Created Equal Vice President Seth Drayer joins Jenn on the Them Before Us podcast to share about the children's rights to life organization and their yearly "Justice Ride." They also consider whether or not pro-life organizations should show graphic images of the victims of abortion and other ways to shift the culture in this fight for the rights of unborn children.
In this episode, we hear from Dr. Warren Farrell, who wrote a book called "The Boy Crisis" and has written and spoken for many years about the challenges facing men and boys in Western Culture. Let us know what you think.
Content Caution: We talk about some stories of child abuse perpetuated by people who used surrogacy in the middle of the episode. In today's episode, Katy gives an update on Them Before Us' filming in Vancouver and Jenn digs into Katy's two latest articles, "Meet 5 Accused Pedophiles Who Bought Kids Through Surrogacy" & "I Paused My Career To Have Children And It Was The Best Decision I Ever Made." Federalist: Meet 5 Accused Pedophiles Who Bought Kids Through Surrogacy Evie Magazine: I Paused My Career To Have Children And It Was The Best Decision I Ever Made | Evie Magazine
Katy is back from a weekend of speaking and meetings in our nation's capital during March for Life weekend and we take on a few more questions from listeners: - What should nurses that work with labor, delivery and other professions that encounter children's rights violating technologies do? - How should the parent at home help their kids handle parent absence because of jobs like military deployment? - How can we make evangelicals listen to the ethical issues with IVF and surrogacy?
In this episode, Jenn and Katy talk about the Pope's latest comments on surrogacy and whether or not surrogacy and poly-relationships are mentioned and encouraged in the Bible. Katy and Jenn finish by dissecting a YouTube video telling men not to get married: The DEVASTATING Truth of No-Fault Divorce Check out our friend Olivia and her comment and letter to the Pope that might have had an influence.
On this episode, Jenn got to chat with researcher Emma Waters on her work regarding surrogacy and third party reproduction. "Emma is a Research Associate in the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation." Emma's latest article at World Magazine: Cremieux Recueil's substack on the harms of surrogacy You can follow Emma @emlwaters on X
Katy and Jenn chat about the TBU stance on adoption and foster care, whether or not a single mom should pursue dating, the SNL skit about gay men trying to have a baby and more. Is Them Before Us anti-adoption/foster care? Katy's thoughts on the SNL skit about gay men "trying to have a baby." How has Big Fertility (ivf, surrogacy, etc) gotten away with not having the same standards as adoption? What's the difference between surrogacy and adoption when a child loses birth mom in both? Should a single mom be trying to force a relationship with her child's bio dad, stay single, or try dating? Should step-parents adopt their stepchildren when bio parent isn't in the picture?
With the recent purchases of babies from prominent gay men in American culture, Katy and Jenn consider whether or not we're allowed to critique methods of conception that violate the rights of children or if all opposition to surrogacy makes a person "anti-LGBT." Check out Olivia's interview with Allie:
Katie B. and Jenn talk about the latest study saying the kids raised by two men do better than everyone else's kids and why when we look at studies about same-sex parenting, we see that the decades of social science data is always true: a child does best raised by married bio mom + dad.
In this episode, Jenn and Katy follow up this week's Virtual Gala with a conversation about our 2024 projects (our upcoming documentary, a human resources package that doesn't violate a child's rights and more) and answer all the burning questions we didn't get to from the webinar and social media. Does Them Before Us have plans for Canada, Central and South America? Does divorce impact adult children as well? (See our TBU article on this here.) Will TBU share their opinion on which political candidates are "children's rights friendly?" How does TBU think about the tensions of daycare and a child's need for care from mom and dad? (Check out Erika Komisar's work here and her speech at the ARC.) What are TBU's policy recommendations for tightening no-fault divorce laws while still protecting women from abuse? Are we doing work connected to foster care? Are we working to get pornography websites to age verify across the U.S. to protect children? What can we do to encourage more peer reviewed publications and studies that verify this work? Who has more authority over children? The biological parents or the state?
In this episode, Jenn and Katy share their London experience at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, the better story for marriage & family in the future, why they believe this is a global movement, and how we can create a better marriage & family culture in our own lives.
Jenn is joined by author and professor Melissa Moschella for an in-depth conversation on natural law, how it helps humanity flourish, and serves as the basis for protecting the rights of children. For more of Professor Moschella's work, check out:
In this episode, Jenn had the honor of interviewing brilliant legal scholar, author, and speaker Professor Robert P. George. George helps us further understand the concept of "natural law" and the rights & responsibilities adults have concerning justice in a society and the rights of children. You can see more of Professor George's work at his website:
Jenn and Katy chat about a woman who determined to use a sperm donor and become a "single mom by choice" in her 40's and about EPSN anchor and host Erin Andrews' infertility journey that culminated in using a surrogate. Unfortunately her "new way to talk about surrogacy" disregards the rights of the children.
Katie Breckenridge has been involved with Them Before Us almost since its inception in 2018 and is a writer and scholar on the topics TBU covers. In today's episode, Jenn and Katie talk about "gray divorce" and some of the effects of it on adult children. "As the phenomenon known as “gray divorce,” or divorce over the age of 50, increases (34.9 percent of all divorces in the U.S. in 2020 were among those aged 55 or older), we are learning that the effects of divorce are not unique to young children. The instability, confusion, and questions of parental loyalty don’t simply disappear when one is an adult child of divorce. This is why when we allow victims of gray divorce to speak out, we learn that even adults don’t simply “get over” their parents’ separations."
Jenn & Katy talk about the new book release, traveling to London, interviews with Tim Pool and Alex Clark on "The Spillover" and all the other projects in the hopper for Them Before Us.
Jenn and Katy continue their discussion of each chapter in Them Before Us Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement. This week, they tackle the ethical questions surrounding surrogacy: is it an altruistic pursuit that helps women unable to conceive or who, for whatever reason, cannot bring a pregnancy to fruition? Or is surrogacy an ethical violation that commodifies women and children?
Jenn and Katy discuss chapter 7 of Them Before Us, Why We Need a Global Children's Rights Movement, the dark side of Donor Conception. They explore the reality of gamete "donation" to Big Fertility, and the immoral practice of purchasing sperm and eggs in an effort to customize children. Them Before Us encourages our children’s rights advocates to consider the myriad potential harms to women who donate eggs, the women who rent their wombs for gestation, and the potential mental and physical health crisis possibilities of a child with potentially hundreds of half siblings living in their vicinity, and other ethical questions Big Fertility would prefer we all ignore.
Jenn and Katy address one of the most pervasive lies in popular culture, the myth that there’s “no difference” in outcomes for children raised by same-sex parents when compared to children raised by their own mother and father.
In our first Q&A bonus episode, Katy addresses questions we’ve received from our followers on social media: Why did Katy start Them Before Us? How does Katy's mom feel about TBU and Katy's work? What do we think about "inter-racial" adoption? What's the TBU position on same-sex couples adopting? How can we "sustain marriage" in modern society? What's a small scale way to support Them Before Us?