DiscoverThe joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l
The joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l
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The joe gardener Show - Organic Gardening - Vegetable Gardening - Expert Garden Advice From Joe Lamp'l

Author: Joe Lamp'l

Subscribed: 7,411Played: 336,820


This podcast is devoted to all things gardening. National gardening television host, Joe Lamp'l, guides you through each episode with practical tips and information to help you become a better, smarter gardener, no matter where you are on your journey. This series has a strong emphasis on organic gardening and growing food, but covers a diverse range of topics from one of the country's most informed and leading gardening personalities today.
408 Episodes
Comments (26)

Ruth Carman-Esser

I have a pile of wood chips on one end of my garden and a compost pile on the other, about 60 feet away. I use a half-bushel basket which I fill with weeds, carry to the compost and dump, carry to the wood chips and fill, and bring back to the weeded area to cover the bare spots.

Sep 7th

Diane Grenier

It’s very disappointed by this episode. Getting a rash versus getting cancer all out for the rash dressing appropriately protecting your face and eyes peeling the clothes off including your shoes gloves come off last. Everything goes in the washer take a shower sometimes the harder way is the better way, as a nurse, I’m very disappointed the encouragement of this episode using herbicides that are known carcinogens. The easiest way is not always the best.

Jun 14th

Jane Black


Feb 9th

Diane Schultz

I am able to listen. Very interesting.

Nov 20th

Diane Grenier

For some reason I can’t get this episode to play. Does anyone else have the same problem?

Nov 20th

Lars Benson

can she say "right" one more time?

Aug 31st


If either of you actually wanted to tell the truth, climate engineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) would have been the 1st thing out of your mouths. Dane Wigington ( is the only man I know that is openly hitting the REAL issue head on. This EU Greta Thunberg climate change BS is a LIE! I like your show Joe, but if you are going to promote this crap and not address the real issues I'll go elsewhere.

Sep 17th

Kim Helton

enjoyed Craig's show on growing epic tomatoes. Thanks Craig. Looking forward to your next show.

Aug 8th


Foundation Courses: Full Access $5,000.00 Nevermind, I'm not going to watch that, thank you. How does she argue that ridiculously expensive price point for a 40h course? No woder nobody knows about this.

Jun 22nd

Barbara Green

I believe I walked half a mile before Joe Gardener got to business. blah blah and on he goes

Mar 11th

Kenneth Correia

I think "Back to Eden Gardening" has put no till gardening on the map more than anyone else.

Feb 9th

Martin B

Another very informative episode

Mar 17th

Shannon Jayne

love that Craig left Facebook and Twitter, it's so peaceful without them. I did 4 yrs ago it's been wonderful, they can be so toxic.

Mar 11th


Amazing gardening show! Best ever! Informative and perfect for gardeners of all levels.

Mar 10th

will wymer

why why why..when we talk about water uses, everyone ignores how taxing the bottling companies are on our hydrological cycle? they take it for cheap, keep it store for profit and destroy ecosystems. why is this never spoken about?

Nov 4th
Reply (1)

Ken Dailey

Hey Joe, I'm a 1st season veg gardener in southern england. And I know I've just stuck gardening gold.... 2 of my must watched and listened to resources of information. Joe the gardener and Charles Dowling, as a newbie gardener the information and knowledge you guys provide has been invaluable for me to understand not just how to plant and grow veg, but how to feed the soil and all the organisms within. Which has been invaluable for me in my first season... So thanks to you and Charles I'm looking forward to over wintering and my 2nd season. Safe in the knowledge that my gardening neighbours (yourself and Charles) will be with me every step along the way. Keep up the fantastic work Joe.. And I can't wait for your 2nd part of your interview with Charles. Ken... #wegrowdailey

Sep 27th

Beverly McSheffery

Going to listen to this one again, our lawn looks awful, we have a large lawn, we have lived here for 15 years and it gets worse every year. We hauled top soil to do landscaping some was good, some was sandy. We had a nice lawn for quite a few year but now it's burnt out in spots and much to my dismay my husband sprays for dandelion and weeds. Do you have any advice on this. Thanks Joe

Jun 14th

Anthony Paopao

At minute 10:43 there was a plant option resource named Kugel? Not sure how to spell/ look up online. Any help is appreciated.

Apr 21st

Sam Morris

cages staking both or nothing how do you know which is the best for your heirloom tomatoes?

Mar 19th

Angela Webb

Thank you so much for sharing your hard earned knowledge with the world, Joe. I'm really looking forward to binge listening in these next weeks into spring! πŸ˜ƒ

Feb 28th
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