The Worst Song on Earth

Three life-long friends are on a find The Worst Song on Earth.

S1E21 / The Ghost of Harry Potter

Redemption. What does it really take for someone to redeem themselves after doing something truly awful? In this case, creating a truly awful song.Chris raises this question to Jon and Andy. Their answers may shock you! Well, that's a little too dramatic....their answers may entertain you! That's better.


S1E20 / AJR's Disaster Circus

Andy had a bad experience when he was a kid. Now he is making Jon and Chris talk about it with him. In this very emotional episode, Andy makes the case for eliminating circuses and one specific song.


S1E19 / One Weak Bang Theory

Is there such thing as a "Musical Trojan Horse"? A song that casually rolls into your life and then when you're not looking, brutally attacks you and leaves you for dead?Jon thinks there is and he wants to tell you about it before it gets you too!


S1E18 / The Not-So-Fresh Prince

You've paid your $12 to get in. You've got an $8 bucket of popcorn and a $7 drink. The lights go down and the excitement builds. You are about to watch the blockbuster you waited years to come out. The screens lights up then...womp womp.What happens when a legendary movie and legendary songwriter team up but one of them mails it in?


S1E17 / McCartney Flavored Noodles

Some songwriters steal ideas from other songwriters. But what happens when a songwriter steals an entire song? Sounds a little shifty doesn't it? What happens if their version is so bad, it ruins the original?Jon makes a strong case for The Worst Song On Earth. Do Andy and Chris agree?


S1E16 / Spice Up Your Life

There are thousands of spices in the world, right? Wrong. There are only five and they sing and dance in a remarkably average way.Does this sound like the makings of an exciting "The Worst Song on Earth" episode? We think so, too. Or should we say "We Think So 2".


S1E15 / License to Scat

If there was one form of music you think the world could do without, what would it be? Andy is pretty sure he's figured it out.Will Jon and Chris agree? Probably?


S1E14 / Croaky Frogs and Holy Men

What makes a good “crooner”? Is it a velvety voice? An expensive tuxedo? A full head of thick, luscious hair? Maybe it’s a winning smile or a charming (and slightly creepy) wink.Trick question! It’s all those things plus a disproportionate amount of self-confidence and loads of mouthwash!


S1E13 / Tender Blended Hearts

The band the 90’s forgot also wrote the song 90’s kids can’t stop singing to themselves when mowing their lawns.I wish I had a smaller lawn.


S1E12 / Furry Love

Yacht Rock was the “smooth adult music” of the 70’s and early 80’s.Captain and Tennille were always on the outside looking in. They played the roll of Yacht Rock’s lonely stepparents perfectly.


S1E11 / Sexy Puppet Show

Sometimes redheads are sweet little angels. Sometimes they are trouble makers. Sometimes they are geniuses and sometimes they are stupid. But sometimes, when you least expect it, they are getting ready to put on a sexy puppet show.Singer/songwriter, Ed Sheeran is slipping his hand into a sock and eyeing the stage curtain. Chris, Jon, and Andy are waiting patiently in the audience. This is going to get uncomfortable.


S1E10 / Cult of Buffett

The term "cult following" can sound a little scary. It conjures up images of satanic symbols or power-hungry pseudo-religious leaders. This cult is a little different. Instead of tattooed faces, they have concerning tans, prefer drinks with umbrellas, and love hanging out in lawn chairs.


S1E9 / WTH is Pooh Butter?

Is there a place for ASMR in popular music? Does it irritate or excite? Andy, Jon, and Chris react strongly to up-close-and-personal sound invasions.


S1E8 / Hotel Californication

Nature vs. Nurture. Chris puts a new spin on an age-old debate. Andy is on board but Jon is a much harder sell.


S1E7 / Muscles, Skin, and Sweat

Jon questions whether "emotion" is an essential component in a good song.Can muscles, skin, and sweat make up for a lack of feeling? Chris and Andy may think so!


S1E6 / The 3 Worst Songs of 2020

2020 has been a rough year. The only comparable year on record is 1989. The year Jon and Chris had to attend junior high in the neighboring town (Andy’s town). Surrounded by “rich kids” who liked to ski and play soccer, they somehow made it through.Learning from that life experience, and hoping for the best, Jon and Chris (and Andy) all want to turn their attention to 2021. But, not until they have a year-end battle royale. What was the worst song of 2020? This is gett...


S1E5 / Christmas Spectacular

Jon, Andy, and Chris turn this very special Christmas Spectacular episode is a eggnog drenched Battle Royale. Every year, Christmas music warms even the coldest of hearts. But for every great Christmas song, there are at least two crappy Christmas songs. The guys do their best to find the worst of the worst.


S1E4 / Bad Vibrations

There is a specific sound that drives Chris crazy. You'll never guess it but once you hear it, you may agree.Jon and Andy try their best to defend this famous song, but that sound may be too mcsh for them to handle.


S1E3 / Let's Talk About Sax

Andy's not a picky guy. But everyone has a limit. Chris and Jon quickly learn that Andy has a big problem with an 80's "cool guy" and his saxophone.


S1E2 / Tangled Up in Ewww

Jonathan doesn't care much for sports and he hates Jock Rock including Jock Rock's weaker younger brother, "Soft" Jock Rock.Andy and Chris like sports but do they have a soft spot for Soft Jock Rock?


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