from the same caller that were originally addressed to someone else.” Psalm 104:24 says, “O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions.” Newscast listener: “My wife plays The Worldview for the boys.” Last night, I picked up the phone and called Troy in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas who gave $25 toward The Worldview’s month-long fundraiser to finance the 6-member team for another year. I asked him what motivated him to make a donation. TROY: “My wife plays The Worldview for the boys, for their homeschool in the morning. We have eight kids total, but we have four boys at home that she's homeschooling. So, we listen to that every morning with them and just wanted to support another good cause.” Troy listed the ages of his eight children. TROY: “I've got three girls out of the house. They're 27, 25, and 22. And then we have four boys in the house that are 11, 9, one turned 8, and then a 6-year-old. And then we have a 9-month-old girl, also.” He explained the kind of stories he likes the most. TROY: “We like to hear about our brothers and sisters [in Christ] over in other countries instead of just the junk that's on the mainstream media news. We like to hear about people we can be praying for. And my boys get to see that life isn't at all as easy as we have it over here in the U.S.” 18 Worldview listeners gave $3,125 Toward our $57,100 mid-point goal tomorrow, June 14th, 18 Worldview listeners made a donation yesterday online. Our thanks to Jonathan in Hartwell, Georgia, Charles in Sandpoint, Idaho, Troy in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas, Rob in Annandale, Virginia, and Ann in Austin, Texas – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate Russel in Antioch, Tennessee, Carla in Waverly, Alabama, Janet in Cecil, Ohio, Douglas in Galloway, Ohio, and Kevin in Scottdale, Pennsylvania – each of whom gave $50. We’re grateful to Kerry in Parowan, Utah, Diana in Tamarac, Florida, George in Leesburg, Virginia, and Catherine in Spring Hope, North Carolina – each of whom gave $100. And we’re thankful to God for Tim in Glen Ellyn, Illinois who gave $150, Danny in Abingdon, Virginia, and Curtis in North Augusta, South Carolina – both of whom gave $500 as well as Larry and Sue in Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada who pledged $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200. Those 18 donors gave $3,125.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $26,828 (audience cheering) By tomorrow night, June 14th, we need to raise $30,272 in order to hit our mid-point goal.  If you haven’t made a donation yet, we could really use your help right now to help fund the 6-member Worldview newscast team for another year.  Whether you give a one-time gift of $25, like Troy in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas, or a monthly pledge of $100 for 12 months, like Larry and Sue in Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada did, we urge you to do something! Go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Let’s see what the Lord will do through you! Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, June 13th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


Hunter Biden found guilty, What prompted homeschool mom of 8 to give $1,000 to The Worldview, European Christians who take a stand for Biblical morality are despised

It’s Wednesday, June 12th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark 10 years since 13,000 Christian families fled Mosul, Iraq This month marks 10 years since the Islamic State seized control of the city of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq. Over 13,000 Christian families fled the area. Iraqi forces finally liberated Mosul from ISIS in 2017. But the conflict left the city in ruins. Since then, about 9,000 families have returned. Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil told Christian Today, “Churches are being filled again. … All those sad and terrifying memories are still there, but at least [the Christian families] could start building and showing that the future is in [their] hands.”  Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Iraq, ranked 16th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian.  Psalm 147:2-3 says, “The LORD builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Right-wing parties picked up seats in European Union The European Union held elections over the last week for membership in the European Parliament. Centrist parties retained dominance in the parliament. However, right-wing parties picked up seats at the expense of left-wing parties. If the conservative parties united, they would form the second largest bloc in the parliament.  Nile Gardiner, a British conservative commentator, told Fox News the elections were “a massive rejection of open borders, mass migration, the far left, green agenda that is being pushed by many European governments. … This was one of the most significant electoral outcomes in recent European history.” Gardiner also said this. GARDINER: “In continental Europe, I think there are real sweeping ideological political changes that are taking place whereby European electorates have really had enough of ruling left wing elites that have been in power for such a long time. They want to see change. They want to see secure borders. They want to see an end to mass migration.” European Christians who take a stand for Biblical morality are despised Christians in the United Kingdom are facing marginalization for their beliefs. A report by Voice for Justice UK found those who oppose sexually perverted lifestyles are the most likely to face attack.  Fifty-six percent of the Christian respondents reported experiencing hostility for sharing their religious beliefs. That number rose to 61% for those under 35. The report noted, “Often respondents felt that discrimination against other religions was given attention; what was ignored was discrimination against the Christian faith.” In Matthew 10:32, Jesus said, “Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in Heaven.” U.S. doctors’ group: Stop puberty blockers and surgeries for confused kids In the United States, the American College of Pediatricians issued the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration last Thursday.  The declaration calls on U.S. medical organizations to "follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.”  Eighteen medical groups and nearly 100 healthcare professionals have signed the statement.  Nvidia worth $3 trillion American tech company Nvidia  surpassed $3 trillion in market capitalization last Wednesday. Nvidia produces most of the semiconductor chips used by Artificial Intelligence technology. The company’s stock surged nearly 150% this year. It’s now the second most valuable company in the world, outpacing Apple but still behind Microsoft.  Hunter Biden found guilty On Tuesday, a federal jury found Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, guilty of three felony charges. Prosecutors accused Hunter of lying about his drug use history in order to purchase a revolver in 2018. Dept. of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss  commented on Hunter Biden having been found guilty. WEISS: “Earlier today, Hunter Biden was convicted of two counts of lying on a form submitted to a federal firearms dealer about his addiction, or use of crack cocaine, and possessing a firearm while a user or addict. “There have been two overarching themes emphasized by the prosecution during trial: this defendants illegal choices and the rule of law. “First, while there has been much testimony about the defendant’s abuse of drugs and alcohol, ultimately, this case was not just about addiction. This case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction, his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun, and the choice to then possess that gun. It was these choices, and the combination of guns and drugs, that made his conduct dangerous. “Second, no one in this country is above the law. Everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant.” Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison. The incident predates Joe Biden’s move to the White House. But CNN notes, “The conviction marks the first time a president’s immediate family member has been found guilty of a crime during their father’s term in office.”  America’s political divide Pew Research released a new survey on Americans’ views on cultural issues ahead of the 2024 presidential election.  Voters are deeply divided generally based on whether they support President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump. Ninety percent of Trump supporters say gender is determined by sex at birth, while only 39% of Biden voters say the same. Eighty-eight percent of Biden voters support legalizing abortion in all or most cases. Only 38% of Trump voters agree. Trump supporters were also more likely than Biden voters to say the Bible should influence U.S. laws.  Arkansas’ abortions dropped from 1,600 to 0 For the year 2023, Arkansas reported no abortions in the state. The state’s abortion ban went into effect in June 2022, outlawing nearly all abortions. Arkansas reported over 3,000 abortions in 2021 and 1,600 abortions in 2022.  The Arkansas Family Council celebrated the news but also warned against a ballot initiative to make abortion a right in the state’s constitution. The group’s president, Jerry Cox, said the state’s laws are “protecting women, and they are saving unborn children. That is something to celebrate.” What prompted homeschool mom of 8 to give $1,000 to The Worldview Last night, I called Meggan in Register, Georgia who recently donated $1,000 toward The Worldview’s annual fundraiser. A homeschool mother of eight between the ages of 2 and 16, she told me what she likes about the newscast. MEGGAN: “It just helps us, as believers, to see modern day events from the Biblical perspective and not to get so anxious about the things that we see in the news, but to always be mindful that everything is in God's hands.” She especially liked our occasional inclusion of uplifting and positive stories. MEGGAN: “You don't always just have the doom and gloom. There's always something positive in there. Some child did some personal business that was super successful and the community supporting them. So, I love how it's not just negative news, but positive news.” I asked Meggan what prompted her to sacrificially give a $1,000 gift. MEGGAN: “My mother passed away last year and she left me an inheritance in an IRA. I like to give a tithe from there. And so, I like to support these different ministries that I've enjoyed the fruits of all of your labor, behind the scenes, to produce these things that I haven't been able to give near as much before that now, thanks to my mother, I'm able to, kind of, spread the wealth.” She challenged other Worldview listeners to make a donation no matter how small. MEGGAN: “Well, there's no time like the present to give because tomorrow is not promised. Oftentimes, it's very easy to procrastinate and let the day to day things bog us down, and we forget about things that we want to do sometimes. “Twenty-five dollars, $10, $5 are still very important contributions. A little bit can go a long way. I know that y'all are very good stewards financially. It is a very difficult economy. So, even the $5 or $10 or $25 can still be put to good use for the Kingdom.” 5 Worldview listeners gave $650 Toward our $57,100 mid-point goal this Friday, June 14th, five Worldview listeners made a donation yesterday online. Our thanks to Lisa in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Bonnie in Happy Valley, Oregon – both of whom gave $25. And we appreciate the generosity of Jessica in Manhattan, Illinois who gave $100, Donald in Spring Branch, Texas who gave $200, and Tonnie in Castle Rock, Colorado who pledged $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300. Those 5 donors gave $650.  Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $20,578 (audience cheering) We need to raise $36,522 in just three days to hit our mid-point goal by Friday, June 14th.  I wonder if you might choose to be one of 40 Worldview listeners to make a donation.  Whether it’s $5, $50, $500, or $5,000, if this unique Christian newscast has blessed you, like it has Meggan, the homeschool mother of eight children in Register, Georgia, please prayerfully make a donation online today. Go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like to donate, and click on the recurring monthly tab if that’s your wish. Become one of 40 listeners out of the thousands online and 125 radio stations to step up to the plate right now.  Help us shine the light of God’s Truth in the world of news. Close And that's The Worldview on this Wednesday, June 12th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through


