There is Something More

<p>Join us as we explore the fundamental practices of faith designed by God to draw us closer to Jesus.</p>

Ask us anything | Teaser Episode | Are we in the end times?

If you could ask a pastor and a theologian anything, what would it be? Join us every week as James and Dan tackle your questions about life, faith and everything in between.


Ask us anything | Teaser Episode | If Heaven is our home, is it right to enjoy the things of Earth?

If you could ask a pastor and a theologian anything, what would it be? Join us every week as James and Dan tackle your questions about life, faith and everything in between.


Heart Battlegrounds Epilogue. 'Happiness: Choose Joy.'

Happiness: the meaning of life, or a means to an end? In the final episode of this season, James and Lexie unpack the differences between happiness and joy, and how, through loving Jesus and remaining in His love for us, we flourish in His life: the life we’ve always wanted; the life we were always meant to live.


Heart Battlegrounds 5. 'Experience: Worship the Creator, not the created.'

Where do we end up in our pursuit of experience? In this episode, James and Lexie examine the problem of experiencing all the world has to offer, and how our ultimate happiness is found in knowing, loving and enjoying the One who made us.


Heart Battlegrounds 4. 'Comfort: Life isn't about more for you, it's about more than you.'

Will we be satisfied if we gain everything we could ever want? In this episode, James and Lexie consider the traps we fall into when we pursue comfort, and discuss an alternative way of life that is higher, better and more fulfilling than anything else — a life surrendered to Jesus.


Heart Battlegrounds 3. 'Reputation: Overcoming approval addiction.'

How do we overcome our desire for significance? In this episode, James and Lexie reflect on our common struggle with pride, and how, as we turn our attention away from ourselves and towards Jesus, we are released to worship Him and serve others in joy, freedom and confidence.


Heart Battlegrounds 2. 'Sex: Precious. Powerful.'

Sex: simply for pleasure, or made for more? In this episode, James and Lexie discuss the ways we can recapture God’s vision for sex — appreciating its power, understanding its purpose, and enjoying the depth of its beauty, goodness and intimacy in the way that God intended.


Heart Battlegrounds 1. 'Money: Loosening the grip.'

How do we loosen our grip on money, so that money doesn’t tighten its grip on our hearts? In this episode, James and Lexie explore the dangers money poses to our lives, and how we find ultimate satisfaction, purpose and the freedom to be generous in Jesus alone.


Spiritual Disciplines 6. 'Church: More than motivational life messages.'

What does it mean to be part of the Church? In the final episode of this season, James and Lexie explore the significance of the Church, why we should commit to the community of God’s people, and how this allows us to flourish in our faith as we serve each other and follow Jesus together.


Spiritual Disciplines 5. 'Rest: A means of grace.'

How do we find rest in a restless world? In this episode, James and Lexie guide us through what the Bible says about the rhythm of work and rest, and how our lives are restored as we find everything we need in Jesus — our strength, our satisfaction, and our ultimate contentment.


Spiritual Disciplines 4. 'Worship: Sacrifice, not just singing.'

What does it really mean to live a life of worship? In this episode, James and Lexie look at what right worship is, and how it represents our ultimate response to Jesus: giving our whole lives to Him who first gave His life for us.


Spiritual Disciplines 3. 'The Bible: Overcoming our reality.'

The Bible: a self-help manual for life, or something far more glorious? In this episode, James and Lexie consider what the Bible is, why it’s so significant for our lives, and how engaging with it every day draws us into a deeper relationship with Jesus.


Spiritual Disciplines 2. 'Silence & Solitude: Retreating to advance.'

Ηοw can we protect ourselves from being consumed by consumption and numbed by the noise around us? In this episode, James and Lexie explore the practice of silence and solitude — an invitation to draw away from distraction into quiet surrender and intimate wonder before God.


Spiritual Disciplines 1. 'Prayer: Not glamorous. Glorious.'

If prayer is so important, why does it often feel so hard? In this episode, James and Lexie discuss what prayer is, why it’s both a privilege and a practice, and the ways we can deepen our conversation with our Maker.


Episode 0 - Disciplines: Drudgery or Delight?

In this short teaser episode, James and Lexie introduce themselves, the podcast and everything you can expect from Season 1.


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