The agadmator Podcast

Hello Everyone! I'm agadmator, founder and content creator of agadmator's Chess Channel.I will be inviting some guests from the chess world (and beyond). Hope you enjoy :)

The agadmator Podcast #2 || Hikaru Nakamura

Hello everyone!agadmator here, founder and content creator of agadmator's Chess Channel.This is the second podcast and I hope you will enjoy. The guest is none other than Hikaru Nakamura.We discuss online chess, Classical, Pogchamps, future of chess, chess in general, Hikaru's personal life and finish the episode off with some questions from my subscribers.At the end of the session, we play a chess game (5min blitz game), you can check my analysis of the game here (link will be available when the podcast airs)


The agadmator Podcast #1 || Maxime Vachier Lagrave

Hello everyone!agadmator here, founder and content creator of agadmator's Chess Channel.This is my first attempt at a podcast so I hope you will enjoy it as my first guest is none other than Maxime Vachier Lagrave. We discuss online chess, FIDE Candidates Tournament 2020, chess in general, Maxime's personal life and finish the episode off with some questions from my subscribers.At the end of the session, we play a chess game (5min blitz game), you can check my analysis of the game HEREListen to Juga's song about Maxime HERE



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07-15 Reply

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