Tony Evans stepped down over sin, Southern Baptists debate whether women should pastor churches, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak retires

It’s Tuesday, June 11th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( Colorado Christian baker dragged into court again Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys will be back in the Colorado Supreme Court next week in defense of Jack Phillips. The Christian baker has been under attack by homosexual activists since 2017.   This time, an attorney filed a lawsuit for Phillips’ refusal to bake a cake celebrating a pseudo-gender transition. So far, 23 states, 6 Colorado legislators, and several free-speech advocates filed friend-of-the-court briefs in support of Phillips. Christian widow in India fears for her life A widow from India’s Chhattisgarh State witnessed her husband’s killing for his Christian faith last month. And now she fears for her own life and remains in hiding.   Jime Kawasi herself was treated at a hospital after the mob attack which included 20 villagers. In an interview with Morning Star News, she said, “I want to continue to follow and serve Jesus. It was for this Jesus that my husband was willing to be faithful to the point of death; I too will follow in his footsteps. Please pray for me. I need your prayers.” Is France moving right? Could France be migrating away from its leftist positions?  French President Emmanuel Macron announced new elections to take place on June 30 and July 7. Elections held over the weekend indicate that the right-leaning opposition party, National Rally, has gained some ground.   Both Italy and Germany leaned right over the most recent weekend elections as well. Federal judge: No requirement for prescription for Abortion Pill An American federal judge struck down a North Carolina law limiting the distribution of the Abortion Kill Pill Mifepristone, reports The Associated Press. The order issued last week removes the requirement of a doctor’s prescription for the pills, as well as the disallowance of mailing the pill. U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles wrote that the North Carolina law, Senate Bill 20, was in unlawful conflict with the authority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Tony Evans stepped down over sin Author and pastor Tony Evans has announced to his Dallas, Texas church he will be stepping down from ministry due to sin. In a statement released on the Oak Cliff Bible Church website, Evans said, “When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others. “While I have committed no crime, I did not use righteous judgment in my actions. In light of this, I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders. This will afford me a needed time of spiritual recovery and healing.” Southern Baptists debate whether women should pastor churches The Southern Baptist convention convenes this week in Indianapolis, Indiana. At issue is a proposed amendment forbidding women pastors. Southern Baptist President J.D. Greer has registered his opposition to the amendment because of its effect on minority churches who refer to some women in their congregations as pastors. Dr. Albert Mohler has affirmed his support for the amendment. Listen. MOHLER: “Some churches are quite honestly, straightforwardly telling us that they are basically out of sync with the Southern Baptist Convention on the issue of women preaching and women holding a pastoral office. … “It's really important we recognize that this is an issue of Biblical obedience. This is not just a question of Biblical interpretation. And the moment we begin defining some issues as just matters of Biblical interpretation, the question becomes well, ‘Which are those?’ Obviously, the liberal Protestant denominations have put basically everything in that category. I think Southern Baptists know better than that.” 1 Timothy 3:1-2 instructs us that “This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior…” Trump’s guilty verdict has not affected polls The guilty verdict for Donald Trump in that Manhattan court room has not affected the polls any. The most recent Quinnipiac University poll taken in the critical swing state of Georgia found that 22 percent of voters were less likely to vote for President Trump after the verdict, and 23 percent were more likely to vote for him.   The former president is still ahead in Georgia by 5 percentage points. Exactly 50 percent of those polled agreed with the verdict. Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak retires AUDIO: “Wheel of Fortune.” After 8,000 episodes and 41 seasons, Pat Sajak has said goodbye to the game show “Wheel of Fortune.” SAJAK: “Well, the time has come to say goodbye. I have a few thanks and acknowledgements before I go. And I want to start with all of you watching out there. It's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. And I've always felt that the privilege came with a responsibility to keep this daily half hour a safe place for family fun, no social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing I hope, just a game. “But gradually, it became more than that. A place where kids learn their letters, where people from other countries hone their English skills, where families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations. “What an honor to have played even a small part in all that. Thank you for allowing me into your lives.” Sajak’s final episode ends this Friday. Pat Sajak is also chairman of the board of trustees for the conservative Hillsdale College. 6-year-old girl trusted Christ before deadly accident Fox News reports on a 6-year-old New Jersey girl who died after a freak accident. Tragically, Lucy Morgan was impaled in the head by a flying shard from a broken badminton racket.  Her father, Jesse Morgan, a pastor at Green Pond Bible Chapel in Rockaway, New Jersey, testified that, "Four weeks ago [Lucy] asked . . . how to be with God and be saved.” Her mother explained the way of salvation. “She went to her room and prayed to God to forgive her. She believed in Jesus' death and resurrection." Fox News carried a portion of Lucy’s prayer journal: “God is so amazing. He is the true God, and He died on the cross for our sins.”  Be sure to check out the full story, the heart-rending, powerful testimony about Lucy’s death at Jesse Morgan’s blog site which we have linked through our transcript today at Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” 15 Worldview listeners donated $5,345 And finally, toward our goal of raising $57,100 by this weekend to help fund the six-member staff of The Worldview for another year, 15 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate.  Our thanks to Augustine in Auburn, California, Jo Beth in Chubbuck, Idaho, and Sandra in Shiloh, North Carolina – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate Trevor in Nikiski, Alaska, Justin in Grover Beach, California, and Earl in Greenville, Florida – each of whom gave $100. We’re grateful to God for Joshua in Hortense, Georgia who gave $120, Daniel in Raleigh, North Carolina who gave $200, and Kevin and Rachelle in Columbus, Nebraska who gave $250. And we are humbled by LeAnn in Zeeland, North Dakota who gave $300, Joseph in Burnet, Texas who gave $400, Nancy in Flagstaff, Arizona who gave $500, Meggan in Register, Georgia and Troy in Durham, North Carolina – both of whom gave $1,000, as well as Pam in Sierra Madre, California who pledged $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200. Those 15 Worldview donors gave $5,345. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $19,928 (audience cheering) By this Friday, June 14th, our midway point in our month-long fundraiser, we need to raise an additional $37,172 to keep this newscast on the air. We’re looking for 8 Worldview listeners to pledge $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200, 22 folks to pledge $50 per month for 12 months for a gift of $600, and 44 people to pledge $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300. Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like, and click on the recurring button if that’s your wish. What does God want you to give? Close And that's The Worldview on this Monday, June 10th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


Israeli Defense Forces rescue four hostages from Gaza, Voddie Baucham: Pervasive sexual sin sign of God’s judgment, Biden’s DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at TX hospital

