DiscoverThe book of Revelation
The book of Revelation
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The book of Revelation

Author: Pastor James Kaddis

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Studies through the book of Revelation
78 Episodes
Revelation 20:1-6

Revelation 20:1-6


One thing is certain. God will judge, and when He does, it will be permanent. This will happen to the whole world at the second coming of Christ and by completing this chapter we will have seen two invitations to 2 different suppers. One is filled with joy, peace, and anticipation; and the other destruction. Which one will apply to you? Today that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about; The 2nd Coming And Christ’s Final Judgement!!!
Revelation 19:15-21

Revelation 19:15-21


One thing is certain. God will judge, and when He does, it will be permanent. This will happen to the whole world at the second coming of Christ and by completing this chapter we will have seen two invitations to 2 different suppers. One is filled with joy, peace, and anticipation; and the other destruction. Which one will apply to you? Today that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about; The 2nd Coming And Christ’s Final Judgement!!!
Revelation 19:10-14

Revelation 19:10-14


So many draw a picture of a non-confrontational Jesus that is unwilling to judge evil or call out sin. They think that being Christ-Like means being tolerant of u godliness and evil. The day is coming when the whole world will see Christ in a completely different way! Hold on, because Here Comes The Judge!!!
Revelation 19:1-10

Revelation 19:1-10


In today’s video, we’re going to discuss the portion of Revelation that speaks of what happens next in heaven after the second coming of Christ. Make no mistake, when the marriage of the lamb is come, we will all be rejoicing greatly in heaven! What a special day that will be!
Revelation 18

Revelation 18


Today we’re going to talk about the fall of Babylon and discuss what much of that entails. Make no mistake, you don’t want to be there when this happens or anything thing that leads up to this time. What is coming is going to be ugly; very ugly! God’s judgement will be coming to a completion around this time and what remains is destruction.
Revelation 17

Revelation 17


Babylon has been the source of a lot of controversy throughout history, and this is especially true in the discussion of Bible prophecy! Who Is Babylon? Where is Babylon? What is so significant about the word “Mystery” in this chapter? How does it all come together? In this video we’ll talk about that and much more!!!
Revelation 16

Revelation 16


Today we’ll discuss the bowls (AKA vials) of God’s wrath upon an angry and evil world! What do these bowls mean? What exactly is going to happen? What happens next? What should we as believers do with this knowledge? We’ll talk about that and much more in today’s video!
Revelation 15

Revelation 15


Today we’re going to study what many refer to as the prelude to as the prelude to the bowl judgements. Just like all the other preludes l in the book of revelation, there is so much we can learn from what we read is coming. What does the sea of glass mean? What is the significance of it being mingled with fire? What is the other sign in heaven? We’ll talk about that and much more in this exciting study through the book of revelation continues!!!
Revelation 14:1-12

Revelation 14:1-12


Today we’ll learn a little more about the very special group of people referred to as “The 144,000.” There’s a special song they sing that speaks volumes about what’s happening in the moment and then we will study some very stern warnings that come from the angels. Make no mistake, that is a series of warning you don’t want to IGNORE. It’s time to wake up because if you’re a believer today, your future looks bright. If not, your future is grim. Very grim.
Revelation 13:11-18

Revelation 13:11-18


Daniel speaks of a seventieth week that has yet to come and at the midpoint of that week, the Antichrist will demand to be worshiped and will force his mark to be taken upon all people. If they refuse, the consequence will be death. This is what you need to know about that time.
Revelation 13:1-13

Revelation 13:1-13


Today we’ll be talking about the rise of the Antichrist and the process of him coming to power! What will happen when this takes place? Exactly when will this happen? Will the church be on earth to witness this? What comes next? This is undoubtedly a subject that so many have speculated about but the answers are here in Revelation! There is so much we can learn from this prediction of this future event, and make no mistake, you will walk away enriched for having studied this!!!
Revelation 12

Revelation 12


Today we’ll be talking about a very serious future event involving a lot of very real players and what happens is very telling! Who is the Woman? Who is the Child? Who is the Dragon? What does it all mean? What can we learn from the war in heaven that breaks out? Get ready for an exciting and powerful study that will prove to be very telling with things related to the spiritual war we face everyday!!!
Revelation 11

Revelation 11


Today we’ll be discussing the role and function of the two witnesses in the tribulation. Revelation has quite a bit to tell us about these two men and we stand to learn a lot about the moment of time in which they minister on earth. What we learn is nothing short of fascinating!!!
Revelation 10

Revelation 10


What are the seven thunders? What was actually heard by the apostle John? Why would he be told to be quiet about that encounter? What does it all mean? Don’t miss out on this very important chapter in Revelation 10.
Revelation 9

Revelation 9


What is this army? What is the Bible describing here? Is it a supernatural army or is this talking about a human army? Make no mistake, whatever this is, you definitely don’t want to have anything to do with it!!!
Revelation 8

Revelation 8


In this video, we’ll examine what will be perhaps one of the most ominous moments in world history. This moment is yet to come, and when it happens, it won’t be good for anyone alive on earth!!! The bottom line is more than ever we must prepare. Christ can come at any moment and the important question is, are we ready?
Revelation 7

Revelation 7


Who are the 144,000, and what does it mean when they are referred to as sealed? Is this a literal moment in time or is this some largely symbolic metaphor? If it’s literal, how do we respond and what does it mean for us? If it’s metaphorical, what in the world does it represent? These are all examples of questions that naturally come up in revelation chapter 7 and we hope to answer all of them by correctly teaching what we see in this chapter!!!
Revelation 6:9-17

Revelation 6:9-17


The first four seals in Revelation 6 speaks vividly of man’s attempt at replacing God through the use of totalitarian governments and the effects that has on human life. The antichrist will use his totalitarian regime to bring into effect all that we eventually see in Revelation 13 with the mark of the beast and a cashless society. When we see seal 5 opened, we then get a glimpse of the suffering that came as a result of this totalitarianism but God will judge all of that and bring His vengeance. The whole world will seek to escape it but they will be unable to hide from what God has in store for them.
Revelation 6:1-8

Revelation 6:1-8


The first four seals of the book of revelation are very telling for many reasons. It gives us insight into the destructive effects of totalitarian rule and it even warns us of what happens when the Antichrist is allowed to walk completely unchecked. What we learn today will be eye opening and powerful. Stay tuned because you don’t want to miss this powerful passage!!!
Revelation 5

Revelation 5


Today we will examine the moment that the Bible speaks of when Christ opens the seals of a scroll that nobody is worthy to open. It is at that glorious moment when we will witness the beginning of the Lion of the tribe of Judah putting into motion what will be the end of all evil and the beginning of a perfect eternity. Get ready! Today’s study will be eye-opening!!!