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The Zen of Everything

Author: Jundo Cohen & Kirk McElhearn

Subscribed: 109Played: 2,101


The Zen of Everything presents a zen take on life, love, laughter, and everything else. With Jundo Cohen, a real zen master, and Kirk McElhearn, a guy who knows a bit about zen.
108 Episodes
How did we get here? Jundo and Kirk discuss how they got involved in Buddhism and Zen. Treeleaf ( 108 ( What are the 108 Defilements (Bonno) ( Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind ( Zen Flesh, Zen Bones ( Meditation in Action ( Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation ( John Cage: Indeterminacy ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Aren't buddhists supposed to maintain equanimity all the time, not have bad thoughts, not be jealous or angry? Treeleaf ( Vinaya rules about sex ( James Austin: Zen and the Brain ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Was the Buddha a proto-communist, or did he go with the flow and the status quo? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( - Karl Marx: Capital ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Some zen practitioners get ordained, becoming unsui, or "clouds in water," which means they are trainee zen monks or priest. We discuss ordination and what it means. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Renpo Niwa Zenji ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Zen is the transmission outside of words. But there sure are a lot of books about Zen. We look at some of the best books on Zen. Soto Zen, that is. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: Opening the Hand of Thought: Foundations of Zen Buddhist Practice ( Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: How to Cook Your Life: From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment ( Shunryu Suzuki: Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice ( Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings ( Philip Kapleau Roshi: The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment ( Shohaku Okumura: Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen's Shobogenzo ( Dogen's Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries ( Shohaku Okumura: The Mountains and Waters Sutra: A Practitioner's Guide to Dogen's "Sansuikyo" ( Steven Heine: Readings of Dōgen's "Treasury of the True Dharma Eye" ( Steven Heine: Dogen: Japan's Original Zen Teacher ( Taigen Dan Leighton: Visions of Awakening Space and Time: Dōgen and the Lotus Sutra ( Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: Deepest Practice, Deepest Wisdom: Three Fascicles from Shobogenzo with Commentary ( Kazuaki Tanahashi: Enlightenment Unfolds: the essential teachings of Dogen ( Kazuaki Tanahashi: Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen ( Will Johnson: The Posture of Meditation ( Barbara Hoetsu O'Brien: The Circle of the Way - A Concise History of Zen from the Buddha to the Modern World ( Jonathan Landaw & Stephan Bodian: Buddhism For Dummies ( Diana St. Ruth: Simple Guide to Zen Buddhism ( Sky Above, Great Wind: The Life and Poetry of Zen Master Ryokan, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi ( Kazuaki Tanahashi: The Complete Cold Mountain: Poems of the Legendary Hermit Hanshan ( Red Pine: The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain ( Norman Fischer & Susan Moon: What Is Zen?: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind ( Stephen Batchelor: The Art of Solitude ( Brian Daizen Victoria: Zen at War ( Suggested BOOKS & MEDIA on Zen Practice (Treeleaf) ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
We have too much stuff. We discuss the CohenJundo method of decluttering. Treeleaf ( - Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Jundo attempts to explain the Heart Sutra in 25 minutes. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( The Heart Sutra ( Avalokiteśvara (Kannon) (śvara) Buddha Basics 02: Dukkha Sucks ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Big and small, two extremes, but, in zen, there's no difference. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Ushiku Daibutsu ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
For our 100th episode, we have a freewheeling chat about what we've learned from making this podcast. Like two guys chatting in a pub... The universe is a cosmic joke, and we are the punchline. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Kirk's podcasts ( Nishijima Roshi: The Dish Rack Teachings ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to ( If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
The five hindrances are sensual desire, ill will, sloth and torpor, anxiousness and worry, and doubt. But if there's nothing to obtain in Zen, do they even matter? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Do we know anything? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Episode 97: Prayer

Episode 97: Prayer


Is there prayer in zen? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) in cardiac bypass patients: a multicenter randomized trial of uncertainty and certainty of receiving intercessory prayer ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
We think thoughts all the time. Why do we have these thoughts, and how do we deal with them? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Episode 95: Buddha Basics 13: Practice, Practice, Practice ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
What does it mean to practice zen? "Every tick of the clock holds all of time in the universe." Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Nishijima Roshi: The Dish Rack Teachings ( Steve Howe: Clap ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
The Zen arts have very strict rules, which you can break when you've mastered them. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Chiku Za (Kodama Hiroyuki): Koku (shakuhachi music) ( Takemitsu: From me flows what you call Time ( Photo: Tea Tray Enso ( John Daido Loori: The Zen of Creativity: Cultivating Your Artistic Life ( Audrey Yoshiko Seo: Enso: Zen Circles of Enlightenment ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Part of Zen tradition is to follow silly rules in order to become free of silly rules. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Episode 92: Motivation

Episode 92: Motivation


How do zen people get motivated? Is sitting zazen a form of procrastination? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Should you try to live a monastic life at home?  Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Monty Python: Four Yorkshiremen ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
We discuss why a Zen vacuum cleaner comes with no attachments. We speak passionately about equanimity, and revel in non-attachment. Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Episode 15: I'm Dreaming of a Zen Christmas ( Tsundoku ( Historical European new year dates ( Theme music by Kiku Day ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
In the triumvirate of the three jewels, dharma and sangha are inferior to the Buddha, but are they really? Treeleaf ( Jundo Cohen: The Zen Master's Dance ( Theme music by Kiku Day ( If you want to get in touch, send an email to If you like the podcast, please follow in Apple Podcasts ( or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.
Comments (4)

Ashley hill

💚CLICK HERE Full HD>720p>1080p>4K💚WATCH>ᗪOᗯᑎᒪOᗩᗪ>LINK> 👉

Feb 4th

Yokai Chris 鷹海

On fire! 🙏🥵🙏

Jul 27th

Yokai Chris 鷹海

Thank you Jundo & Kirk. Inspiring and entertaining as always.

May 10th

Yokai Chris 鷹海

Thank you Jundo and Kirk for illuminating silence, sound and noise in such a helpful and amusing way. Deep bows, Chris

Apr 18th