It’s Monday, June 10th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus $130,000 for funeral expenses for martyred missionary couple in Haiti More than $130,000 has been raised online for the funeral and related expenses of husband and wife missionaries who were murdered in Haiti, reports Davy and Natalie Lloyd, who served with Missions in Haiti, were killed in a gang attack, as violence has engulfed the nation. One GoFundMe campaign has raised close to $57,000, while a second fundraising effort has raised over $76,000. However, while the generosity of Christians has been exemplary, MissouriNet reports that online scammers are taking advantage of people wanting to help the families. Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker, who is the father of Natalie, explained that con artists have been creating fake fundraising pages to try and steal donations meant to help bring his daughter’s body and her husband’s body back to the U.S. Israeli Defense Forces rescue four hostages from Gaza Four Israeli hostages were rescued 245 days into their captivity, reports The Jerusalem Post. Working with other law enforcement officials, the Israeli Defense Forces, rescued them from two separate nearby locations in central Gaza in a high-risk joint operation. They include Noa Argamani, age 25, Almog Meir, age 21, Andrey Kozlov, age 27, and Shlomi Ziv, age 40, all of whom were kidnapped by Hamas and brought to the Gaza Strip from the 'Nova' party. This is the third such successful operation to rescue hostages since the war started on October 7th. An uncertain number of Palestinian terrorists and civilians were killed during the operation. The Israeli Defense Forces implied that dozens of terrorists were killed, but left open the possibility that potentially some dozens of Palestinian civilians might have also been killed. Interestingly, the U.S. provided intelligence on the hostages before Israel’s successful rescue operation. Biden’s DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at TX hospital Here in America, Biden’s so-called “Department of Justice” is at it again. This time it indicted a small-town surgeon who revealed that ghastly transgender surgeries were being secretly committed on minors at Texas Children’s Hospital after the hospital had purportedly discontinued its transgender program, reports    Dr. Eithan Haim identified himself earlier this year as the anonymous whistleblower who provided evidence of the ongoing so-called “sex-change procedures” for children as young as 11 to Manhattan Institute journalist Christopher Rufo last year. Dr. Haim said that U.S. marshals showed up at his home earlier this week, summoning him to court to face four felony counts of alleged HIPAA violations.    Haim, a 33-year-old general surgeon, has always maintained that no medical privacy laws were broken when he provided evidence of Texas Children’s Hospital’s continued transgender program to Rufo. He told the Daily Wire, “It’s my responsibility as a doctor, as a physician, to expose this to the public. If I don’t, then this abuse can continue. I knew that future generations, like my children, would never be able to forgive me if they knew I had the chance to do something and I decided to stay silent. It requires average, everyday doctors to stand up and speak out against things like this.” Luke 12:2-3 says, "God has determined that the secrets will be uncovered, the truth will come forth, and God's thought about every behavior and action will be vindicated." Voddie Baucham: Pervasive sexual sin sign of God’s judgment Pastor Voddie Baucham warned that the pervasive sexual sins of the prevailing culture are signs of divine judgment, but that the Gospel still offers hope and that American Christians should plead with God for revival while preparing for persecution. Baucham, who is on leave in the U.S. from his position as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia, preached from Romans 1 during an event last Saturday at Lamar Baptist Church outside Dallas. He cited some of the points he made in his new book entitled It's Not Like Being Black: How Sexual Activists Hijacked the Civil Rights Movement. Baucham noted the irony that he was making his remarks on the first day of pride month, which he referred to as "pride goes before destruction month." He noted that the Apostle Paul ultimately spends much of the first chapter of Romans explaining how the wrath of God manifests in the world by giving mankind over to sexual depravity and "a debased mind.” Romans 1:18-19, 26 says, “The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. … Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” Baucham said, "We are living in a time, in an era when there are people who are desperately wicked, and in desperate need of repentance and faith, in desperate need of the Gospel.” In describing the evil culture in Romans 1, he said that the destruction starts with a denial of God and His authority, as well as a desire to suppress the truth, which he noted has long been readily apparent in modern culture. Baucham said that the consequence of such a worldview, first leads to general sexual immorality, which he explained first manifested in the Sexual Revolution and in the separation of sex from marital commitment and family. He also said contraceptives, abortion and the crisis of fatherlessness are connected to such an attitude. Baucham then explained that "dishonorable passions" are the next stage of divine judgment against a wicked culture, and suggested that the scale at which modern society is subject to them is historically unprecedented. … “Whenever we're pursuing one of God's good gifts outside of the boundaries wherein God gives that gift, it never brings us the satisfaction that we crave. And on top of that, it always brings us guilt and shame." Correction on Dwight D. Eisenhower’s title In Friday’s newscast, I incorrectly claimed that Dwight D. Eisenhower was a Major General on D-Day. Actually, his title on June 6, 1944 was Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force. My apologies. 24 Worldview listeners gave $7,268 And finally, toward our goal of raising $28,550 by this weekend to help keep the newscast on the air, 24 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate.  That’s the most response we have had since Monday, June 7th. Our thanks to Daniel in Mexico City, Mexico who gave $5, Nathan in Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia who gave $25, Gjon and Lynne in Bridgewater, Massachusetts who gave $33, as well as Jeremy in Grants Pass, Oregon, Jeffrey in Forest Hill, Maryland, and Patricia in Portland, Oregon – each of whom gave $50. We’re grateful to Jennifer in Coos Bay, Oregon, Timothy in Pine Plains, New York, and Logan, Eli and Quin in Mhlambanyatsi, Eswatini or Swaziland, Africa -- each of whom gave $100 We appreciate Bianca in Mhlambanyatsi, Eswatini pledged $10 per month for 12 months for a gift of $120, Tristan in Summerdale, Alabama who gave $140, Robin in Simsbury, Connecticut $150, Peter in Seaside, California and Julie in Marion, Indiana – both of whom gave $200, as well as an anonymous donor in Independence, Missouri who gave $280. We’re grateful to God for Jared in Caldwell, Idaho who pledged $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300, Erica in Littleton, Colorado who gave $365, as well as Merlin in Middlebury, Indiana and James in Kennewick, Washington – both of whom gave $500. And we were moved by the sacrifice of Sarah in Madera, California who gave $600, William in Lees Summit, Missouri and Steven in Plainview, Texas – both of whom pledged $50 per month for 12 months for a gift of $600 each, Carl in San Antonio, Texas who gave $1,000, and Robert in Boerne, Texas who pledged $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200. Those 24 Worldview donors gave $7,268. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $14,583 (audience cheering) So, we fell short of our goal by $13,967. By this Friday, June 14th, our midway point in our month-long fundraiser, we need to raise an additional $42,517 toward our final goal of $114,200 to fund the 6-person team that makes this newscast come to life. We’re looking for 10 Worldview listeners to pledge $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200, 35 folks to pledge $50 per month for 12 months for a gift of $600, and 70 people to pledge $25 per month for 12 months for a gift of $300. It would be exciting to see 30 new donors step up to the plate today. Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like, and click on the recurring button if that’s your wish. And, if you haven’t written me yet, share in 2-4 sentences what you appreciate about The Worldview. Make sure to include your city and state and country if outside America. Send your thoughts to Close And that's The Worldview on this Monday, June 10th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


President Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer, Court orders Steve Bannon to prison July 1st, Russia launching military exercise in Caribbean

It’s Friday, June 7th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus Pakistani Christian woman faces seven years in prison A Christian woman in Pakistan remains in jail on baseless charges of blasphemy against Islam after a judge rejected her bail application on Monday, June 3rd, reports Morning Star News. Stella Khawar, age 28, was arrested on May 12 in Punjab Province, and was charged with hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims.  She is suspected of besmirching Islam on a piece of paper following the August 16th, 2023 attacks on churches and homes of Christians in Jaranwala. If found guilty, she faces seven years of imprisonment. In John 15:18, Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first.” Russia launching military exercise in Caribbean Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean Sea to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks, reports The Miami Herald. This is Russia’s first set of military exercises in the Western Hemisphere involving both air and sea activity in five years. Oddly enough, the Biden administration is not expressing concern over the deployment, with the official stating it poses “no direct threat to the United States.” But the administration believes Moscow intends to use the exercises as a “messaging tactic” after President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission last week to fire U.S.-made weapons across its border into Russia to defend its territory. COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths The popular U.K. media outlet the Telegraph published a Tuesday report admitting that a recent peer-reviewed study shows COVID shots “may have helped fuel a rise in excess deaths” numbering over three million in 47 countries, reports In 2020, the researchers found 1,033,122 excess deaths – 11.5% more than expected – recorded in the countries when the COVID-19 outbreak began and measures such as lockdowns and social distancing were enacted. In 2021, when the COVID shots were widely made available for public use and “containment” measures continued, 1,256,942 excess deaths – just under 14% more than expected – were recorded. And in 2022, when the COVID shot rollout continued and most containment measures were eventually lifted, 808,392 excess deaths were recorded. The researchers noted that “side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain hemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, hemorrhages, gastrointestinal events, and blood clotting.” Court orders Steve Bannon to prison July 1st On Thursday, a federal judge ordered former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to report to prison on July 1 to begin a four-month prison sentence for defying subpoenas from the January 6th Committee after a higher court rejected his appeal, reports NBC News. Bannon was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress in July 2022 for defying the committee’s subpoenas, but his sentence had been put on hold while he appealed the case. Following his court appearance, Bannon addressed the press. BANNON: “All of this is about one thing. This about shutting down the [Make America Great] movement, shutting down grassroots conservatives, shutting down President Trump. “We are going to prevail. In every number and every poll shows that there's nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up. There’s not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up. All victory to MAGA. We're going to win this. “We're going to win at the Supreme Court, and more importantly, we're going to win on November 5 in an amazing landslide, with the Senate, the House and also Donald J. Trump back as president of the United States.” 80th anniversary of D-Day: Largest seaborne invasion in history On June 6, 1944, 80 years ago yesterday, the Allied Forces launched the D-Day operation at Normandy, France to liberate the French, and the rest of Western Europe, from Nazi oppression during World War II. Given the codename “Overlord,” the Allied Forces, led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, and delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France in the largest seaborne invasion in history which included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. By June 30, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores in France. The invasion began shortly after midnight on the morning of June 6th with extensive aerial and naval bombardment as well as an airborne assault—the landing of 24,000 American, British, and Canadian airborne troops. The early morning aerial assault was soon followed by Allied amphibious landings on the coast of France. The target 50-mile stretch of the Normandy coast was divided into five sectors: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. Strong winds blew the landing craft east of their intended positions, particularly at Utah and Omaha. The men landed under heavy fire from gun emplacements overlooking the beaches, and the shore was mined and covered with obstacles such as wooden stakes, metal tripods, and barbed wire, making the work of the beach-clearing teams difficult and dangerous. Casualties were heaviest at Omaha, with its high cliffs. President Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer President Franklin Delano Roosevelt  prayed a prayer on D-Day that was heard by Americans on their radios. Listen to a portion of FDR’s prayer. “Almighty God, our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor: a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight and true, give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith. They will need Thy blessings. “Their road will be long and hard for the enemy is strong. He may have back off forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again. And we know that, by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph.  They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest, until the victory is won. With Thy blessing, we shall prevail. “Over the unholy forces of our enemy, help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations, into a world unity that will spell a sure peace, a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy man, and a peace that will let all men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil. Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen.” Casualties from the Allied countries during the D-Day landing numbered 10,300. In light of those soldiers who gave their lives, consider the words of Jesus found in John 15:13.  “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.” Akron, Ohio homeschool family reflected on The Worldview Last night, I spoke with a homeschool family in Akron, Ohio.    Michelle and Chad have four daughters. MICHELLE: “We really appreciate the Biblical view of the news. We actually do not listen to any regular news broadcasts because of their liberal bias agenda. “We have used The Worldview newscast to listen to as a family to help our girls to understand a Biblical worldview. God has His church all over the world, to be praying for other believers and to always be looking to the Lord for His direction in our personal lives, in the lives of the church around the world, and for eternity.” Her husband Chad chimed in. CHAD: “It's trustworthy and fair. It's not mean toward those who have opposing viewpoints, but it's very fair but it's truthful.” Their 18-year-old daughter Nia cited the types of stories that have stood out to her. NIA: “I've really enjoyed hearing about the different Christians around the world who have been persecuted for the faith. And the way that you have told the stories is telling the truth about it, but it's never hopeless. It's never about how bad it is, but how good God is.” I chatted briefly with Noel, their 11-year-old, who’s the one who suggested that the family make a donation to The Worldview. McMANUS: “Hi Noel, how are you?” NOEL: “I'm good.” McMANUS: “How old are you?” NOEL: “I'm eleven.” When I asked what Noel liked about The Worldview newscast, she said this. NOEL: “I like listening to it. It's very interesting to me.” Together with Karis, age 19, and Kiersten, age 16, the four daughters donated $100. When I asked Michelle, the mother, if they ever took action on one of our stories, she said this. MICHELLE: “We've banked with Chase for many years. Just over this last year, we've transitioned to closing our accounts with them and closing down credit lines that we have with them as well because of their more liberal agenda. We heard that through listening to The Worldview.” 5 Worldview listeners gave $1,375 And finally, toward our goal of raising $28,550 by 12 midnight tonight on this Friday, June 7th, to help keep the newscast on the air, only 5 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Gwyndol in Albany, Oregon $25, Richard in Morris, Pennsylvania who gave $50, as well as Rosana in San Antonio, Texas and Jeremy in Swansea, Toronto, Canada – both of whom gave $100. Plus, we’re grateful to God for the generosity of Chad, Michelle, Karis, Nia, Kiersten and Noel in Akron, Ohio who gave $1,100 as a family. Those 5 Worldview donors gave $1,375. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $7,315 (audience cheering) The vast majority of this radio audience has not yet made a donation since our month-long fundraiser kicked off on Monday, June 3rd. Needless to say, we are seriously behind where we had hoped to be. We still need to raise $21,235 by 12 midnight tonight!  Would you prayerfully consider becoming on


Texas Supreme Court affirms ban of abortion, 21% of Protestant pastors support homosexual faux marriage, Colorado Christian University secures golf national title

It’s Thursday, June 6th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark Narendra Modi wins re-election in India, but anti-Christian BJP party loses India posted results from its general election on Tuesday. With nearly a billion voters, it’s the largest election in the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a third term, extending his hold on power since 2014. However, his Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, failed to win a majority for the first time in a decade. Over that period, Modi has overseen the suppression of religious minorities like Christians and Muslims in the country.  Christians in India have been praying for a change International Christian Concern reports Christians in India have been praying for a change in government for years. It remains to be seen how the recent elections will affect Christians. Edwin Anand, a bishop in central India, warns that churches should brace for more persecution under a third Modi term.  Christians in India have faced over 600 violent attacks each year since 2021. The country is ranked 11th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian.  Europeans electing new members of European Parliament People across Europe begin voting today in the world’s second-largest election. About 400 million Europeans will be selecting new members of the European Parliament.  Typically, the two largest parliamentary groups have been the center-right European People’s Party and the center-left Socialists and Democrats.  However, right-wing parties are gaining popularity. France 24 reports a coalition of conservative and right-wing groups could be on track to hold a majority for the first time. Daniel 2:21 says God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Texas Supreme Court affirms ban of abortion In the United States, the Supreme Court of Texas unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s pro-life laws. Between several laws, Texas outlaws nearly all abortions. The challenge sought to allow abortion in more cases like babies with disabilities.  The state’s abortion ban went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Texas reported 67 abortions the following month and three abortions the month after that. The year before, the Lone Star state reported nearly 6,000 abortions in just one month.  21% of Protestant pastors support homosexual faux marriage Lifeway Research reports that support for faux homosexual marriage is thankfully slowing down among pastors. In 2010, 15% of Protestant pastors supported the unbiblical practice. That percentage increased to 24% in 2019, but dropped back down to 21% today. Pastors from mainline denominations were the ones who drove the increase in support for celebrating people living in vile passions. Meanwhile, Evangelical pastors have consistently opposed it since 2010. Sexual perverts are especially proud of their rebellion this month Mainstream American culture is celebrating sexually perverted lifestyles this month.  Over the weekend, 21 out of 32 National Football League teams joined the celebration on social media.  However, 11 of the football teams did not acknowledge so-called pride month. Those teams include the Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, Tennessee Titans, Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, New Orleans Saints, and Atlanta Falcons. Exodus 23:2 says, “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.” Boeing sent astronauts to International Space Station Boeing sent astronauts to space for the first time yesterday.  NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are headed for the International Space Station aboard Boeing’s new Starliner spacecraft.  The program faced years of delays and technical problems.  Since 2020, Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been providing NASA astronauts transportation to the International Space Station.  Colorado Christian University secures golf national title Colorado Christian University won the Division II Men’s Golf Championship late last month, defeating the University of North Georgia. It’s the first national title for the Christian university.  Head Coach Mark Hull said their goal is to “represent Christ in everything we do . . . we’re excited to have this platform to do it.”  Adam Duncan led the Colorado Christian University Cougars to victory. Coach Hull recalled the final drive, saying, “Up by one stroke headed to the 18th hole, Adam Duncan did exactly what he needed to do, getting onto the green in two. With the Cougar faithful holding their breath in anticipation, Duncan clearly stepped up and sunk a beautiful putt from distance to birdie the hole and clinch the national championship for his team.” 14 Worldview listeners gave $2,710 And finally, toward our Friday, June 7th goal of raising $28,550 to help keep the newscast on the air, 14 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Bianca in Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, South Africa who gave $10 as well as Jill in Saugerties, New York and Kelly in New Haven, Prince Edward Island, Canada – both of whom gave $25. We are grateful to Danielle in McPherson, Kansas, Jennifer in Evansville, Indiana, and Titus in Omaha, Nebraska – each of whom gave $50. We appreciate the generosity of Eric in Burnet, Texas, Stephen in Adrian, Oregon, and Anthony in Spring, Texas – each of whom gave $100 as well Steven in Coatesville, Pennsylvania who gave $300 and Susana in Helotes, Texas who pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300. And we thank God for an anonymous donor in Kailua Kona, Hawaii and Heather in La Grange Park, Illinois – both of whom gave $500 as well as Alan in Kalispell, Montana who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600. Those 14 Worldview listeners gave $2,710. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $5,940 (audience cheering) We have only two days left to raise $22,610.  I’m looking for 10 Worldview listeners to pledge $100 per month for 12 months for a gift of $1,200. And another 18 people to pledge $50 per month for 12 months for a gift of $600. Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like, and click on the recurring button if that’s your wish. If this newscast has blessed you and your family, please help us finish this first week of June strong! Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, June 6th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


Biden caps southern border illegals to 2,500 per day, Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary, Arkansas had no abortions in 2023

It’s Wednesday, June 5th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in China. In the weeks leading up to the massacre in 1989, students were leading pro-democracy protests in Beijing. In response, the Communist Chinese government forcibly put down the protests, killing hundreds if not thousands. China’s military also arrested leaders in the underground church which had fueled the protests.  Persecution of Christians in Hong Kong Speaking of China, the country’s persecution of Christians continues and is spreading to Hong Kong.  Since 2020, China has extended control over Hong Kong. This has led to the arrest of church leaders and the closure of some religious groups. Many Christians have left Hong Kong for the United Kingdom, making the Chinese church the fastest growing one in Britain.  Hong Kong Christians put out a commemorative prayer for the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Despite authorities banning candlelight vigils, the prayer says, "Let us, in the great light of the Lord’s amazing grace, light a candle in the depths of our souls, to continue their unfinished aspirations in the prayers and shadows, never to be lost or forgotten. O Lord! Let there be light in our hearts.” In Matthew 5:14, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” United Kingdom blocks puberty blockers Last Wednesday, the United Kingdom issued new restrictions on puberty blockers for children in England, Wales, and Scotland.  The emergency ban lasts from June 3 to September 3, 2024. During the timeframe, doctors cannot prescribe the transgender drugs to people under 18. The new policy also introduced indefinite restrictions to the prescribing of these drugs by primary care providers in England’s National Health Service.  Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Biden caps southern border illegals to 2,500 per day Ahead of the U.S. presidential election, President Joe Biden issued an executive order yesterday to curb illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. The order limits asylum requests once the average number of daily border encounters hits 2,500. The number of daily encounters is already above that. So, the order is expected to go into effect immediately.  It will stay in effect until the number of daily encounters drops to 1,500 or lower. The last time border encounters were at that level was 2020. Texas and Florida responsible for half of America’s new jobs In the last five years, just two states were responsible for over half of new jobs in America. Those states are Texas and Florida.  The conservative states feature lower wages which is attractive to companies wanting to create jobs, and lower cost of living which is attractive to workers. Not surprisingly, many people with remote jobs moved to states, like Florida and Texas, which have a lower cost of living. Meanwhile, liberal states with high wages and cost of living fell out of the top 10 job-creating states. They include California, New York, Washington state, and Massachusetts. California used to be the top job creator between 2014 and 2019. Now, it’s at the bottom.  How Indiana cut abortions by 98% The Indiana Department of Health released a report on abortions in the state for the first quarter of 2024. Remarkably, there were only 45 abortions during the first quarter, down from nearly 2,000 during the first quarter of 2023. That’s a 98% decrease! Indiana’s abortion ban went into effect last August. It outlaws abortions at all stages of pregnancy with some exceptions.   Arkansas had no abortions in 2023 Meanwhile, a report from the Arkansas Department of Health’s Vital Statistics found there were no abortions reported during the entirety of last year. The state started enforcing its abortion ban in 2022. Before that, yearly abortions were over 3,000. Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral restored by December after fire The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France was devastated by fire back in 2019. Since then, hundreds of companies and craftsmen have been working to restore the cathedral by December of this year. Last month, workers restored the iconic cross on the cathedral’s roof.  A project manager told CBS News it was a miracle that the cross didn’t burn a lot. The restored cross spans 40 feet and weighs over 3,000 pounds. In other Notre Dame news, Lego just released a 4,383-piece model of the cathedral. It’s the first model of a religious structure the toy company has released since it produced a model church in 1957.  The Worldview: A “five-minute dose of freedom” In response to my request for Worldview listeners to email me at to share what the newscast means to them, I heard from Max Wood in Macon, Georgia. He wrote, “John 8:32 tells us that we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. In a world of fake news, biased news, and propaganda, The Worldview is a daily reminder of what is true and just and inspires us to seek the ultimate truth in God’s Word. Thank you for your five-minute dose of freedom every day.” 9 Worldview listeners gave $1,750 Toward out Friday, June 7th goal of raising $28,550 to help keep the newscast on the air, 9 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Wyatt in Summerdale, Alabama who gave $5, Linda in Palmdale, California who gave $25, as well as Jason in Grand Junction, Colorado and Sheila in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania – both of whom gave $50. We also appreciate the generosity of Nancy in Ketchikan, Alaska who gave $100, Sullivan in Las Vegas, Nevada who gave $120, Sammy in Pallara, Queensland, Australia who pledged $25/month for 12 months for a gift of $300, Bill in Castle Rock, Colorado who gave $500, and Kelly in Las Vegas, Nevada who pledged $50/month for 12 months for a gift of $600. Those 9 Worldview listeners gave a total of $1,750. Ready for our new grand total? Drum roll please. (sound effect of drum roll) $3,230 (audience cheering) We have only three days left to raise $25,320.  I wonder if there might be 4 Worldview listeners who could each give $4,000 to jumpstart this week in a major way! But whether you can give $4 or $4,000, please make the donation that God has placed on your heart.  Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like, and click on the recurring button if that’s your wish. Let’s see how God will move through you! Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, June 5th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


In 3 days, Americans gave $200 million to Trump’s campaign; 75-year-old pro-lifer given 2-year prison sentence; One million African Methodists walk away from denomination

It’s Tuesday, June 4th, A.D. 2024,. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Kevin Swanson What did Malaysian government do with Pastor Raymond Koh? The American Center for Law and Justice has issued a petition on the social media site X demanding answers from the Malaysian government on Pastor Raymond Koh’s whereabouts. The petition has almost 30,000 signatures.   The petition states that “Pastor Raymond Koh has been missing for [seven] years in Malaysia [and] the Malaysian government refuses to provide answers.”  Koh ran a non-profit group working with HIV/AIDS patients, people with an addiction, and other individuals in need of help.  75-year-old pro-lifer given 2-year prison sentence Paulette Harlow is 75 years old and she is the ninth and final pro-life advocate to be sentenced for violating the Freedom of Access to Abortion Clinics Entrances Act at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in 2020.   A grandmother, and mother of six -- including four adopted children, Harlow received a 24-month sentence on May 31st from Judge Colleen Kotelly.  However, in the final analysis, God will be the Judge. Proverbs 18:5 reminds us that “It is not good to show partiality to the wicked or to overthrow the righteous in judgment.” Mexico’s new pro-abortion, pro-homosexual secular president Mexico has elected its first female president. Claudia Sheinbaum won the election with 59% of the vote. Raised as a secular Jew, Sheinbaum is outspoken about her pro-abortion and pro-homosexual positions.  Mexico’s Supreme Court legalized abortion last September. Since 1990, over 60 nations have liberalized their abortion laws. Only the United States, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Poland have slowed the legalization of abortion in recent years. Sheinbaum’s election makes for the 54th election of a female head of state over the last 10 years. There were nine female heads of state elected during the 1980s, and five in the 1970s.  Abortion rates are up worldwide Abortion rates are up in the U.S. and other nations around the world.    Scotland, for, example reports the number of abortions up 53% over the last decade. This is largely due to the increase access to the Kill Pill program. Abortions by the abortion pill have increased from 9,600 per year to 17,900 per year over the last decade. And home-based abortions in Scotland have doubled from 5,100 to 10,500 per year since 2020. Meanwhile, surgical abortions have decreased from 2,300 to 350 per year over the last decade. Let us all remember that “there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13) India’s national elections unlikely to help Christians India is conducting national elections today. As they face rising persecution at the hands of fundamentalist Hindus, India’s Christians throughout the country are hoping for some respite or help from the national government.  However, current polls point to another win for the Bharatiya Janata Party. One million African Methodists walk away from denomination The Côte d'Ivoire Conference of the United Methodists, based in West Africa, has voted to leave the United Methodist Church — after the U.S.-based denomination voted to approve the ordination of pastors who live out sinful, homosexual lifestyles. The “Ivory Coast” Methodists make up about one million members, one of the largest regional church bodies in the world. Korean pastors eager to sever ties with U.S. Methodists Also, an assembly of Korean Methodist pastors have met in mid-May to discuss a severance of relationships with the U.S. United Methodist Church.  The Korean General Assembly of Methodist Churches has already announced plans to ”solidify our traditional position and Bible-centered faith for its own ministry and mission direction.” In 3 days, Americans gave $200 million to Trump’s campaign Americans responded to former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict with massive fund raising for the Trump for President campaign. Eric Trump, his son, told Fox News Sunday, the campaign has raised $200 million within three days, $70 million of which came from small donors. Listen. ERIC TRUMP: “They're coming out of the woodwork and they want to support a guy that they just believe is getting bamboozled by a system. We saw it with Impeachment One. We saw it with Impeachment Two. “We see it where they weaponized every liberal [District Attorney] and [Attorney General] across the country with one intent: to take him down, to slander him, to ruin his reputation, to try and divide his family, to try and bankrupt him, to throw him in jail. And America sees through it. They know exactly what's going on.” Meanwhile, by comparison, the Biden campaign has reportedly raised $104 million since the beginning of the year. Thailand officials eager to pass homosexual faux-marriage bill Thailand’s prime minister attended the Pride Festivities in celebration of sexual perversions over the weekend in Bangkok. Srettha Thavisin  pledged his government’s support for the “homosexual faux-marriage” bill which was passed through the legislature by a vote of 400 to 10 back in March.   Sadly, Thailand legalized abortion in 2019, and extended the legalization of abortion to the 20th week of the child’s life in 2022.   Plus, Thailand has long been known as the “global capital” of prostitution and the child sex trade. Thailand will join Taiwan as the only two Asian nations embracing homosexual faux-marriage. China landed spacecraft on far side of moon In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth.   Six thousand years later, China has landed a spacecraft on the far side of the moon — the only nation to have accomplished the feat so far. The Chinese space program hopes to collect rocks for analysis on the lunar south pole.  Worldview listeners in Ohio and Pennsylvania weigh in In response to my invitation for listeners to write me at about what our newscast means to them, Connie in Blanchester, Ohio wrote, “I depend on your broadcast to supply me with truthful news. Also, the Christian updates are wonderful. I am truly the widow with two mites. So, that is what I am sending.” And Manny and Denise in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania wrote, “We have been listeners to The Worldview for a long time and a fan of Adam for many years.  We are displaced Texans living in Pennsylvania and hearing Adam's broadcast every day brings us a little bit of home to Pennsylvania.  We love the newscast as he condenses a large amount of data into five minutes. Thanks Adam for living in your gifting.” 15 Worldview listeners gave $1,480 Toward out Friday, June 7th goal of raising $28,550 to help keep the newscast on the air, 15 Worldview listeners stepped up to the plate. Our thanks to Mark in Newark, Ohio who gave $10, Connie in Blanchester, Ohio who gave $20, as well as Ashlyn in Richmond, Kentucky, Lorena in Selma, Texas, Paul in Brush, Colorado, and Angela in Richmond Hill, Ontaria Canada – each of whom gave $25. We appreciate David in Houston and Myron in Trinity, Alabama – both of whom gave $50 as well as Stuart in Zillah, Washington, Chris in Bloomfield, Kentucky, and Elijah in Goodyear, Arizona – each of whom gave $100. And we thank God for Pete in Troy, Montana who gave $150, Mandy in Walpole, New Hampshire who gave $200, as well as Amy in Seminole, Texas and Manny and Denise in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania – each of whom gave $300. Those 15 Worldview listeners gave a total of, drum roll please, (sound effect of drum roll) $1,480. (audience cheering) That means by this Friday, June 7th, we’re looking for 22 Worldview listeners to pledge $50 per month for 12 months and 44 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Just go to, click on “Give,” select the dollar amount you’d like, and click on the recurring button if that’s your wish. Close And that's The Worldview on this Tuesday, June 4th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


The Worldview needs $114,200 by Friday, June 28th; Mark Levin: Trump attorneys should appeal to Supreme Court; Pakistani officials refusing to prosecute Muslims for death by torture

It’s Monday, June 3, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus Pakistani officials refusing to prosecute Muslims for death by torture With suspects in a homicide case pressuring the victim’s relatives to make false statements, police in Lahore, Pakistan are declining to arrest them in the case of a Catholic man tortured to death by his Muslim employers, reports The Christian Post. Sonia Shahid, widow of 35-year-old Masih Shahid and mother to their six children, said her husband’s employer tortured him on May 8, resulting in his death 10 days later. The Muslim employer wrongly suspected he had stolen goats from a farm in the Sheikhupura District located in the Punjab Province. Proverbs 24:1-2 says, “Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.” According to Open Doors, Pakistan is the seventh most dangerous country worldwide for Christians to live. House Speaker Johnson predicts Trump victory Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican from Louisiana, reacted to the Trump guilty verdict in the hush money trial. JOHNSON: “What happened there was outrageous and the American people see it. This is a purely political exercise, not a legal one. Everybody knows that; they know intuitively that it's wrong. The people are outraged. “Because President Trump is crushing Joe Biden in the polls, they see the Democrat Party and the Left so desperate to stop him that they'll risk the destruction of our entire legal system to do it. And that is not hyperbole. That's what's going on here. “We broke records on our fundraising platforms last night. We even set up a new website, go to Stand with him and make sure the right verdict is rendered November 5th. That's the American people's verdict.” House Speaker Johnson made a bold prediction. JOHNSON: “I'm going to tell you what will happen. I predict this will increase turnout on our side, that he will win decisively. He will become the next president. He was already, as I said, crushing Joe Biden in the polls. “I think, as this plays out, and people get more and more frustrated about it, I think it will help us and that huge enthusiasm gap, that already existed between the Trump and Biden campaigns, will be even wider. “People now see Donald Trump as a symbol of something. He's more than just an individual. He's a symbol of fighting back against this government corruption, the deep state, the bureaucracy, and all the rest. We need his leadership in the White House, now more than ever.” Mark Levin: Trump attorneys should appeal to Supreme Court Appearing on Sean Hannity’s Fox show, radio talk show host Mark Levin summarized his take on the Trump guilty verdict. LEVIN: “I'll say this: no crime, no jurisdiction, no due process, conflicted judge, [George] Soros prosecutor, Manhattan jury.” Levin urged Trump’s attorneys to appeal the guilty verdict to the U.S. Supreme Court. LEVIN: “So, what they need to do now, in my view, is to go up the appellate chain in New York. We need to stop whining about how long that's going to take. Seek an emergency trial to get to the Supreme Court. People say, ‘Well, they're not going to take it.’ “You know, what if George Patton had said, ‘I don't think I can get to the Battle of the Bulge in time,’  we would have lost World War II. “I am sick and tired of these legal defeatists. We need to stop whining, stop complaining. We know what we're up against. We gotta fight these people with our smarts. We have to take some risks. “We need to look at Bush v. Gore. Why did the Supreme Court take that case from the Florida Supreme Court? We need to give the Supreme Court the opportunity to fix this. “Why? We cannot have local acting judges, [George] Soros’ District Attorney's Office, 15,000 District Attorneys’ offices, God knows how many state judges -- destroying our federal election system, influencing how we elect the president of the United States. “And if we have a pathway to bring it to the Supreme Court, even though it's rarely used, we use it. We use every legal quiver that we possibly can muster, rather than sitting around and saying, ‘Well, it'll take three months.’ Fine! So far, the judicial system, so far, has let down the American people. The Supreme Court needs to step up. This is a federal matter, a presidential matter, and it's gonna get worse before it gets better.” Golf champion Grayson Murray, 30, committed suicide The parents of PGA champion Grayson Murray, who died mysteriously at the age of 30, have now revealed that he died by suicide. In a statement through the PGA Tour website, Eric and Terry Murray said, “We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. It’s surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world. It’s a nightmare. “Life wasn’t always easy for Grayson, and although he took his own life, we know he rests peacefully now. “Please honor Grayson by being kind to one another. If that becomes his legacy, we could ask for nothing else.” Grayson had struggled with alcoholism, anxiety, and depression. He said this to a reporter. GRAYSON MURRAY: “If my game is a 9 out of 10, my mental game was a 1 out of 10 for my whole career really. That's what's kept me from being the player that I could have been.” After winning the Sony Open in Honolulu, Hawaii in January 2024 by sinking a 40-foot birdie putt in a playoff, Murray said he became sober in May 2023. In front of a live national TV audience, he credited Jesus for his success, reported CBN. REPORTER: “How important is the work that you've done off the golf course battling alcoholism, mental struggles? How important was that for you to be in the right frame of mind today?” MURRAY: “It's everything, you know. Jesus Christ is first and foremost. Without Him, none of this would be possible. He's just given me a platform to write a new story, write my own story. My hope is everyone there at home watching can get a little inspiration from me. If I just help one person, that's all it takes. Jesus Christ changed my life.” Tragically, in a moment of sadness, his mental anguish trumped his hope in Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” The Worldview needs to raise $114,200 by Friday, June 28th And finally, during the month of June, The Worldview newscast team is looking for financial partners to help fund the next fiscal year for a total of $114,200. That would cover the cost for the six of us to research the stories, write them, voice them, track down the audio clips, and upload the newscast on multiple platforms for another 365 days. What does The Worldview newscast mean to you? Email me your thoughts in 2-4 sentences including your name, city and state, and country if outside America. Send that to We need to raise $28,550 by this Friday, June 7th. That means we are looking for 24 Worldview listeners to pledge $50 per month for 12 months and 48 listeners to pledge $25/month for 12 months. Go to, click on Give, select the dollar amount, and make sure to click on the “recurring” button if that’s your wish. Thank you for doing your part to ensure the bright future of this unique Christian newscast. Close And that's The Worldview on this Monday, June 3rd in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


Trump found guilty in hush money trial, Laura Ingraham: “This will be the new normal.”, Firefighter sues over order to raise homosexual pride flag

It’s Friday, May 31st, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus Trump found guilty in hush money trial On Thursday, a Manhattan jury took fewer than 12 hours to return a guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial. The jurors found him guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records with the intent to conceal another crime, reports The Epoch Times. The former president’s conviction makes him the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. Short of a successful appeal, he could now be facing such penalties as jail time, probation, or fines. Ultimately, his sentence will be up to the presiding judge, Justice Juan Merchan. The judge has set the sentencing hearing for July 11 at 10:00 a.m. The six-week trial revolved around $130,000 in payments that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, paid disreputable film actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg claimed that Cohen made the payments on Trump’s behalf to buy Clifford’s silence over an alleged affair that the former president denies took place. The district attorney further charged that Trump mislabeled his reimbursements to Cohen to conceal another crime, constituting felony-level falsification of business records. Bragg spoke to the press after the guilty verdict. BRAGG: “Their deliberations led them to make a decision based on the evidence and the law and the evidence and the law alone. Their deliberations led them to a unanimous conclusion, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant, Donald J. Trump, is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, in the first degree, to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election.” As for what the underlying crime was, the prosecution was vague, identifying tax fraud, violations of federal election law, or the falsification of additional business records as possibilities. Notably, to return a guilty verdict, Judge Merchan explained that the jury was not required to agree on what the underlying crime was—just that there was one. In Job 42:2, Job made this statement to God: “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” Trump: “This was a rigged decision right from day one.” After the guilty verdict, Trump made a statement. TRUMP: “This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. They wouldn't give us a venue change. We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. The real verdict is going to be November 5 by the people. And they know what happened here. And everybody knows what happened here. We have a Soros-backed D.A. I'm a very innocent man, and fighting for our country and fighting for our Constitution. “Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. We will keep fighting or we’ll fight till the end and will win. “We don't have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We're a nation to decline, serious decline. Millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists, and they're taking over our country. We have a country that's in big trouble. This was a rigged decision right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. Never. This is long from over. Thank you very much.” Biden Campaign: “No one is above the law.” Michael Tyler, the communications director for President Joe Biden’s campaign, said, “In New York today, we saw that no one is above the law. Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain. “Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. He is running an increasingly unhinged campaign of revenge and retribution. … A second Trump term means chaos, ripping away Americans’ freedoms, and fomenting political violence – and the American people will reject it this November.” Laura Ingraham: “This will be the new normal.” Fox News host Laura Ingraham, host of “The Ingraham Angle,” sounded off on the Trump guilty verdict. INGRAHAM: “Think about this. Donald Trump gave up fame, fortune, and a very comfortable life to try to save America from the forces that are trying to tear it down right now. And if they can do this to someone like Donald Trump with his means, it will be very difficult to ever turn this around. So, are we going to establish a precedent where the President can put his political opponent in jail? Because if they can do this now, this will, I promise you, this will be the new normal.” Firefighter sues over being ordered to raise homosexual pride flag And finally, in March 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution requiring that all county-operated facilities fly the homosexual/transgender Progress Pride Flag for the month of June, reports In June 2023, Captain Jeffrey Little requested a religious accommodation that would exempt him from personally participating in the required raising of the Progress Pride Flag. On June 19, 2023, the Los Angeles County Fire Department initially granted Little’s request and promised him that he would neither have to raise the Progress Pride Flag himself nor personally ensure that the flag was raised at his station. However, Little’s religious accommodation was rescinded two days later on June 21, 2023. Then, the following day, June 22, 2023, Division Chief Fernando Boiteux issued a direct order to Little to raise the Progress Pride Flag. He said, “You are an L.A. County employee. That’s the only thing that matters. Your religious beliefs do not matter.”  Thomas More Society attorneys are representing Captain Little in a federal lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Fire Department, which has illegally threatened Little with dismissal over his refusal to raise the homosexual/transgender “Progress Pride Flag.” The case, filed on May 24, 2024, in United States District Court for the Central District of California, charges the fire department with violating Little’s rights under the First Amendment, federal law, and state law. Little’s sincere and deeply held religious beliefs prohibit his participation in raising the so-called Progress Pride Flag. For that, he has suffered religious discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at the hands of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. The department revealed to unauthorized persons that Little had requested a religious accommodation. Following that disclosure, Little received a death threat that also targeted his daughters. Psalm 34:19 says, “The righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Close And that's The Worldview on this Friday, May 31st in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


God is lining up six planets, India imprisoned 70 Christians, 20,000 French Christians March for Jesus

It’s Thursday, May 30th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark India imprisoned 70 Christians Officials in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh are holding nearly 70 Christians in jail. They faced arrest under the state’s 2020 anti-conversion law. Authorities in the area stormed church meetings and arrested pastors on false charges of forcefully converting Hindus. Once imprisoned, it is very difficult to get Christians out since officials often deny bail applications.  Please pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ in India, ranked 11th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian.  In Matthew 5:11-12, Jesus said, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven.” 20,000 French Christians March for Jesus Thousands of people joined the March for Jesus over the weekend in cities across France. The motto of the march was “Lets bear witness publicly and in unity about our faith in Jesus Christ.” Organizers wanted it to be “a joyful and peaceful testimony of a living faith that wants to touch hearts, through the praise, prayer and proclamation of the Word of God which are at the heart of the march.”  Remarkably, 20,000 marchers turned out in Paris, including many young people.  250,000 dead babies in England and Wales New data shows over 250,000 babies were killed by abortion in England and Wales in 2022.  That’s the highest on record and an increase of 17% over 2021. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children noted, “In 2022, medical abortion (drugs/pills) accounted for 86% of all abortions, up from 48% in 2012. Abortions taking place entirely at home increased by 9% between 2021 and 2022, amounting to 61% of all abortions.” 40% of British Christians do not evangelize Also in British news, a recent survey found many Christians in the U.K. don’t want to talk about their faith with others. The Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life found nearly 40% of Christians agreed with the statement, “I prefer not to tell people about my faith or religious belief.”  However, exclusionist Christians were much more likely to talk about their faith. The survey identified only 28% of Christians as exclusionist, those who say their faith is the only true faith.  Speaking of the name of Jesus, the Apostle Peter said in Acts 4:12, “There is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Louisiana bans using force or fraud to give pregnant woman abortion pill In the U.S., Republican Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed the Abortion by Fraud Criminalization Act into law last week. The measure bans people from using force or fraud to get a pregnant woman to take an abortion-inducing drug. The law also makes such drugs only available through prescription.  Republican state Sen. Thomas Pressly sponsored the legislation. The Office of the Governor noted that Pressly was inspired to do this after his sister was “unknowingly poisoned by her former husband while she was pregnant by the abortion-inducing drug Misoprostol.” Good outcome for Christian who toppled Satanist statue In January, authorities in Iowa charged a Christian Navy veteran with a felony hate crime.  The month before, Michael Cassidy had toppled a Satanist statue that was in the state’s capitol building.  He faced up to five years in jail if convicted. But, last Friday, officials dropped the felony charge. Cassidy posted on Facebook, “Not today, Satan. Pleased to announce the Iowa District Attorney just dropped their absurd felony hate crime charge and instead offered a deferred judgement misdemeanor (a fine, no jail time, nothing permanent on my record), which I accepted. Many thanks to my family, my lawyers, my community, and the many Christians who have supported us. … When Christians stick together, we can, and we will, win.”  God is lining up six planets And finally, God has more celestial events in store this year. In recent months, many experienced a solar eclipse and a rare display of the Northern Lights.  Next, six planets are set to align in the early morning hours of June 3rd. CBS News reports, “During the solar spectacle, the orbits of Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn will bring the six planets to the same side of the sun. The planets won't form an actual straight line in space, because of the elliptical shapes of their orbits ... but from some angles on Earth, they will appear to be aligned.”  Observers will need a telescope or powerful binoculars. And the East Coast will have the best view of the planetary parade. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”  Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Thursday, May 30th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


Transgender surgeries lead to suicide attempts, More hurricanes on the way, Pro-life pregnancy centers provided $360 million of services in 2022

It’s Wednesday, May 29th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Jonathan Clark Kazakhstan officials raid Protestant churches Officials in Kazakhstan raided several Protestant churches in recent months. Police fined pastors and congregants for not being registered with the government. Pastors also faced charges of illegal missionary activity.  Last year, individuals and organizations in the Central Asian country faced over 200 cases of such prosecutions for exercising their freedom of religion.  The local Baptist Council of Churches said, “What has been happening in the last month . . . has aroused serious concern among Evangelical communities, which have experienced persecution for their religious activity.” According to Open Doors, Kazakhstan is the 47th most difficult country worldwide in which to be a Christian. Finnish Christian politician harassed by hostile court system A Christian politician is preparing to stand trial for the third time over her Biblical beliefs. As The Worldview reported on April 22nd, Päivi Räsänen is a former government minister and sitting Finnish parliamentarian. She recently submitted her defense to the Finnish Supreme Court.  Lower courts acquitted her of “hate speech” after she posted Bible verses online in opposition to sexually perverted lifestyles. However, the State prosecutor appealed the case to the country’s Supreme Court.  Räsänen said, “An acquittal by the Supreme Court would … provide a clearer and stronger safeguard for the freedom of Christians to present the teachings of the Bible–and it would strengthen the principle of freedom of expression in general.”  More hurricanes on the way The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting more hurricanes this year than normal. The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30. The group predicts an 85% chance of an above-normal season.  The forecast includes 8 to 13 hurricanes. Four to seven of those are expected to be major hurricanes.  Job said in Job 26:12 and 14, “[God] stirs up the sea with His power, and by His understanding He breaks up the storm. … Indeed, these are the mere edges of His ways … the thunder of His power who can understand?” Political gender gap A new poll by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School highlights the growing gender gap among young people. President Joe Biden leads former President Donald Trump by eight percentage points among Americans under 30. Among young women, Biden leads by 33 points. But among young men, Biden only leads by six points, down from 26 points in 2020. In 2020, 42% of young men identified as Democrat and 20% as Republican. Now, 32% identify as Democrat and 29% as Republican.  Transgender surgeries lead to suicide attempts Last month, researchers published a study in the medical science journal called Cureus, entitled “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery.” The study evaluated 90 million adults in the U.S. It found that people who get sex-mutilating surgeries are more likely to attempt suicide. The study noted, “Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not.”  Pro-life pregnancy centers provided $360 million of services in 2022 This month, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, a pro-life research group, released a report on the impact of pro-life centers in 2022. The U.S. had 2,750 pregnancy resource centers at the time. Overall, they provided over $360 million in pro-life services and goods to individuals and families. That’s over $100 million than the services and goods provided in 2019. Demand for pro-life services has increased since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. Despite this, pro-abortion attorneys general and lawmakers are targeting pro-life pregnancy centers.  Environmental activists vs. Christian New Jersey community For generations, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Christian group in Ocean Grove, New Jersey, has closed its private beach on Sunday to honor the fourth commandment. Recently, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection has been threatening the Christian camp group with fines of $25,000 for every Sunday that they remain closed because the group is allegedly violating beach access laws. As a result of the pressure, the Christian group has relented and opened their private beach on the Lord’s Day. Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association said it would challenge the order in court to “preserve our property rights and religious freedom.” Young adults embrace lying, abortion, and sexual perversion And finally, Dr. George Barna released his latest research on Biblical worldview in America. The study noted that younger generations are leading a big shift in our country’s morals. Less than half of adults under 40 say the Bible is their guide to morality. Most adults under 40 reject absolute moral truth and embrace lying, abortion, and sexually perverted lifestyles.  Dr. Barna said, “By abandoning the absolute boundaries given to us in the Bible, we have opted for unpredictable and conflicting standards that serve us poorly. You always reap what you sow. America is now harvesting the sad product of what it has been cultivating for the last 40-plus years.” Isaiah 55:6-7 says, “Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy on him.” Close And that's The Worldview in 5 Minutes on this Wednesday, May 29th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.  


Randall Terry is Constitution Party presidential nominee, Olympics spotlight drag queens, 11 pastors jailed in Nicaragua

It’s Tuesday, May 28th A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at  I’m Adam McManus. ( By Kevin Swanson 11 pastors jailed in Nicaragua Eleven evangelical pastors are in jail in Nicaragua and a warrant is out for the arrest of a U.S. missionary named Jon Hancock, reports International Christian Concern.  Six countries -- including Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Honduras, and Mexico -- have also agreed to extradite the missionary if arrested. At issue is a nationwide revival that occurred in association with the Mountain Gateway evangelical outreach.  A million people heard the Christian Gospel at eight events in 2023. Unbelievably, the pastors face 12-15 years in prison for their participation in the revivals.  And now, 58 members of the U.S. Congress signed a bipartisan letter addressed to the Ambassador of Nicaragua, expressing alarm over Nicaragua’s violations of religious freedom. Additionally, House Resolution 1019, also introduced in February, expresses concern “that United States citizens affiliated with the Mountain Gateway ministry are being targeted for arrest and extradition by the Nicaraguan government.” Pray for the Christian pastors incarcerated in Nicaragua today. New Guinea landslide kills 2,000 A massive landslide in New Guinea may have taken the lives of as many as 2,000 people, reports the Post-Courier. The landslide destroyed most of Tulipana Village in Enga Province, at 3:00 am on Friday morning. This marks the deadliest natural disaster in the world for 2024 thus far.  Olympics spotlight drag queens The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics will feature three drag queens hoisting the Olympic torch. It’s all in accord with the Olympic theme this year which is “Games Wide Open.” The International Olympic Committee has agreed to remove testing restrictions for male competitors who are pretending to be women. That  means any man can call himself a woman and compete in 38 out of 48 women’s categories. The Olympic site is boasting of “full gender equality” this year. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo affirmed that “I am proud and, yes, Paris is proud, that a drag queen will carry the torch and the values of peace and humanity.” Blue states’ low fertility rates The lowest fertility rates in the United States of America are now found in blue states, known for their leftist leanings, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vermont is the lowest at 1.35 children per woman, followed by Oregon and New Hampshire.  The blue states of Colorado, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island range between 1.4 and 1.5. Overall, the U.S. fertility rate is now 1.62, down from 3.6 in 1960. More potheads than lushes There are now more daily or near daily users of marijuana in the United States than daily users of alcohol.   Since 1992, the number of marijuana daily users has increased from 900,000 to 17.7 million.  Alcohol daily users have increased from 9 million to 14.7 million over the same time period. At this point, 74% of Americans live in states that have legalized pot. U.S. tornadoes and storms killed 21 In God’s providence, more tornadoes and severe storms killed another 21 people in the U.S. over the weekend. Nearly 100 were injured and seven killed in a powerful tornado that struck near the Texas-Oklahoma border.  This is reported to be the most active tornado season in seven years, with 442 tornadoes so far reported for the month of May, according to Fox News.  Walmart pushes sexual perversion Some say, “Go Woke. Go Broke.” But now, Walmart has opened up its “Pride Always” line of products in commemoration of what has become known as June Pride Month.   A recent Fox News report pointed out that Target is pulling back on its Pride celebration, while Walmart is advancing the Pride agenda. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” That’s Proverbs 16:18. Randall Terry is Constitution Party presidential nominee Former Operation Rescue director, Randall Terry, is the Constitution Party’s nominee for the 2024 presidential race. The pro-life activist declared, “The Democrats are running ON child killing.  The Republicans are running AWAY from child killing. We are running AT child killing, to END child killing!” However, the Constitution Party has never done better than 0.2% of the vote, and 0.04% of the vote in 2020.  According to its website, the Constitution Party is on the ballot in 12 states and is petitioning to be on more. In 2022, the party made it on the ballot in 15 states, including the battleground states of Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Homosexual activist clinches Libertarian presidential nomination And finally, Chase Oliver, a homosexual and political activist, won the Libertarian Party nomination for President over the weekend, reports CNN. He beat out former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., both attempting to secure the Libertarian vote. Kennedy received 19 votes and Trump received six. Chase Oliver received 497 votes in the final tally or 60%. He  supports the legalization of killing unborn babies and he is campaigning to abolish the death penalty for those who commit murder. Proverbs 17:15 reminds us that “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” Close And that's The Worldview on this Tuesday, May 28th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.    


U.S. missionary couple killed in Haiti, Trump holds Bronx rally, Senator Graham objects to Justice Alito’s “Appeal to Heaven” flag

It’s Monday, May 27th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at I’m Adam McManus. ( By Adam McManus American missionary couple killed in Haiti Last Thursday, two American Christian missionaries were killed by gang violence in Haiti, reports Fox News. In one Facebook post, Missions In Haiti documented that Davy and Natalie Lloyd, full-time missionaries to Haiti, “were ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of guys. Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat.” Tragically, they were shot and killed at 9:00 p.m. Natalie was the daughter of Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker who said, "My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I’ve never felt this kind of pain. They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family. We desperately need strength." Former President Donald Trump said, "Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!" Haiti, an island nation plagued by poverty, natural disasters, and corruption, has plunged into further turmoil since February 29, when gangs launched coordinated attacks, burned police stations, opened fire on the main international airport, and stormed Haiti’s two biggest prisons, releasing more than 4,000 inmates. Plus, the country’s largest seaport remains paralyzed as food and medication dwindle. At least 1.4 million Haitians are on the verge of famine. Trump holds Bronx rally, endorsed by black Puerto Rican politician Former President Donald Trump did something unusual. Last Thursday, he held a campaign rally in The Bronx, a Democratic borough of New York City where 85% of residents are black or Hispanic. TRUMP:  “Hello New York City! And hello to all of the incredible, tough, strong, hardworking, American patriots right here in The Bronx.  (cheers) Who would think? Who would think?” Although Trump has been leading President Joe Biden in polls of battleground states, Biden has been outdistancing Trump by at least 9% in New York, reports The Epoch Times. New York’s voter registrations are lopsided in favor of Democrats. Statewide, Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-to-1. In Bronx County, there are only 43,000 registered Republicans—less than one-tenth the Democrat total of 507,000, according to the New York State Board of Elections. That’s why Democrats scoffed online at the significance of Trump’s audience in the Bronx. Crowd estimates ranged from 7,000 to more than 20,000. Even in a best-case-scenario, the rally attendance doesn’t begin to dent the voter-registration deficit in a state that has 13 million voters. But Trump made his best case on how his presidency financially benefitted all racial groups because of lower taxes, energy independence, and a strong economy. TRUMP:  “We had the greatest economy in history. Everybody had the best they've ever had. African-American jobs were the best in history. Asian-American, the best in history. Hispanic, the best in history, women, people with the diploma, people without a diploma. People that went to the great Wharton School of Finance, MIT, Harvard -- they were doing better. And the people that didn't have a high school diploma were having the, everybody was better. There wasn't one group, not one that went down. And it was bringing our country together.” Voter surveys show an increasing number of young, Hispanic, and black voters shifting toward Trump. After Trump’s speech, former New York City councilman Rubén Díaz Sr., a Democrat, endorsed him. Listen. DIAZ: “Mr. President, I want to join you in having the Bronx great again. (cheers) Please accept this Democrat, this black Puerto Rican with the kinky hair and the broken English, please accept my endorsement for you as president. Thank you very much.” (cheers) TRUMP: “How nice was that. I didn't expect that, really! That was beautiful!” Senator Graham objects to Justice Alito’s “Appeal to Heaven” flag Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina recently lectured Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for allowing his home to fly an upside-down American flag and the Appeal to Heaven flag dating back to the early stages of the American War for Independence, reports The Blaze. The hornet’s nest was stirred up when Obama biographer, Jodi Kantor, wrote an article in the New York Times centering on an American flag that was displayed upside down outside Alito's New Jersey vacation home back in mid-January 2021. Alito said that his wife – Martha-Ann Alito – flew the flag in their yard for a short time "in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs." The New York Times then ran another article highlighting that an "Appeal to Heaven" flag was displayed outside Alito's vacation home in July and September 2023. The paper attempted to frame the flags as having negative connotations because some protesters carried the flags during the January 6th rally in D.C. The Appeal to Heaven flag was commissioned by George Washington, and has been in existence since 1775. The flag was first used by the Massachusetts Navy during the American Revolutionary War. It was among the first flags to symbolize the American colonies' pursuit of independence from the British. The yellow flag features a green pine tree and the phrase "An appeal to Heaven." That quote comes from British political philosopher John Locke. Graham lambasted Alito for flying the flags, saying, "Emotions are apparently high in that neighborhood. It’s not good judgment to do that.” But Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah said, “Martha-Ann Alito has every right to hang whatever flag she wants. In whatever manner she wants. She is a free citizen. And a freedom-loving, American patriot." And House Speaker Mike Johnson also defended Justice Alito. He told CNN last Wednesday, "It's George Washington’s flag. It goes back to the founder’s era. I’ve always flown that flag." Johnson features “The Appeal to Heaven” flag outside of his office door. Job 16:19 says, “My Witness is in Heaven; my Advocate is on high.” Golfer Grayson Murray died And finally, two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died Saturday morning at age 30, one day after he withdrew from the Charles Schwab Cup Challenge at Colonial, reports Fox Sports. There were no immediate details on the circumstances of his death. Murray, who had dealt with alcohol and mental health issues in the past, made a massive turnaround this year and won the Sony Open in January 2024. Previously, Murray made this comment. MUURAY: “My parents have been through hell and back basically for the last six years with me, fighting some mental stuff. It's not easy. I think our society now is getting better about accepting that it's okay to not be okay type deal. I’m not ashamed that I go through depression, anxiety.” PGA golfer Bubba Watson tweeted, "Very sad to hear the news of Grayson Murray’s passing today. Life is so fragile.” James 4:14 says, “You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” Close And that's The Worldview on this Monday, May 27th in the year of our Lord 2024. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I’m Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.


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